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McKenzie Cousins Box Set One: Books One, Two, Three

Page 22

by Lexi Buchanan

  “You’re a sweet talker Michael McKenzie,” I whisper in a teasing tone.

  “One of these days I’m going to be sweet talking you out of your panties.”

  My eyes widen in surprise and then I laugh. “Is that right?”

  He places me back on my feet and taps my bottom. “That’s fact, Ms Jordan.”

  Giggling, I take his hand, turn it over and kiss the palm. “I look forward to that, although I’m sure that no sweet talk is needed.” I smirk. “I mean, wouldn’t I have to be wearing panties for you to sweet talk them off me?” I wink and turn tail.

  He catches up to me and pulls me to stop. “Please tell me you have panties on.”

  Glancing into his face, I realize he’s serious as his features are pulled tight. So taking pity on him, I press a hand to his chest and say, “I have panties on.”

  He lets out a relieved breath. “Thank you! I wasn’t sure how the heck I was going to sit beside you for dinner knowing that you were naked beneath the dress.”

  I smile and bury my face in his chest so that he doesn’t see the small lie I just told him.

  “Dinner awaits.”



  While chatting with Garrett, my eyes constantly stray beside me to Brooke who looks so happy as she whispers to Sirena. I can’t help but smile at her, or my nephew who is wrapped up in his mother’s arms, falling fast asleep. In fact, I’m so distracted with Brooke that I’ve only just realized Garrett is no longer talking to me. I glance at him and see the humor in his gaze.

  He shakes his head. “We keeping you from something?” he drawls.

  Brooke and Sirena glance at me so I grin. “No.” I brush the hair over Brooke’s shoulder. “I’m just enjoying the view.”

  Brooke turns a lovely shade of pink at my words. Leaning closer, I breathe a whisper of a kiss against her shoulder.

  “Nothing compares to the view that I have on a daily basis.” Garrett kisses the head of his child before kissing Sirena’s cheek. “So,” he faces me, “how far are you into the project?”

  “A good way. There's still a lot to do, but most of it will be done once I’m back home and have Alexander on it with me.”

  Brooke goes quiet when I mention ‘home’ so I squeeze her hand in reassurance. We’ll talk about her travel plans later.

  “Wouldn’t it have been quicker and easier for Alexander to be here with you?” Garrett asks.

  “It would have, but we didn’t want to leave the office short handed. Besides, he’s working on your hotel from what I’ve heard.” I smile. “Charlotte has started adding to it from what he's been saying.”

  “She’s come up with some good ideas, which are being implemented. They're working well together.” Garrett glances at his wife.

  “What’s up with Alexander?” Sirena asks. “He’s been distracted, which is why I think he’s been working well with Charlotte. They usually wind each other up if there isn’t anyone else there to act as referee.”

  “I don’t know.”

  Sirena raises a brow. “Really?”

  “Gee sis, we’re not like a bunch of girls who gossip about everything.”

  “You could ask and then tell me.” She grins.

  Brooke snuggles into my side, so I place my arm around her back and let my hand rest on her hip. “I’m not asking him anything. Leave him alone, Sirena. Please.”

  She perks up. “So you do know something.”

  Garrett laughs. “Wife, I think you need to stop asking questions.”

  “How are Mom and Dad?” I ask.

  “Changing the subject, huh? That wasn’t cool.” Sirena’s eyes sparkle with laughter and I know she’ll get what she wants eventually. We always gave in to her when we were kids.

  “Sis, give it a rest, and I genuinely want to know how the folks are.”

  Sirena sticks her lip out in a fake pout but it’s quickly lost. “They’re both fine.” She smiles. “Mom takes any opportunity to look after her grandson, and Dad even missed a meeting at the office so he could stay and help. Alexander had him on conference call so that he and Uncle Sebastian could be a part of the final decision.”

  “Ah, the finishing of the building in the business district. Alexander has kept me informed.” I turn to Garrett, “They’ve been running behind and we can’t get to the bottom of why. I think I’m going to ask Uncle Ramon to go in and have a look.”

  “Do you know the foreman?”

  I shake my head. “He’s new but came with references I checked myself.” I frown. “I’m not sure it’s him. I have a feeling it could be one of the contractors.”

  “Brooke, would you mind helping me put Elias to bed?” Sirena smiles, allowing Garrett to help her up. He leans and kisses his son on the top of his head.

  “I’d love too.” Brooke kisses me on the lips, and whispers, “Lot’s more where that came from later.”

  Garrett’s faint chuckle fills the room as we watch the women leave us not he balcony.

  “She’s sweet,” Garrett observes.

  “Yes, she is. I enjoy her company and long for her to be with me when she isn’t.” I shrug and move to look at the view over the bay. “She makes me long for what you and Sirena have,” I admit, slightly embarrassed.

  Garrett smiles softly and follows my gaze. “Sirena was like a breath of fresh air when she landed in my arms in the elevator. I honestly didn’t think she’d be interested in someone so much older than she is, but well, I thank God everyday that she was.” He pats my shoulder. “If you feel that way about her, then don’t let her get away because you won’t find anyone else like her.”

  “I have no intention of letting her go anywhere unless it’s with me.”

  “In exchange for that bit of advice, how about you tell me what’s really going on with Alexander?” He raises a brow.

  I laugh but look back at their room checking for Sirena or Brooke. “I don’t know anything.” I hold my hand up. “Keep this quiet okay?”

  He nods.

  “He hasn't said anything but I’m not sure if there’s a falling out between him and Rachel, or what’s really going on between them. Something is, I just can’t put my finger on just what.”

  “This might be news to you but we’ve all noticed that. Sirena has tried to get Rachel to tell her, but she claims there isn’t anything. She isn’t talking to her twin either.”

  I shake my head and perch on the balcony. “I’ve my suspicions, which I’m not about to speak about so please don’t ask.”

  “I won’t.” He laughs. “So, is everything going okay between you and Mitchell?”

  I grin at his change of subject, but accept it. “Never better. He knows what he wants and so does his wife, which helps tremendously with the design. Makes my life easier. It also means that I’m nearing the end of what I can do here.”

  “Does Brooke know?”

  “She will…I want her to come to Lexington with me.”

  “I figured you would.” Garrett stares out at the water for a few minutes and then says, “You do know that she has a good job in New York? For a publishing house.”

  My head snaps around as I meet Garrett’s gaze. “I didn’t know that.”

  “You’ve never asked me,” Brooke says in a small voice as she walks out of the villa to join us.

  From the corner of my eyes, I watch as Garrett slips away, while I offer Brooke a slight smile. “I should have asked. I’m not even sure why I didn’t.”

  “I love my job Michael, but the beauty of it is that I can work from anywhere.” She smiles. “I quite often work from home because I hate the city.” I cup her face, and listen when she adds, “I don’t know where we are going or what you actually want, so I didn’t think to offer the information up. I hadn’t thought that far ahead.”

  She shrugs and moves to sit down. “I dated for a while in college, but there hasn’t really been anyone since then. This, with you, is new, and scary, I guess.”

  “You don’t need
to be scared of me.”

  “I’m not scared of you as such. I’m just wary about the future and where we’re both going.” She jumps up. “But I don’t think this line of conversation should happen just yet. It’s too soon.”

  Although I’d love to talk about this, I don’t push and slip my arms around her midriff, resting my chin on the top of her head. “Let’s head back. I want you all to myself.”

  “I’m okay with that.” She turns in my arms. “Are you sure you’re okay with not talking about the future?”

  “I know what I want,” I admit. “I’ll wait until you catch up.” I smirk and take her hand. “Let’s go.”

  “Wait, what about saying goodbye to Sirena and Garrett.”

  “Don’t worry, I’m sure they’re counting on us going quietly.” I kiss her knuckles.

  “Do you want anything to drink?” I ask Brooke the minute the front door closes.

  “No.” She wanders around the small living room, her eyes following me. “I just want you, Michael.”

  My body instantly reacts to her words, my shirt and shorts feeling too damn tight with the heat coming off my skin. My rapidly growing arousal throbs behind my zipper as I stare at the beautiful woman who tempts me.

  “What would you do if I told you that I left my panties in my bedroom?”

  I catch my breath and grip the countertop so tightly, it borders on pain. I drop my head and breathe, but I can’t resist following her movements with my eyes.

  “I want you Michael. I know you want to wait until we both have a few days free to be together, but I don’t want to wait. I just want you.” She grabs the hem of her dress and starts to lift it above her head very slowly.

  Her silky thighs come into view and I’m licking my lips when she reveals her hips, and her naked skin. The dress carries on revealing her delicious curves and then she’s tossing it to the sofa. My hands twitch to touch her, but I’m curious as to what she’s going to do next. She might be a virgin, but we’ve done a lot in our short time together.

  “I think,” she mumbles, slipping between me, and the countertop, “that,” she rubs my erection through my shorts, “you’re more than ready for me.” Smiling she drops to her knees, makes quick work of the button and zipper, and then she has me out and in her hands.

  “Oh yes, you’re more than ready for me.” Her words hit as her warm mouth closes around the head of my dick.

  All thoughts leave me and I’m left feeling pleasure like nothing before. My brain turns to Jell-O and all I can do is watch her head as she bobs up and down on me.

  The shorts drop to the floor and I quickly rip my shirt over my head. Cupping her face, I gently push her off me. I hold my hand out and as our fingers connect, I admit, “You need to stop or it’ll be over before it’s begun.”

  She takes my hand and, standing, makes sure every inch of her curves and hardened nipples touches me. My cock jerks hard in her hand. “I’m not sure you realize that I’m so close to taking you on the countertop.”

  “Mmm,” she continues, jerking me off with her hand, “maybe not the first time, but I think we need to try that later.”

  “Heck!” I remove her hand and gasp when she shoves her bottom against me. I wrap my arms around her waist and gently rock between her cheeks.

  She grabs my hands and moves them up to her breasts. “Play.” Letting my hands go, she reaches behind her and grabs onto my hips, her nails digging into my skin, heightening my arousal. It doesn’t help when she reacts to me strumming her nipples between my fingers and thumbs.

  “I need you inside of me, Michael. No more coming on your mouth or fingers.” She quickly turns in my arms. “I want to come with your penis buried deeply inside of me.” She wraps her hand around me, causing me to gasp at the feeling. “I want you to feel me when I come all over this.” She squeezes and my eyes cross.

  By this time, she’s led me by the dick to my king-sized bed. Crawling backwards, she lies in the middle with her legs splayed and her fingers playing with her cherry red nipples.

  My dick is rock hard, jerking and leaking a constant stream of precum at the sight before me. “You look so beautiful, I really don’t know where to start.”

  Her smile is shy and loving, as I watch one of her hands slowly caress from her stomach to the pink lips of her pussy.

  I can’t take any more and quickly knock her hand away while I grab the base of my dick to stop my orgasm that is about to detonate. “You touch yourself,” I moan, “then I’m going to come all over you.” I lean forward and kiss her navel. “That’s how turned on I am for you.” I kiss her again. “Only you.”

  Burying my nose into her pussy, I inhale and her scent fills my lungs, hardening my dick more than I thought possible.

  “Let me feel you against me,” she begs, pulling on my shoulders. “Please Michael…I’m desperate to feel the head of your cock at my entrance.”

  Groaning, I lift up and bury my face in her shoulder while I try to slow this down. At this rate, she’s going to have me coming before I even get inside of her.

  “Are you okay?” she asks, her nails digging into my ass.

  I laugh and meet her gaze. “Who exactly is the virgin here?”

  “I’m trying to rectify that, but even though I’m wet, aching, and throbbing to get you inside of me, you’re not cooperating very well.”

  Stunned, I take a minute and then start laughing. I breathe a whisper of a kiss across her lips, my grin splitting my face. “I’ve never had humorous sex before… Ouch.” I jump when she pinches my ass.

  “Serves you right.”

  Becoming serious, I rest my forehead against hers and admit, “I’m trying to take my time so I don’t hurt you. I’m also worried that I’ll come before I get to pleasure you.”

  “There’s only one way to solve that, and it’s to,” she slips her hand between us and, wrapping her fingers around my shaft, guides me to her wet entrance, “slowly breathe while you rock into me.”

  Her fingers don’t leave me and as her wetness coats the head of my cock, I pray for control, but I have a feeling she’s always going to tempt me to break it.

  Once I’m about an inch inside of her, she releases the tight hold she had around me and drags her nails up from my ass along my back, causing my ass cheeks to tighten, thrusting me further in until I meet the barrier.

  Our eyes meet and hold, and when she smiles as though I hold the moon, I seal our lips together and thrust forward.

  Brooke gasps in pain, I’m sure, while I gasp from the pleasure rippling through me. I almost feel bad for the overwhelming sensation I’m feeling around my cock and throughout my body, but as Brooke squeezes the very life out of my dick, I find that I can’t get there.

  My orgasm sits at the base of my spine as the spasms fluttering along my flesh rapidly grow, while I stay unmoving inside of Brooke.

  All it takes is for Brooke to let out one long moan when she gentle wiggles her pussy against my groin, and I’m coming. My jizz shoots out of my cock so hard and fast that I can’t breathe. When Brooke starts pulsing and coming around me, I’m sure I blackout with pleasure.

  Brooke’s hands go slack on my back before I feel her fingers sliding through my hair. She tilts my face up to meet her gaze and I’m stunned to see tears on her beautiful face. My heart sinks.

  She tugs me up to her and kisses me softly on the lips. “That was beautiful, Michael.”

  I blink. “What? You’re crying.”

  “No. I mean yes.” She laughs. “Have you got any idea how amazing it feels to know that the man you’re with wants you so badly he can’t wait to get inside of you?” She kisses me again. “You made me feel so much, and that’s why I’m crying. Not because you hurt me because you didn’t.” She laughs. “Will you make love to me again?”

  Laughing, I hold her to me and roll to my back, which I should have done before now, as I’m not exactly a lightweight. “I’ll make love to you as often as you like, but I think you might need
to let me recover first.”



  Amused, I wiggle around on top of Michael, and feel his reaction inside my body. I smirk when he meets my eyes. “I guess you don’t need that much recovery time, huh?”

  I push myself up so I’m sitting astride him, and hiss in pleasure as his cock swells, filling me.

  “Are you comfortable?” he asks, his hands gripping my hips to keep me still.

  “I’m perfect.” I grin and squeeze my inner muscles. Michael catches his breath, arching up, lifting me from the bed. “You like?”

  “Mmm,” I do it again and watch as his eyes roll, “you like that a lot.” I keep repeating the move and the way his cock jerks inside of me, makes me wetter.

  His breathing has become heavy so when he grips my hips tightly and grounds me on him, my whole body tingles. My nipples go rock hard and wanting to tease him, I stretch my hands above my head, giving him the view of firm uplifted breasts and then I lean back and rest my hands on his knees.

  Michael curses, and, quickly gathering me to him, flips me over, and pounds into me. “So worked up,” he mumbles. “Can’t get enough of this wet pussy.”

  His words are turning me on while I try to stay with him, but it’s impossible. He’s so big all over and the rod he’s rapidly sliding in and out of me feels more than good… He shifts his hips slightly and hits...oh my God! “Right there.” I moan and cling. “Oh God, Michael. Don’t stop.”

  “I can’t…you’re so wet and tight…my cock’s in heaven.” He keeps gliding along my sensitive walls, but he raises his head and captures my lips in a hot searing kiss before he suckles on one of my breasts. That’s all it takes.

  My core clenches around Michael’s penis so hard I see stars. He curses and starts squirting inside of me while my body pulses and throbs in orgasm. It goes on and on and I cling to Michael as waves of heat crash through me. By the time we’ve both finished, Michael just has the energy to collapse half off me. We’re still joined, but his face is buried into the quilt beside me.


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