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Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6

Page 16

by L M Lacee

‘Not hard enough,’ Peyton said, ‘you can still speak.’

  They all hid their grins at Peyton’s annoyed words, even the two sisters. ‘Now I am the Star Daughter, who are you that you think you can come in here and speak like you do to these sweet females?’

  Netta dropped her sword but kept it out of its sheath. The female instinctively grabbed for her throat and came away with a drop of blood on her fingers. She opened her mouth to scream but snapped it closed when Netta hissed. ‘Do not, I will cut your tongue from your mouth.’

  Peyton nodded, ‘She will, screaming annoys her.’

  Kent and Iaan moved into the shop, worried Peyton asked. ‘What is it?’

  Kent told her. ‘We were alerted to Commander Netta’s sword being unsheathed.’

  She shook her head in amazement as she said. ‘I had no idea that would happen, did you Netta?’

  ‘Of course.’

  Kent told her. ‘All swords are triggered to alert a Warrior close by that it has been unsheathed.’

  ‘What about when you are training, does it happen then?’

  Smiling a little, he informed her. ‘We are trained to ignore it then.’

  ‘I find that most amazing.’

  ‘And something to enquire about when we are home.’ Netta murmured.

  ‘Yes… yes. Thank you Captains, we are alright. Please don’t allow anyone else to enter the shop.’

  ‘As you will, Star Daughter.’ Kent gave the robust female a hard look and they both returned to their posts.

  The female sobbed and dabbed at her eyes with a lace cloth as she held another to her throat. Before anyone could speak, she launched into speech. ‘I am Lady Clarice Dumoont, I own this establishment and these are my tenants.’

  Trina asked. ‘And this gives you the right to speak and treat them badly?’

  She looked at Trina with speculative eyes as she assessed the wealth of her clothes and the Adee ring she wore on her third finger.

  Netta growled. ‘Answer her.’

  Hurriedly, she replied. ‘They owe me, they have no right to sell my designs as their own.’

  ‘How dearle…’ Peyton placed a hand on Ulyssa’s arm and squeezed, halting her words.

  In a deceptively mild voice she asked the female. ‘Lady Clarice Dumoont all this.’ Peyton waved her hand around. ‘Belongs to you.’

  The realization of whose presence she was in finally blossomed within Lady Clarice’s mind, and her eyes widened in dismay and avarice. Peyton could almost see her greedy little fingers counting out the credits she imagined getting from her and her friends.

  Again Lady Clarice simpered and said with more of an edge of desperation in her tone now.

  ‘Well, this is only what they are allowed to sell. It is of a poorer quality than my products and designs on civilized levels where I invite you to browse. I am sure we will be able to satisfy any of your specialized desires.’ This last was said with a look just bordering on disdain for Zenerra and Lucerra. ‘There is nothing here for you. I can show you garments you have never seen or will see anywhere other than in my quality establishment.’

  Zenerra smoothly pulled both Butariean females away from Peyton as she started to glow. Ignoring the female’s invitation, Peyton flicked her hand and said. ‘I enjoy where I am. Are you implying that because Ulyssa and Ervina are only residents and not citizens, you have the rights to their designs?’

  Lady Clarice replied with a patronizing tone. ‘Surely it was explained to you who is and who is not considered a citizen of the Capital.’

  Trina muttered loudly. ‘No, it never came up in conversation.’

  Lady Clarice ignored her and smirked at the two sisters. ‘It is within my rights to assume ownership of all designs.’

  Peyton demanded. ‘Show me.’

  Her eyes went from the sisters to Peyton as her thoughts tumbled over each other. ‘Excuse me, I am unsure what you are referring to.’

  ‘It is quite simple show me the contract that states that you own everything within this high-rise.’

  ‘I cannot.’

  ‘Why not, you said you were within your rights?’

  Flustered now, Lady Clarice flapped her cloth around. ‘You misunderstood, maybe it is a language confusion. There is not an actual contract it is a more verbal understanding.’

  Peyton hummed, then said in a cold voice. ‘So what you are saying is, these ladies are owned by you?’

  ‘Exactly, I am Lady Clarice Du.…’

  ‘Yes… yes.’ Peyton cut her off as she glowed a little more. ‘I as the Star Daughter, abhor slavery. So it is within my rights to dissolve this horrible practice. To that end you should…’

  The impressive body of Lady Clarice Dumoont dropped to her knees and she begged. ‘Please spare me, I am needed. Many people rely on my being alive. I am too beautiful to die.’

  Peyton’s eyebrows climbed high on her forehead as she looked at the bemused Netta who said. ‘Seriously, she said that… really!’

  Lucerra nodded as she looked at the female with disdain. ‘Yep, just came right out with it.’

  Trina, who was very angry, snarled down at the kneeling female. ‘I find it hard to believe anyone would miss you. More than likely they will award the Star Daughter a commendation if you turned up absent. What a disgraceful female you are. You should be ashamed of yourself.’

  Darby said calmly as she read from her tablet. ‘She owns or more likely her mate owns this high-rise and many others. She is a third cousin to one of the Governors of the city and is considered high-society. Lady Dumoont is tolerated because her mate is a male of influence and because of her cousin. Yeah, I’d take her head.’ She snapped her tablet closed and looked at the stunned female on her knees. ‘Wow, she is a really good actress, she can cry without tears.’

  Trina sniffed in disgust. ‘Foolish female.’ Amused by Darby and Trina, Peyton addressed the female. ‘Rise, you are making yourself look foolish.’

  She looked around as the female struggled to stand and found the silent Ipeara by the door.

  ‘Ipeara, please ask Kent to step in and call for transport. I am placing this female under arrest.’

  The Lady screeched, ‘You cannot do that. I am…’ Her voice halted as Peyton looked at her. ‘You will remain mute until I release you and did I not just get through telling you who I was.’ She shook her head. ‘Really are you this stupid in everything?’

  Ipeara told her. ‘Three mins out, Madam.’

  ‘Thank you hon.’

  Kent walked in and she asked. ‘Captain, do you have restraints?’

  He had a smile on his normally sober face. ‘Why yes Star Daughter, I do.’ He snarled menacing at the plump female. ‘Lady, do not resist. I have no compunction about making you remain still.’

  Lady Clarice Dumoont remained perfectly still, she did not trust the Warrior not to knock her out. He snapped the cuffs on her wrists, saying. ‘This is for kicking my friend, do not ever touch one of us again, or it will not go this well for you.’

  Everyone there looked at her, making her squirm as real fear etched her face.

  Netta told her. ‘Do so again female, and I will take your head. Captain leg restraints please.’

  ‘As you say, Commander.’ He produced those from an inner pocket and snapped them on over Lady Dumoont’s fashionable boots. They could see she was crying real tears now.

  Iaan walked in, followed by three males. ‘Star Daughter, you required us?’ Sedeen asked.

  ‘Greetings Sedeen, Matt, Ran, I am pleased to see you. When did you return?’

  Sedeen told her. ‘Just now, we were on our way to the Embassy.’

  Cobalt and Drifter walked sedately over to Peyton, who made a fuss of each of them. ‘I missed you both.’

  They smiled and replied, or Cobalt did. As we missed you Beloved.

  ‘Sedeen, can you escort this female Lady Clarice Dumoont to my Embassy and Sedeen she is mute at my will.’

  He nodded. ‘We understand Star Daught
er.’ Matt and Ran advanced on the struggling female and finally managed to secure an arm each. She stopped trying to shake them off when she felt a blaster on her neck and heard Sedeen say.

  ‘Stop or I will render you unconscious and drag your body to the Embassy.’

  She instantly complied as she turned fearful eyes on him. There was no doubt as she looked into his cold, hard eyes he meant every word he spoke.

  Netta mind-sent to Peyton. Could make more of a point if she can scream bloody murder on her way out.

  Eww! Graphic but a good idea. Peyton mind-sent the idea to the three males. They grinned and nodded.

  Instantly she released the female’s voice and Lady Dumoont started to shout about the unfairness of her treatment in words that amused Peyton.

  With a nod, the Scouts and their prisoner slowly walked from the shop. All the while Lady Dumoont protested her innocence and when that had no impact on her guards she started screeching her outrage in words unspoken by ladies of quality.

  Zenerra observed. ‘It always surprises me, how people everywhere enjoy watching a tragedy unfold.’

  Peyton agreed. ‘Yep, they do.’

  ‘Oh my, they are really making a show of it.’ Trina said as they watched the Scouts with the now sobbing Lady Dumoont slowly leave the complex.

  Ulyssa and Ervina wanted to weep in despair, they knew when Lady Dumoont returned she would not forgive this indignity and they would wear the brunt of her anger. It would be very unlikely they would survive her wrath. As much as Ulyssa wished to see Lady Dumoont pay for her treatment of them and others like her and Ervina, she knew their days owning this shop were numbered.

  Seeing their expressions, Peyton could only guess at what they were thinking. ‘So I have a proposition for you both.’

  Dispirited Ulyssa asked. ‘Will it make her forgive all that has happened?’

  ‘What I propose is you come to Maikonia with us and design clothes and dress our Draygons. You will own your shop or shops and all designs will remain yours. We have many species to challenge your designing skills and if you can do lingerie.’

  At their blank looks, Darby explained. ‘She means undergarments.’

  Peyton scrunched her nose up as she moaned. ‘Undergarments has such an ugly sound to it.’

  Trina pointed out. ‘It is the same thing, one just sounds prettier that is all.’

  ‘I could probably think of a better word than undergarments.’

  Darby like the others ignored Peyton and asked the two sisters. ‘Can you make undergarments?’

  They all ignored Peyton’s loud sigh as Ulyssa nodded. ‘Yes, we can.’

  Trina assured them. ‘We do not have slaves or corporal punishment on our worlds, we live our lives on our own terms.’

  ‘If you agree, there is a download that is given to all new citizens. It will explain who and what we are, and who makes up our society.’ Netta explained gently.

  Ervina asked. ‘We can have this? It is alright for our species?’

  Darby smiled. ‘It is, I designed it to be safe and non-invasive.’

  Ulyssa clarified. ‘We are to be citizens, not just residents.’

  Peyton assured the sisters. ‘You will be citizens, with all the rights and protections everyone enjoys.’

  That seemed to be enough for the sisters who clung to each other, not quite believing their good fortune. Ulyssa accepted for them both. ‘We will have the download.’

  Ervina gulped and trembling asked. ‘We can leave whenever we want?’

  Darby assured her. ‘At any time and if you want, we will help you relocate to somewhere that suits you better. Oh, and every credit you make is yours. Also, we will provide a home for you. There is no rent or utilities owed on the shop or home, they are yours free.’

  Ervina looked puzzled. ‘I do not understand how can you keep the world operating if you do not collect or take a draft from the profits.’

  Peyton smiled and touched her shoulder. ‘I am the Star Daughter, the Star Child provides.’

  ‘Oh!’ They both smiled, and it took yentas off their faces.

  Ulyssa said. ‘We want very much to leave here.’

  Peyton nodded. ‘I suppose I should tell you. I am normally addressed as Madam Peyton. Also we have dressmakers at home, but we have over one hundred thousand females and more coming every lunera. There will be plenty of opportunity for you to design clothes.’

  They sighed in delight as Ervina asked. ‘Truly, and you do not care if we are Butariean?’

  ‘Stars no, I would consider it a favor if you could talk to my nieces Mama. She, Krona the baby, is not quite a yenta old and the only Butariean we have met, and she cannot tell us much about your people.’ This last amused the sisters and made her sisters sigh in exasperation, because they knew she was serious.

  Ulyssa said. ‘We will be honored to speak to her, Madam Peyton.’

  ‘Good, so what needs to be done to get you gone from here?’

  Ervina asked. ‘We will be allowed to take our designs and clothes?’

  Peyton was surprised at the question. ‘Of course, everything that belongs to you. Darby comm the Leesungha’s please and ask them to bring Warriors. We are packing up a life.’

  Darby was on her link already. Peyton looked around her as she said. ‘Do not forget the material I want please, I really like that.’

  ‘We will not Madam.’ Ulyssa said quietly. ‘You will not regret taking us.’

  ‘Oh, I know, you will be a valuable addition to our worlds.’

  Darby said. ‘Done, they will be here in five mins.’

  ‘Good, so Ulyssa how much for the vest in the window?’

  ‘Madam, please take it as a gift.’

  ‘So sweet, but no. I will pay for it, so how much?’

  She named a price Peyton grinned and then asked. ‘Would you have six different ones?’

  ‘I do.’

  ‘May I have them please and individually wrapped?’

  Ulyssa named a price for all six, Peyton smiled and paid double. Ervina wrapped them all for her as Peyton thanked them both again. She watched Ipeara looking at a beautiful dress in multiple shades of green. ‘Do you have enough credits?’

  ‘I do, thank you Star Daughter.’

  ‘Well get to shopping then.’

  Which made Ipeara laugh and hurry to where Ulyssa stood talking to Darby.

  A little while later Peyton told the sisters who were showing Netta a shirt in shades of purple. ‘Ladies, take your time to pack your wares, and remember if at any time you want to stay. Just tell us and we will help you go wherever you want to.’

  Ulyssa shook her head. ‘Thank you Madam, but our time here is finished. Neither of us enjoys living at the Capital. May I ask, where are we to go?’

  Peyton called out. ‘Darby!’

  They heard her say from deep in the shop.

  ‘On it.’

  Peyton told the sisters. ‘You will reside at our Embassy until we leave. Rose, our Chief Trader will answer any questions you have and pay any outstanding debts for you. Also if you need product and I am sure you will, tell Rose and she will obtain it for you. Please do not forget to pack your own personal possessions, plus purchase anything you need.’ She looked around and said to her ladies. ‘We are leaving when the others arrive.’

  Instantly items were placed on the small counter and the two sisters were packing and receiving credits. The rest of the time in the sister’s shop was anti-climactic. And once Rose and her family arrived and started loading vehicles, they left or were politely asked to leave, depending on your point of view.


  Unfortunately, by the time they had finished with the Bellpone sisters, enough time had passed to warn all the Valard’s that the Star Daughter was shopping. Her picture was flashed on screens everywhere they went, causing owners and managers to crowd around her as soon as they realized she was in their establishment.

  The Valard’s were hard pressed to keep order as
not only the owners and managers but customers besieged Peyton. They fawned all over her and fell over each other, wanting to persuade her to shop at their establishments. Twice Iaan, Kent and Lucerra had to save Darby and Trina from hard-faced males and females. While Netta, Zenerra and Ipeara protected Peyton from people who tried to push them aside so they could touch her.

  At one of the high-rises people just thought to ignore her guards by pushing pass them to talk to her or touch her. Some even tried to force her to take a pic with them. Their disregard for her people and their own safety annoyed and worried her as well as frightened Trina and Darby.

  Zenerra and Lucerra’s wings were unable to be flared to shield them, because people tried to grab them wanting to feel the material. When Zenerra explained they were attached to her body, it did not seem to make any difference to the determined females. In a shop dedicated to perfumes they were surrounded and several foolish females produced knives wanting to slice slivers off the Draygons wings so they could reproduce the texture. Netta, Iaan, Kent and Ipeara ended up surrounding them as well as Peyton, Darby and Trina to protect them from the crowd.

  Finally Netta had enough and snarling unsheathed her sword. Kent and the others soon followed suit. Armed and with Honor and Midnight in combat mode, they hurried back to their vehicle.

  They decided to try one more high-rise and after a heated debate, they chose to visit the jewelery complex. Sadly, they never even made it pass the foyer before they were ambushed. The male Valard had been warned ahead of time and he had security in place but it was not enough and only added to the melee. The security guards appeared more concerned with Midnight and Honor and spent time trying to keep a safe distance from both Prowlers. Rather than controlling the swarming horde of people descending on Peyton and her people.

  Trina was almost knocked down and only Netta’s quick reflexes saved her from falling under the feet of the crowd surrounding them. This was too much for Kent and with a roar of outrage he ruthlessly muscled through the people to reach Trina. Peyton glowed and Netta and the others surrounded her and Darby.

  While Kent swept Trina up into his arms and forced his way through the crowd. Pale and shaken, she clung to him as Netta ordered Iaan and the Prowlers to lead them back to their vehicle. As she and the Draygons protected Peyton and Darby.


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