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Hot Stuff

Page 14

by Virginia Page

  “No,” I shouted.

  His eyes winced as my hand connected with his cheek a second time. The smacking noise echoed throughout the gym. Everyone obviously heard what had just occurred because all eyes were on me.

  He looked over at his friend and at everyone else in the gym as if he was in disbelief of what had just occurred. His face turned red with humiliation because he’d just been bitch-slapped by a woman, twice. I’d smacked him the second time because the first time felt so satisfying.

  “Did this bitch just smack me?”

  I must have knocked something loose.

  “Yeah, I believe she did,” his friend replied.

  “There's more where that came from, fucker,” I shouted, raising my fists.

  A moment of silence, then giggling could be heard from the other end of the gym, a familiar tone that I longed to hear, my man had come back for me.

  I looked across the room, and Dylan smiled, winked, and blew me a kiss.

  Immediately losing my composure, I grinned.

  When I looked away, I got distracted and the guy I smacked grabbed me by the hair. He pulled tight, dragging me downward toward the floor.

  "Do you know who I am?" he asked.

  Reaching back, I tried removing his grip from my hair, but couldn’t. I whimpered, breathing heavy, my hands trembling.

  "You hit me," he shouted in my face. “Who the fuck do you think you are anyway?”

  A strong voice from behind me said, "She's my woman, and you've got three seconds to let go of her hair if you wish to breathe another breath.”

  The guy looked intimidated, quickly letting go of my hair, backing away as Dylan approached.

  "If I hear you two make fun of my old lady again,” Dylan said, ”you're going to be in a world of hurt. You got me motherfuckers?"

  "Oh yeah!" the other guy said, "there are two of us and only one of you."

  Dylan grinned.

  “Oh,” Dylan replied, “so you must be the mathematician?”

  Dylan grabbed both guys by the scruff of their necks like they were two juvenile delinquents, dragging them both out of the gym into the men's locker room. Their cracking voices apologizing to him, begging for mercy, could be heard through the entire workout area. Everyone was listening curiously at what was going on behind closed doors.

  "You're not going to apologize to me," Dylan said. "You're going to apologize to my woman."

  The sound of screams reverberated from the locker room.

  “I'm sorry, Dylan's old lady, is what you're going to say to her,” Dylan said, “and then you're going to get the fuck out of here and never come back.”

  The two guys walked out of the locker room as if their tails were between their legs with fear in their eyes. Each holding their crotches as if in excruciating pain.

  Their lips shivering, both guys said in unison, “I'm sorry, Dylan's old lady.”

  Then they ran out of the gym, tripping over themselves, never looking back.

  In spite of what those two guys had done to hurt my feelings, I still felt sorry for them, sort of.

  Dylan had defended my honor, flattering me.

  “Hey, baby,” Dylan said. “Are you almost done? I'm ready to go.”

  I smiled, realizing I was looking at trouble.

  He grinned with confidence at me and winked. His blue eyes sparkled. His dimples were adorable. Something about him was so familiar to me.

  I reached down to pick up my bag, and I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Dylan was staring at my ass, me feeling good to be desired. Thank goodness for chubby chasers.

  Chapter 29

  Dylan formally introduced himself to me. I’d never let on that I’d already known his name from Sophia telling me or the fact that he was filthy rich.

  Feeling insecure about Dylan's wealth, regretting I’d pushed him away, I was glad he came back looking for me, but I couldn’t help but think what a man with so much money would want with me? I pondered that thought over and over and over. My internal conflict had been brutal and endless. Of course, I regretted thinking that way, because it wasn’t often a good man had been pursuing me. More of a reason to jump in with blind faith, I immersed myself in love, enjoying all of the fresh moments a new relationship would bring. Although, the reality that I might get my feelings hurt was in the back of my mind, but I was a big girl, so I figured I’d handle anything that’d come my way.

  The more I’d discouraged Dylan, the more assertive he’d become, making it almost impossible to say no to him. He was a sweet talker, always complimenting me, making himself irresistible.

  I’d been worrying that Dylan might have gotten the wrong impression about me before. I didn’t want him to think I had money, so I told him about myself. I talked to him about my problems regarding William and not having my daughter, and he didn't run away. He knew I didn’t have any money, and he was still interested. When I talked, he listened intently. He really listened, not pretending like others often had. In my past, most men talked and talked and talked about themselves. When I had the rare opportunity to say something, I could tell by the expression on their faces that they were just waiting for me to shut up and finish what I was saying, so they could talk again. Dylan really seemed to care what I had to say. It was comforting being pursued by a man who really was interested in me. I thought he might actually be a keeper, someone I could fall head over heels in love with.

  Dylan didn't talk about himself at all. He only expressed interest in me. I tried to ask him questions, but he would change the subject and go back to learning more about me. Was he hiding something? I’d become suspicious of his secret nature.

  I didn't want to start a relationship with him without first discussing the elephant in the room, his wealth. I wanted to clear the air, revealing that I’d known he was rich.

  "So how did you gain your wealth?" I asked.

  After hearing the words come out of my mouth, I felt awful. What kind of question was that? No lead in, I’d just thrown it all out there, me feeling like an idiot.

  Dylan got a serious look on his face.

  "I earned it."

  Dylan smirked.

  "Every penny?" I asked.

  "Yes," he replied. "Every penny. Why do you ask?"

  "I have never seen any biker types who were billionaires," I replied.

  "Have you looked?"

  Dylan's grin tightened.

  "What's your story?" I asked.

  "It's not much of a story," he said. "Years ago, my old roommate had a computer. I’d goofed around on it writing code when I was alone in the apartment. I loved it. It became a hobby I’d obsessed over."

  Passion was in Dylan's eyes when he talked about programming.

  He mentioned he’d written an application for smart phones as a hobby for his biker buddies and their old ladies. It got popular through the MC communities. After a big biker rally, biker's across the world started purchasing the application. When the truckers found out about it, the application went viral and millions and millions of people had purchased it.

  All of the buzz attracted investors. Dylan sold a quarter of his equity, and hired a logistics software company to maintain the application for him. After the company had outgrown itself he decided to go public. He’d retained majority stocks for control, but he had his best friend watch over his investments while he enjoyed the fruits of his labor, traveling across the country.

  "My application has got a life of its own now," he said.

  “Wow,” I said. “That’s fascinating.”

  I smiled, playing with my hair, focusing on him.

  "I left so I could enjoy riding the open road," he said. "Plus I have some responsibilities to take care of."

  My stomach sunk, thinking he must be married. Maybe he was a sugar daddy for girlfriends with kids in every state, him dropping in on them, giving money periodically. What else could it be?

  Maybe I was overreacting. He could be completely innocent. Why must I always think
of the worst possible scenario? Innocent until proven guilty. I realized I shouldn't punish him due to all the irresponsible guys in my past. Maybe he was different. Of course he was different. I sat, trying my best to convince myself he was a good guy.

  “I want to show you one of my other passions,” he said.

  “I’d love to see it,” I replied.

  He walked me out and showed me his rare Harley Davidson motorcycle, a chopper with flames painted on the fuel tank.

  "This baby glides down the road like a dream," he said.

  The look of passion in his eyes was amazing, similar to his expression when he talked about computer programming. It was refreshing to be around a passionate man.

  My only experience of feeling that excited about something had been the birth of my daughter Chloe, who I missed so badly.

  "Let me take you for a ride." he said.

  "Oh, I don't know about that."

  "You'll be fine," he said. "Just hold on tight."

  I’d gotten butterflies in my stomach. Not the bad kind, but the kind you get during a secret crush.

  Dylan got on the bike and started it. The engine roared like thunder rumbling in the sky. He handed me a helmet, and I put it on, climbing on the back of his motorcycle. My arms wrapping around his waist, I couldn't believe how tight his abs were. I found myself stroking my hands across his stomach. He clinched his abs tight, and I almost orgasmed.

  Dylan revved the engine several times, taking off like a bat out of hell, which caused me to hold him even tighter. The bike rode smooth, gliding across the pavement like a dream.

  Feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin, and the cool breeze blowing through my hair, I enjoyed the ride. My hand fell slightly, mistakenly landing on his crotch, which was larger than I’d expected. I leaned my head against his back, closing my eyes, holding him. I couldn’t stop smiling.

  Chapter 30

  Dylan stopped at what appeared to be a bachelor pad type of place.

  "Why are we stopping?" I asked.

  "I need to get something."


  "A few drinks," he smiled, “and some quality time with my lady.”

  I wanted to be upset with him but couldn't because he was just too cute to be mad at. He called me his lady, me swooning. Sure, he was rugged, but when he smiled the dimples on his cheeks appeared. He was so attractive, I could hardly look away. My eyes were fixed on him at every moment.

  When Dylan’s motorcycle reached the entryway, a door slid upward revealing a garage. He rode inside and the door closed behind us. He stopped the bike. Then he lifted me up and set me down on the ground like I was a delicate flower. He was much stronger than I’d ever imagined.

  When I entered his place, I couldn’t believe my eyes. The path from the garage led to a built in pool.

  "Wow! What a beautiful pool you have. Your home is so lovely."

  "I'm only here until I get tired of this place. Then it'll be time for me to move along."

  His wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am attitude concerned me. Hopefully he wouldn’t feel that way about me. Also, it wasn’t comforting hearing he’d be leaving eventually. I was hoping to get to know him better. I needed someone who was going to be around for the long haul. What if we got together and then after a while he got tired of me? Did that mean he’d leave? Was I reading too far into what he’d said? Maybe I should’ve just been in the moment.

  "Let's go swimming?"

  Had he lost his mind? I had no interest in going swimming, due to being insecure about my body. I didn't want to blow our relationship before it even started. If he saw my imperfections, he’d likely ditch me. I needed to figure out how to get out of it.

  "I don't have a bathing suit," I said.

  Dylan smiled.

  "That's no excuse," he said. "We'll get you one. I also wanted to pick up some supplies. I just invested in a business of a friend of mine.”

  We rode to the local strip mall, which just happened to have a grand opening for a bikini boutique. A young woman flaunting her body was standing out front, waving at Dylan, blowing him kisses. Who did she think she was blowing kisses at my man? Although, I can see why he invested in her business. She was gorgeous. There was a motorcycle out front, which must have been hers.

  “My friend just opened this place,” he said, “so I figured I’d give her some business.”

  That had better be all that he’d give her.

  We entered the bikini store. Most of the bikinis that were displayed in the front were extremely skimpy, not much fabric at all. I looked around until I found the full figure section, which had one piece bikinis. It surprised me that there was a section for larger women. I picked out a one piece moo moo swimsuit. The type I was used to wearing.

  Dylan smiled and shook his head.

  "You're sexier than that," he said. "How about one of these."

  He pointed at a two piece with a thong bikini bottom and a push up top that would smash my boobs together more than they deserved. It didn’t surprise me that he’d pick out something like that.

  "I don't think so," I said. "I'm not a motorcycle mama. Yet."

  "You'd look ravishing in them," he said.

  I walked over to a stand, looking down at the wraps. They were all translucent. How was I going to hide my hips? Under enormous pressure, feeling like I had to get something, I couldn’t make a decision.

  Then I notice that bitch was looking at my man, and she’d better get her eyes off him before I were to smack her silly. I didn’t care if he did invest in her store. He was off limits. He was my man. Dylan was looking at sunglasses, and she was putting them on him, getting a little too close for my liking. I couldn’t believe that he’d invest money in her business. She didn’t even seem that bright. He must have only invested because of her looks, because she was fit. I couldn’t help but wonder why he’d make business decisions with his dick. I didn’t think he was shallow before, but after seeing the young woman he’d invested in, it was clear to me that he was influenced by her because she was sexy and flirting.

  My fists tightening, my heart beating faster, I calmed myself down before I did anything stupid. I needed to throw some water on the situation by distracting her.

  "Do you have any wraps that aren't see through?" I asked.

  "No that's all we have in stock. I could special order one for you."

  "No, that's not necessary. Thanks anyway."

  I got a wrap and a one piece bathing suit. I figured if he didn't find me attractive, why would he want to spend the day with me? Of course, what if he were to get turned off when he got a look at my flaws. I was sensitive about my stretch marks. I’d gotten them during my pregnancy with Chloe. They were faint, but they were still there, and they made me feel insecure about my body.

  A door slammed open from the back of the store, and a raspy voice muttered, “Get back to work, Gina. You better quit groping Dylan before his old lady whips your ass.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. I didn’t realize anyone was watching us.

  When the woman got closer she reached out, hugging Dylan. She was a middle-aged full-figured woman, all dressed in leather, clearly a motorcycle mama. She was a big gal, who was confident in herself. Walking around like she was on a catwalk.

  “How’s it going, partner,” she said.

  “Great, Misty,” he replied.

  I couldn’t believe it, feeling horrible, assuming that he’d invested in that young woman because of her looks when all along he’d invested in Misty. It seemed I was as judgmental as anyone else.

  “How’s business?” Dylan asked.

  The place was empty besides us.

  “So far not very good,” Misty replied. “I’m hoping things will pick up soon. I regret I didn’t do more marketing.”

  “That’s okay,” he said. “This is your first business venture. You’ll figure it out. I trust you.”

  Dylan was so understanding. He’d invested money into the business with her, and he wasn’t ev
en pressuring her to perform, his actions telling me he cared more about people than money. Maybe I’d made an error in judgment, and he was really a good man.

  Dylan walked away for a moment to the back of the store, disappearing through a beaded door. I could only imagine what was in that room, most likely containing adult novelty gifts.

  When he got back, we walked out of the store, I’d noticed he was carrying a mystery bag, me wondering what he’d purchased. I’d noticed Misty snickered when she’d peeked in the bag on our way out. I tried to look inside, but he pulled it away from me just before I saw the contents. He was just trying to drive me crazy with anticipation. The suspense was killing me, and I had to know what he’d gotten. I couldn't stop thinking about the bag the entire ride back to his place. He’d obviously purchased something when I was looking at bikinis. What did he buy? Probably a French tickler or something over the line that I’d never do like a butt-plug. What if he’d bought a vibrator? Then I thought about handcuffs. I wanted to ask him but didn’t have the nerve, so I’d just have to wait and see.

  When we got back to his place, he went directly into the bathroom.

  I noticed he’d left the bag unattended, so I peeked, reaching inside, pulling out the contents. To my surprise, I was holding sexy men's bathing suit bottoms that were so skimpy that they would leave absolutely nothing to the imagination. There was an opening for his cock to hang out of. I envisioned what they would look like on him. My face hurt from smiling so much. I hadn't felt that good in a long time. If anything, Dylan's presence was taking my mind off of my problems and giving me hope.

  I noticed there was something deeper in the bag. I reached in and pulled out the two piece bikini Dylan had picked out for me. One thing for sure, he was definitely persistent. I smiled, even though I knew the odds of me putting it on were very slim. I couldn’t blame him for trying though.

  I wasn't so quick to wear skimpy outfits like I used to when I was younger and in high school. I’d have been much happier wearing the one piece bathing suit. Sure, I could wear the wrap with the two piece bikini he’d gotten, but it was see-through, so there still was a chance of him seeing everything. I didn’t know if I could put myself out there like that yet.


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