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Lawfully Matched

Page 4

by Lorana Hoopes

  “I didn’t ask you what they held, girl.” The man’s voice had turned into a snarl. “Whether there is value in them or not is for us to determine.”

  Their trunks thudded to the ground followed by a third masked robber. The woman moaned as one trunk popped open and spilled its contents across the ground. Norman shushed her and pulled her closer to his side.

  “Relieve them of their bags,” the man on horseback ordered, and the first man snatched their satchels from their hands. He loaded up the saddlebags on one horse. “Get those other trunks open,” the leader said to the third man, “and let’s see what’s in there.”

  The man on the ground obeyed and rifled through the couple’s trunk that had opened on impact. He held up a wad of money before shoving it in a pouch and turning to Ellen’s trunk. Dresses and jewelry went flying out of her trunk as he opened the lid and knocked it over.

  The robber snatched up her jewelry, shoving it in a pouch and flung the rest of the clothes to the side. Kate felt Ellen stiffen beside her, and a glance out of the corner of her eye showed the older woman biting her lip.

  Kate’s trunk fared no better fate. He flipped the lid open, and Kate cringed when he grabbed her mother’s brooch and shoved it into the pouch. She watched, helpless, as her other jewelry was added to his stash, but she could hold her tongue no longer when he held up her wedding dress.

  “Please,” Kate said. “Please let me keep my dress. I’m betrothed and supposed to be meeting my husband in Lisbon. Please do not make me get married in this.” Kate motioned at the traveling dress she wore.

  The man on horseback walked his horse over until he was directly in front of Kate. “Married, huh?”

  She tried to keep her eyes on his to pretend she wasn’t afraid of him, but his harsh gaze penetrated her thin wall of bravery, and she dropped her eyes. They landed on his left hand which was holding the reins of his horse. A white scar in the shape of a crescent moon resided there.

  “Well, I certainly wouldn’t want you wearing rags to your wedding.” The man laughed as he turned his horse away. “Let’s ride, boys!”

  The men on the ground mounted their steeds after grabbing the remaining jewelry and money from Kate’s trunk and the couple’s trunk.

  As they rode out of sight, Kate hurried to the driver on the ground. There was a gash across his head, but it appeared shallow, more likely from the butt of the gun than anything else. With the tip of her skirt, she wiped the blood away.

  “I think he’ll be okay,” she said turning to Ellen. Ellen; however, was curled into a ball. Her arms were wrapped around her knees, and she was rocking back and forth. As Kate hurried over, she noticed the other woman had fainted and Norman was fanning her face. Kate wrapped her arm around Ellen. “It will be alright. It was only things.”

  “It was everything I had,” the older woman murmured.

  “We’ll figure something out,” Kate said, although she also wondered how she was going to pay for any other incidentals.

  The driver was still unconscious when the woman woke. Her stern words were gone, and she was content to let Norman stroke her hand. Kate picked up the contents of the trunks while they waited for the driver to stir.

  The sun had shifted considerably in the sky when Mr. Cooper finally felt able to continue the journey. Though none of them felt comfortable continuing on, they feared for their safety even more if they stayed put. After reloading the coach, Thomas helped the four subdued passengers back inside.

  “How far are we from Sage Creek?” Kate asked the driver before he closed the door.

  “Another few hours. We’re about an hour out of Belleville.”

  “Let’s stop and talk to the sheriff there in case the robbers come after the town. Do you think they would telegraph Sage Creek and Lisbon and let them know of our delay?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he nodded. “I’m sure they will.” With that, he closed the door, and Kate settled back against the seat.

  “How is it you appear so calm about all this?” Ellen asked as the coach lurched forward again.

  Kate bit the inside of her lip as she thought about how to answer. “I wouldn’t say that I’m calm. I’m as angry as a hornet and scared of how I’m going to make it with no money, but I guess the difference is that I know Jesus is looking out for me. Even when I’m worried, He has a plan, so I’m trying to leave it in His hands. It’s not like worrying helps solve the problem anyway.”

  Ellen sat back and regarded Kate. “I’ve never been one much for religion, but I think I’d like to hear more about this Jesus of yours.”

  Kate glanced over at the other couple, but when they didn’t protest, she smiled and told Ellen of Jesus’ love.

  Chapter Six

  Jesse sighed as he led Molly towards the stagecoach platform. The sun was setting, and he wanted to be home in bed concocting scenarios of revenge, but the telegraph of a stagecoach being robbed had come in a few hours ago. Being the new deputy and the only one without family (nothing like rubbing salt in the wound), he’d been given the task of meeting the stagecoach and taking accounts from the passengers.

  He stiffened as he saw three people on the platform. Was he late? No, as he grew closer, he recognized the tall physique of James and the smaller outlines of Pauline’s parents. What were they doing here? It wasn’t as if he were avoiding them, but they served as a reminder of Pauline’s death.

  “Go home, Jesse,” James said. “We don’t need you here.”

  Jesse matched James’s cool tone. “I’m here on sheriff business, James. It’s my understanding this stagecoach was robbed, and I am here to collect the details of the encounter in order to begin an investigation.”

  “Oh, now you care about the robbers,” James said snidely. “Too bad you couldn’t care a few days ago before Pauline was killed.”

  Jesse took a deep breath to remain calm. “What are you doing out this late? Is there something I can help with?”

  “We’re here for the stagecoach,” James spat. “My grandmother is arriving today. Even though she’s older and missed Pauline’s funeral, she’s making the trip over from the east coast.”

  The words stung Jesse, and he narrowed his eyes at the man who was almost his brother-in-law. He had loved Pauline, and yet James was acting as if it had been Jesse’s bullet that had killed her. Even if Jesse had been deputized on the day of the robbery, there was no guarantee the result would have been any different. He opened his mouth to say as much, but the look of sadness on Pauline’s parents’ faces kept him from it. There was no need to deepen their pain to satisfy his ego.

  Moments later the sound of the approaching stage drew Jesse’s attention. He sat straighter in his saddle, keeping his eyes peeled for any shadiness, but he figured the robbers would not be stupid enough to rob the same stage twice as nothing would be left to steal.

  The stagecoach came to a stop in front of the station, and the driver jumped down to open the door. A nasty bruise covered his forehead, but he appeared in decent shape otherwise.

  Jesse noticed there was no shotgun messenger. He would have to remember to ask if they had started with one.

  When the coach door opened, an older woman with grey hair stepped down first, followed by a younger woman with dark locks.

  “Mother,” Pauline’s mother croaked out through tears as she ran into the older woman’s arms.

  “Where is your sheriff?” the younger woman asked, her eyes glancing around. When they landed on Jesse, his breath caught. They were the bluest eyes he had ever seen. “We need to discuss the robbery to which we were subjected.”

  “I am a deputy sheriff ma’am,” Jesse said, removing his hat as he spoke. “I’m Deputy Jennings, and I’ll be taking that account down for you.”

  “Good.” The young woman nodded at him and turned to the driver. “Mr. Cooper, would you be opposed to a brief layover before we continue to Lisbon?”

  “No, ma’am,” the driver stated “I could use some rest too, and it’s da
ngerous to travel at night. We should wait and head out in the morning.”

  For the first time since the woman stepped off the coach, she appeared flustered. “But I have no money and no place to stay overnight.”

  * * *

  “You’ll stay with us,” the older woman said, reaching out a hand to the younger woman.

  “Oh, Ellen, I could not impose,” the younger began.

  “Nonsense,” Ellen responded. “You kept your head when the attack happened and calmed me afterwards. It is only one night, but I will not hear of you staying anywhere but with us. Right, Iris?”

  “Sure, yes,” Iris stammered. “If you helped my mother, then our house is open to you.”

  Jesse stifled his sigh of irritation. He wanted to finish his duty and return home. “How about the three of you come with me then? I’ll take your statements, and you ladies can be on your way. Mr. Cooper, was it?” he asked, turning to the driver. “We’ll get you set up with a room at the inn.”

  “I don’t think I’ll be of much help,” Ellen said. “I was too scared to take much notice. I just remember there were three men.”

  “I’m sure my statement will be enough,” the younger woman said. “Why don’t you spend some time with your family, Ellen, and I’ll get this nice deputy to drop me off afterwards. That won’t be a problem, will it?”

  Though she formed the words as a question, the tone behind them was more of a command. Jesse opened his mouth to say no, but the woman batted her eyes at him and smiled ever so sweetly. Before he could utter the word, he found his head nodding against his will in response. “It will be no problem Miss...” he trailed off as he realized he hadn’t heard her name as of yet.

  “Whidby. Mary Katherine Whidby.”

  “James, be a good boy and grab our trunks, will you?” Ellen asked sweetly before turning her attention to Jesse. “You do know where to take her after she’s done giving her account, don’t you?”

  “Mother,” Iris hissed, glancing sharply at Jesse. “This is Jesse Jennings; the man Pauline was going to marry.”

  Ellen’s eyes grew round, and her hand flew to her mouth. “Oh, dear, I am so sorry. I should have realized from the name. I guess I’m still flustered from the robbery.”

  “It’s alright, ma’am,” Jesse said, swallowing the knot of emotion trying to climb up his throat. “But to answer your question, I do know where to take Miss Whidby.”

  Ellen stared at him a moment longer, then nodded. “We’ll see you soon, Kate,” she said, turning her attention to the younger woman.

  As Pauline’s family loaded up their wagon, Jesse threw Molly’s reins around a nearby post. “If you three will come with me, the sheriff’s office is just up the way.”

  Though Jesse led the way, he noticed that Miss Whidby stayed almost even with him in stride. Who was this woman and where had she come from?

  After unlocking the door, Jesse pointed to the two chairs in the room and grabbed some paper and a pencil from the desk. He leaned against the edge as he looked from the woman to the driver. “Let’s start with you, Mr. Cooper. Can you tell me what you remember?”

  The man nodded. “We were traveling the path to Belleville when I came across a fallen tree. When I slowed the coach down, a man came out from behind one of the trees with a gun pointed on me. Before I could reach for my gun, two more appeared on horses. I guess one of them hit me with his gun because the next thing I remember is waking up to Miss Whidby’s face.”

  The man shot an admiring glance at the woman who smiled but didn’t appear to reciprocate similar feelings.

  “Did you not have a shotgun messenger?” Jesse asked.

  “No, we weren’t carrying a strongbox, so they sent us on without one. I don’t know why they targeted us,” Thomas answered.

  Jesse shook his head, unsure himself. “Perhaps they were hoping for wealthy passengers or perhaps they were just desperate. How about you, Miss Whidby? What do you remember?”

  The woman drew herself straighter in the chair. “The coach stopped, and we heard a commotion. One of the men opened the door and ordered us outside. He wore a red cloth over his face, so all I remember were his eyes. They were blue and cold. Once outside, we saw another man on horseback. He also wore a mask and his hat low, so I couldn’t see any of his face, but his right shoulder was in a sling as if he’d been injured recently.”

  Jesse stopped scribbling and looked up at the woman. “Could it have been from a gunshot?”

  Miss Whidby shook her head. “I can’t say for sure. I don’t remember blood on his arm, but I suppose it could have been from a gunshot. Why do you ask?”

  Jesse tapped the pencil against the pad of paper. Could it be the same band of robbers? “Nothing, keep going, please.”

  “A third man came around the side of the coach and the two on the ground took our bags, dumped our trunks, and stole our money and jewelry. Oddly, the man on horseback allowed me to keep my wedding dress.”

  “Wedding dress?” Jesse asked.

  “Yes. I am supposed to be meeting my husband in Lisbon.”

  Jesse realized he was staring at her and forced his eyes back to the paper. “Alright, is there anything else you remember that you can tell me?”

  Miss Whidby closed her eyes for a moment as if mentally recalling the incident. Then her lids snapped open. “Yes, there was one more thing. The man on horseback had a scar on his hand.”

  Jesse’s throat went dry. “A scar did you say? What type of scar?”

  Her brow furrowed. “A small white one. Like a moon sliver.”

  Rage boiled within Jesse and he nearly snapped the pencil in two. “Where were you when you were attacked?” he asked the driver.

  “About an hour east of Belleville,” the man said. “We dropped two passengers off there and spoke with their sheriff who told us the robbers had hit them too.”

  This band was getting more dangerous every day. Three attacks in less than three days? The sheriff might be content to sit and wait for them to come back, but Jesse was beginning to feel more strongly that they would have to go after the men to get them to stop.

  “Thank you both for your accounts,” Jesse said, placing the paper and pencil back on the desk. “Mr. Cooper, let’s get you settled in the inn and then I’ll take you to the Masterson’s, Miss Whidby.”

  Jesse led the way out and locked the office behind him. “The inn is run by Clark and Martha Davis,” Jesse said. “I think you will find them quite accommodating.”

  “As long as it’s a place to sleep, I’ll be fine,” Mr. Cooper answered.

  The inn door was closed when they arrived, but after a few hard raps at the door, a light shone out of the window. A short older woman with grey hair and kind eyes answered the door.

  “Hi, Miss Martha,” Jesse said. “I’m sorry to bother you so late, but Mr. Cooper here is a stagecoach driver. They were robbed earlier today. He has no money to pay you, but he needs a place to stay.”

  Martha nodded and ushered the driver inside. “Of course I will find him a place to stay. Do you need a place too, Miss?” she asked, turning her attention to Miss Whidby.

  “No, thank you. I’m staying with Mrs. Ellen Baker.”

  “She’s staying with the Mastersons, Miss Martha,” Jesse said, trying to squash the emotion threatening his voice. “But thank you.”

  Martha’s eyes widened, and she nodded knowingly. “Alright. Well, you have a good night, Deputy.”

  Jesse nodded and tipped his hat her direction. “Well, Miss Whidby, I have no wagon. Will you be opposed to riding on my horse?”

  “Of course not,” the young woman said with narrowed eyes. “I am an accomplished rider.”

  “I meant no offense, ma’am,” Jesse said. Though he would never say so out loud, he admired this woman’s spunk. “I was more concerned with your comfort because of the forced proximity between us on horseback.”

  “Oh,” Miss Whidby dropped her eyes. “Thank you for your concern, but as there is n
o other option, it will be fine.”

  When they reached Molly, Jesse helped Miss Whidby onto the saddle first before swinging up behind her. Though he tried to keep as much distance between them as possible, he couldn’t help smelling the intoxicating sweet scent of lavender wafting his way.

  She turned slightly in the saddle, so she could see him and asked, “Ellen’s granddaughter was your fiancée?”

  Jesse looked away as he nodded. “Her name was Pauline, and yes, she was.”

  The woman opened her mouth as if to ask another question, but his cold gaze must have changed her mind as she shut it and turned forward again.

  The rest of the trip to the Masterson residence occurred in silence. He pulled Molly to a stop, dismounted, and reached a hand up to help Miss Whidby down.

  When her feet hit the ground, she looked up at him and said, “I’m sorry about your fiancée. I hope you find the men who did this. Thank you for the ride.”

  Before he could respond, she turned on her heels and walked away. Jesse waited until she was safely in the residence before mounting Molly and steering his horse towards home. Her last statement rattled around in his head. Would he ever find Pauline’s killers and be able to avenge her death?

  Chapter Seven

  Kate swallowed her fear as she hugged Ellen goodbye on the platform. Though she knew she needed to get to Lisbon, a large part of her was afraid to step in the coach. What if the robbers struck again? Or worse yet, what if an entirely different band of robbers struck?

  “How far is it to Lisbon?” she asked Mr. Cooper as he loaded her now much lighter trunk.

  “It’s about an hour, Miss.”

  “It will be fine,” Ellen said, reassuring her. “You’ve told Deputy Jennings the story.”

  Kate glanced over at the stony-faced man on horseback near the coach. Evidently, he would be escorting them out of town. “I’m not sure what good it did.”

  Ellen followed Kate’s gaze. “I know he seems stoic now—and I never met him before—but I knew Pauline, and she would not have settled for anything other than a great man.”


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