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Pulling the Trooth

Page 14

by Robert P. Wills

  “Do you need to get that?” Maxine said.

  Brian shook his head. “It’ll keep. Probably a reminder of where I’m supposed to be next. The show must go on.” He leaned back in his chair. “Listen, I told Stephanie that I was lying to Scott and Terrance about not caring; I was just doing it to get them off my... our backs.”

  “And you think they believed your bluff?”

  Brian shrugged. “Yeah, sure. Why wouldn’t they?”

  “Because soon after those two threatened to tell your wife and you said you didn’t care if they did, one of them ended up dead.”

  “I didn’t stab him in the bathroom, I can tell you that.”

  Maxine made a show of writing ‘SAYS HE IS INNOCENT’ in all capital letters. She added a flourish to the top of the ‘T’.

  “That’s a fancy ‘t’ you got there. But I’m glad you got that down nicely.” He held his hand out. “My pen, if you please.”

  “Oh. Okay.” Maxine looked from her pad to the pen, then to Brian. “Sure, I suppose.” She recapped the pen and handed it back. “Thanks for your time,” she said as she stood. “I really need to get going.”

  As Brian stood, he took out his phone and glanced at the message.

  ‘Telling the reporter about U. LOL’, the text from Terrance said simply.

  Maxine waved. “Okay then. Bye.”

  Brian smiled at her. “Listen, I hope I wasn’t out of line back at the room.”

  “What?” Maxine asked.

  “When I said you were beautiful. I meant it you know.”

  “Thanks.” Maxine said.

  “You heading back to the convention center to meet your friend?”

  Maxine nodded. “Yeah.”

  “If you give me just five minutes to run back up to my room, I’ll walk over with you.”

  “Okay, I suppose.” Maxine pointed to the exit that led back towards the convention center. “Meet you there?”

  “Sure thing.” With that, Brian turned and jogged to the door that led to the stairwell.

  “Weird.” Maxine took out her phone and sent a text to Summer: ‘Done W Brian. Walking back 2U’. She walked toward the exit, detouring by the front desk to take a pen. When she got there, she looked down at her pad and thought back on her discussion with Brian. After just a few minutes, a thought occurred to her. “Oh no.” She wrote ‘bathroom’ and ‘knife to the heart’ under ‘INNOCENT’. She looked down at the ball point pen- it was in her right hand. “Oh no!”

  Brian dashed up the stairs two at a time. He looked out of shape but actually ran half marathons- not quickly, but he did complete them at a very respectable ten to eleven minute pace. Taking the stairs two at a time, he reached the third floor quickly. He pulled his key card from his back pocket as he slid to a stop at his door. Swiping it through the slot, he pushed it open as soon as the little light turned green. “Damned reporters,” he cursed as he stepped to the dresser. He opened the bottom drawer and pulled a long kitchen knife, using a pair of underwear to keep from getting finger prints on it. He had bought two kitchen knives from a store when he arrived in town. They were his completely untraceable method of dealing with Terrance and Scott for trying to take over his practices and not only breaking up his marriage but his affair as well. Unfortunately it now it seemed he would have to use it on the reporter and her photographer. He had been carrying the first knife hoping to catch one of the dentists alone when he lured Scott into the bathroom with a simple ‘I’m ready to deal. I’m in the bathroom on the first floor’ text he had sent. Then, in a panic, he had forgotten to put on gloves before stabbing him.

  Brian slid the knife into a sheath at the small of his back then covered it with his sport coat. With a scolding headshake, he took a pair of leather driving gloves off the dresser before turning and running out of the room. He tucked the gloves in his back pocket as he once again ran down the stairs.

  Brian burst out of the stairwell, breathing hard. He looked left and right, hoping Maxine hadn’t left without him. He spotted her just as she stepped away from where she was leaning against the wall and looking at her notepad.

  “You didn’t have to run; I said I’d wait,” Maxine lied as she closed her notepad.

  “Nice pen.” Brian said.



  “What did you get from your room?” Maxine asked.

  Brian took several deep breaths to slow his heart. “My reading glasses. I can’t even read a menu without them,” he lied.

  “Happens to the best of us,” Maxine said. She gestured at the exit. “So what’re you going back to the conference for?” She pointed at his coat pocket. “That reminder?”


  “The text you got.”

  “Oh, right. Yeah, I’m supposed to meet a fellow dentist about a new procedure he’s developing.” He stepped toward the double glass doors and they promptly opened. “Gross dentist stuff you probably don’t want to know about; post insertion procedures for replacement teeth.”

  “Yuck. Definitely not,” Maxine grimaced as she stepped through the doors, Brian right behind her. She tried to think of a way to get away from him. “How about if I meet you there? I need to go to the bathroom first.”

  “Where you meeting Summer?” Brian asked coolly.

  “Back at the convention center.” Maxine said. She looked at the front desk of the hotel- the young man she had asked for a pen from was still there.

  “Divide and conquer.”


  “You talk to me, she talks to Terrance,” Brian said. “Dividing and conquering, it’s called.”

  Maxine’s insides tightened- she realized she hadn’t mentioned who Summer was talking to- confirming her suspicions. “Right,” She said as she turned and started back toward the front desk.

  Brian caught her by the arm. “You’re going the wrong way, dear.”

  “I got turned around....” Maxine’s mind went blank with terror. “I... uh... wanted to thank the nice man for the pen?” She tried.

  “Of course you did” Brian spun her around toward the exit. The glass double doors opened as he shoved her toward them. He quickly took the gloves from his back pocket and slipped them on then put his arm around Maxine, pulling her close. With his other hand, he pulled the knife from behind his back.

  “Can we just...”

  “Just stay calm and you won’t get hurt.” Brian brought the knife around and pushed it against her side. “Got it?”

  “Like Scott didn’t get hurt?”

  “Yeah, just like that,” Brian pushed the knife in a little harder, the point just breaking the skin, making Maxine gasp. He quickly pulled the knife away then raised his hand, letting it slide into his coat sleeve. “If you make any sudden moves, I’ll kill you.”

  “Out here in broad daylight?” Maxine said. “You’ll never get away with it.”

  “Sure, probably not out in the open, but you’d be surprised how many quiet spots there are in a busy convention center. There’s more sex going on here than at a high school prom.” He tightened his grip on her waist. “So where are you meeting Summer?”

  “She didn’t tell me; we’ll just need to search for her. Or ask someone.”

  He pulled her closer. “How about I just stab you through the liver so you bleed out in a couple of minutes then I go find her all on my own? How’s that sound, Maxine?”

  “We are supposed to meet at the bar.” Maxine said. “You’ll never get away with it.” She looked at him. “What if I promise never to tell?”

  “Shut up and walk. We’re going to have a talk, the three of us. A nice private talk. Until then, shut up like your life depends on it.”

  The pair walked in silence to the convention center.


  “Listen, Terrance,” Summer said again. “I’m not interested in you. At all.”

  Terrance took a drink. “So you’re on the fence.” He smiled at her. “You got the boobs for it.” />

  Terrance smirked. “I said boots.” He looked down at her chest. “Not that I didn’t notice those.”

  “What?!” Summer seethed. “I can’t believe someone supposedly as smart as you is too stupid to understand ‘no’ for an answer. Maybe this will help.” She stood. “I’m leaving.” She picked up her drink.

  Terrance leaned back.

  “Don’t worry; you’re not even worth spilling beer over. “She gulped down the last of her beer. “Creep.”

  Terrance watched her walk off, sure that now that she was alone, Brian would find her and kill her. Just like he was sure he had done to Scott. “You and your friend are better blackmail than him screwing some girl on the side, sister,” He toasted Summer with his bourbon as she stomped off. Inwardly, he was surprised it had taken as long as it had for him to get her insulted enough to leave.

  With a satisfied smile, he got up and left, planning to go to whatever room had the most people in it -to build a rock-solid alibi for what would soon be the second and third murder of the day.

  As soon as he stepped out of the bar area, Bill crowded him. “Where is she? Where is she!”

  “Oh for the love of... What do you want, you moron?”


  Maxine scanned the area as she and Brian entered the convention center. She hoped to see someone she recognized- unfortunately, the people she knew at the conference could be counted on one hand.

  “Looking for help?” Brian said. “There isn’t any.”

  Maxine continued to look around without moving her head as much as they made their way to the bar.

  As they crossed the open area between the escalators and the bar, she noticed Detective Thorndyke standing by himself as he wrote in a small notebook.

  Maxine looked in his direction, hoping to lock eyes with him and hopefully convey some sort of message. She was relieved when he looked in her direction. Maxine looked at him wide-eyed then swiveled her pupils toward Brian.

  Thorndyke scratched behind his ear with the back of his pen as he absently looked at her.

  “You think that fat guy is going to do you any good? He’d die of cardiac arrest trying to fight me off.” Brian leaned over and kissed her cheek roughly. “He just thinks we’re a couple going for a drink; don’t get your hopes up.”

  Maxine went back to staring at Thorndyke.

  He looked at the end of his pen, then put it in his pocket. Without another look towards Maxine, he turned and walked off.

  “He just saved his life and he doesn’t even know it.” He tugged on Maxine’s waist. “Keep moving.”

  The pair walked into the bar area. It was mostly empty. “Where the hell is your partner?”

  “I... I don’t know. She said she would be here.” Maxine said, genuinely surprised.

  “Give me your phone.”


  Brian turned Maxine and headed toward one of the conference rooms. “I am not going to repeat myself.” He lowered his other arm- he had been keeping it casually bent across his chest, holding onto his jacket- the knife dropped down so the blade was in his palm. “Get out your phone.” He continued toward the large conference room. The doorway was open but the room inside was dark. “We’re going to make a nice private call in there.”

  Maxine turned her head and looked over her shoulder, hoping to see anyone she knew.

  She didn’t.

  When they got into the room, Brian roughly shoved Maxine into a chair. “Don’t even try getting up.” He held out his hand.

  Maxine begrudgingly handed over her phone.

  “Unlock it.”

  Maxine unlocked the phone as Brian brandished the knife. She held it at arm’s length.

  Brian snatched the phone from her and swiped to open the message application. He laughed. “Oh no, your partner’s picked up a crazy lovesick stalker? Believe me; I’ll be putting her out of her misery.” He looked down and tapped out a quick message to Summer. After he sent it, he put the phone in his coat pocket. “It’ll all be over soon.”

  “I don’t understand you.” Maxine said. “Because of Stephanie? That’s why you killed Scott? For a woman?”

  “For a woman,” Brian laughed. “First off, she’s more of a woman that you’ll ever be but no, not for a woman.” He pointed the knife at her. “It was for my entire life.” He turned to look at the door as Summer’s phone buzzed in his pocket. “For my practice that I built with blood, sweat, and tears. From one little dingy office in a strip mall to a dozen free standing practices where I own the land and the building. For my wife of twenty three years that will take me for half of everything I have built up, that harpy.”

  “What about Stephanie?” Maxine said, hoping to at least keep Brian talking.

  “Stephanie? She’s easily replaced.” Brian said. “Women are a dime a dozen when you’re rich.”

  “You’re rich?” Summer said as she entered the room. “Huh. That still doesn’t help in your case.”

  Brian moved quickly to Maxine and yanked her to her feet and spun her around, putting her between him and Summer. “Oh it helps. Being a respectable, rich doctor helps a hell of a lot.” He brought the knife up to Maxine’s neck. “Get over here.”

  “Where?” Summer said. She took a step forward. “Beside you or in front of you.”

  “Man, I’m really going to enjoy killing you.” Brian said. He gestured with the knife beside Maxine. “Over here.”

  “Whatever you say, Brian,” Summer said. She walked slowly beside Maxine.

  “Sorry,” Maxine said.

  “It’s okay.”

  “Shut up!” Brian stepped back, pulling Maxine with him. “Keep moving, Summer. This will all be...”

  “What have we here?” Detective Thorndyke said as he stepped into the room. “Am I interrupting some sort of crazy Yank dental demonstration?”

  “Damn it all!” Brian cursed. “Get over here, you!”

  “Who me?” Thorndyke pointed at himself. “I’d rather not, when all is said and done, my good man.” He put his hand in his coat pocket. “Sorry about that, old man.”

  “Stinking British snobs.” Brian brought the knife back up and pressed it against Maxine’s neck. “Unless you’re the world’s best vascular surgeon, you’re never going to...”

  “Get away from her!” Bill said as he stormed into the room.

  Thorndyke turned to look at him. “Come on, really?”

  “Get away, I say!” Bill raised the gun up and panned it around the room, suddenly unsure whether Thorndyke was also a threat.

  “Damn it all!” Brian said, as the entire situation spiraled out of control. He backed up, keeping a tight hold on Maxine. “Put that gun down you crazy bastard!”

  “Crazy, huh? Who’s the one with a knife to that woman’s throat?”

  “You’d do the same given half a chance, you stalker!” Brian shouted at him. “Now drop the gun or I’ll kill her!”

  Summer scooted to the side slightly, giving herself a little room as she got ready to kick at the side of Brian’s throat.

  “Stay where you are!” Brian snapped at her.

  “Who are you?” Bill asked Thorndyke.

  “Me? I’m an innocent bystander.”

  Bill looked toward Maxine. “Is he?”

  “Yes.” Maxine lied.

  “My giddy aunt,” Thorndyke said. “There; does that convince you?”

  With a nod, Bill marched past Thorndyke, gun trained on Brian. “I said let her go!”

  “You can’t just go around stalking women who show interest in you.” Brian said.

  “But killing folks, that’s okay?” Bill retorted. “And I’m the crazy one!”

  “There was no girl in DesMoines!” Brian shouted.

  “Yes there was! The love of my life!”

  “You’re crazy!”

  “Said the man with the knife to that woman’s neck!”

  “Get over here.” Brian said evenly. “Now.” He presse
d the knife harder against Maxine’s throat. It was on the verge of drawing blood.

  Bill took another step. “I should kill you for what you did to me. It’s what you deserve. You, Doctor Anderson, Doctor Brushwood. All of you.”

  “There was no woman!” Brian roared.

  “Oh yeah?” Bill reached around and took his cellphone out of his pocket. “Then who is this!” He swiped his phone on and tapped his photo album. He slid his thumb across as he paged through images. “I know it’s here...” He kept swiping across images. “Just let me...”

  “You’re an idiot,” Brian said.

  “She’s here, just let me...”

  “Bring me that gun,” Brian said, “and stop looking at your damned phone.”

  Thorndyke took a step forward then to the left so Bill wasn’t in his line of fire.

  “Look!” Bill held his phone up beside his gun. “Look! There she is!”

  Brian glanced at the phone. “What?”


  “What is... how did...?” Brian said.

  “Sorry to interrupt,” Summer said.

  “How did you...”

  “Excuse me!” Summer raised her hand.

  “What!” Brian said. His eyes were still on Bill’s phone.

  “I just wanted to point out that there is a laser dot on your shoulder.” She pointed at Brian’s shoulder. “Right there.”

  Brian looked down at his shoulder- there was indeed a red dot hovering on it. “What?” He said again.

  “If you’ll be so kind as to drop the knife,” Detective Thorndyke said, “I’ll not blow the important parts of your shoulder clean off.”

  Brian looked at the man. He was holding a massive pistol.

  Summer looked as well. “Oh. In case you don’t know, Brian, that is a .44 Magnum. It seems that Detective Thorndyke is a fan of Dirty Harry.” She looked back at Brian. “And it really will do a job on your shoulder.”


  “Drop the knife.” Thorndyke said flatly. “I shan’t give you another warning.”

  Brian dropped the knife. His eyes went back to Bill’s phone.


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