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Desire: The Dark Christmases

Page 9

by Z. L. Arkadie

  Chapter Eleven

  The main event was held in the rotunda room. The space was tastefully decorated. Round tables were covered by red silk tablecloths, and blocky centerpieces made of clear, frosted, and red glass were lit by candles on the inside of each. The table settings were elegant white porcelain with shiny silverware and crystal drinking glasses. Waiters served us white or red wine. I knew better than to mix the two, or else my stomach would pay for it later, so I just drank the red.

  The room buzzed with excitement. Kylie had managed to seat me beside her. Also at our table were Rachel and her husband, Matt; Daniel Arroyo, who was a journalist’s journalist; Dave Eastman, the president of BCN, and his wife; plus Katherine Donovan, a woman who owned a number of news stations in the country. Rod had just taken a seat on the opposite side of the table next to two empty chairs.

  Kylie, who had been going on about how much of a success the night was shaping up to be, suddenly hit me on the arm. “What’s he doing here?”

  I followed the direction of her scowl, which was pointed at the man who had been my escort for the night.

  “Rod Huff?” I asked, my voice ringing with surprise. I ripped my stunned eyes off him and put them on Kylie, whose skin had turned a patchy red. I didn’t understand the reaction she was having to him. “Isn’t he one of the reporters for Deep Source?”

  Her mouth dropped open, and she pointed her glare, which could have frozen molten lava, at Rachel. “He wasn’t supposed to be hired,” Kylie said, her eyes still fixed on Rachel, who was obviously avoiding looking in our direction.

  “Why not?” I had to know.

  She closed her eyes and shook her head. “He’s my ex-boyfriend.”

  I kept my jaw from dropping. Shit. She was the crazy ex-girlfriend he’d mentioned in the car. I felt slightly lightheaded, knowing I hadn’t mentioned to Kylie at lunch earlier that Rod was escorting me to the gala. I felt as if I’d betrayed her. If I were in her shoes and she had ridden to the gala with Jasper, my heart would’ve experienced a free fall.

  I was about to let her know Rod had escorted me to the gala when a couple sat down in the empty chairs to the right of David Eastman. I was all too aware that my jaw had dropped, and I couldn’t close my mouth even if I’d wanted to. Blue-green eyes remained focused on my face. Even as Jasper shook Dave and his wife’s hands, he did not look away from me.

  After two slow, hard blinks, I was able to pin my gaze on the woman with him. I’d seen her face recently on my computer screen whenever I did an Internet search on Julia Valentine. She was a beautiful specimen, probably an inch taller than me, slender in a way that was graceful, with long limbs and a swan’s neck. I had no doubt Jasper had banged her, especially after noticing how his hand rested on her hip with ease. I didn’t even want to morph into an ant so that I could crawl away. I wanted to disappear and not exist at all.

  Kylie nudged me on the shoulder just as tears pooled in my eyes. “Did you invite him?” she whispered, her mouth close to my ear.

  All I could do was shake my head.

  “Fuck,” she muttered. “Then he must be Dave’s guest. Fuck.” She and Rachel made eye contact. Their expressions communicated what their voices couldn’t at the moment. If Jasper and Dave were friends, then they would more than likely not be able to break the story regarding sexual misconduct at Christmas Industries.

  At the moment, I couldn’t give a damn about their investigation. This was the worst table I’d ever been seated at.

  “In Defense of Bad Air and The Howsley Project,” someone said to my left.

  That was the only reason I ripped my gaze from Julia Valentine. I should not have been jealous. I didn’t think I’d ever been jealous. Now I knew how it felt.

  Daniel Arroyo was smiling at me, and the tone of his comment said he appreciated my work. I should’ve been excited. It was my moment to shine. One of the best journalists on the planet had just acknowledged my books.

  I forced a smile while coaching myself to pull it together. “Mr. Arroyo, thank you.” I didn’t know him well enough to call him Daniel, but I was sure hoping for the invitation to do so.

  “It’s Daniel,” he said, and just like that, my smile turned real. “There aren’t many young reporters like you willing to put in the sort of work you did, go to the places you went.” He tilted his head to the side. “Whew. That was great journalism.”

  Holy shit, I worked like hell to keep a cool composure. “Thanks again. I just believed in what I was doing.”

  “Daniel, it’s great to see you again,” Jasper said.

  Daniel nodded at me. “Excuse me.” He turned his attention to Jasper. “You too, Jasper. And I send you my condolences about your father.”

  It was obvious that it pained Daniel to say that.

  Jasper smiled tightly, obviously understanding that Daniel had merely mentioned his father out of polite formality. Julia continued to look bored, making eye contact with no one. I was sure she didn’t know that the man who’d exposed her grandfather’s lie was sitting at the table with us.

  “So, Jasper, when are you going to announce your bid?” Daniel asked.

  Jasper jerked his neck, put his arm along the back of Julia’s chair, and smiled. She turned to look at whatever had captured Jasper’s attention. They both smiled as a camera’s flash lit the table.

  Kylie groaned her disapproval.

  “Bid? What bid?” Jasper finally asked.

  “You know what bid I’m referring to.”

  “Mr. Christmas,” Kylie finally blurted. I’d heard that tone before. She was about to show him no love. “I’m surprised you came out tonight. With so many fires to put out because of Christmas Industries, I would think it would be difficult to find time to attend a gala.”

  Jasper narrowed his eyes at her, but it was different than the way he looked at me. His gaze lacked desire or even the will to engage, which was why he turned to Rod. “I’m sorry, have we met?” he asked.

  Rod seemed surprised Jasper had spoken to him. He glanced uncomfortably at Kylie as though he were just about to be caught shaking hands with the enemy. “Um, I’m pretty sure we haven’t.”

  Jasper grunted thoughtfully. “I saw you with Miss Henderson earlier.” He glared at Rod, who seemed to be waiting for him to say something else.

  “Why are you so concerned with Holly Henderson? Aren’t you marrying your fiancée?” Kylie asked, smirking at Julia.

  Julia rolled her eyes at Kylie, showing her that it would take a gun to the head to get her to entertain Kylie’s taunt.

  “Jasper has made a generous donation to tonight’s cause,” Dave said, as if the tension at the table had escaped his notice, which I was sure it hadn’t. Dave was too sharp not to detect it.

  “Oh, I’ve done more than that,” Jasper said, wearing a sexy, lopsided grin that captured the attention of all the women at the table except his date.

  Julia Valentine seemed to be there, yet she was not present. She wore an expression similar to the one she’d had on Christmas morning. It was as if life was tugging her in all the directions she didn’t want to go.

  “Do tell,” Mrs. Eastman said.

  “Not yet, honey,” Dave said.

  Jasper’s gaze landed on me again, and Kylie pinched my thigh under the table. “Why does he keep eye-fucking you?” she whispered, with her mouth close to my ear. “He has no fucking shame.”

  “Oh, by the way, Holly, let me know when you’re ready to leave,” Rod said. Then he set his attention on Kylie. “We came together.”

  I gasped and quickly turned to her. “He came to my room and asked if I wanted to come here together. I said yes, but…” I shook my head.

  “Why do you think I care?” Kylie asked.

  I pressed my lips together, looking at her like the cat who ate the canary. Really, are she and Rod going to pretend as if they were never a couple? Well, if that was how they meant to play it, then I wouldn’t say anything to change it.

  “I don’t th
ink you care,” I finally said.

  “So, Holly Henderson,” Jasper said and put a hand on Dave Eastman’s shoulder. “We were talking earlier about how talented you are.”

  “Yes, you’re so accomplished to be so young,” Dave said.

  “And so is Kylie,” Rod added.

  Kylie glared at him as if she wanted to rip his head off.

  “You’re a beautiful woman,” Jasper said, still eye banging me. “You’re smart, charismatic. I wanted to talk to you about having your own show.”

  “What?” Kylie and Rachel asked at the same time.

  “How are you fucking calling shots for BCN?” Kylie hissed. The hate she had for Jasper Christmas was written all over her face.

  Dave Eastman and his wife seemed stunned by her demeanor and what she had just said.

  “Kylie meant…” Rachel started. Her skin had turned a blotchy red. Knowing Rachel, as soon as she and Kylie were alone, she would be tearing a new one into the rambunctious reporter.

  I figured I had better speak up for my friend. It was clear Jasper was the most powerful person at the table and the only one who could save Kylie’s hide.

  “She didn’t mean any disrespect, Mr. Christmas. We as journalists can become so passionate at the most inopportune moments.”

  He smirked, and once again, I forgot to breathe. “It’s Jasper,” he said then sat up straight. “And no need to defend Miss Roberson. She and I have history, so as you said, Rod Huff, I know she’s a formidable journalist. It seems we’ve had our rounds. She’s the cat; I’m the mouse. Or am I the tiger, and you’re the rodent?” Jasper winked at her, grinning as if he were just joking.

  Kylie leaned forward, casting her energy at Jasper as if it were an electrical rod. “Oh no, you’re certainly the tiger, but one day, you will get caught, skinned, and worn like last year’s Gucci.”

  I pressed my fingers against my lips. Shit, did she just say that to Jasper Christmas? It was one reason why I loved Kylie so much, even if her words were reckless. Luckily for her, Jasper was grinning in an amused way rather than a spiteful manner.

  “Let’s hope so, Miss Roberson,” he said. “I certainly wouldn’t mind being last year’s Gucci.”

  Everyone laughed except Dave and me. Jasper had just agreed that he hoped he would be skinned alive, which was synonymous with being dead. I couldn’t bear the thought of him no longer being alive.

  Dave glared at Kylie as if he had a corncob stuck up his ass. It was clear that he wanted to fire Kylie ten seconds ago.

  However, Jasper touched Dave on the shoulder and said, “Please don’t hold our banter against us, Dave. Miss Roberson holds truth to power. BCN needs her. Plus, she’s hosting our new show.”

  My jaw dropped. “Our?”

  Rachel’s eyes expanded. “Our?”

  Kylie jutted her neck forward. “Our?”

  Chapter Twelve

  Jasper Christmas

  How long could Jasper resist Holly Henderson? She had the poise and shrewdness her friend sitting beside her lacked. It was easy to subvert Kylie Roberson. She was a spoiled brat, who had mistaken kicking, scratching, and pitching tantrums for ability. He could’ve brought her career to an end a long time ago and should have after that stunt she’d pulled with the coroner’s office, but he had a heart. However, she was testing him. Kylie Roberson was lucky Holly was on her side.

  There was something Jasper would only admit to himself—he would do just about anything for Holly Henderson. He had never been in love before and could only measure whether or not that was happening inside of him by how he felt.

  How do I feel?

  Randolph had despised men who asked themselves or any other man that question. Men didn’t feel. Men thought. The brain, not the heart. Although, he wasn’t sure if purchasing BCN was a decision made by his head or heart.

  “Mr. Christmas, any word on your sister?” Rachel Givens asked.

  The question came out of nowhere and seemed deceptive, especially since she’d nearly lost her shit less than two minutes ago after learning he was in the process of purchasing her place of employment.

  “Is what you’re asking on or off the record, Miss Givens?” Jasper asked, never intending to answer her question.

  She glanced at Miss Roberson. The two seemed to be in on a conspiracy against him.

  “It’s neither on or off the record,” Dave said. “There’ll be no journalism tonight.”

  “At least he could tell us why he decided to buy one of the biggest media companies in the world,” Kathy Donovan said.

  Jasper avoided looking at Holly but could feel her glare upon him. He wanted to speak to her alone about what he had done. Ever since learning about it, she hadn’t appeared happy. But that look on her face made him want to transform her expression. He pictured something caught between ecstasy and desire.

  Finally, he ripped his gaze off Holly and frowned at the first course, which had just been set before him. Jasper cleared his throat and looked up to address Kathy.

  “Christmas Industries was interested in BCN four months ago when we learned, as I’m sure you did as well, Kathy, that the company had been operating in the red and was going under steadily and surely.” He said all of that for Holly’s ears. He wanted her to believe that she had nothing to do with his snap decision to move forward with purchasing the company.

  However, he had known for a fact that Kathy Donovan was in the process of pooling a group of investors in an attempt to make a strong offer. Ever since he’d errantly announced his company’s purchase of BCN, Kathy had been glaring at him in silence. Jasper knew the shrewd businesswoman well enough to know she was contemplating, purposely playing it cool, buying time, and waiting to make an exit. Tonight, she would scramble and pull every trick in the book to supplant the purchase. But he already knew which card she, as well as others, would play. All of his bases were covered. The FCC would certainly approve Christmas Industries as the new license holder of BCN. He’d made all the calls to ensure a favorable outcome.

  “Is that so? Because it seems sort of impulsive from where I’m sitting,” Kathy said.

  Jasper cocked his head. “When have you known me to be impulsive, Kathy?”

  She rubbed her neck, regarding him shrewdly. Jasper knew that she knew he was always ten steps ahead of his competition, even if he had stepped into the race in the final seconds. But a large part of Jasper didn’t feel settled about what he had done. He’d been reckless lately. Even showing up at the gala with Julia, whose boredom was written all over her face, was impetuous. He was faltering and wondered if Kathy was observing him in such a manner because she sensed it.

  Rachel stood abruptly. “I have to go to the restroom. Kylie, Holly, would you like to join me?” She watched both women with laser focus.

  Jasper’s heart raced as he watched Holly. He wanted her to stay, but she put her head down and excused herself from the table. They all sauntered off together, and not even a minute later, just as Jasper expected, Kathy pretended as if she’d received a call on her cell phone and excused herself.

  Dave and Daniel were discussing a six-part documentary Daniel was working on. Jasper figured there was no time better than the present to figure out why the guy seated to his left had knocked on Holly’s door and asked her to be his date for the evening.

  “So, Rod, tell me about yourself,” he said.

  Rod smirked as if he already understood why Jasper was talking to him. “What do you want to know?”

  Jasper took a swig of champagne and vowed not to drink more. He fucking hated the taste of champagne. “How long have you known Miss Henderson?”

  He frowned. “Why are you asking?”

  “You don’t have an answer?”

  After a moment, he shrugged indifferently. “I met her about two years ago at a conference.”

  “You must’ve liked her.” Jasper stopped himself from mentioning how Rod had shown up at Holly’s room in the middle of the day to ask her out for the evening.
He wanted to give a lesson on how to appropriately ask a woman on a date, any woman except his woman.

  “She’s beautiful. Sexy, actually,” Rod said. “But she’s not into me.”

  Jasper scratched the back of his head. “Two years ago, you met at a conference, and that’s it? What happened between the two of you?”

  Rod shrugged indifferently. “Nothing much. Both of our companies sent us because they were given free passes. I think the organizers wanted reputable journalists at their shitty and badly run conference.”

  Then Rod went on about all the ways the event planners had failed. He called them imbeciles then explained to Jasper how he would’ve done things differently, point by point. It didn’t take Jasper long to realize that Rod was the kind of guy who could find fault in Mother Theresa. Jasper also had a better idea of why he would make a play for Holly. Deep down, Rod knew she would reject him. The guy was the type who thrived on how disheartening it felt when life didn’t go his way. If something felt good, Jasper was positive Rod would try to figure out a way to make himself feel bad.

  “I’m going to the restroom,” Julia whispered in Jasper’s ear.

  He was slightly startled by the sound of her voice. It was a shock, but Rod Huff had managed to pull him into a conversation about best practices when it came to running a corporation as large as BCN. Jasper smirked as he listened to Rod try to subtly give him input on how to run the company.

  “Sure,” Jasper said, answering his date.

  “I may or may not be back,” Julia muttered.


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