Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6

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Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6 Page 7

by L M Lacee

  ‘Yes.’ She sighed as she waspishly stated. ‘These people of the Capital tire me, they are so very much too self-satisfied. I want to shake them and say wake up, the Universe is changing and you will be left behind.’

  Laughing, Peyton gently took her delicate hand in hers. ‘Leave that to me. That is why I have come. Rita, you have lost weight since you have been here.’

  Rita, who Peyton knew was no older than her sister Rata, appeared frail and much older. Rata appeared unworried by her sister’s illness. But Peyton could feel her concern leeching from behind her shields. Smiling, Peyton turned to Netta. ‘Comm for Rave please.’

  She did so without asking why, in mins he was there. Beloved, what can I do for you?

  ‘Rave, please scent Lady Rita.’

  He walked over and sniffed, then sneezed.

  Not good.

  Peyton softly stated. ‘Rita, you have been poisoned.’

  Rita snatched her hand from Peyton’s and tossed her head in disbelief. ‘Madam, I would know if I had.’

  ‘Yet, I and Rave both sense the poison on you, in Rave’s case he can actually smell it.’

  Just then Heather and Dinas arrived, with Klune and Fox following close behind. They all moved into the room. Fox looked around, then zeroed in on Rita. ‘Aunt Rita?’

  Klune asked. ‘Rita my dearle, you are unwell?’

  Rita lifted a weak hand, then dropped it to the blanket again. ‘It seems, I have been poisoned.’

  Harm passed everyone as he entered the room and scooped her up in his arms blanket and all.

  ‘Rita, if my bonded and the Star Daughter say you have been poisoned, we will not argue. Now be my wonderful Aunt and allow my treasure and friend to examine you.’

  She leaned her head against his muscular chest and sighed tiredly. ‘If you say so.’

  ‘Heather, where do you want her?’

  ‘Three rooms down on the left, we have an examination room there.’ Heather looked at the concerned faces turned toward her. ‘Do not worry, Jax will scan her and we will find what toxin it is and counter it. I swear she will be alright.’

  Jax said. I have taken the liberty of scanning Lady Rita already. The poison appears to have been administered topically.

  Heather praised him. ‘Thank you Jax, what would we do without you?’

  Rata stood as Harm carrying Rita halted in the doorway when she said. ‘This is madness!’

  ‘Lady Rata, are you feeling unwell?’ Dinas asked as he looked at her flushed face.

  Her eyes were furious and her face flushed with anger. ‘Unwell… no, I am not unwell. I am furious my sister has been poisoned and someone is responsible. So what you see is anger.’

  ‘I apologize.’

  ‘You have nothing to apologize for unless my sister dies, then your apology will not save you.’

  Dinas raised his eyebrows but did not contradict her when Peyton shook her head a fraction. Klune said sharply. ‘Rata enough. No one here is responsible for Rita’s poisoning, including yourself. You know as well as I do she wanted this assignment.’

  Rata nodded as his words penetrated her anger and her face lost the blush of rage. Although her eyes still held anger, but it was tempered with worry and a little contriteness. ‘I am sorry, Dinas.’ Still, it did not stop her demanding of Peyton. ‘Find who did this and execute them. They should not breathe the same air as my sister, in this world or any other.’

  Peyton bowed her head. ‘It will be done Lady Rata, have no fear. Netta comm Willian please.’

  ‘They are already on their way, along with half the Warriors.’ She looked at Rita, who had not allowed Harm to take her from the room while her sister released her anger. ‘You are very well thought of Lady Rita.’

  She smiled weakly at Netta and said. ‘Sweet Netta, I had no idea.’

  Netta did not touch her but leaned nearer. ‘Do not succumb to this. I will be most upset if you do, you still owe me twenty credits and I do not think I will be able collect it from Lady Rata, without dying.’

  Rita laughed weakly. ‘I have not forgotten.’

  Peyton said. ‘Harm find out from Peneria and Willian everything you can about what happened and when it was likely to have occurred. Then go find the ones responsible, use any means available and whoever you need. Make sure you get them all.’ She looked him in the eye. ‘I do not care how.’

  ‘Thank you Madam. It will be done.’ Harm carried Rita from the room.

  Dinas said calmly. ‘Lady Rata come with me, you have touched her, have you not?’

  ‘Yes, of course I did.’

  ‘We will need to check you to make sure you were not subjected to the toxin.’

  Willian and Peneria arrived as he finished speaking. ‘Madam, you have a need of us?’

  ‘Yes Willian, Lady Rita has been poisoned, Jax and Rave say topical. Peneria I want her belongings examined and then the persons who saw to her and the team she was on interrogated. Rave send for Bacon and whoever else you need to search and find this poison. Anything you find, will be given to Commander Harm, he will take it from there. That is all for now. Report to Harm he is lead on this.’

  She gave them all one last look and swept from the room, Lucerra and Zenerra with a nod from Netta followed. They all looked after Peyton, as Klune stated. ‘I do not think I have ever seen her angry before.’

  Netta smiled and explained. ‘She likes Rita and adores Rata.’

  ‘She does?’ Rata asked, rather startled to find she was pleased by that declaration.

  Netta looked at her as she shrugged. ‘Truly, you do not know this? Do you think she would tolerate anyone speaking to her as you just did, without her giving a response that would singe your hair?’

  Rata looked at her mate as he stared at her. He shrugged as she thoughtfully said. ‘I did not really think about it.’

  Netta said. ‘She talks of you always, she has placed four Draygon eggs aside in the hope you will wish to become parents. Peyton was the one who picked your Hex for you. She wraps you in so much work, all to keep you on world.’

  Rata was staggered, which was reflected in her voice as she said. ‘Oh... oh, I am so ashamed. Rita and I thought she was just making use of us, and I was a little angry about the eggs. I so wished to have some little ones, and I did not even think to ask.’

  Klune went to hug her, but Fox stepped between them. ‘Uncle take care, contamination.’

  He nodded. ‘Thank you nephew, my treasure we will talk to her later, now we fix you. I cannot live without you in my life.’

  ‘Alright Klune, we go now.’ Rata smiled at Netta and said. ‘Thank you.’

  ‘For what?’

  ‘For telling me, it appears my sister, and I read the situation wrong.’

  Netta grinned. ‘I wager that doesn’t happen often, but if it makes you feel better, it seems to happen a lot around her. Also don’t mention the eggs, they are a surprise.’

  Peneria said. ‘We need the room and the address of where you were staying before here?’ Fox answered. ‘Okay and I would like to help.’

  As Netta and the others left. Darby entered with Kinn. ‘What do you need?’

  Willian told her what had occurred, then said. ‘We will search here first, we need a team to search the other premises and a list of the people who attended the first primary Lady Rita.’

  Rave said. You will need to take Bacon for the poison.

  ‘Done.’ Darby said. ‘Kinn you will take lead.’

  ‘Yes, Specialist.’

  ‘Fox, are you helping.’

  ‘I am.’

  ‘You’re with Kinn.’


  The three of them left as Willian, Peneria and Rave started their intense search of the Embassy. It was to be a long day and night.


  Peyton returned to her suite and now stood looking out the lounge window, sipping her coffee, while she worked through her anger. Rita seemed so frail. Why had she been targeted and how she won
dered had they known to poison her. There seemed to be more at play here than just a poisoning… her thoughts halted when Sarn opened the door.

  ‘Star Daughter the Manager Lind has arrived.’

  ‘Thank you Sarn, show him in please.’

  He opened the door wider and a tall male entered. For a moment Peyton thought Sarn was playing a practical joke on her. The male resembled a tree, he had strands of hair that looked like leaves in autumn and skin like bark with deep moss green eyes. He bowed and Peyton waited for him to creak like wood.

  She inclined her head. ‘Greetings Manager Lind.’

  ‘Greetings Star Daughter.’

  ‘Manager Lind, I have requested you here to assure you and through you the employees that your employment is secure. I have designated the Hutell as my Embassy, which I am sure you have been told about. Any personnel who wish to leave and find other employment may do so, and we will pay them a leaving bonus. Also, all staff income will increase by…’ She looked around and realized Helen was not there. ‘Ahh Sarn, where is Chef Helen?’

  ‘We are here.’ A harried looking Helen said as she rushed in, followed by a slow walking Larson. She smiled apologetically at Peyton. ‘Sorry, we got delayed.’

  ‘No matter, I was just talking about wages. Manager Lind, let me introduce you to Chef Helen Sillva and her mate Commander Larson Sillva.’

  Manager Lind nodded to Helen, who returned the gesture. Larson gave him a stiff nod, never taking his eyes off the male. Peyton and Netta suppressed the smiles hovering on their lips at Larson’s obvious dislike of the male.

  ‘Helen, how much did Miko say the employee’s wages would be increased by?’

  ‘Twenty-five percent.’

  ‘Twenty-five percent.’ Peyton turned back to the Manager and said. ‘I hope that will help offset the work you will have to do.’

  He flushed, or she assumed he did as he went a light green color all over, then back to his normal bark color. ‘Star Daughter that is most generous.’

  Peyton walked around the room, finally stopping in front of the male, causing Netta and Larson to become wary as they eyed the Manager. There was just something about the male that irritated Larson.

  Peyton looked into the male’s green eyes and said. ‘Now would you like to explain why you were not present as protocol dictates, when I arrived?’

  ‘Star Daughter, I was not aware of the time of your arrival.’

  Peyton opened her eyes wide as she stared at the lying male, making him lower his own. ‘Are you saying no one notified you Manager Lind?’

  ‘Ahh no, I think there was just a misunderstanding in communication.’

  ‘I see, but you have no trouble understanding me now?’

  He swallowed and shook his head. ‘No Star Daughter.’

  ‘I see, well I shall overlook that departure from protocol for the moment. Another problem we had upon arrival was the receptionist. She was not the one who was supposed to be there. It has come to my attention you ordered my employee not to attend the reception desk. Another misunderstanding, I am sure.’ She paused for a moment then said in a colder voice. ‘Because I am sure you would not have purposely overridden Lady Penny’s instructions.’ He went to speak, but Peyton’s tone became even colder as she said sharply. ‘I am sorry, that was not a point of discussion. When and if Lady Penny issues instructions, they are to be carried out promptly. Please do not let it occur again.’

  Stiffly he half bowed and said. ‘Very well, Star Daughter.’

  ‘Now we have that cleared up, there are two other matters I need to inform you of. There will be no room service from now on. Chef Helen will set meal times for the next few days. After that, you and she can define the times and duration of meals. Today will be a day of grazing.’ At his confused look she said. ‘Chef Helen will explain the term.’

  Peyton hid her smile again as Larson sent an almost silent snarl toward the male who was eyeing his mate with speculation.

  Peyton said. ‘While we are here, if you have any queries you will address them to Lady Penny or Chef Helen. Who will then refer them to me.’

  As the male once more ran his eyes over Helen’s shapely form, Larson stepped forward and placed an arm around her, causing Helen to blush wildly. Peyton almost lost her train of thought at her unexpected reaction.

  ‘Manager Lind, our Laroro is Lady Miko. I would like for you to have the accounts placed ready for her inspection. We may need to adjust them for a short time.’

  ‘Yes Star Daughter.’

  ‘Manager Lind, have you ever worked at an Embassy before?’

  ‘No Star Daughter, I have not.’

  Peyton nodded. ‘As I thought, I will have someone who will advise you and the staff here soon. Now Manager Lind who attended Lady Rita since she arrived here?’

  ‘That would be Server Gassorr.’

  ‘Can you have her made available to Captain Peneria and Captain Willian please?’

  ‘Certainly Star Daughter, if that is all?’

  ‘It is, please go with Commander Larson and Chef Helen.’

  They all bowed and left, Peyton avoided Helen’s eyes by turning away and looking out the window. After Sarn had seen them from the suite, she asked him. ‘Do we have anyone else?’

  He sounded annoyed as he answered her. ‘There is Male from the Menturians who will be here soon. He is early!’

  Peyton nodded, keeping her laugh hidden as she said. ‘I am sure he did not arrive early on purpose, I will see him as soon as he arrives.’

  She looked at Netta, who slipped back into the room before Sarn closed the door. ‘We should only have you in here that may give appearance of privacy.’

  ‘No.’ Hawk said in a tone that dissuaded her from arguing, as he entered to stand next to a grinning Netta.

  Sighing, Peyton stated. ‘Goes without saying.’

  Netta told Hawk. ‘You missed the Manager he is a taje, and I think he is on the take.’

  Peyton did not contradict her, she thought so as well. Hawk snorted. ‘I have met him already and I agree he is a taje. Now what does this term on the take, mean?’

  Peyton tuned them out as she stared out the window again, her anger and fear held firmly in check.

  Kardan reached out to her, his words sliding like silk across her mind. My heart, I feel your anger.

  When are you coming?

  I will be with you soon.

  Where are you?

  We have been waiting on a small moon for several of my Warriors to arrive.

  Oh, okay.

  Why are you angered?

  They poisoned Rita.

  Unaware of who she referred to, Kardan could still feel how furious she was, but what was more concerning for him was the fear she was holding at bay.

  Settle your thoughts my heart, breathe and remember you are the Star Daughter.

  What does that mean?

  She was positive she felt him shrug as he replied. Kill those who dare to annoy you.

  She laughed as he said. Better, I will be with you soon, my heart.

  I await you.


  Former king Bendrix Mentu from the world Menturian walked into an impressive lounge. He followed a large, imposing Warrior named Sarn. Who with a nod to a small female announced him then departed leaving him facing the female who had to be the Star Daughter.

  Peyton eyed the pale blue male with steel blue hair that looked as though he had cut it himself. He carried himself with discipline and stared at her from piercing gray eyes which missed nothing. Overall, she thought he was a startling handsome male in a trim athletic way. His suit was once of good quality but had seen better days as had his shoes. Peyton inclined her head and said. ‘Lord Mentu as a courtesy to you, I have only my two Commanders here for our first meeting. Commander Hawk and Commander Netta.’

  He acknowledged that statement with a nod of his head but did not look away from her. ‘I am assuming you are the Star Daughter?’

  ‘It would b
e strange if I was not. I am sure you knew that before you accepted my invitation.’

  ‘Do you mean the twenty Warriors that arrived at my door this morn?’

  She turned amused eyes to Hawk. ‘Really, twenty?’

  ‘I wanted to make sure he came.’

  ‘Twenty, seems excessive.’

  Hawk said. ‘One could see it like that, I do not.’

  ‘Okay then.’

  Bendrix Mentu listened to the conversation, and let his senses feel beneath the surface of the words, finding the affection and acceptance between the people in the room. This female, this Star Daughter, had the same feel to her that he had experienced when communing with the Elysian pathways, which flowed and swirled around the Universe.

  Bendrix and his people were adept at watching and listening to the Elysian pathways. It was the Elysian that showed him luneras ago he was to leave his home world and follow this pathway, to this point in time and to these people.

  She was small for a female from the planet Earth, unlike some he had met since arriving at the Capital. He bowed now and said. ‘I am pleased to make your acquaintance Star Daughter.’

  ‘As I am yours, King Bendrix Mentu.’

  He winced. ‘That is a title I am no longer privileged to wear, Star Daughter.’

  Peyton shrugged. ‘Please call me Madam Peyton. I am told I should tell people that early in the conversation.’

  He raised an eyebrow in amused acknowledgment, but before he could comment.

  Melody asked as she entered. ‘So you do not wear the title, is that through your actions or the actions of your people?’

  Peyton yelped. ‘Melody, this is a private meeting!’

  ‘Really, you should have put a sign out.’ She turned to Bendrix. ‘Greetings, I am Tivna Melody, sister to Madam Peyton.’

  ‘Greetings Tivna.’

  Peyton sighed and asked Bendrix. ‘So the reason you have been dethroned, please?’

  He lowered his eyes as he decided how much to say and how much she already knew. When he had escaped his home world, he had promised his people who had followed him a new life. He had arranged passage to the Capital, which was to be their haven. But sadly as time passed it had become their prison. Now he looked on their salvation, a female with silver hair and green eyes that instinctively he knew should be sparkling with humor. What stared out at him from a pale face were shuttered windows. Instinct told him this was an unnatural state for her to be in. She wasn’t exactly withdrawn… just… he looked into her eyes and saw flames dancing, and knew she was angry. Frightening so, and for the first time he knew how he was to save his people.


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