Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6

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Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6 Page 8

by L M Lacee

  ‘Madam Peyton, my birth world is small with just over three million people. Many times in the past my ancestors wished to open our society to the Universe. When I became King I too tried to persuade my council and citizens of the wisdom of our forefathers, but to no avail. Just over a yenta ago I took the initiative to announce us to the Universe, and I was overthrown. I escaped with others of my family and friends, sadly we have been told there are death orders issued against us. To date they have not been activated, although I suspect they are ready to be enforced.’

  ‘Why, you did nothing wrong?’ Netta stated as she moved further into the sunlight, her hands on her knives.

  He looked toward her and his hearts stopped as his Nanites meshed, causing his skin to turn from blue to steel blue. His hair turned to some form of metal as his eyes bled to black.

  Instantly Hawk pulled Netta behind him. Knife growled as Briark and Leiark, who were never far from Peyton, placed themselves next to Knife in front of Hawk. While Melody moved to stand by Peyton.

  Bendrix snarled at Hawk and in a voice that was deeper, fuller and far more menacing than before stated. ‘You should move male, you stand between me and mine.’

  One of his hands morphed into a ten-inch knife and the other into a beautiful black sword with an edge that could cut heads from bodies in one strike.

  Melody cursed. ‘Holy shit!’

  ‘What the hayda?’ Netta exclaimed, more in admiration than fear as Hawk tensed.

  ‘Enough!’ Peyton’s voice whipped across their senses and the room in equal intensity, stopping the aggression in its tracks.

  For the first time in his considerable life Bendrix’s Nanites retreated without him demanding them to. He stared at his hands, then at her. ‘How were you able to do that?’

  She walked to stand in front of him, blocking his line of sight to Hawk and Netta. ‘I will tell you one day. Do we have an agreement?’

  ‘Madam Peyton, she is mine.’

  ‘Maybe, but as she is my sister, she is not part of the agreement. So you will agree or leave and work out how to court her on your own time.’

  ‘I will not allow her to be used, we have an agreement.’

  ‘Thank you.’ Peyton inclined her head as his eyes sort Netta’s. Peyton told him softly. ‘You will court her as is required by your status. She is not Menturian, so learn what that means to her and you. But you should know she is well loved.’ She looked over at Netta, who still had not removed her eyes from the male.

  Peyton’s eyes sparkled as she said. ‘Sister, do you know who he is to you?’

  Netta looked away from Bendrix as Hawk said. ‘Netta as the brother of your heart. I remind you, your Rie will turn on you if you refuse to acknowledge what stands before you.’ He looked down into her eyes and told her. ‘Sweet Netta, learn from my mistake. The Star Child gives us our other heart so we will not have to walk through this life alone.’

  ‘I know you are right, but it is still frightening.’

  Melody smiled as she agreed. ‘It is terrifying, but we who are fortunate enough to be mated will tell you. The jump into love is the best move you will ever make.’

  Hawk gently caressed her cheek. ‘We overcome the fear, so we can reach for the greatest reward we thought to never have. Soar Netta, as I and your sisters have done.’

  Netta nodded and with a smile for Melody she said. ‘Thank you. It is humbling to realize I have insecurities.’

  Hawk raised an eyebrow as he said in the same tone Reeve used. ‘You are an Elite. You have no insecurities.’

  Which had the desired effect and made her laugh. ‘Thank you Hawk.’

  ‘You are welcome.’

  Bendrix had not understood most of the conversation other than his Suula had a brother that was deadly and a sister who was powerful in her own right. Although how the Star Daughter claimed a family bemused him. The histories of his home world never stated a Star Daughter desired or needed a family.

  Netta nodded to Peyton. ‘I know who he is to me.’

  She refused to acknowledge the smug look in both her sister’s eyes. She flicked her own eyes to Bendrix and told him in a husky voice that was very different to her normal tones.

  ‘I tell you now, I will never leave the Star Daughter or make my home anywhere other than Maikonia. My place is here at my sister’s side with my bondmate and among my family. If you can accept that and the demands that makes on me, then we go from there. I will learn everything I can about you and your species to make our mating work.’

  He bowed to her. ‘I do so accept your stipulations and I will learn all there is to know of your species and what it means to be the Suula. Which means in Coalition, needar bond, to the sister of the Star Daughter.’ With difficulty, he turned his attention back to Peyton. ‘What do I need to do?’

  She smiled and patted his arm. ‘At tomorrow’s meeting, you will tell the others who will attend, which will probably be everyone. Who and what your people are and then we will go from there.’

  ‘I see, so what do we do now?’

  ‘Penny!’ She yelled as a door slid open from the office.

  Penny said. ‘Seriously, even here. The comm or ask Jax to comm me, it is not that hard.’

  Peyton grinned at Bendrix’s wide-eyed look. ‘We are different, tell your people to observe and listen to the rhythm we have. I know you all can do so, the Elysium is the Star Child’s gift after all.’ He stared at her and paled a little as she asked. ‘You knew this?’

  ‘We did not.’

  ‘Oh well, we will have you talk to Kail Jarrod and Sevna Avana. Penny can you see to that please.’

  ‘I will. What was the reason for your bellow?’

  With a smirk, Peyton said. ‘We need suites for Lord Bendrix’s people, also alert Commander Marlo three units each of Warriors and Prowlers will be needed to go with him to collect his people. Hawk, will that be enough?’

  He asked Bendrix. ‘In what shape are your people?’

  Bendrix’s mind raced at the speed of the changes happening. Before he came here, he had discussed with his people the possibility of accepting help from this female. They had left the decision up to him, trusting in his judgment and the Elysium. He had no idea when he arrived here and met the Star Daughter that the decision was already made for him. Now that his Suula was here, it would be impossible to walk away.

  Peyton smiled. ‘It is alright, we will keep you and your people safe.’

  Finally, Bendrix asked. ‘What do you want from us?’

  ‘For you to become citizens of Maikonia, and I am in need of Ambassadors.’

  Karen walked in. ‘Seriously what she said is so true. We have a world waiting for our help but we have no Ambassadors.’

  Peyton threw her hands up in the air as she spun away from Bendrix, making him shift uneasily. ‘This was meant to be a private get to know you meeting.’

  Amused Karen asked, ‘Since when do we have those?’

  ‘Since now.’

  ‘Won’t work with you screaming and yelling all over the place.’ Netta said as she smiled at the bemused male who stood watching her family… be her family. Netta made the introductions. ‘Bendrix, this is Penny Naltone, Madam’s personal assistant and our cousin.’

  Penny said with a smile. ‘Greetings Ambassador.’

  ‘Greetings Lady Penny.’

  ‘And this is my mate Karen.’ Hawk proudly introduced her to Bendrix.

  ‘Greetings Lord Bendrix.’

  ‘Greetings Lady Karen.’

  Melody grinned as she said. ‘Hawk, you forgot to tell Penny and Karen that Bendrix is planning on becoming, Lord Netta Howl.’

  ‘He is what!’ Screeched both Penny and Karen.

  Netta growled as a grinning Melody said. ‘You heard.’

  Both Penny and Karen threw their arms around Netta. ‘We are so happy for you.’

  Netta sighed and swore retribution with her eyes on her smiling sister. ‘Yeah… yeah, thank you both.’

; Peyton laughed at her disgruntled expression and told Bendrix. ‘They are happy for her. You probably guessed already that Netta is part of very large family.’

  Netta said as she extracted herself from Karen and Penny. ‘And as you heard, both Melody and I are sisters to Peyton. We also have another two sisters, Darby Roeah and Heather Solverea.’

  Bendrix said. ‘I am stunned.’

  Bewildered, Peyton said. ‘I do not know why, I said we were a large family.’

  Bendrix shook his head. ‘No Madam, not about that. I am shocked you have no Ambassadors!’

  Peyton smiled at his comment. ‘Oh that, we waited for you.’


  Bendrix wanted to scoff at this notion, but then stopped and said instead. ‘How is that possible?’

  Netta said gently. ‘She is the Star Daughter.’

  Bendrix looked down at his hands, which were balled into fists. Relaxing them, he lifted his head and straightened his shoulders. ‘I have worked hard to keep my people safe. We were guided here to wait for something or someone. I am hoping this is what we awaited.’

  Hawk told him. ‘I understand your feelings.’ At Bendrix’s skeptical expression, Hawk smiled. ‘Believe me, I do. I too was once in the position you find yourself in. Leader of my people and faced with a tremendous decision. Will I take a leap of faith and trust what my senses are telling me or do I fall back on my suspicions and not believe what is offered freely.’

  Bendrix nodded in agreement as the wild look eased from his eyes.

  Hawk told him. ‘I will tell you what I was told, to help me through the first few wekens until this concept of reality becomes normal.’

  ‘What was that?’ Bendrix asked, truly interested.

  Hawk stated. ‘Until you can believe in your good fortune, allow your Suula, and her family to believe for you. Allow us to help keep your people safe. Lord Bendrix, you are no longer alone. If you decide to join your people with ours, they will be protected and surrounded by Warriors and Prowlers...’

  Bendrix interrupted him. ‘You say it like I have a choice, like we do.’

  Peyton smiled as she touched Hawk’s back in passing. ‘That is because you and your people do. Our worlds are not prisons; we live there by choice, we have chosen our families through love and faith. The people you meet here are all volunteers, no one ordered them to come with me.’

  He looked around at the people there, at his Suula, as Netta said. ‘May I make a suggestion?’ Before Bendrix could reply she said. ‘It would be better if Bendrix had the download and then he would understand. Penny is Patty available?’

  Jax said. She comes now, Commander.

  ‘Thank you, Jax.’

  Bendrix lifted an eyebrow in a cross between assessment and amazement. Hawk grinned as he told the male. ‘You get used to the take charge attitude. For now, may I suggest you just go with it. I vow there is not a person here who wishes you harm.’

  Bendrix nodded. ‘Thank you.’

  He took the leap of faith Hawk had talked of and answered the earlier question posed to him as Patty arrived injector in hand.

  ‘My people suffer illness, in some weakness from diet and being confined for too long in our apartment. We were under-funded when we arrived here, although we have all worked to generate credits, but that unfortunately has ground to a halt. Lately we have lived on what we had saved and the generosity of Lady Rita, or should I say you Star Daughter.’ He smiled, taking him from the austere state leader to a young and handsome male.

  Peyton asked. ‘I see, well if you are willing to have the download.’

  ‘What is this download?’

  ‘It is Nanos inserted into your brain to give you information.’

  ‘Madam, I am in essence Nanites. I fear it will not work.’

  ‘Oh, I thought you may say that.’ Darby walked in via a door that opened from a wall panel near the dining table.

  Peyton frowned as she asked. ‘Did I know that was there?’

  Melody asked her. ‘Why would you?’

  ‘This is my suite.’

  ‘Really, do we want to go into what you don’t know now?’ Darby asked as she smirked at Peyton’s frown.

  ‘We will revisit this penchant for doors you hide from me, later.’

  ‘Yeah... Yeah.’

  Melody saw the argument brewing in Peyton’s eyes. So hurriedly stepped between the sisters saying. ‘Bendrix, may I introduce our sister Specialist Darby Roeah.’

  He bowed to Darby. ‘Greetings Specialist.’ Smiling he told them. ‘All know of Specialist Roeah and her intriguing advancements for science.’ He raised an eyebrow as he told her. ‘Although none know you are a female or the sister of the Star Daughter.’

  ‘Greetings Lord Bendrix.’ She looked at Peyton and said. ‘Did you hear, I am famous?’

  Peyton grinned and said. ‘I did, well done for you.’

  Darby gave her a quick smile then looked again at Bendrix and told him. ‘I was concerned that your Nanites could reject my Nanos. So I adapted them for your species.’

  ‘You did this before meeting us?’ Without realizing it, his tone had turned hostile as he wondered how she could do so without a specimen to test.

  ‘Umm!’ Darby hesitantly murmured.

  Peyton moved a step in front of her, just as Reeve arrived, growling deep in his throat. He scanned the room seeing his brother and Netta without weapons in their hands. His ire calmed and he rumbled. ‘I am here my heart.’

  Darby reached for him and whispered. ‘Okay.’

  Peyton stated. ‘Darby does not cope well with strangers. This is her mate Reeve, who is second to First Commander Hawk.’ She smiled at Reeve. ‘Commander Reeve Roeah, please meet Lord Bendrix Mentu.’

  The two males eyed each other warily, then nodded, thinking that was as good as it was going to get Peyton plunged on. ‘So let’s just get this out of the way. Jax, our friend and sentient life force who you do not really need to know about right now.’ At his suspicious look she said. ‘He will, I am sure explain who he is later. He and Darby developed an information download that will work for you. Jax is the one who had the information on the specifics of your species.’

  ‘I see, well this seems one of those trust situations, so please go ahead. I feel I must warn you, it will probably not work.’

  Netta stepped next to Peyton and Darby as she asked Patty. ‘He will be alright?’

  Bendrix did not allow his feelings to show as he rejoiced in his Suula’s concern.

  Patty grinned, but at Netta’s narrowing eyes she quickly rushed into speech. ‘Of course, Darby would never make something that would hurt him.’

  Darby agreed. ‘Yeah, what she said.’


  Peyton said. ‘I am sorry, I did not introduce you to Patty Serapera, our healer. Patty, this is Lord Bendrix he is Netta’s intended mate.’


  ‘What does that mean?’ Scowled Netta.

  ‘Ahh nothing… nothing at all.’ Patty quickly assured her as she hid her delighted smile. ‘Greetings Lord Bendrix.’

  ‘Greetings Healer Patty.’Patty asked Bendrix. ‘If you could lean down a little please.’

  He complied and Patty told him. ‘We have found it is quicker for the Nanos to assimilate if they are placed just behind the ear. I hope this does not hurt.’

  As quickly as she could, she administered the Nanos and a second or two later, he said. ‘I thank you for your care. That was indeed painless.’

  Patty smiled and moved away from the male so he could stand erect again. Bendrix rubbed his neck, he had felt the Nanos slide under his skin but nothing else. He was unsurprised when the spot on his neck instantly warmed as his Nanites moved to attack what they perceived as intruders.

  Suddenly the sensation of heat dissipated as the Nanos began to integrate with his nanites. He closed his eyes while his Nanites assimilated and placed the information accordingly in his mind. After a few mins, he opened his eyes. ‘M
ost satisfactory, the mix and composition was non-invasive and assimilated almost instantaneously.’

  Peyton looked at Patty and then Darby. ‘What did he say?’

  Darby sighed. ‘It worked.’

  ‘Well, why did he not just say that?’

  ‘Why do you persist in denying you know nothing about science?’

  ‘He did.’ Netta interjected quickly.

  Reeve said. ‘I must go.’ He stared hard at Bendrix as he kissed Darby soundly then left, making sure to have eye contact with Bendrix as he did.

  Melody said on a laugh. ‘Oh wow!’

  Patty agreed. ‘I second that.’

  Hawk said to Bendrix. ‘My brother is not always as intense.’

  Karen smiled as she said. ‘Well not always.’

  Peyton was frowning as she tried to make her point to Darby and Netta. ‘No, he did not make that clear or I would not belabor the point now, would I and I know why?’

  ‘Is belabor a word?’ Patty asked Melody.

  She shrugged and whispered. ‘We will ask Jax later.’

  ‘Oh, this should be good. Why is that, our esteemed leader?’ Darby asked as Peyton scowled at the tone of sarcasm in her voice.

  She sniffed and said, ‘Because he is a cyborg and has to use a different language which I do not have any translations for.’

  Netta stated in Bendrix’s defense. ‘He is not a cyborg for star’s sake.’

  ‘He so is, you saw the knives.’

  We did Mama Star, said all three of the kits. Peyton gave each kit’s head a pat. ‘Thank you, sweeties.’ She looked at the others and said. ‘See!’

  ‘Oh my stars, that proves nothing.’ Melody laughed. ‘No matter what you say, he is not now and never will be a cyborg. So let it go.’

  ‘I find it very annoying that you can still act like a general.’


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