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Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6

Page 22

by L M Lacee

  Jarrod shook his head, remembering those days. ‘As did we, my friend… as did we! While you are here, ask Willian why he is devoted to her. I think you will be surprised.’

  From there Jarrod gently steered the conversation to other more pressing topics. They spoke for the next two hours, as Jarrod used his considerable abilities to help Wolf come to terms with who he was, since the Chanderoh had returned everything to him. And to come to an understanding of what his Rie was now.

  Jarrod was impressed with the cage Peyton had constructed and spent some time showing Wolf how to build the golden cage and how to coax his Rie into it. By the time he called the session to a close, Wolf felt more like his old self. Something he had not done for many yentas. Jarrod made him aware they needed to see each other for control and to establish a relationship with his Rie. He felt Wolf had a relatively healthy attitude about what the Chanderoh had done and unless any problems arose, there was very little to discuss about that time of his life.

  Wolf was amused to find himself agreeing to meet regularly with Jarrod and knew he had found one of his first true friends. Someone who would be able to help him be part of his new home and family. Jarrod was, as Hawk had said a good male.


  Before the meeting, Netta, Bendrix and Knife entered Peyton and Kardan’s suite. They found Hope, Rayvan and Draykin eating first-meal together. Knife raced to the other kits, and they fell into a tangle of fur and teeth.

  Laughing, Netta took a seat at the table as Kardan and Peyton wandered in from the kitchen. ‘Greetings Ben, Did we have a meeting this morn?’

  ‘No Peyton, I am here to support Netta.’

  Peyton raised her eyebrows. ‘Netta, why do you need support?’

  ‘You know why.’

  ‘Oh, it’s that time.’

  Netta ignored her and greeted Kardan. ‘Greetings Kardan.’

  ‘Greetings Netta, Bendrix. Have you eaten?’

  Bendrix nodded. ‘Yes, thank you.’

  Peyton had told Kardan, Netta or Darby normally came to the suite before morn meetings. To go over any recent developments or to explain some detail she may have not received from Jax or did not understand.

  After some small talk and a gentle nudge from Bendrix, Netta cleared her throat and said. ‘Knife, I need to talk to you and the boys for a min.’

  Hope asked. ‘Auntie Netta, do you want me to leave?’

  ‘Oh no hon, please stay. I did not mean to exclude you, it is just you are…’ She trailed off and drummed her fingers on the table.

  Hope nodded her head and looked from Netta to Bendrix and smiled. ‘I am older.’

  Hope guessed Auntie Netta was gonna have the big talk to the boys that Mama talked to her about.

  Netta smiled and smoothed her hand over Hope’s hair. ‘Yes, and what I am going to say, you probably already know.’

  Hope grinned and said. ‘Yeah, probably.’

  Knife jumped onto a seat next to Draykin.

  Kay Mama Netta, isa listning.

  Netta ran her hand through her hair in a nervous gesture, which amused Peyton. She did not think she had ever seen Netta nervous before. ‘You look nervous. Are you nervous, Netta?’

  Netta pursed her lips and debated if it was worth beating her sister in front of her children. Deciding it would not be a good idea. She chose to ignore her instead. Turning her body away from the mocking expression on her sister’s face she said.

  ‘So boys, you all know Bendrix.’

  The boys stopped eating long enough to nod and say. ‘Yep.’

  ‘Well, you see…’ She looked helplessly into four sets of eyes, watching her so intently and took a gulp of tea. She was sure she heard Peyton snicker, glancing her way she was confronted with a bland expression. Netta switched her gaze to Kardan, but he just looked placidly back at her.

  Bendrix rubbed her back in comfort and said. ‘What your Auntie Netta is trying to say, is she and I are to be mated.’

  Knife dropped his head on to the table and whined pitifully. Rayvan nodded and sighed dramatically, Draykin burst into tears and ran from the room.

  ‘Oh…dayam. I am…’ Netta looked at Peyton and asked. ‘What the hayda do I do?’

  Peyton looked at the door the boy had run through and shrugged. ‘I think you need to talk to him, it’s a shock for the poor baby. I mean, it’s a shock for us all, isn’t that right Rayvan.’

  Rayvan nodded and said in what he thought of as his serious voice. ‘It is Mama, a big shock.’

  Kardan smiled at his son’s serious expression. His smile widened when Hope shook her head and said in a disapproving voice, which he was sure he had heard Darby use. ‘Mama.’

  ‘What, I am shocked.’

  ‘Mama, you are making Auntie Netta feel bad.’

  ‘Yeah.’ Netta agreed and frowned at Peyton. ‘Bad Mama.’

  ‘Hey, I didn’t just break a young boy’s heart, heartless wench.’

  Netta snarled. ‘Shut it right now female.’

  Bendrix asked, not looking at anyone in fear he would burst out laughing. ‘Where has Draykin gone?’

  Netta rose from her chair and replied. ‘To Rayvan’s room.’

  Hope smiled at Bendrix and Netta and said. ‘I am happy for you, Auntie Netta, and you too, Uncle Bendrix.’

  Netta reached over and kissed her forehead. ‘Thank you sweet girl. I knew you would be, I love you.’

  ‘I love you too, Auntie Netta.’ She whispered. ‘He has kind eyes.’

  Netta nodded and whispered back. ‘I know.’ She then asked Knife. ‘Are you very upset?’

  He laughed and shook his head. Me not, Grammie Lott already told me, but she says to keep it secrit until you tells me.

  He laughed again as she growled. ‘Funny kitten.’

  Me is.

  ‘Rayvan, are you upset too?’

  Rayvan stood on his chair and hugged her. ‘I think you was gonna be too old for me and Draykin, when we growed up.’ He thought about it for a moment then said. ‘I am happy you will not be alone when you get real old.’

  Trying not to laugh, Netta nodded solemnly and said. ‘Ahh, thank you, sweetheart.’

  She looked at Bendrix as he urged her. ‘I would go talk to him, he sounds unhappy.’

  Reeve and Darby entered, just as Draykin let out a loud cry.

  Distressed Netta cried. ‘Oh dearle.’

  Reeve asked. ‘What is happening?’

  Darby looked toward the bedroom and back at Netta. ‘Finally told him, huh!’

  Netta grimaced. ‘Yes, and he is upset.’

  Reeve ordered. ‘You broke him, you fix him.’

  Netta snarked as she headed to the bedroom. ‘So touchy, make a boy cry and everyone gets upset.’

  Reeve grinned. ‘I like that Terran expression, it makes people cry or hurry to do as I say.’

  Darby raised her beautifully shaped eyebrows and asked tartly. ‘Is that right?’

  Reeve swallowed his next words on hearing the tone and quickly replaced what he was going to say with. ‘Not you, my heart… never you.’

  ‘As I thought.’

  Worried and with her eyes lingering on the door Netta had gone through, Peyton murmured. ‘Perhaps I should go and help Netta, this could be tricky.’

  Darby hurriedly disabused her of this notion by saying. ‘No… no, you just stay here. She is a big girl now, she must learn to handle things like this for herself. That is why Reeve and I, are not rushing in there.’

  Peyton looked doubtfully from Darby to the door and then back again. ‘Well, if you say so.’

  Darby smiled and gushed. ‘I do, we all do.’

  At her relieved tone, Kardan, Reeve and Bendrix refused to look at each other, scared they would break down and laugh.

  Netta slid through the partially opened door and found Draykin lying on Rayvan’s bed with his face in the pillow. As she watched, he lifted his head and howled loudly, then dropped it back on to the pillow again. Smiling, she glided ov
er to him and rubbed his back, saying soothingly. ‘Come on baby boy, talk to me.’

  Draykin stilled, he had not heard his Aunt Netta enter the room. He shoved his face into the pillow harder and refused to speak.

  Netta tried again. ‘I know you are sad and you don’t like thinking I am leaving you. But sweetheart, I am not going away. I will always live at home.’

  His voice was muffled as he asked. ‘You not go away?’

  Netta shook her head. ‘Nope, even though I am mating Bendrix, we will live in my apartment.’

  Draykin turned his head and looked at her. ‘You vow.’

  ‘I do so vow.’

  Many luneras ago on a night when the boys were with her. They had told her that when they grew older they were going to care for Peyton. Because Netta was going to be too old to do so. She shamelessly used that memory now. ‘You know I cannot leave, who would look after Auntie Peyton. Remember, I have to stay until you and Rayvan get old enough to take over from me.’

  Draykin nodded seriously. ‘Yep, me member, me and Rayvan gonna be her commanders, like yoos and Uncle Jorge.’

  ‘See how I have to stay until you learn everything you will need to know.’

  ‘Kay.’ He scrambled onto her lap and hugged her. ‘I love you Auntie Netta.’

  ‘As I love you nephew.’

  They sat like that for a while then Netta said quietly and she had no idea why she felt compelled to tell him. ‘Hope says Bendrix has kind eyes.’

  Draykin sighed. ‘He good male, keep your heart safe like Papa doos Mama.’

  ‘You think so?’

  ‘Yep, me and Rayvan like him.’

  ‘Oh, okay. Are we good now?’

  Draykin turned to her and asked. ‘I still come for cuddles in the morns and night.’

  Netta opened her eyes wide and stated. ‘Always, nothing changes that. Who will sing to me and Knife and tell us stories?’

  He beamed a smile at her. ‘Me, I doos.’

  ‘Good, so you okay now?’


  But he didn’t sound it. Netta smiled, knowing what may clinch the deal, casually she asked. ‘Would you like to see what special tricks Bendrix can do?’

  The boys had recently watched a vid on magic. They had been fascinated with the magician. Draykin looked up at her and asked. ‘He can do tricks?’

  ‘Yep, really good ones.’


  ‘Should we go ask him to show us some?’

  Draykin scrambled off her lap, tears forgotten. ‘Uncle Bendrix is magic.’

  Smiling, Netta nodded. ‘I think so.’

  She had Bendrix produce a sword and different styles of knives to the boy’s and Hope’s amazement, and she had to admit hers as well. She knew she was never going to tire of his ability to conjure up blades.


  After the dramatic events of Netta’s confession to the boys. The adults went to their morn meeting while the nannies arrived to care for the children.

  When they arrived at the restaurant, it was to find almost everyone at first-meal. They had timed it for when most people were enjoying their cups of tea or coffee. Judging the time was right, Peyton stood to get the meeting underway.

  Everyone hushed as she looked over the throng of people and smiled. ‘We again have another full meeting, this is becoming a habit.’ There was plenty of soft laughter at this statement.

  ‘As you can see, we are missing people. For those of you who do not know, Carrick and Kate have left for a few days of rest and relaxation. Now all those that have recently become mated please feel free to do the same.’ She looked at Netta and Bendrix. ‘Not you two, obviously.’

  ‘Last nerve sister.’ Netta growled as Bendrix grinned and threw Peyton a wink which caused her to grin in reply.

  Ignoring her sister, she carried on. ‘Just let us know if you are thinking of spending a few days away. It goes without saying, couples who have been mated for a while can go as well. It is just I do not know where you would go.’ She flipped her hand. ‘I mean, it is not like you can go to the beach or anything…’

  ‘Star Girl, we don’t have all day, bitchre about the place another time.’

  Peyton frowned at Darby as she told her. ‘I am so not bitching, just stating a fact like…’

  ‘Sure sounded like bitching to me, and there is a place people go. It’s where Carrick and Kate went and it has beaches and forests, they call it a Hunmakers Moon.’

  Peyton spluttered out a laugh. ‘Now you are just making that up.’

  Darby retorted. ‘I assure you I am not, why would I. It is a stupid name.’

  Jean, a secret romantic, sighed in agreement as Heather said. ‘She is right. I would have named it something with more romance to it.’

  ‘Yes, well… okay.’ Peyton looked at Kardan, who nodded and said. ‘Yes my heart, we will visit this Hunmakers Moon.’

  Happy she asked Hawk. ‘Why are you sighing?’

  Before he could answer, Reeve said. ‘You are taking too long. I want cotton candiee and to go to this moon with my Darby.’

  Peyton assured him. ‘As do we all and we will, before we go home.’

  Hawk stated. ‘We of course will not get closer to home while Madam is speaking.’

  Her eyes narrowed as she glared at him. ‘Why are you annoyed with me?’

  Hawk crossed his arms over his impressive chest and glared at her in return. ‘I took several long mins to explain a small thing to Wolf last night, which is directly your fault, you have corrupted my thinking.’

  ‘See!’ She pointed at Hawk and said to Kardan. ‘I am always at fault and I was not even there.’

  Melody snarled. ‘Pointing!’

  Peyton whipped her hand behind her back. Everyone knew Melody detested anyone pointing and was known to smack a hand if it occurred near her.

  Kardan leaned back in his chair, smiling at Melody as he told Peyton. ‘I will beat him for you later, my heart. Now the talking please.’

  ‘Do I hear tone?’ She asked suspiciously.

  ‘Why would there be tone?’

  There was not one person there who was not grinning or straight out laughing at the exchanges. Netta murmured to Kardan. ‘For future reference, it is called a speech.’

  Kardan nodded, then told her. ‘Reeve explained for everyone else it was called this. For Peyton it is called… well, I cannot say what he called it.’

  She grinned as she replied. ‘I bet I can guess.’

  ‘Finished?’ Peyton asked them both as she glared at Reeve. She bet she could guess what he called it too.

  Netta sounded bored as she said. ‘Yes, now get to it, we have things to do.’

  Peyton threw her hands into the air and snapped. ‘Seriously!’

  Marlo growled. ‘Time female, we have a day to plan.’

  Peyton nodded. ‘Why is everybody so bossy this morn?’

  ‘Shopping.’ Brenda exclaimed. ‘Do get on with it, dearle.’

  ‘Yes Ma’am.’ She once more turned to her audience and said. ‘So it seems we also have people visiting the Patamoglian Embassy with Peneria and Ipeara. Jerthem and Lucerra you have been invited, please go if you would like too. The visit may give you some ideas for our future Embassies.’

  He smiled. ‘We will, thank you Madam.’

  ‘Aww you deserve it, what with those Ole…’

  ‘Madam, young ears.’ Esther said sharply, cutting her off.

  ‘Oh, yeah,’ she looked around and frowned, ‘but they are not here yet.’

  ‘Yet, is the word.’ Esther stated.

  Reeve demanded. ‘Speaking now!’

  She snapped. ‘Fine, to other matters. Coraan. Peneria gave you her report of Esther’s attempted kidnapping, and I am told you have reviewed it. So can you tell us what her team found?’

  Coraan stood. ‘Firstly; let me say our investigative team is very good. Secondly; Peneria and Willian conclude the attempt was orchestrated but disorganized. Which leads her to
believe it was a chance encounter that spurred the attackers into action.’

  Netta asked. ‘Are you saying they were planning on grabbing her, but had not worked out where and when? Then someone saw her out and about and they hurriedly put the attempt together and tried to get her?’

  ‘That is the conclusion Peneria and Willian have come too and I agree with their conclusions.’

  Esther said. ‘So it seems they know who I am.’

  Coraan nodded. ‘I think we should work on that assumption. Although Peneria has another theory. She thinks it is possible they tried for you because they assumed you are the grandparent of the children. Foolishly they considered you to be vulnerable.’

  Melody growled. ‘They know differently now.’

  ‘Unfortunately, as much as Willian and Jax tried, they were unable to find out who the instigator behind this act was.’


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