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Spun Out

Page 15

by Lorelei James

  God. This woman soothed him with her unspoken sweetness. He hadn’t realized how much he’d needed it.

  He soldiered on. “Olivia has had a fuckton of psychological issues. Extreme separation anxiety, night terrors, short attention span. I started takin’ her to a psychologist who specializes in childhood trauma when Olivia was just a year old. And because she’s been subjected to so goddamned many psychological tests, they told me early on she is intellectually gifted. What the hell was I supposed to do with that? I’m a damn rancher. I didn’t go to college. So her childhood has been anything but normal; it’s been a day-by-day thing for both of us. The kid started readin’ her board books at age three. At first the docs believed she might be high-functioning on the autism spectrum. But they called in some specialist from Denver Children’s Hospital and he observed her for almost two weeks. He diagnosed her with a detachment disorder. He even wrote a medical paper on her and got it published.”

  “What does a detachment disorder mean exactly?”

  “In all likelihood Danica never bonded with our daughter. After talkin’ to me about what I saw between Danica and Olivia those first six months, they believe Danica ignored Olivia completely. Let her cry in her crib all day. Never picked her up to change her. Didn’t hold her even to feed her, but propped a bottle up on a pillow so she wouldn’t have to touch her. That’s when I realized I’d done all the bottle makin’ and bathing. I got up with her at night. On the weekends when Danica’s parents weren’t there, I took care of our baby because Danica was exhausted. The docs suspected Danica suffered from extreme postpartum depression, and maybe that was why she did what she did. When the psychology specialist and his colleagues started interviewing us about Danica’s past behavior, no one—not me, her parents, her friends, her coworkers—could recall a time when Danica had shown signs of depression. What the docs refused to confirm for me was whether Danica’s detachment was a safety mechanism to keep herself from hurtin’ our baby.

  “So the only person Olivia has attached herself to is me. To be blunt, she doesn’t give a damn about anyone else. Not her grandparents, not her preschool pals, not any of her babysitters. At this point in her development she can’t form attachments because I fill all the roles she needs in her life or some shit. It’s an issue that might change as she gets older, but no one knows. But there’s no doubt in my mind that her mother’s detachment is the sole cause of it. With each new thing I learned about how that indifference affected Olivia, I blamed Danica. I have to live with the question of whether I ever knew her at all.”

  After a while, when his heart rate turned to normal, Bailey said, “Thank you for telling me.”

  “It ain’t a pretty part of my life, Bailey. But you deserve to know why I’m this way.”

  “What way?”

  “A cynical dick.”

  She snorted. “You’re not as much of one as you think. And being in bed with you has upped your status from cutie to holy-fuck-smokin’-hot because of your dick.”

  He managed a smile. “I’m amazed that you saw anything in me worth pursuing, because with few exceptions I’ve been a shell of a man the past four and a half years.”

  “Can I ask my questions now?”


  “What attracted you to Danica in the first place?”

  Christ. Did he even remember? “She was pretty but she wasn’t obsessed with her looks like other girls her age were. She turned me down the first three times I asked her out, but she was nice about it, so I figured she might say yes if I kept askin’. Eventually she did agree to one date. From that point on, we were a couple. I liked that she wasn’t a drama queen, or a mean girl. Plus she liked to mess around, and to a sixteen-year-old boy that made her damn near perfect.”

  “I know she was the only one you’d ever been with, so was your sex life with her okay?”

  “I had nothin’ to compare it to. So if you mean did we have ‘rip off the sheets and fuck like animals’ sex . . . only a couple of times. There wasn’t much adventure. I guess maybe no drama meant no passion either. Then when we found out about the fertility problems, sex was pretty scripted.”

  “How long did you try to have a baby?”

  “Six years. She never had any miscarriages, she just couldn’t get pregnant until she finally did.”

  “Normal pregnancy?”

  “Picture-perfect. She didn’t care about bein’ with me sexually, after Olivia was born. Maybe that shoulda been a sign, but I was exhausted too during that time. I worked a ten-hour day on the ranch and came home and took care of Olivia. When I was in bed and the baby was asleep all I wanted to do was sleep too.”

  “Does Olivia look like her?”

  “Short answer? No. The longer answer circles back to that idea that I’m a dick, because after what we went through I’m really fuckin’ relieved she doesn’t resemble her mother in looks or temperament.”

  Bailey was quiet so long he knew he’d said something wrong. Or maybe he’d been too honest.

  Ya think? Maybe the fact you’re dissecting the sex life you had with your wife with your new lover is what’s wrong, dumb-ass.

  His entire body flamed with embarrassment.

  “My, my, you certainly got warm all of a sudden, cowboy.”

  “Yeah. I could use a drink.” He shifted until she moved enough for him to sit on the edge of the bed. He found his boxers and pulled them on.

  “You don’t have to put those on, on my account,” she said with a purr.

  “Habit. Not used to walkin’ around nekkid when a kid’s in the house.” He stood. “You need anything while I’m up?”

  She shook her head.

  “Okay. Be right back.”

  Except he didn’t go right back.

  He downed a glass of water. Washed his face and his hands in cold water to try to cool himself down. Stared out the front kitchen window into the nothingness beyond.

  Streeter wondered if he’d made a mistake opening himself up. He had no experience with casual sex, but he wanted to change that. For as long as Bailey was here, he wanted to gorge himself on hot sex with her. But he also wanted to hang out. Eat together. Watch TV. Maybe she didn’t want that. Maybe she was putting her clothes back on right now.

  Maybe you oughta quit bein’ such a chickenshit and go ask her what she wants.

  He wheeled around and Bailey was right there. Naked except for the shirt he’d draped over the ironing board, the shirt he’d intended to wear on their date earlier tonight.

  A shirt that looked a hundred times better on her, with her sweet tits playing peekaboo with the lapels and the shirttail brushing across the tops of her thighs.

  With her hair sleep tousled, her lips puffy from kissing him and her eyes dancing with mischief, he couldn’t believe she was here with him.

  “It’s not easy to get lost in a trailer, but somehow you managed.” She sauntered forward. “Or maybe you were hoping I’d get the hint and leave?”

  “Not at all. I’m standin’ here watchin’ you walkin’ toward me and wondering how I got so lucky that you’re here at all, to say nothin’ of you bein’ here mostly nekkid.”

  “Hmm. I thought maybe you were out here thinking too much.”

  “That too.”

  Bailey moved in and flattened her palms on his chest. Then she tipped her head back and studied him.


  “I’ll say my piece and you can take it or leave it, okay?”

  Streeter just nodded.

  “If I have my way? We’ll be fucking a lot. But only if we’re fully honest with each other in what we want. You need to be able to talk specifics to me without embarrassment.” She blinked those sexy eyes at him. “Maybe tomorrow you’ll want a hand job while we’re sitting on the couch. Maybe you’ll want to fuck me hard and fast against the door without any foreplay. Maybe you just wa
nt to cuddle. Whatever strikes your mood, I’m in. Don’t think I’m not interested in doing it or trying it because she didn’t. This is your chance to reclaim your sexuality.”

  “And what about you?”

  She winked. “Oh, I have no issues telling you exactly how I want to be fucked.”

  Streeter curled his hands around her face, getting lost in this singular pleasure of just kissing her. Sucking on her lips and tongue. Nibbling on the edges of her smile. Swallowing her husky moans. Fucking reveling in the way she arched into him, rubbed against his body, wanted him.

  His heart raced as sexual need crowded out everything else. He kissed a path to her ear. “Bailey.”

  “Oh god, your voice is pure sex.”

  “And your mouth is my wet dream.” He licked the shell of her ear. “Which is why I wanna feel it.” He grabbed her hand and placed it on his erection. “Here.”

  He felt her smile against his cheek. “Polite, but dirty. I like it.”

  Then she dropped to her knees. Keeping her focus on him, she inched his boxers down to his feet. “Next time don’t bother with these when it’s just us.”

  At the first touch of her soft, damp lips to the crown of his cock, he sucked in a breath.

  Holy shitballs. That was like . . . a million times more intense than he remembered. He glanced down to see her looking up at him with heated eyes and a coy smile.

  “Gonna tease me until I beg, ain’t ya,” he muttered huskily.

  “No,” she said as she licked the head like a lollipop. “Your eyes are already begging me. I will warn you to hold on to the counter, though.”

  He placed his hands behind him and his eyes crossed when he felt the hot rush of lips and tongue and teeth. He allowed a grunt of satisfaction when she began to work him over.

  Little whips of her tongue around the head that tightened his balls.

  Followed by an iron grip at the base of his cock and quick jerks as her lips met her fist in the middle of his shaft.

  No way could he last. It’d been too damn long and it’d never been this good.

  Warm, wet, steady movement with her hand had him bumping his hips forward.

  God, yes.

  “That. Right there. Don’t stop.”

  She released a humming noise that shot straight up his dick like a damn rocket. His entire body seemed to be throbbing, keeping rhythm with the pull and glide of her mouth.

  Streeter held his breath when that tingle in his tailbone started. He had no chance to warn her the end was near. He had no desire to move lest this amazing sensation would somehow end.

  Then he lost it as he started to come. Head back, hips pumping, air billowing in and out of his lungs with each suctioning pull of that crazy talented mouth of hers.

  White light exploded behind his lids and his entire being went supernova.

  His body returned to the atmosphere, although his legs were still quaking. Streeter managed to peel his eyes open and peer down at the dark head moving across the top of his thigh as she planted kisses there.

  He reached out with a shaking hand and touched her cheek.

  Bailey glanced up at him and smiled. “Hey.”

  What was he supposed to say? She’d swallowed. Wasn’t like he’d given her a choice. “Uh, sorry I didn’t warn you I was about to . . . I sorta lost my head.”

  “Good. That’s what I was going for.”

  He traced her lips, all soft and shiny from the friction of his cock. “Truth time. I’ve never—”

  “Had a blow job?” she inserted with shock.

  “Never one as good as that,” he muttered, and then wished he could take it back. “You swallowing. That was a first for me.”

  “You okay with that?”

  “Very okay. Very, very, very, perfectly okay with it.”

  She chuckled. “Awesome. Because I really really really like sucking your cock. It gets me hot.”

  Streeter pulled her to her feet and covered her mouth with his. He needed to know how he tasted on her. Danica never wanted to kiss him after he’d gone down on her either.

  But Bailey moaned and wrapped her arms around his neck, canting her head, allowing him to take the kiss deeper.

  Fuck. This woman . . . He cupped her breasts and thumbed her nipples. Next time he’d have these sweet tits in his mouth as he fucked her with her on his lap. A dark sound of need rumbled from his mouth to hers, causing her to pull back.


  “I wanna return the favor.” Feeling shy, he ducked his head and nipped her chin.

  “I want that too.” She slid her arms down to frame his face in her hands. “But I’m gonna make you use your words, Street. You need to look me in the eyes and tell me what you plan to do to me. Every dirty, delicious thing.” Her gaze dipped to his mouth. “Go on.”

  He’d never been verbal in bed—either in expressing his needs or workin’ dirty talk. Danica hadn’t liked it and he’d just felt foolish the time he’d tried it. But Bailey, beautiful, sexy, bold Bailey demanded that from him.

  “What do I want to do to you?” His voice was suspiciously close to a whisper. “I wanna lay you on my bed and follow every one of these curves as I’m spreading your legs wide open. When I see how wet you are for me, that’s when I sorta lose my head and belly-crawl across the mattress to get to you and bury my face in your pussy. Licking up your sweetness, filling my mouth with your taste, savoring the rush of wetness as I start to use my tongue. You’re grindin’ against my face and moanin’ so I don’t drag it out. I wanna watch you come undone. I need to know that I can do it for you. And as I’m feelin’ your blood pulsing beneath my lips, I suck on your—”

  Bailey pressed her fingers over his lips. “Now show me.”

  He could’ve kissed her all the way back to his bedroom.

  Instead, he clamped his hands on her ass, picked her up and threw her over his shoulder in a fireman’s hold and ran all the way back to his bedroom.

  Her husky laughter vibrating against his ass might’ve been one of the best moments in his life.

  After gently laying her on the bed, he crawled on his knees toward her. He pushed aside the shirttails that were blocking his view.

  “Do you want me to take it off?” she said.

  “Nope. When I’m done makin’ you come, I’m gonna wipe my mouth on the inside of that shirt, so when I wear it tomorrow, I’ll have a reminder of how hot and wet I can make you.”

  Her eyes darkened.

  Streeter smiled and devoured her.

  She bucked against his mouth, yanked his hair and came so fast, so hard, he started all over again almost as soon as she finished, just to make sure he could get it right twice in a row.

  He did.

  By that time his dick was raring for another round.

  Bailey reached for the condoms first. She kissed him with such druggingly sweet kisses as she rolled it on, he damn near felt dizzy. Then she straddled his lap, her knees tight against his hips, and fit his cock inside her in one quick glide.

  He murmured, “Perfect,” and lavished attention on her nipples and her chest, collarbones, neck and throat.

  She groaned. “God. I love your cock.”

  He smiled against the upper swell of her left breast. “It’s yours anytime.”

  Then she moved on him slowly, her hands on his shoulders, or in his hair, or one arm wrapped around his neck.

  Even though she was doing all of the work, his skin beaded with sweat, which just added another layer of pleasure. Slick skin sliding on skin as they fed each other openmouthed kisses. The rise and fall of their breathing, in tandem, in opposition as chests touched with each inhalation. That first time was hot as fire with her. But it was lust-fueled fucking.

  This, to be a total fucking cliché, was making love.

  Bailey rested her for
ehead to his. “I need more direct pressure.”

  “What can I do?”

  “Lie back.”

  As soon as Streeter’s head hit the mattress, Bailey attacked his neck with hard kisses and soft bites as she slid forward, grinding her clit into him with each backward glide.

  He clamped his hands on her ass and moved with her, against her, whispering, “Come on, baby, that’s it. Take it however you want it.”

  She released a whimpering cry and her pussy started to contract around his cock. Each hard pulse pulled him closer to the edge.

  Don’t move. Don’t change.

  The pulses slowed and stopped.

  After the last one, she sighed and snuggled into him.

  He nuzzled the top of her head. “Bailey. Hold on.”

  Then he rolled them until she was on her back, arching beneath him as he drove into her.

  His thrusts were faster, but not rough enough to keep them from kissing. But when he’d reached the end point, he tore his mouth free, closed his eyes and let loose a long groan.

  Goddamn. There were those white lights and bright lights again as he came in a hot rush.

  His focus to the real world returned in slow increments and he angled his head to get to Bailey’s mouth. The way she kissed him, like she couldn’t get enough, moved him in ways he couldn’t put into words.


  He pushed up onto his arms, taking his weight from her. “Will you stay with me the rest of the night?”


  After he ditched the condom, he crawled back in bed and spooned her.



  “I haven’t been with anyone for two years. Not since Logan. I’ve had a battery of medical tests and I can show you that I’m free and clear of sexually transmitted diseases.”

  “I’m pretty sure my right hand hasn’t contracted anything in the past few years.”

  She snickered. “Also, I have an implant in my arm to prevent pregnancy.” She exhaled. “Can we skip the condoms? I want to feel all of you with no barriers between us.”

  “You have birth control in your arm?” he said skeptically.


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