Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6

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Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6 Page 37

by L M Lacee

  ‘Greetings, Rose, allow me to introduce Shodian Lujunn Dorjinu and his daughters Laalinn and Jealinn. Shodian this is Rose Hananva, formerly Leesungha, from the Maikonian trading house.’

  The three startled Dorjinu’s bowed, everyone knew of the trading house Leesungha, as they straightened. Lujunn hesitantly greeted Rose.

  ‘Greetings, we are honored to meet the Chief Trader.’

  Rose smiled. ‘Thank you and greetings to you as well. Shodian we are here to make your life easier. So to that end, you will direct and we will comply. If it is possible for your daughters to go with Ipeara and some of our Warriors. They can gather what it is you would like to take from your residence, this will speed things up.’

  Laalinn asked. ‘May we parent?’

  Lujunn smiled. ‘Yes.’

  Rose looked around at the restaurant and sniffed appreciatively, then she explained. ‘Once we have seen to your restaurant, we will sit down and compile a list for shopping. I have people standing by to purchase everything you will need. Our Star Daughter has requested several restaurants, if you are willing, as we have other worlds in our system of nine. All of them will appreciate your style of food. Are you prepared to allow your daughters to venture out on their own?’ She eyed the small male, thinking if not, Peyton would convince him. Regardless, she would make sure she obtained enough product and equipment for more than one business.

  He smiled as he told her. ‘It may not seem so Chief Rose, but my daughters are with me because we could not finance other restaurants. Not because they will not be successful on their own or they are not capable. They are highly trained and more than ready to venture, as you say out.’

  The girls smiled at their parent’s praise, showing sharp pointed teeth. Rose bowed her head. ‘I apologize for any insult. It was not intended. Some parents do not trust the world with their young.’

  Peneria said, bypassing the awkward moment. ‘We need to get going so we can get the shopping started. So Shodian start thinking about what you need to place on the list. Rose has contacts for later and we have a world that is dedicated to agriculture, they will in time grow anything you need.’

  The three members of the Dorjinu family all turned to stare at her hopefully, she grinned. ‘Yes, we will definitely take you there so you may see what produce they have available now. If you give Rose a list of crops, you would like. I am sure the farmers will be delighted to grow them for you.’

  Rose said. ‘Peneria, maybe you could set a time for the Shodian to speak to Nina.’

  ‘Oh good idea.’ Peneria agreed, she told the family who were listening raptly. ‘You met Specialist Nina today, she is a botanist and will help you with seeds and plants, but first we need to get you gone from here.’

  Rose said as she rubbed her hands together and smiled as the Dorjinu family smiled. ‘I love my job.’

  Frand arrived with over thirty Warriors and several of his and Rose’s cousins. Lujunn smiled at the efficiency of Rose and her people as they went into the kitchen to start the dismantling of his restaurant. He asked Frand as he went to pass him. ‘What can we do to repay you?’

  ‘A meal sometime will be enough for us.’ Everyone within hearing agreed.

  Lujunn bowed and assured them. ‘We can do that.’

  Frand rubbed his stomach and grinned, then they got to work, within three hours the restaurant was no more. They even had two technical specialists come to dismantle the expensive tech Lujunn had installed in previous yentas. He apologized for the age of the tech, but the Warrior named Kinn waved away his concerns, stating it was good to keep what was there. He assured Lujunn that Specialist Darby or Specialist Jean would have newer and more advanced technology for him to use. He did not mention Jax, who had stated he already had plans for better tech to place in the new restaurants. Neither did he mention how Jean and Willian made him aware he must retrieve the tech. Because Madam would pout if they did not bring it back for her to play with.

  Lujunn felt excitement stir at the possibilities ahead of him and his daughters. He also got to meet his little Missy’s mate Willian. A nice young male, very respectful if not a little distracted, but his companion Boaks was a pleasant surprise.

  It took only an hour for the sisters and Warriors to pack up their apartment. It took far longer to make a list of requirements for the new restaurants.


  Netta passed Rose and her family on her way out. A head nod was all she gave her as they hurried to the waiting cars. Once inside the vehicle, Netta introduced Sonia to Waseo.

  ‘Sonia, this is Captain Waseo.’

  At the small crease that appeared between her eyebrows. Darby said. ‘It is pronounced Way-sue.’

  ‘I thank you.’ She said and nodded to the handsome driver, who gave her a cheeky grin in return.

  Netta asked her. ‘Sonia, we need the address please.’

  Sonia immediately gave the address and Waseo saluted as he said. ‘There in three mins Commander. Do we know how many we will be transporting?’

  Sonia answered after Darby translated. ‘There should be ninety-five.’

  He nodded and asked in English, to Sonia’s relief. ‘How many are not mobile?’

  She replied hesitantly. ‘Twenty maybe twenty-five.’

  He spoke Coalition into the comm. She understood mostly everything he said, it occurred to her, he may have been speaking slowly so she could.

  ‘Jax, my friend, we will need transporters, enough for ninety-five females, there are twenty or twenty-five that are not ambulatory.’

  As you will Captain, is Commander Netta there?

  ‘She is on board.’

  A young female voice asked in English. ‘Hey girl, did you get them yet?’

  Netta sighed. ‘No, I am on my way now.’

  ‘What about the food guy?’

  Netta raised her eyebrows at Darby, who grimaced and replied with an irritated look at Netta. ‘You mean Shodian Lujunn?’

  ‘Darby!’ Peyton yelled. ‘Why are you there?’

  Netta mocked softly to the wide-eyed Sonia. ‘That is our revered leader, the Star Daughter.’

  Sonia gave her a doubtful look when she nodded. Sonia turned incredulous eyes to Patty, who laughingly slapped Netta’s shoulder and murmured. ‘Bad Netta,’ then she said to Sonia, ‘it really is.’

  ‘Oh my.’ Sonia mumbled, unable to believe that sweet youthful voice belonged to a woman who supposedly could wield so much power and frightened the people here.

  Darby growled back. ‘Do not yell at me, Star Girl. Sonia needs my help, she knows no one else.’ Silence met her words, Darby clenched her jaw as she looked at Netta who shrugged.

  Peyton replied. ‘Oh... oh dear, that can’t be good.’

  ‘What... what is not good?’ Demanded Darby.

  Netta hung her head and mumbled. ‘I can tell you.’

  Darby hissed. ‘Shut it, Knife Girl.’

  ‘Say it is not so.’ Patty groaned as Peyton said the fateful words.

  ‘Umm… Reeve is on his way to you. Oh man, he seems a little pissed.’

  Netta shook her head and looked at the scowling Darby. ‘There it is!’

  Darby’s scowl deepened as she snarled in reply. ‘Really not helping.’

  ‘Will anything now?’ Patty asked as they heard soft laughter coming from the comm.

  Darby cried. ‘Peyton, stop him.’

  ‘Umm… sorry Darby, too late, he is like a hurricane and blown out of here.’

  ‘I am so mad at you.’ Darby growled as the others laughed, even Sonia smiled.

  ‘Aww, it’s not so bad, Telfor you okay?’

  ‘Are you asking if I can handle this?’ He queried, as he raised an eyebrow at the silence that greeted his question.

  Netta softly murmured. ‘Got her.’

  Telfor smiled as a quiet. ‘Maybe.’ Came through the comm.

  ‘I am quite able, Madam.’

  A sulky voice muttered. ‘Didn’t say you weren’t, and you a
re awfully snippy.’

  ‘If you say it is so Madam, then who can argue.’

  ‘Yeah… yeah, pain in my… yes, Esther that was not polite. Bye for now, take care.’

  They all grinned as the comm went quiet and Sonia asked. ‘Who is Esther, is she the Star Child?’

  Darby laughingly reassured her. ‘Oh no, she is our mother.’

  Netta told her. ‘She keeps us all in line which, as you heard, is good for us.’

  Telfor and Patty agreed with nods and smiles. Sonia hesitantly asked. ‘And who is this Reeve?’

  Waseo let out a roar of laughter as she asked Netta. ‘And why is he laughing?’

  ‘Shut it Captain.’ Snarled a desperate Darby. She looked at Netta and pleaded. ‘Say you out rank him, please?’

  Netta sucked in her cheeks. ‘You know, it has never come up before. I don’t think I do, he is second to Hawk.’

  ‘You are First Commander of her guards, you must?’

  Netta told her helpfully. ‘Hey, you are the Star Daughter’s sister, maybe you can use that to say you outrank him.’

  ‘No.’ Darby shook her head sadly. ‘I cannot, I have tried. It makes no difference.’

  ‘Is it because he is so large?’ Asked a sympathetic Patty.

  Darby sighed. ‘No.’

  ‘Is it because he is an Elite and tells you he is, all the time?’ Netta asked with a snicker.

  ‘No, if only.’

  She shook her head as Sonia looked on, slightly befuddled, which was the same expression Patty, Netta and Telfor stared at Darby with.

  Telfor finally asked. ‘Is it because he just walks out of the room when you are talking?’

  Which Reeve was known to do, usually when he did not like what was being said or was bored. Telfor found it annoying and somewhat amusing. Especially when Reeve could not do so with the elders like Rata, Klune or his father and mother.

  Darby shook her head sorrowfully and said flatly. ‘No, it is because he can kiss, and oh boy can he kiss.’

  ‘Really!’ They all said, even Sonia.

  Darby scowled. ‘What does that mean? He is adorable.’

  Waseo laughed as he said. ‘A seven foot plus giant, yeah that will make them all warm and fuzzy inside.’

  ‘Don’t forget he is adorable.’ Netta reminded him.

  Patty stated with laughter threading through her voice. ‘And can kiss.’

  Sonia asked faintly as she looked at the small Darby. ‘Your mate is seven feet tall!’

  Darby’s eyes softened along with her expression as she thought of her mate. She shrugged as she said. ‘Taller but yeah, he is.’

  ‘Dear Lord.’

  ‘We say Star.’ Netta softly told Sonia, as the Warriors looked at her with confused expressions

  ‘Okay, sorry.’

  Patty smiled and said in English. ‘It’s fine.’

  Waseo said reassuringly to whom Sonia did not know, she thought maybe Darby. ‘Telfor is going to be there.’

  ‘I am.’

  Darby said hopefully. ‘Oh yeah right, he listens to you.’

  ‘He does not, but I will be there.’ Telfor told her seriously with a twinkle in his eyes.

  Which she totally missed in her agitation, as she moaned. ‘So, not helping.’

  Waseo said. ‘Also Jax said the Kail is with Reeve.’

  ‘Thank the Stars.’ Everyone including Darby mumbled.

  Sonia asked. ‘What does that mean and who or what is a Kail?’

  Patty told her. ‘Don’t let it worry you now, just remember take your instructions from Netta. She is our Commanding officer, she calls the shots.’

  ‘Oh okay, and this Reeve?’

  Patty whispered for her only. ‘He is a gentle giant. I swear and he adores Darby.’

  ‘We are here.’ Waseo called out as they felt themselves being pulled into the parking level.

  Netta asked her. ‘Sonia what floor.’


  Waseo programmed the lift, he turned to Netta. ‘Commander, depending on how long it takes, we should be out of here in under fifteen mins.’

  ‘Thank you Captain, let them all know it is at the females pace.’

  ‘Yes Commander.’ He turned to do just that, as Patty said. ‘The injured and ill will go first, Telfor, what do you think?’

  ‘I would assume so. We will be guided by you and the Kail.’

  ‘Okay, we will see what we find waiting for us.’

  Sonia looked confusedly from one to the other. Darby hurriedly told her. ‘I know it is confusing. I promise it will make more sense when you have the download.’

  ‘Well, it can’t be any worse, the people and terms you use regardless of them being in English. Are like having one arm tied behind your back all the time, so disjointed and confusing.’

  Darby squeezed her arm in comfort. ‘Yeah, I get that.’

  Sonia felt a headache coming on, everything was happening so fast. The male Waseo was on his link again, speaking in Coalition. She could not keep her eyes from drifting back to him. It was almost like her heart and mind had decided that he was… he was like the anchor within a storm for her. He was not like the other males here. They stared at her with dark brooding eyes or brown searching ones, as in the Mystic Telfor. This male Waseo, had been kissed lightly by the sun and when he looked at her with those soft amber eyes that seemed to hold laughter in their depths. Her heart sped up, and she just wanted to smile with joy. She had been so long without joy in her life, she felt slightly guilty. His hair was almost white with strands of gold threaded through the thickness. It was shaggy like it needed a cut, but she liked the carefree look on him. He was older than she first thought, her grandfather would have said he was a working man. Solid, capable with long strong fingers and nicely shaped hands, Sonia had a thing for men’s hands.

  He saw her looking at him and winked. ‘You and me, my treasure, we will talk later.’

  A frisson of something zinged through her blood, and she felt her cheeks heat and her breathing quicken.

  Patty asked in surprise. ‘Really, now Waseo?’

  He smiled as he answered her, hiding the shock he was feeling at finding his treasure here, of all places. ‘It happens when it happens, you know that.’

  Bewildered, Sonia looked around as Netta sighed and said. ‘You better come with us.’

  ‘Thank you Netta.’ Waseo could not help himself as he let loose a smile of joy and said. ‘It is what it is!’

  Netta shook her head and grinned at the male. ‘Yeah... Yeah.’

  Sonia asked Netta. ‘What just happened?’

  ‘Later, we are here.’

  Sonia took one last look at Waseo, only to find him looking at her. Blushing slightly, she ducked her head and followed Darby from the car. She had not even realized they were at the foyer.

  They walked from the lift and stopped half-way down the dim, grimy hallway in front of a dull crystal brown door. Sonia rapped out three taps in quick succession and called out.

  ‘Code green, code orange, code green.’

  ‘Smart.’ Netta said admiringly as Sonia waited three minutes and then called out. ‘We are safe, stand down, stand down.’ She said quietly to Netta. ‘Just wait a minute for them to settle.’

  ‘Sonia, we have all day, this is at their own pace. We are here for you and them; no one else, we know they need time.’

  Sonia hoped the speaker was working and someone was listening and understood what Netta was saying.

  Waseo moved until he was standing right behind her with his arms crossed as he studied his treasure. Memorizing every detail about her as he fought his need to spirit her away from this death hole.

  With him at her back, Sonia felt safe for the first time since her grandfather had passed away. She wanted so much to lean into his hard body and just soak up his strength, but then all thoughts fled when Waseo straightened as he announced. ‘Vehicles are here.’

  A few seconds later the doors to the lift opened and the m
ale they had to have been speaking about entered the hallway. Sonia automatically stepped back and must have made a sound as she looked up at the huge, hard faced male walking toward them.

  Waseo’s firm hand on her shoulder held her still, as did the sound of his voice. ‘Steady treasure, he is Darby’s mate.’

  ‘Okay,’ she breathed in and out several times and finally squeaked. ‘Okay… so tall!’

  A deep bass voice rumbled out of the giant as he neared them. ‘Darby, why?’

  Darby waved her hands about as she looked up at him, and answered him in Coalition. ‘I know... I know, but Reeve I just had to.’

  His eyes softened, and it was like his entire body lit up when she spoke. ‘My heart, I understand.’

  His eyes that appeared to Sonia to be black orbs of a predator zeroed in on her. His voice softened as though he knew the image he made. He said carefully spacing out each word in Coalition. ‘Your sisters are with healers now, my brother Dinas is caring for the little one named Christine. He said she was very ill.’ He frowned, which Sonia was amused to see if he had done so a few seconds earlier, would have terrified her. Now she saw the heart of the male beneath the exterior as he rumbled.

  ‘I do not like that you were hurt and abused. I have decided we will not allow that to happen again, you understand?’

  Sonia sighed and gave him a small smile. ‘Yes I do and thank you.’

  He beamed her a smile and stated in English. ‘You are welcomed.’ He looked down at Darby as he asked her in Coalition. ‘Was that correct?’

  ‘Yes dearle, it was.’

  Jarrod moved next to Telfor as he introduced himself speaking English. ‘I am Kail Jarrod. I am like my brother Telfor.’

  Sonia smiled at the handsome blond haired male who oozed power. ‘I think you are nothing like your brother.’

  He inclined his head toward her. ‘Maybe not. You are very astute, it must be an Earthling trait. But let us for today say we are the same, now may we enter?’

  ‘Wait, please.’ She knocked on the door again, Netta stood like everyone else at ease waiting.


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