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Playing For Love

Page 24

by Dana Burkey

  “Really?” he asked, a smile blooming on his face as well.

  “Jordan, I didn’t just start liking you this year you know,” I admitted, and immediately felt my face flush.

  “Then I’m an even bigger idiot,” he commented. He pulled my hand up to his lips then and placed a gentle kiss on my fingers. I watched him, not really believing it was all happening.

  “So what happens now?” I asked, giving his hand a squeeze.

  “Well, I think your brother might kill me,” Jordan frowned. “But I think it’s pretty much worth the risk.”

  “I’m not worried, I can take him,” I laughed. “What I meant was, what happens next with us?”

  “Honestly,” he shrugged. “I don't know. But I kind of feel like things are going to be about the same. Without meaning to, I’ve been treating you like my girlfriend for a while now. Although, now there can be a little more of this.”

  And with that, Jordan pulled me closer for another kiss. It wasn't as long as the one before, but it was just as amazing. In fact, it might have been more amazing than the last one because this time it wasn't just Jordan kissing me. This time, it was my boyfriend! Even writing it now feels weird to say. I keep waiting to wake up from some dream or something. But, here I am, awake and still dating the guy I've liked for so long!

  Once Jordan finally pulled back from the kiss we decided we should head back to my place. We tried to walk for about a block, our hands intertwined and everything, but we both had a bit of adrenaline from getting everything in the open. So, we started jogging and then running. And of course, when we finally turned onto my street, we raced to my door in a dead sprint. Jordan beat me by a few steps but rewarded me with a big hug for coming in second.

  “I would kiss you right now,” he said into my ear. “But I have a feeling Ross would walk out here and punch me right in the nose.”

  “If he does, you can wear my nose guard until you feel better,” I offered, then reached up and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

  Jordan headed home then, waving to me until he was down the street and out of view. I went inside and showered since I was sweaty and gross from the run. It also gave me some time to think about everything that'd just happened. By the time I got out of the shower and dresses, I saw that there were a few missed messages from Jordan, mostly hearts and such, but then also a group text from Torri, Corra, and Beth checking up on me.

  “I’m doing amazing,” I typed, in reply to their questions and concerns. “In fact, more than fine. I just got back from a run with my new boyfriend...I mean Jordan!”

  That, of course, led to a few texts, calls, and then Corra showing up at my door when I was on the phone with Torri. Clearly waiting wasn't an option for Corra when it came to my love life. So, I filled them all in and also let Jordan know who I'd told. It wasn't like we were going to keep "us" a secret, I just knew if word got to Ross from anyone besides Jordan it might not be super great. Ross's proven to be pretty protective of me ever since I broke my nose, so I want to make sure we give him the news gently.

  In fact, Jordan should be here any minute. He started texting Ross a little while ago and suggested they hang out to work on some physics homework. But, in reality, when Jordan gets here he's going to tell Ross the big news! I’m a little worried he'll get upset, so I called Skyler and told her she should randomly drop by so she's there too. Now, I don’t think Ross is going to actually punch Jordan, but if he's at all confused or annoyed, Skyler can explain to him how cute we are together and how obvious it was that we liked each other and all that. At least that’s the plan.

  So, I should go now and get down to the living room for when Jordan arrives. Skyler got here a few minutes ago, but I didn’t want to run down and tip Ross off that I knew she was coming. Hopefully in a little while from now I will have an understanding big brother and a boyfriend with all his bones intact. But, I guess only time will tell!


  Well, this is the last time I'm writing in this journal. I've decided it's time for a new journal, for a new chapter. So much is different from when I started writing up until now, and I just feel like a new journal will help me have a little bit of fresh start!

  Since I’m sure you’re wondering, Ross was super cool when Jordan told him we were dating. In fact, Ross said he had a feeling Jordan liked me a while ago, but since nothing happened between us he just assumed he was wrong. As it turns out, Ross was more observant about his feelings than even Jordan was! He didn’t know we'd end up together in the end so I guess he was wrong on that front, but he gets at least half credit if you ask me.

  Well, once everything was out in the open, Jordan and I both pulled out our phones and made it Facebook official! It felt like a silly thing to do, but also exciting at the same time. And of course, we immediately were getting likes and comments on the status. But, we decided to leave our phones inside and finally played a little 2-on-2 soccer with Ross and Skyler. It was a casual game since none of us had a dress for a serious one, but it was a fun way to end what turned out to be a truly eventful Sunday!

  Today at school was even more eventful in some ways. It was weird at first to walk into school holding hands with Jordan, but at the same time it felt perfectly normal. Almost everyone had seen the news on Facebook, so the only person that I saw who seemed at all shocked or upset about Jordan and I together was Taylor. She gave both us of a big glare, to which Jordan just gave her a massive smile, just like I did the day he brought me coffee. He even told me afterwards that if she sees that her glares don’t both us, then she might finally stop. Either that, or one of these days she'll find someone as miserable and unhappy as she is, and then she'll stop focusing on us!

  After the initial reaction of shock and excitement from people at school, things were back to normal. Beth, Corra, and I moved to sit at the table in the center of the cafeteria where Jordan and Trey and everyone else sit. It felt natural to be around my soccer friends and my brother and my friends, right there in the middle with Jordan next to me. We weren’t even holding hands or anything like that. But sitting together, and knowing that things were different between us now, made it all feel pretty perfect.

  So, now that I'm home from school and I've had some time to think it over, I think I want this to be the end of this journal. I want a new notebook to go with the new start I have with Jordan. We still act the same as we have for a while, only with more kissing now, but I can tell things are different. For one, I don’t have to wonder or hope anymore. It’s real, Jordan likes me! But most of all, I can just be me and be with him and be happy!

  I spent the start of the year just trying to impress Jordan by being some hotshot soccer star, and then I broke my nose and it was like the whole plan went up in flames. But really, it allowed me to be more of myself with everything, and that was what made Jordan really start to fall for me. So no more trying too hard and over thinking things. Now I just get to enjoy my life as a girl that happens to play soccer, date an amazing guy, have a pretty cool older brother, and the best friends anyone could ask for! I lucked out in a big way when that ball hit my nose. It stopped me from just playing for love, and instead I got way more than I ever bargained for!

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  About The Author

  Dana Burkey graduated college in 2009 with a degree in theater and a minor in creative writing from Youngstown State University in Ohio. She is currently living in Washington State in a little cabin in the woods with her cat Cato. She works full time at a kids camp, and spends her free time doing community theater and adventuring in nature! She is the author of the YA contemporary romance series Hearts to Follow and the YA suspense novel Locket Full of Secrets.

  Sneak Peek

  Continue reading for a sneak peek of Dana Burkey’s YA counterparty romance Just Pretending, the first book in the Hearts to Follow Se
ries. For more information about this book and others, or to rate the book you just read, be sure to check out Dana on Goodreads or Amazon.


  "Are you okay?" Josh asked as he watched my face.

  I nodded my head a little, trying to release the breath I was holding. My eyes followed Nick until he left the coffee shop.

  "Do you know him?" Josh had turned and was watching Nick leave hand in hand with a girl in a green summer dress.

  I nodded my head again as I took a sip of my iced coffee. Although my throat was suddenly dry, the drink was more to buy me some time. Setting my cup on the table, I knew it was time to do some talking.

  "That's Nick. From last summer."

  Thankfully that was enough for Josh to catch somewhat up to speed.

  Last summer was the best and worst summer of my life. After moving to a brand new town in time for school to end before I could make a single friend, I was shocked to find out the neighbors at my family’s new duplex not only had a kid my age living there, but that kid was the most attractive guy I had ever met! Nick was a foot taller than me and built like the baseball player he was. His skin was tan from being outside all baseball season, his blond hair bleached from the sun. The best, however, was his dark blue eyes. They were almost navy, reminding me of cooling summer water I wanted to dive into so much after feeling my pulse race after the first time I met him.

  Nick was staying at his dad’s place for the summer while his mom was off enjoying the Caribbean with her new husband. He was just as new to town as I was, with just as many friends. This was all it took for us to start spending every second together. As an only child with parents trying to settle in a new town, I was desperate for time outside the house, and if it was with someone as amazing as Nick, all the better.

  We spent every day of summer together. We went to the lake, wandered around the mall, and even made a few friends that would invite us to fun camp fires or pool parties. By the end of the summer, I was certain Nick was going to ask me to be his girlfriend, even if he was headed back to his mom's place over a 5-hour drive away. I could not have been more wrong.

  Nick was sad when he left, so I assumed it was because he shared the feelings I sent his way each day. But, just a month after leaving I watched with tears as his relationship status online changed to "in a relationship". I had a few friends at school at the time, but none of them really got to know Nick, so I was left to mend my broken heart alone, not sure if I would ever even see him again.

  "So, when did he get back in town?" Josh leaned in closer, knowing it was not easy for me to talk about.

  "I ran into him this morning," I sighed. "He is at his dad’s again this summer, but brought his girlfriend along for company."

  I was trying my hardest to push down the tears that threatened to spring up and spill over. Josh had seen me cry many times over Nick; most of the kids at my new school had. But I was proud of the fact that the last time had been over four months ago, when Nick didn't even message me on my 16th birthday. Since then Josh and my close friends did their best to keep my mind off of him. It was working great until he walked into my life toting the girl that was apparently better than me.

  "That sucks, Cam," Josh reached across the table and took my hand. Since my birthday, he was my biggest supporter, something I needed more than ever this summer. My two best friends Riley and Jen were off at summer camp until school started back up. Trying not to dwell on that fact, I gave his hand a squeeze.

  "It's okay-" My voice caught before I could continue.

  "Hey, you want to go see a movie?" Josh smiled. "It's new release day!"

  A smile played on my lips immediately. Seeing the new movies each week was our favorite way to start the weekend. Technically we were only there every few weeks, but it was still a routine form of fun for my group of friends.

  "My mom even said I can use the car when she's off work, so we can ride in style." Josh released my hand to down the rest of his coffee. I did the same before gathering my purse to head out. Hopefully, the day could still be salvaged.



  Pushing down the emotions rising up quickly, I turned to see Nick and his green-dress wearing girl walk up to the concession stand. So much for a movie helping me relax and have some fun.

  "Hey Nicky." I tried my best to smile.

  "Nicky?" The girl next to him giggled.

  "Yeah, our little joke from last summer," he shrugged. "Oh! Cam, this is Gina. Gina, this is Cam."

  I gave a little wave, not sure how it felt to have a name to put to this girl that stole the role I wanted so bad to fill in Nick's life.

  "Nice to meet you! You live next to Nick, right?" Her green eyes lit up when I nodded. "So cool! He told me about you after last summer. Said you were his first friend here."

  "Yup, my first friend too." I tried not to compare myself to her but was losing the fight.

  She was about the same height as me, but her skin was tan like Nick’s. Her curly brown hair was flawless despite the humidity in the air. As for her clothes, up close I could see the label on the front of the dress stitched in matching green thread. The logo was one I had seen from a store window and on a rack; never in my closet thanks to "crazy high prices" as my mom deemed it.

  I glanced down at my cut off jean shorts and white graphic t-shirt. My hair was blond, but not the pretty shade girls went to the salon to get. Someone once called it dishwater blond. I cried for a solid hour that day, threatening to cut my hair off if my mom didn't let me dye it red. I settled for red highlights that had long since faded and grown out. The only good thing I had going for me were my eyes. My eyes were a brown that drew attention all the time. They were the first thing people noticed about me, leaving my hair hidden from view that much longer.

  "Are you going to the 7:40 showing?" Nick asked, bringing me back to the present.

  "Yup, we most certainly are!"

  I jumped a little as I felt Josh wrap an arm around my shoulder and pull me into his body. Glancing up I was happy to see Josh, back from buying our tickets while I stood in line for popcorn.

  "Hi, I'm Josh!" He introduced himself to Nick and Gina, complete with handshakes, all the while keeping an arm around me.

  "Well, I guess we will see you in there," Josh smiled as he led me to the now open concession counter. I almost fell as I stumbled along with him, his arm keeping me upright.

  I gave one last glance back to Nick who was giving Josh a look I had not seen before. Could it be annoyance? Anger? As we got our popcorn loaded with butter from the movie theater worker I focused on walking so I did not ruin our snack. I could worry about Nick later.


  "So what was that all about?" I asked Josh once we chose our seats in the theater. There were open seats near us, so I spoke quickly in case Nick and Gina chose a pair of them.

  "Sorry," Josh sighed. "I just saw the look on your face when you were talking to Nick and Gina and had a feeling you needed some help."

  "Yeah, but with your arm around me it almost looked like we were here on a date..." I was still trying to wrap my head around everything that had just happened.

  "Oh. Sorry." Josh scooted away from me a little as the movie lights dimmed for the previews.

  Just when I was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Nick walked over and sat right next to me, making our movie night a group event. Never one for respecting personal space, Nick's arm shared my armrest, his arm touching mine ever so slightly.

  "You okay?" Josh asked, leaning in close once again to keep his voice low as I pretended to focus on the screen in front of me.

  "I should be. I just hope I can sit here like this for the whole movie," I whispered back with a sigh.

  Josh covered my hand with his and gave it a gentle squeeze. Next to me, I could hear Nick take in a sharp breath. Glancing over he was staring ahead, his arm no longer on the armrest between us.

  Squeezing the hand on top of mine in return, I did my
best to focus on the movie that was finally starting, blocking out the world around me. Thankfully it was a movie I had been looking forward to for a while, so the next two hours passed quickly and painlessly. Josh kept his hand on mine any time he was not passing me popcorn, allowing me to squeeze it anytime the action in the movie or the old crush next to me got too intense.

  "Well, that was....great..." Gina announced as the theater lights rose at the end of the credits.

  "So good!" Nick and I agreed in unison. Despite the tension, I joined Nick in laughing at the shared statement.

  "I don't usually watch movies like that," Gina shrugged, picking up her designer purse from its spot on the floor.

  In my head, I counted this as a point for me. Nick and I learned last summer that our taste in movies was almost identical. We both had no patience for romance or horror movies; it was all about action flicks.

  "Only a year until the second one comes out." Until he spoke I almost forgot Josh was standing next to me, checking his phone for missed calls during the movie.

  "So what are you two up to next?" Gina asked as we all headed to the theater lobby.

  "We're going for ice cream." This was news to me, but I just smiled as Josh put his arm around my shoulder once again. The look on Nick’s face was back and looking more like anger than anything else.

  "Well, have fun. Maybe we will see you around." Nick quickly took Gina's hand and started heading to his car. As they walked away it sounded like Gina was talking about ice cream, but they were out of earshot before I could be sure.

  "So, ice cream?" I asked, turning to Josh. "You're buying." Leaving the reach of his arm, I turned and headed toward his car.


  "Well, that went great!" Josh smiled as we took a seat on the patio with our twin chocolate sundaes.

  "Okay, what is with you tonight?" After thinking it over on the short drive from the movie I was even more certain now that Josh was up to something.


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