Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6

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Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6 Page 36

by L M Lacee

  Sonia was the one to ask. ‘Oh, mind-healers, we have heard of them. Do they really heal the mind?’

  ‘Yes, my husband is one.’ Nina told them proudly. ‘They are very good at what they do, if your friends can be helped they will do so.’

  Darby also explained. ‘We have a download I designed for humans, it gives you languages and information on our worlds and where you are and more.’

  ‘We want that, it is like being blind and deaf, not always knowing what is being said around you, or when someone references to something you don’t understand. English is not common here.’ Sonia said as the other two nodded.

  Karen grinned as she agreed. ‘So true, well language won’t be a problem soon.’ She looked at Jorge. ‘We are going to help these females brother Jorge, what do we do?’

  He replied in perfect English with hardly an accent. It was so startling the three sisters gasped in surprise. ‘I am already organizing transportation and clearance. Medical has been placed on standby.’

  Karen said. ‘We are sorry our Warriors know and understand English. I suppose we should have mentioned that.’ She shrugged. ‘We are just used to it.’

  Sonia blushed and shook her head. ‘No, we are sorry to be startled. It is just unexpected. What can we do for you Commander?’

  ‘Lady Sonia, will all the other ladies be at your apartment for us to gather or will we have to wait for them to return?’

  She looked at him with doubt in her eyes. Recognizing the look and the emotion behind it, Karen took her hand in hers and softly comforted her. ‘I know trust is hard, but you three already took the leap of faith just by coming here today. Now you just need to go the rest of the way. I swear we won’t let you down.’

  Sonia looked at her two sisters, who gave her a small nod of encouragement. She swallowed her fear and blurted out before she changed her mind. ‘Okay… yes Commander, we can send a code that will return them to the apartment.’

  ‘When you are ready, please do so.’ He smiled kindly and told her. ‘We will wait for you and them.’

  Abby leaned over and asked Karen. ‘So is he attached?’

  ‘Yes, to my sister.’

  ‘Oh, he is nice.’

  ‘They all are.’ Darby said with a gentle smile. ‘I have found our Warriors… actually all the males on our worlds are very gentle and thankfully patient.’

  Nina added quietly. ‘If you are looking for a husband, you could do no better than our Warriors.’

  Chris asked a little skeptically. ‘Is that likely though, I mean us getting married?’

  Darby pointed to Melody. ‘My sister is the ordained matchmaker, so ask her?’

  Melody rolled her eyes at Darby’s abbreviated explanation and said. ‘Without going into a lot of stuff you have no knowledge of just yet, let me just say yes.’ Light-heartedly she growled at Darby. ‘Seriously Darby, scare them, why don’t you?’

  ‘Pfft! They don’t scare.’ Darby retorted with a grin. ‘They are tough Terran females. Dear stars with what they have been through, a little piece of knowledge about men and matchmakers will not freak them out.’

  The banter between sisters settled Sonia as nothing else could have. She grinned with her own sisters and said to Jorge. ‘I will signal them now Commander.’

  ‘As you will, Lady Sonia.’

  She blushed slightly at his softly spoken words. Melody decided now was a good time to give them a lesson on how to know if a male was free of a mate.

  ‘To tell if you are talking to a married man or woman,’ she pulled up her sleeves. ‘The Star Child gives us these when we are married. They are permanent like a wedding band.’

  All three sisters stared at the bands around her wrists and then into her eyes. Christine asked. ‘Who is the Star Child?’

  Abby asked. ‘What does Terran mean?’

  Sonia asked. ‘Tattoos, what if you don’t want them?’

  Darby said. ‘Oh wow, yeah, okay. I promise all your questions will be answered in the download.’

  Christine said shyly. ‘Do you think we will get to meet the Star Daughter?’

  ‘Keeping her away, will be the problem.’ Melody muttered with a look at Darby, who nodded and sighed in agreement as Nina and the others laughed.

  Chris asked. ‘Is she truly as frightening as everyone says she is?’

  Karen grinned as she said. ‘Only if she doesn’t have coffee.’

  Melody grinned and said. ‘If you mean in an annoying sister kind of way, then yes. But in saying that, she is the most loving person in this Universe. I swear you are safe with her and us.’

  Nina snorted in disgust as she told them. ‘Don’t believe everything these people here at the Capital say, you already know they lie.’

  All three sisters agreed with relief shining in their eyes as Sonia stated. ‘As a rule, we don’t listen to the gossip. We learned very early on that most of what is said here is not true. But in saying that everything is so different and when you only understand every other word, it is easy to form wrong opinions. Sometimes we gleaned enough to piece together truth from fiction and believe us we listened to everything we could about the Star Daughter, in the hopes she was human. Sorry we did not mean to offend.’

  Peneria, who had remained silent until then, took her hand in hers and softly said. ‘You have not, we understand. My sister and I are obviously not Terran, which by the way mean’s human or Earthlings. So for us too it was different and frightening. Especially when you do not know the language but trust us, we can and will fix that. Our Star Daughter is truly wonderful and very kind.’ She looked sternly at the smiling Terrans and ordered. ‘Not that you will tell her I said so!’

  ‘Oh, of course not.’ They all agreed.

  The sisters smiled again and felt themselves relaxing. If these women could joke about the mysterious Star Daughter. She could not be as dangerous or as frightening as they had been led to believe. At least these women and Warriors seemed to think she was okay. They could only hope they were not misplacing their trust.

  Abby looked from Peneria to Jorge and told him. ‘The women will be frightened.’

  He nodded as he stared at her, a gentle smile on his face, and replied in English. ‘I am sure they will be, we will not rush them.’ He stood and announced. ‘Commander Netta, Healer Patty and Mystic Telfor have arrived, they will see to your ladies.’

  Karen said. ‘Us too, we will go too.’

  ‘No, my sister, you will return with the others to the Embassy.’

  ‘Oh, but we could…’ She stopped talking when he shook his head. ‘I am sorry, Lady Roeah, the First Commander requires it.’ He used her title and she knew he was following Hawk’s orders.

  ‘Okay.’ She smiled. ‘Sorry Jorge, I did not mean to make your job harder.’

  ‘No apology necessary Karen.’


  Everyone stood as Nina said to the three sisters. ‘You will be looked after, Netta is human and a Commander like Jorge. Patty is also human and a healer. Telfor is my husband and the mind-healer we were telling you about.’

  He came to her then and kissed her cheek. ‘My one, you are well?’

  ‘I am.’

  He asked as he eyed the three females standing quietly, watching him with confused expressions. ‘You have had an interesting day, have you completed your shopping?’

  ‘Most of it, we can finish it tomorrow. Telfor speak English, their translators are not very good.’

  ‘Ahh, I see.’ He switched smoothly to English as he turned fully to the three females. ‘I apologize for any rudeness my not speaking English caused. I am Telfor, I am sure you already know I am a mind-healer. Jorge has told me you have some women from your home world who are in need of my help?’

  Sonia answered with a nervous smile. ‘We do, they were on a pleasure planet. We have others who are just physically hurt.’

  He inclined his head as he told her. ‘We will do what we can to help each of them, I swear.’ His assurances seem
ed to lessen the tension that had come over them at his arrival, he motioned Netta and Patty closer. ‘We are to speak in English, the translators they have are subpar.’

  Netta and Patty both nodded as he carried on with the introductions. ‘Ladies, this is Commander Netta.’ They shook hands, then he introduced Patty. ‘And this is Healer Patty.’

  She shook their hands as well and when it came to the sister name Christine, she held hers longer and frowned. ‘Oh my, you are not well.’ She had the med scanner out and was scanning her within seconds, as she read the words that flashed over the screen she said. ‘Jorge, tell Dinas liver and kidney infections as well as a chest infection.’ Smiling at the concerned Christine, she explained. ‘My husband is Dinas, he is a first class healer. I know you are scared but go with these ladies, you need treatment.’

  Christine nodded, her face was flushed with fever and tiredness as Sonia and Abby both looked at her, they could see she was unwell.

  Sonia asked her worriedly. ‘Why did you not say anything?’

  Christine shrugged, not able to articulate the fear she had been living with since she realized she was sick. Melody took pity on her and said. ‘What was there to say, no credits and others worse off than her. She didn’t see it as a worry; she was wrong, but hey, we all are at times.’

  ‘Yeah, what she said.’ Chris wheezed out. Patty placed the hand she was still holding into Melody’s, who squeezed it reassuringly as Patty asked. ‘Maybe one of your sisters could go with you?’

  Abby said. ‘I will.’

  Sonia nodded. ‘That’s a good idea. I will go and get the others, they should all be there by now.’

  Netta said. ‘Okay, let’s do that.’

  She made hand signals to the Warriors she had brought with her. Instantly there was movement. Some went to the entrance, others lined up ready to escort the females back to the Embassy.

  Darby called out. ‘Wait!’

  Netta sighed as she looked at the slightly ruffled female. ‘Sister of mine, what?’

  Darby growled. ‘Tone.’

  Chris whispered to Melody. ‘You are all sisters?’

  ‘Yep, amazing, huh!’

  ‘I would say so.’ She kept the thought to herself that these women were so very different from each other, how could they be sisters.

  As if she had read her mind, Melody grinned and whispered. ‘Adopted,’

  Smiling Chris nodded, now that made sense.

  Netta’s smirk at Darby’s response caused her to sniff in disapproval. She looked over at Peneria and asked. ‘What did the Dorjinu’s say?’

  ‘They want to come with us.’

  ‘Okay, comm Rose to oversee the packing and help them move to the Embassy, they will be guided by you. Please stay and help.’

  ‘Willian will need to be told.’

  Darby said archly. ‘Well, you can do that, I am sure.’

  ‘Testy.’ Peneria said as she moved away to use her link.

  Ipeara looked at Netta and asked. ‘Should I stay as well?’

  Netta shrugged her shoulders, she had no clue what was going on. She answered with a bite to her tone. ‘How would I know, ask Commander Darby, she seems to be in charge, I have no idea why I am here.’

  Darby huffed at Netta then said. ‘Ipeara, if you want to stay, do so.’

  ‘I would like to. Thank you, Comm… I mean Darby.’

  The slip caused Darby to blow air out her nostrils as she did when irritated. It just made Netta laugh, finally she asked. ‘Darby, what is happening?’

  ‘The people who own this restaurant have been ordered to leave, we are taking them with us.’

  Frowning, Netta looked around and asked. ‘Why?’

  ‘Two words. Asian style.’

  Netta sniffed and smiled. ‘Yeah, I get that.’

  ‘Thought you might, and I am coming with you.’

  Netta eyed her as everyone stilled, waiting for her reply. ‘Your funeral, remember that when she starts yelling at you.’

  ‘So not scared. Netta these are June’s cousins, they are family.’

  Netta nodded to Sonia and said to Darby. ‘Yeah, she might buy that, but don’t hold yah breath.’ She called out in a louder voice. ‘People we are rolling.’

  Darby stood next to Sonia and Patty, who stated. ‘That went well.’

  With a tone of surprise, Darby said. ‘I thought she would put up more of a fight.’

  ‘You almost sound upset she didn’t.’ Sonia said with raised eyebrows.

  Darby looked confused as she replied. ‘I kind of am, I think, but it is only logical I go. I thought you would feel better with someone you know with you.’

  Sonia looked at the slightly terrifying Commander with purple tipped hair and said somberly. ‘I agree and believe me, I do.’

  Patty hid her grin as she said. ‘Well, that’s your answer then Darby. Netta is very practical.’

  ‘Huh! You think she may have gone easy on me because I actually understood the position Sonia and her friends are in.’ She shrugged self-consciously and said to Sonia. ‘I don’t always understand people’s emotions.’

  Patty defended her. ‘You are getting better and I bet that is exactly why Netta did not put up an argument and hey, anything is possible, remember?’

  Netta stated as she walked pass the trio. ‘Darby, move it! We are burning daylight people.’

  Sonia laughed and almost swallowed her tongue, shocked she could still find something to laugh about after all this time. She could not stop herself saying. ‘Western vid, I remember that one.’

  Netta stopped and turned around as she asked. ‘You do?’

  Abby shared a sad smile with Sonia and Chris as she said. ‘Oh yeah, our grandfather was mad for them when we were young.’

  ‘Oh wow, Marlo is gonna be pleased.’ Melody said cryptically.

  Netta nodded. ‘He will, I swear that man is trying to turn us all western.’

  Melody agreed with a glint of laughter in her eyes. Netta looked at the exhausted females and said. ‘Jorge will take you to the Embassy, ladies relax, your job is over. It is time to concentrate on yourselves. So go get healed and rest, we have this.’

  A sheen of tears filled the sister’s eyes as they huskily agreed. Melody told Sonia. ‘I will make sure your sisters are cared for, I swear.’

  ‘Thank you Melody.’

  Sonia watched Jorge lead her sisters away. She felt a pang of misgiving until she saw the solicitous way the huge Warriors treated her sisters. So with a small wave to each of them, she heaved a sigh of relief. Now all that was left was to pick up the remaining women and get the hell away from here. She was jarred out of her thoughts by Netta calling. ‘We are gone, people!’

  She and Darby moved through the throng of people who had gathered at the entrance to the restaurant, and stopped to wait for Netta.

  Before Netta left, she said to Peneria. ‘I have left you guards, if you need more, comm the Embassy.’

  But before she could reply a small dark gray hairless male came to where they were standing. Netta looked down at the male. ‘You would be Shodian Dorjinu?’

  He bowed. ‘I am Commander, I and my daughters thank you.’

  Netta bowed from the waist showing respect to the male and had she realized it, her two swords sheathed on her back. When she stood again, her gleaming golden knives strapped to her thighs made an impressive sight.

  Actually Lujunn thought the Commander made an allover impressive sight. With her trim muscled body and short purple tipped hair which complimented her beauty, he felt safe and grateful for her all in one.

  ‘Shodian, we are very privileged that someone of your talents would grace our tables on our home worlds. The Star Daughter cannot wait to meet you and your daughters. She wishes for you to please make sure you tell our chief trader everything you will need. So she may obtain what you will require to continue your craft, no matter the cost.’

  As she had spoken, most of the wrinkles around his eyes had smoothed
out in shock and his face looked almost young. He swallowed several times before saying. ‘The Star Daughter is most generous.’

  ‘The Star Daughter appreciates talent, Shodian.’ Netta smiled and with a light touch to the male’s shoulder in goodbye. She turned to her people and in her commanding voice ordered. ‘People, do not dally, we have ladies to see too.’

  With a look she gathered Telfor, Patty, Sonia and Darby around her. Surrounded by her Warriors, she marched through the gathered people like a Battleship, looking neither left nor right.

  ‘She is most impressive.’ Lujunn said admiringly.

  Peneria sighed and said. ‘I so want to be her one day.’

  He smiled at her wishful tone as he turned to his daughters, who had stayed back until Netta and her people had left. They asked him with excitement, vying with fear in their voices.

  ‘This is good parent, yes?’

  ‘Yes, my daughters very good.’ He said to Peneria and Ipeara. ‘We thank you, slavery is not for us.’

  Ipeara growled in disgust. ‘No.’

  ‘It is for no one.’ Agreed Peneria as she stroked her sister’s hair in a calming gesture.

  ‘Hush Ipeara we will eradicate its practice. It just takes time. Today be thankful we saved our friends and the Terran females.’

  Ipeara sighed and wiped her face with her hands. ‘I know, just sometimes it is so…’

  Lujunn touched her arm. ‘Small Missy, your heart is good. Today we are thankful for the gifts we have received. Now we must finish with this business and leave this world.’

  She smiled as she bowed her head. ‘You are right, Shodian, today is a good day.’

  ‘What is it we are to do?’ Laalinn asked Ipeara. ‘Was the Commander Netta telling truth when she told our parent the Star Daughter said we could purchase anything?’

  Rose walking in said. ‘I am the Chief Trader for Maikonia. My name is Rose and yes, she was speaking the truth. Greetings Peneria, Ipeara, introduce me please.’

  Peneria smiled at Rose, Willian had confided to her recently that Rose was a different person to the female they had first met; she was confident and happy as Maikonia’s Chief Trader. He believed it was because of her mating with Malchol. Peneria secretly thought it was the fact Rose knew she had an entire world and the baddest female who ever stepped foot in this Universe behind her. Not that she would tell Peyton that.


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