Book Read Free

Pulling the Trooth

Page 3

by Robert P. Wills

  “Yeah, he sure is missing.” Summer said. “That’s weird. I wonder what happened.”

  “After the show, we’ll find out.” Maxine said. “How does ‘reputable dentist disappears in broad daylight’ sound as a headline?”

  “I think ‘dentist suddenly develops self-respect, escapes’ is probably more like it.” Summer said.

  “And here we go!” Quincy said. The empty tenth monitor switched to a stopwatch and began counting.

  Thanks to the dentists wearing body cameras near their throats, the monitors gave a clear, high-definition view of the inside of the patients’ mouths.

  “Maybe we should move up a couple of rows so we can’t see so well,” Summer said. “This is just gross.”

  Within ten minutes, the entire competition was over- the quickest time being just under six minutes. It was Doctor Anderson and his meth-head patient.


  “So, a quick quick interview with the winner, then we go see what happened to the mysterious dentist number ten,” Summer said.

  “Well crud.” Maxine remarked.

  “What?” Summer walked behind the curtain. “What now?”

  “I deleted jerk-boy’s photos from earlier. Think we’ll need them?”

  “Crap.” Summer shook her head. “I hope he’s not the best story we get this weekend.”

  As they approached the security guard, Maxine moved slightly ahead of Summer. “Are we going to be working late, you think?”


  “Well, I was thinking of talking to that other security guy...”



  “Now it’s Stephan?”

  “Yeah.” Maxine said, “He asked me to meet him around seven at the sports bar.”

  “A date at the bar?”

  “He said you were welcome as well. He could give us the inside scoop on the conference.”

  Summer nodded. “Well, that would be worthwhile. I just hope we’re not still here that late.” She gestured at the guard- this one was a lanky youth. “He was a real hunk. But if he doesn’t work out, this one might meet you... for a juice box and cookies.” The guard had his hands on his hips and was wearing mirrored sunglasses. He was looking back and forth across the stage as if he were expecting a presidential assassination attempt.

  “Hello,” Maxine said with a smile to the young man. “I have a question for you.”

  The youth gave a stern nod. “What is it Ma’am?” He said. “Ma’ams, that is.” He continued to pan his head back and forth surveying the room. But his head would dip slightly as he looked at Summer’s cleavage.

  “Do you know Stephan?”

  “Negative, Ma’am.” The youth said. “Move along, please.” He held his hand up to his earpiece and cocked his head to the side. Both women waited while he ostensibly listened to someone on the radio.

  Summer figured he was staring at her breasts, since that’s where he was facing. “Incoming message?” She offered.

  The youth didn’t answer but after a moment he nodded, then returned to scanning the room, seemingly oblivious to the two women standing in front of him.

  “Oh, wait.” Maxine said. “Rover Three. Do you know Rover Three?”

  The youth held his arms up high. “Big black guy.” He looked at Maxine- who was also black and startled. “Not that.... I mean...” He stammered as he lost his bearing.

  “That’s him; tall, dark, and muscular.” Maxine smirked. “He’s really handsome, don’t you think.”

  The youth regained his composure. “I’m not one to say, Ma’am.”

  “You can take my word for it.” Maxine smiled. “Can you tell Rover Three... that’s Stephan... that I can meet him for his ten-eighteen?”

  The youth gave a curt nod. He thumbed the mike on his radio. “Rover Three, this is Rover Six,” he snapped. He surveyed the room as he waited. “Rover Three, Rover Six,” he repeated.

  “Maybe he’s on break?” Summer suggested.

  “Three, I am relaying confirmation for your ten-eighteen.” He paused a moment. “Ten-four, Three. Six, out.” He looked at Maxine. “Rover Three...”

  “Stephan,” Maxine interrupted with a giggle.

  “Confirms the ten-eighteen.” Finished the youth.


  “What does your mother call you?” Summer asked.

  The youth looked left and right then leaned in, “Jimmy.” He said softly.

  Summer stifled a laugh, turning it into a cough. “Thanks for that Rover Six.” She held up her press pass. “If we want to interview you about the inner workings of the convention, are you available later?” She asked.

  “Sure!” Jimmy gave a wide grin. His chin dipped as he looked at her breasts again. “I’d be glad to!”

  “Okay, we’ll let you know.” Summer said. She gestured at the door, “Now we need to interview the winner, if that’s okay, Rover Six.”

  “Roger that, Ma’am,” Jimmy said as his stern look returned. “Permission granted.” He opened the door and stepped forward, scanning the room as if someone would charge the now-open door.

  Maxine patted his shoulder as she for walked past, “Thanks, Rover Six.”

  Jimmy gave a curt nod as he closed the door behind them. His hands went back to his hips and he returned to scanning the room for the potential trouble-makers he hoped were out there just waiting for an opportunity to act.

  “I think you have a new friend.” Maxine said.

  “I have been gifted with keys that open doors.” Summer said as she arched her back as they walked. “The power of the breasts is hard to deny.”

  “Oh, no doubt. If you give our young impressionable Jimmy a look at your boobs and a candy bar, I imagine he’d do whatever you wanted him to do. If you actually let him touch them, and he’d kill someone for you. Maybe even two people. I’m talking cold blooded murder.”

  Summer laughed.

  Maxine gestured at Scott. “There he is. The glorious winner.”

  Summer sighed. “Here we go.”

  “Back to talk to the winner?” Scott said to the approaching women. He was leaning back in his chair, feet on the table again. “What’d you think of that?”

  “It was enlightening?” Summer tried. “And honestly, kind of gross.”

  “Well, it takes a special breed of person to work on someone else’s teeth.” Scott said. He smiled at her. “Listen, about earlier, I’m real sorry. I was a total jerk.”

  “Apology accepted,” Summer said. “So.” She pulled out her digital recorder. “How long have you been coming to competitions, Doctor Scott Anderson?”

  He startled, “Oh, I mean... I said I was sorry.”

  Summer hit the pause button. “No, no. I need to make sure I get names at the beginning of interviews so I know where one stops and another begins. When I talk to the next person, I start with their title like that as well, so I don’t mix people up.”

  “Oh.” He smiled. “I get it. That’s smart.” He gestured at the recorder. “Let’s roll.”

  Summer tapped the pause button again.

  “This is Doctor of Dental Surgery Scott T. Anderson,” Scott said formally. “I’ve been in practice for ten years.” He smiled at her. “Yeah?”

  “And how long have you been coming to competitions?” Summer asked again.

  He pointed at her and winked. “Right. This is my third competition.” He smiled again.

  “It’s okay if you expound on your answers, Scott.” Summer said. “So what made you start going to them? As a competitor, I mean.”

  “Ahhh. Good question.” He put his hands behind his head and interlaced his fingers. “I actually started going to conventions while still in medical school because as with most professional technical fields, networking is key to succeeding.” He paused. When Summer nodded, he continued. “But about three years ago, my marketing director suggested I attend as a speaker. I gave several lectures at that first convention and while I was there, they had
an opening in their filling competition and since I was there, I figured I’d give it a try.” He shrugged. “I didn’t win, but it got me started on them. Honestly, there really aren’t too many ways a dentist can showcase their talents to more than just their patient.”

  “I see.” Summer said. “And speaking of openings in competitions, what happened to the tenth dentist -Brian- that was supposed to be competing today.” She gestured toward Brian’s table. “He was here before it started.”

  Scott looked uncomfortable. “I... I’d rather not say. It would be unprofessional. Doctor privilege and all that.”

  “That’s between doctors and patients,” Summer pointed out.

  “I can’t say.”

  “Or won’t?”

  “Don’t you want to hear more about me?” Scott asked.

  “I hear you were a good looking kid,” Maxine said as she took a picture of him.

  Scott looked relieved the subject had changed. “Damn straight I was. In fact I won a baby competition when I was two!”

  “And Brian?” Summer tried again.

  “Oh, I have no idea if he was a cute baby,” Scott said matter-of-factly. He scrunched up his face. “I can’t imagine he was as cute as me.”

  Summer held her recorder up to her mouth. “Thank you, Doctor Anderson. I hope to speak with you later on in the conference.” She hit the ‘stop’ button.

  “Or maybe at dinner?” He raised his eyebrows.

  Maxine took a photo of his wide-eyed expression. “That’s a keeper.”

  “Let me think about it,” Summer said. He was, after all quite good looking and, as he had pointed out earlier, very successful. Summer Anderson she thought. Could be worse. “I’ll let you know by lunch time; we are supposed to be working, you know.”

  “Sure, sure. Oh, I’d love to give you an in-depth interview,” Scott said. “When you have more time.”

  Maxine snorted.

  “Okay, Scott. I’ll keep you posted.” Summer ignored the innuendo.

  Maxine took Summer by the arm. “See you later, Doctor.” She said to him as she pulled her friend away.

  “He’s rough around the edges, but I think the right woman could really smooth him out.”

  “You do realize that when he said he wanted to give you an ‘in-depth interview’, he really and truly meant he wanted you to sit there and listen to him talk about himself the entire night, right?”

  Summer frowned. “You sure?”

  “The entire universe revolves around that man and his career. He’s not going to let anything or anyone get in the way of that.” Maxine pointed at Summer’s breasts. “I’m afraid to say he is immune to your magical breasts of compliance, Miss Summer Schauers.”

  Summer put her bottom lip out. “That hurts. Well, let’s see Stephanie again. Maybe she’ll talk about Brian.”

  The pair approached Stephanie- she was standing by her table. “Doctor Dixon,” Summer said as she glanced at her table- there were papers strewn about on it and an upturned coffee mug. There was no coffee on the table however. “Can we have a quick post-competition interview?”

  The woman looked at Summer. “No. No, I don’t think so. I have someplace I need to be.” It was obvious she was upset.

  “You came in second, isn’t that a good showing?” Summer asked. She surreptitiously turned on her digital recorder. “How did the competition shape up, in your opinion?”

  “I really do not want to discuss it right now.” She picked up her large purse and tucked it under her arm. “I really don’t.”

  Summer tried a different approach and smiled wide. “Say, do you know what happened to that nice man, Doctor Brian Larson? He was supposed to be in that last chair, I thought.”

  Stephanie wheeled around. “Nice man? Nice?” She pointed a finger at her. “He’s a pig, if you ask me! I could kill him!”

  “Well, I...” Summer said, unsure what the other woman was talking about. “What happened to him?”

  “No less than he deserved.” She clutched her purse tighter. “He actually deserves worse. Far worse!” She gestured around the room. “So do these others!” She panned her hand around the room, pausing on Scott Anderson. “Pigs!” With that she barged out the door, slamming it behind her.

  “Wow. That’s one angry woman.” Maxine said.

  “Anyone else want to comment?” Summer held up her recorder and waved it around. “Anyone?”

  None of the dentists -male or female- who were in the room would even make eye contact with her.

  “Doctor Anderson, what do you have to say?” Summer called across the room.

  “I have business to attend to,” he said as he quickly stood and left.

  “Wow, that was quick.” Maxine said. “I didn’t even get a picture of him running off. We should go find Brian, I smell a scandal brewing.” Maxine said.

  “Since apparently there is no chance of getting in-depthed,” Summer poked her friend, “right?”

  “Oh, I can guarantee it.” Maxine affirmed. “Not by absurdly successful, cutest baby around, Doctor Anderson.”

  “We need to find out what Brian did.” Her eyes got large. “You think he made a pass at Stephanie?”

  “She is cute,” Maxine said. “And you know how men who think they are powerful can be.” She gestured at Scott. “He’s so full of himself he needs to carry a backpack for the overflow.”

  “Oooh, mind if I use that?” Summer asked.

  “Not at all. Maybe you can use it on heartbreaker Brian.”

  Summer nodded. “Oh yeah, let’s go corner that guy.” She reached for the door latch. “Wait, how are we going to find him?”

  “The office should know where the ... conventionistas are staying. We can confront him at his hotel!”

  “You’re on a roll. Let’s go.” Summer put her digital recorder in her satchel. “How about ‘the dentist’s prying hands’ as a headline?” Summer opened the door and gestured. “After you.”

  “Nah,” Maxine shook her head. “That sounds like a Murder She Wrote episode.”

  “The dentist only fills twice?”

  “Stop it.” Maxine warned.


  Summer knocked on the hotel door again. This time louder.

  “Maybe he’s not in.” Maxine said. “He might have just gone into town to...”

  The door opened slowly. Brian’s face peeked out around the door with only his left eye showing. “What?” The eye got large when he saw who it was. “You! What do you want?” He said angrily.

  Summer thumbed her digital recorder on. “Doctor Larson,” she said. “We were just worried because you weren’t in the competition.”

  “Yeah, we heard you were favored to win.” Maxine lied.

  “Did someone make you drop out?” Summer asked. “For some nefarious reason?” She leaned in. “Or did you do something that made you take yourself out of the competition?”

  Brian stepped completely into view. “I...” He was shirtless and had a swollen right eye that was well on its way to turning black. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Oh my. Where’s your shirt, Doctor Larson?”

  “I don’t want to talk about what happened!”

  “Ahh, so something did happen!” Summer pointed at the man’s eye. “Now I get it! You made an inappropriate advance on the lovely Doctor Dixon, and she tossed her coffee at you then punched you in the eye.” She shook her finger. “That’s the least you deserve!”

  “What?” Brian took a step back, letting go of the door. “Who told you that? That’s... That’s not what happened at all!”

  Summer stepped into the doorway. “Then what’s your side of the story? I suppose you’re going with the old ‘she was leading me on’ routine?” She rolled her eyes. “Typical.”

  Maxine raised her camera over Summer’s head and snapped a photo of the dentist. “Dental mis-procedures.” She said. “Story on page three.”

  “What? No!” Brian said. “What are you two talking about?�

  “We know what happened, Brian. We talked to Stephanie and she’s really upset.” Summer said.

  “We just want you to admit it; you made a pass at Stephanie and she popped you one.” Maxine said from behind her.

  “No... “ He hesitated. “That Scott Anderson slime ball caused this! And he’s going to be sorry he did!” As soon as he said it, his eyes got large. “What I mean is...”

  Summer took another step into the room. “Wait, what? Why would Scott punch you in the eye?”

  Maxine took another picture.

  “He’s not the one who...” The flash made Brian blink. “Stop doing that! It’s... none of your business!” He bellowed. He seemed to realize he had been backed up, allowing the reporter to enter his room. “Get out of my room!” He put his hands on Summer’s chest and shoved her out the door.

  “Hey!” Summer stumbled backwards as she was pushed out. “Watch the hands!”

  Brian looked down, recognizing what he was doing, he jerked his hands back. “Just stay out!” He shouted as he slammed the door.

  Summer turned to her friend and smiled wide.

  “Wow, that guy got to first base with you.” Maxine took a photo of Summer. “Reporter groped. Seemed pleased by it.”

  “Pleased isn’t the word I’d use.” Summer started down the hallway. “Let’s get back to the convention center. I want to talk to Stephanie and Scott again.”

  “You think this is your story?”

  “It’s either this love triangle or the great whitening upsell. What do you think?” Summer said over her shoulder.

  “Let’s go find them.” Maxine said as she caught up.


  “Hello again, ladies,” Quincy said as Summer and Maxine walked into the main foyer.

  “Do you hang out here all day?” Summer asked.

  “I’m...” Quincy looked nervous. “Dealing with an issue at the moment.” He brought his hands up defensively. “Completely off the record, please.”

  Summer nodded. “Sure, sure.” She smiled. “Does this have to do with that black eye the esteemed Doctor Larson is now sporting?”


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