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Destiny Series Boxed Set

Page 117

by Bronwyn Leroux

  Jaden searched her face. Finding what he was looking for, he nodded, then went back to clearing the groove. That he hadn’t smiled spoke volumes. Tentatively, Kayla touched his shoulder. He stilled. Kayla sensed him soaking in the contact. It only made her feel worse about hurting him.

  Crouching next to him, she put her arms around him. It was an awkward attempt at a hug, but it was the best she could do, given his position. “I’m sorry. Will you forgive me?”

  Jaden turned then and rose to his feet, pulling her up with him and into his arms. He gazed into her eyes. “Yes, I forgive you. I know I don’t have a great track record for including others in my decisions, but cut me a little slack, would you?”

  “I’ll try.”

  “Thanks.” Jaden kissed her forehead and released her. “Sorry, no time to make up properly. We need to get this done.”

  Kayla had to agree. Her ears were feeling the rising pressure more acutely. They didn’t have long. Seconds later, Jaden had all the grooves around the tube cleared of accumulated dirt.

  “Maybe you two want to join us in standing here?” Jaden suggested to Iri and Atu, who still hadn’t come any closer.

  Kayla suspected Iri had been the one to hold Atu back so Kayla could clear things up with Jaden. Kayla confirmed it when Iri approached, her blue eyes, far lighter than Jaden’s, dancing between Jaden and Kayla. Satisfied, she smiled at Kayla and Kayla grinned back. Yes, there was no fooling Iri.

  Iri and Atu had barely reached them when Jaden pressed his medallion into one of the grooves. They waited. Nothing happened. Jaden tried another groove. Then another a few seconds later. When he tried the last groove without results, he said, “Perhaps we all need to use our medallions. Does it strike anyone else as a little too coincidental that there are four grooves and four of us with medallions?”

  “Again, I don’t have mine anymore,” Kayla pointed out.

  Jaden groaned. “Oh, yes.”

  “Shall we try with three?” Iri suggested.

  They did. In many combinations. None of them yielded results. The pressure was unbearable now, and Kayla felt a headache building behind her eyes. “Enough! We tried the medallions. And I’m fresh out of any other ideas besides our DDs. You up for trying them?”

  Three blades burned to life in answer. Kayla’s grin was feral as she loosed her own DD. She glanced at Jaden. “Any guidance on where to put these?”

  Jaden’s smile told Kayla he had forgiven her, and he understood what she was doing. “Nope. Your guess is as good as mine. Have at it.”

  Kayla lifted the tip of her DD, about to place it in the groove closest to her when she heard something. She paused, noticing the others had stopped to listen too. Soft clinking, like pieces of metal sliding over one another. Soft and faint at first, but louder as it drew closer. A second later, the smell bowled them over.

  Kayla yelped. There was no mistaking it. “The snake!”

  “Spiders, now snakes! I hope the rats aren’t following,” Jaden mumbled.

  Kayla suddenly laughed out loud, startling them all. Jaden raised an eyebrow.

  “It’s the riddle come to life. How Zareh knew there would be snakes coming down this tube is anyone’s guess. But he did. And decimate their veins, we will.”

  The others chuckled, placing themselves strategically around the hole. They staggered their positions. If a snake got past Jaden (first, naturally), then it still had to run the gauntlet of three more DDs before it was free to attack. Providently, this placement was just as much to protect themselves from each other’s blades. Win-win for them. Not so healthy for the snakes.

  The clanking was so loud now that there was no doubt the snake was close. Kayla relaxed her stance, raising her DD into position. She blinked. One moment the tube was empty. The next, the snake’s hideous head oozed through.

  Slashing down, Jaden chopped the head off. Light flared, brilliant in its intensity, accompanied by a deafening roar—way more sound than usual. Kayla slapped her hands up to her mask, checking the ear protection. It was there, but this time, it did nothing to mute the racket.

  Bits of rock began raining down on them, tiny pieces too small to cause damage. However, the accompanying dust was suffocating. Kayla felt rather than saw the breeze washing the dust away. Cool, clean air. Her ears popped at the sudden change in pressure. Working her jaw, she tried to clear the second pop from her ears. It was more painful than the first, and Kayla pressed the button in her mask deactivating the sound suppressors.

  Kayla was still using her fingers to ease the ache in her ears when she realized where the wind was coming from. The other two tubes! Instead of sucking air up as before, they were now blowing wind into the cave. Or what remained of the top of it.

  While everything below to the left and right of the tube remained, the explosion generated when Jaden chopped the mutant snake’s head off blew the section of mountain directly above it to smithereens. A perfect semi-circle had been carved out of the side of the mountain like someone had used a giant ice cream scoop.

  The stars glittering in the night sky beyond the rim of the semi-circle were the most wonderful thing Kayla had seen in days. The fresh air lifting her matted hair from her sweaty neck was the sweetest thing she had ever smelled. She closed her eyes in relief. Being freed from the depths of the mountain was bliss.

  Kayla’s eyes snapped open again. She surveyed her surroundings. Not the depths of the mountain. The tunnel from the lava river had led them up far enough so a thin shell of rock had been the only thing confining them.

  Turning to Jaden and the others, Kayla saw the awe and wonder on their faces too. She opened her mouth to speak, but the wind blasting through the other two tubes ceased. Kayla wasn’t sure what she expected. More snakes. Rats Even the return of the spiders. Her DD blazed in her hand, prepared for whatever came out the tubes.

  It was not what any of them expected. Twin soft plops. Then a single object appeared in the mouth of each tube. A glass bottle (shaped exactly like those on their medallions) sat in the first tube, filled with a liquid so black it swallowed the light. The inkpot!

  In the mouth of the second tube was the usual strip of leather. Kayla glanced at Jaden. He understood. Even though she was closer to the leather strip, she couldn’t touch it. Not without her birthmark burning a hole through her arm.

  Jaden leaned in front of her and carefully extracted the strip. He unfurled it on the rock wall so Kayla could see the ancient text. But the strip itself distracted Kayla. It was the piece that completed the puzzle, the piece that had prevented her from reaching this conclusion as Slurpy’s prisoner. The revelation was enough to knock the breath from her.


  Jaden’s face radiated concern. Realizing Jaden and the other were still waiting for a translation, Kayla waved away his concern. She’d have time to dwell on this discovery later. She quickly rearranged the ciphers in her head. These messages were always easier to translate than the riddles. “Conquering with love.”

  “About as useful as the others were,” Jaden grumbled. Rolling the leather strip up again, he put it in his pack before reaching for the inkpot in the tube in front of him. “Did anyone else think that delivery system was cool? Like one of those old postal tube systems they had back in the day.” They met his comment with blank stares. “Never mind.”

  Kayla grinned. The disappointment on his face when no one shared his passion for old tech was downright adorable. She strolled over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Ah, don’t worry. We love you just the way you are. Just because we don’t get—”

  Kayla’s words cut off mid-sentence. With her face upturned, she saw them over his shoulder. Black shapes blotting out the stars. Black shapes too large to be birds. Black shapes heading toward them. “Gaptors!”

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  Jaden heard Kayla’s warning at the same time he registered Markov’s urgent calls buzzing through his comm.

  “Jaden! Jaden! Are you there? C
an you hear me?”

  “Here. We were under the mountain and—”

  “They ambushed us! We’re under attack! Get your asses up here!”

  “On our way.”

  “No need. That little explosion you set off has them all riled up. The battle’s coming to you.”

  Sure enough, when Jaden looked to the cries of the battle, far to their right, countless dark shapes blotted out the stars. The boom when they first found their relic stones and accidentally activated them had been a Gaptor magnet too. Jaden searched the sky overhead. Where’s Han? How are we going to deal with such a vast enemy army?

  “Kayla, Atu, I want you to stay here.” Kayla’s glare had him rushing to finish his explanation. “This time we’re seriously outnumbered. Their ambush means we don’t have the advantage. We don’t have Sven’s cannons. Chances we’ll survive this assault are slim to none.”

  Resolve glittered through the tears rimming Kayla’s eyes. “Don’t say that. There’s always a chance. Look at what happened last time.”

  Jaden gripped her arms, tugging her to within an inch of his face. He stared directly into her eyes. She had to understand how important this was.

  “Look behind me. See those shapes falling from the sky?” Kayla nodded. “Those are our friends. Our army is being slaughtered. And you no longer have a medallion to protect you from those EMPs. Don’t act in denial.”

  Kayla scowled. “Okay, I get it.”

  Relieved he had sparked her anger, Jaden hoped it would sustain her for what he had to say next, even though he dreaded speaking the words. “You know I love you and I’ll do anything to protect you. But this time, I’m also asking you to stay because if something happens to Iri and I up there . . . you and Atu have to finish this. If you two don’t, Slurpy wins, and the world goes to hell. Do you get that?”

  A muffled sob escaped Kayla’s mouth, and she clapped a hand over it. The tears streamed down her cheeks now, but her face hardened. “I do.”

  Jaden crushed her to him, holding her like there was no tomorrow. Because it was likely, there wouldn’t be.

  “Any day now!”

  Han’s growled words reached Jaden over the commotion around them. He pulled back. “I have to go.”

  Kayla grabbed his arm. “Wait! Before you do, there’s something I have to tell you.”

  Jaden glanced up at Han and then back at Kayla. “Make it quick. Han’s looking like he might snatch me up with his talons at any moment.” Jaden’s mood improved as a slight smile touched Kayla’s lips.

  “Tell the old man to cool his heels.”

  That made Jaden laugh out loud. “Only if you tell Taz the same thing.”

  Kayla looked up then, as if only realizing Taz was there too. She sighed, putting her hands to the side of her head. “How to make this quick . . . um, okay. I think the leather strips have something to do with my birthmark.”

  Jaden frowned. “Didn’t we already establish that?”

  Waving an agitated hand, Kayla said, “No, no, that came out wrong! I mean, I think the leather strips form the shape of my birthmark. You know, like they’re puzzle pieces we have to put together?”

  Too shocked by her revelation to say anything, Jaden stared at her. From the matching expressions on Iri and Atu’s faces, she hadn’t shared this with them either. Jaden’s mind sifted possibilities. “Even better.”

  Kayla’s eyebrows shot up. “Not the answer I was expecting.”

  “I mean it gives you another reason to stay here.” Jaden wrenched his pack off and shoved it into her arms. “This contains all the artifacts. Use your time here to piece that puzzle together. Atu, can you help her move them?”

  Atu was already nodding. “Yeah, yeah, I know she can’t touch them.”

  Jaden was out of time. “Let us know via the comm what you find. I love you!” Snatching her into his arms one last time, Jaden kissed her fiercely. “Live!”

  Then he sprinted for the edge of the semi-circle that opened into the abyss that was the edge of the mountain. Han was ready for him. He caught Jaden and immediately gained elevation.

  “Han, please tell Taz Kayla is—”

  “We know. We heard your conversation. Taz is staying with Kayla. She, Aren, Pallaton, and some of the Legion’s best will patrol overhead, protecting Kayla and Atu from aerial attacks. Can I count on your full attention for this fight now?”

  “You can.” Jaden firmly shut the door on thoughts of Kayla. It was the only way he might survive another day to see her again. “Iri, you close?”

  “Right next to you.”

  Jaden glanced to his left and found her and Rozie there. His gaze drifted from them to the approaching battalion. “That’s a lot of Gaptors.”

  “And not a lot of gliders left fighting them. Do you have a plan?”

  Jaden grinned. “I think everyone’s been a little too preoccupied to notice that.” He laughed at the way Iri’s face changed when she saw it on the mountain closest to the one that had trapped them. It glowed, brilliant orange against the dark shape of the mountain.

  “Is that—”

  “Yes. I’m guessing the explosion set off a chain reaction in the fires under this mountain range. That’s lava. And it’s exactly what we need to get an advantage in this battle.”

  Iri looked dubious. “If you say so.”

  “I do. Markov, you there?”

  “What took you so long?” Markov’s panting was audible.

  Ignoring the question, Jaden outlined his plan.

  “I hope it works.” Markov set about complying with Jaden’s request.

  Gathering the Gaptors was more difficult than Jaden had thought it would be. They were determined to stay near the site of the explosion. Were they ordered there, or is this just some unnatural homing instinct Slurpy bred into them?

  When the gliders and their riders raced away from the battle, the Gaptors continued milling around the explosion site. Jaden was worrying about Kayla and Atu’s safety when the Gaptors finally registered their prey had moved to the next mountain over.

  Slowly, the Gaptors followed. Jaden figured that in their puny minds the new spot wasn’t that far from where the explosion had occurred. Let’s just hope they keep thinking about that first explosion and don’t start wondering about others.

  The Gaptors’ tardiness worked in the Legion’s favor. The riders had time to join Jaden, waiting on the opposite side of the volcano’s vent. It was still dribbling lava over the rim, as though doing more would be too much effort.

  Iri’s voice, breathless, filtered through the comm. “I have it.”

  “Any problems?”


  “Are you in position?”

  “Yes, ready whenever you are.”

  “About another minute.”

  Jaden had no need for his night vision goggles. The light from the lava provided all he needed to see the approaching Gaptors. Closer and closer, until they crossed the foothills of this volcano. Jaden tensed when a few Gaptors slowed and glanced down. But he relaxed again when they continued onward, deciding the lava posed no threat.

  The lead Gaptors were only a hundred feet from Jaden and the others when Jaded murmured into his comm. “Here goes nothing. Let’s do this!”

  At the same moment Han darted toward the approaching enemy, the other riders and their gliders backed away—enticing the Gaptors to advance further, to position themselves exactly where Jaden wanted them.

  Abruptly, a few of the Gaptors noticed Jaden and streaked his way. Perfect! Jaden allowed himself a smile. As long as it’s just a few and not the whole crowd, we’re golden. Tracking the Gaptors racing after him, Jaden darted glances toward the other side of the mountain and located Iri, waiting exactly where he’d told her.

  “I see you,” Iri said, waving her arms.

  “Aim for the Gaptors trailing me. Remember, wait until they’re between us, or this won’t work.” It if works at all. Then again, if it doesn’t work, we’ve lost nothing and m
oved the Gaptors away from Kayla and Atu.

  This next part would be the trickiest. “Han, let’s get the Gaptors trailing us lined up over that vent. Work it so we’re angled about forty-five degrees down from where Iri is.”

  “You already explained this.”

  Jaden heard the complaint in Han’s voice. “Sorry, buddy. We only get one shot. I know they’re not the brightest, but this might be enough to scare them from attempting it twice.”

  “Nag, nag, nag,” Han muttered as he spiraled downward.

  The abrupt change in Han’s trajectory had the pursuing Gaptors screeching. Agitated, they picked up speed.

  Jaden grinned. “Yeah, you think you’ll be heroes—just keep chasing us, suckers!”

  Han placed them at the perfect elevation below Iri. Tilting his wings, Han arced around the night-dark curve of the mountain, forcing their pursuers to dive under the bulk of the Gaptors now bunched directly over the vent.

  “Iri, get ready—three, two, one!” Jaden threw his hand up, catching sight of Iri above them as she did the same.

  Crackling light blazed between the relic stones, blinding white slicing through the dull red glow rolling off the mountain. For a nanosecond, stark white outlined the Gaptors chasing them. Then light erupted as the Gaptors were incinerated, the reverberating boom of their demise cracking over the surrounding mountains. Right over the vent oozing lava.

  “Iri, clear out!” Jaden cried as he saw the first fracture shoot down the spout.

  Han saw it too and sped away from the mountain. Jaden swiveled on Han’s back to see if his plan worked. That first crack split into several. The lava squeezed through the new spaces, no longer restricted to flowing upward.

  One moment, the lava was seeping along the lines, the next a thunderous blast rocked the upper part of the volcano. The force ripped the top off and the glowing chunk rocketed diagonally into a group of unsuspecting Gaptors. More light and sound as it obliterated them. Then, what Jaden had been hoping for, happened. The sudden release of pressure catapulted lava skyward, high enough to catch the Gaptors right above it.


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