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Skirmish (The Stork Tower Book 8)

Page 14

by Tony Corden

  “L: Don’t you dare get a tattoo, Michael Conner Carroll. I’ve already had to stop Conner trying to leave to get one. If John hadn’t closed the compound, I’m pretty sure he’d have gone anyway.”

  “D☼: No way. He’s more scared of you than I am.”

  “L: He isn’t scared of me.”

  “None of us are, Mum. We just have a healthy respect.”

  “D☼: Either that or we respect our health too much to go against you.”

  “L: As long as you don’t get a tattoo I’m OK with whatever you call it.”

  Michael decided to change the subject and asked, “D☼: What are you doing next?”

  “I’m meeting Thad and some friends for three hours in Dunyanin, then more preparation for races in TRAX, and then I’ll either sleep or visit Pneumatica.”

  When she’d finished speaking, Leah got up to leave when Lin said, “L: Ling, your dad and I have been talking about taking the responsibility to take care of this little one permanently. I’m pretty sure she’s off the books so we’ll need to go through the courts to make it official. Once her DNA is registered, we’ll probably find out who the father is, and that could complicate matters. Still, we think it’s important for her to grow up knowing we wanted her to be a part of the family in every way possible. We had two questions. First, what do you think? The second is that even though we’ll wait until the current crisis is over, we wanted to get a head start on everything and wondered if you know anyone who could help us with the legal side of things?”

  Leah sat back down and focussed her attention on the image of the baby being imprinted on her skin. Gèng noted the focus and had Three slowly rotate and enlarge the image until Leah had a clear view of the baby’s face. She noted the small twitches that were probably unseen to the naked eye and could tell how malnourished the child was as well. After almost a minute she said, “I think helping her by making her a part of our family is a wonderful idea. I’ll ask Stephen to recommend someone who can help. Have you thought of a name?”

  Michael nodded and said, “D☼: We have. We want to call her Saoirse Mu-Xiuying Carroll.”

  Leah shook her head then said, “It’s a lovely name, but she’ll go through a stage of wondering what on earth you were thinking. Let me hold my new little sister while you get the kit and check her Spectre levels. She’s starting to shake just a little bit.”

  “L: How can you tell? Kevin suggested we check her levels as soon as she starts to shake for the best results, but I don’t even feel it yet.”

  “It’s something I sense on my skin. Your AI could let you know, or you could have it let you feel what I’m feeling.”

  Lin closed her eyes and gave a small shudder then said, “God truly has a sense of humour if the only way I can help Xiuying is to have an implant and an AI in my head. If it can help with this, I will need to apologise for my behaviour. What do I do?”

  Leah typed sub-motively, “Gèng, can you discuss with my mum’s AI a way to imprint this on her chest. I suggest you have it happen above her heart as that will help cement the need for it in her mind.”

  She then said, “I asked Gèng to show your AI how to print the movement on your chest. You need to concentrate and tell your AI when you can feel the outline. Then you need to have it show the small movement. My skin is very sensitive because of what happened, so the signal will need to be amplified. Gèng can work with you and your AI to get the signal just right.”

  Lin wasn’t used to talking with her AI, so she spoke out loud while she communicated for the next few minutes. Finally, she looked up and said, “Thank you, Ling. Gèng has also suggested a way for me to have her image displayed while she is in the cot using a camera. Michael, go get the kit.”

  It took a few minutes to do the test, then Lin measured out the small dose of spectre and gave it to Saoirse. She said, “I think this is the hardest thing I’ve had to do. Purposefully giving her a drug like Spectre seems so wrong, but already I can feel that the small tremors have stopped.”

  Leah handed Saoirse back, then after giving both her parents a hug she headed back to the Pod. Once inside she thanked Gèng for her help and spent some time reviewing the Merkize’s disc’s map of Mt Siddetli, double-checking the clues before heading to the Dunyanin portal.


  December 27, 2073


  Leah arrived in the tent and waited until she had a clear impression of everything around her before stepping out. Thad and the others hadn’t arrived yet, but Yürek and İşaret were standing guard, and she could feel dozens of clan members and the other Günahkâr guards moving around. Yürek turned as she stepped out and said, “Y☼: Good morning, War Leader.”

  Leah linked her mind with his and said, “Good morning, Yürek. I trust all is well?”

  “Y☼: Mĕi is hunting, Yüzük is showing some of the clan where the Kemirmek Dungeon is. Others have gone with Fetheden and Severin to deal with warriors who arrived during the night to wage war on you. I sent several hands of guards with them to help keep watch over their resurrection stone and those in the clan who fight behind the battle. We Günahkâr have always looked down on those who stand back from the battle, but we observed their courage and usefulness yesterday, and this has helped us on the path. What are your plans?”

  “I was hoping to work through the third dungeon on this mountain which is to the north of here. It is an area of dark magic and is described as a place of unspeakable terror. Without Orta and Küçük, I will need to choose four companions from among the Travellers. Have you any advice?”

  “Y☼: There were many skilled warriors, but none near your ability. Do you wish to choose from those who are closer to you like Thad, Amy and Wisp?”

  “I’m in two minds. I enjoy their presence, but I don’t want to choose foolishly.”

  “Y☼: We have learnt over the years that one cannot improve without effort and opportunity. You gave us the opportunity, and even now our effort is producing fruit. Many of the Günahkâr who came yesterday have already learned new things. I suspect it would be wise to give them a choice. All of them use their minds, unlike those who use the Traveller’s magic. We have seen this helps them grow faster than the others. I think that while Wisp will stay the course and remain with you through the quest, she would be happier to be like me and keep watch. Amy will be torn but will be content to go either way. Your boyfriend will pretend to be happier either way, but his greatest joy yesterday was fighting beside you. I suggest he should be one of those you choose. I did not perceive that any of the others were as close to you as those three.”

  “No. There is a group of nine I am waiting for who are yet to arrive. Among them are some I respect and would like to think are my friends.”

  “Y☼: Then, perhaps we should wait. Sometimes the fastest way to do something is to wait for the right time.”

  “You are right. Let me greet some in the clan while I consider your words.”

  “İşaret will follow you.”

  Leah smiled as she stepped away. The entire conversation had taken less than three-seconds, as Leah’s braid of psychic mana coupled with her multi-tasking allowed almost instantaneous information transfer. As she stepped away she sent a message. “Gèng, Three, my perception was faster than I believe we agreed upon with the SNAIL protocol.”

  “4: The Chief Calibration AI is keeping watch to fine-tune the protocol. He suggested that as you are the leader of all the Günahkâr, it makes sense to allow you to use your ability while communicating with them.”

  “Thank you, Gèng. I didn’t want to do anything to garner more attention than I already have.”

  “4: I understand. Peter just sent a message saying Jack and the Broken Falx clan are ready to transport to you. I sent the coordinates of where you are so it would be good to step back a few paces. Peter said they’ll be three or four minutes. Jack’s got some additional people with him.”

  Leah walked back to Yürek and said, “Good news, my friends
are about to arrive.”

  Three minutes later there was a flash of light and the nine players she’d done the Darkness Diamond mine with were standing in front of her. With them were three players she’d never met. Granite stepped toward Leah but stopped as Yürek and İşaret shifted slightly to put their hands on their swords.

  Leah said, “It’s OK, Yürek, Granite is my friend.”

  “Y☼: I apologise, War Leader. I had expected nine.”

  Granite said, “G: No need to apologise for doing your job and don’t let the bastards who hurt her get any closer. I was just going to check she was OK.”

  “I’m fine Granite. Now, let me introduce those of you I know.”

  Leah stepped toward and gave Granite a hug, then pointed to Jack and establishing the braid communicated both psychically and aloud for the sake of her friends. She said, “That’s Jack, he’s the leader of the clan. The orc beside him is Smash. Then there is Brim who’s a fire and shadow mage. Phil who works with air, earth and shadow. Megan is the electric mage and Nemo the blood mage. Blue and Mist are the two Solgun, Blue’s strong and Mist is an amazing scout. I don’t know the others.”

  After Yürek acknowledged the nine Leah knew, Jack said, “These other three I’ve known for a while. When they heard I was coming, they asked to join. The orc is a friend who goes by the name of Shaman—he’s a skilled beast-caller. The Saklarian is a skilled tracker and air and water mage. Her name is Val, and she’s worked with us a dozen times or more. With her and Mist working together we’ve never been lost or ambushed. The tall Siyah has been working in the Forest of Night for years as an enchanter. His name is Kevin, but he likes to be called Chant. He heard some enchanters were working with the army and wanted a change.”

  Leah nodded to the orc, who growled at her showing all his teeth but with smiling eyes, then turned to the Saklarian. She was taller than Leah and dressed like the rest of her race, covered head to toe in dark scaled armour with not even her eyes showing. The only part that could be seen was a mohawk of stiffened blond hair pushing through the split in her helmet. Saklarians were one of the human dark races, and they originated on an island fortress off the Vatan coast. Leah said, “Welcome, Val, I look forward to chatting sometime.”

  She turned to Siyah who stepped toward her as if to shake hands. Even as her right hand came up, Leah’s psychic link with Yürek warned of the attack. She formed a spear of pure earth mana that thrust from her hand and through Kevin’s heart even as Yürek’s blade severed his right arm at the elbow and İşaret’s removed his head. As Kevin’s arm fell away, his hand opened, revealing the end of an assassin’s blade attached to a spring mechanism.

  Both Günahkâr stepped back beside Leah even as two hands of guards rushed in their direction. Jack stepped back with raised hands and said, “J: Leah, I’m sorry, I had no idea.”

  Leah smiled and said, “That’s OK, Jack. I didn’t doubt you. I am, however, going to thank my Imperial guards for their excellent reflexes.”

  With that, she turned and smiled at both guards then said, “Yürek, perhaps we should start a list of those considered enemies of the Empire. Please put Kevin’s name on the list. If he is found in any lands under my banner, he is to be executed on sight.”

  “Y☼: As you wish, War Leader. You should know that the Günahkâr take a considerable time executing traitors. That he pretended friendship places him in that category.”

  Leah nodded and said, “Unfortunately for Kevin, I made it clear to the Onbin of the Günahkâr that I had no intention of changing the internal culture of those in the Empire, except where they intersected with my ideals of justice and equality. Such a method of execution is within the guidelines, and so I understand if that is his fate.”

  Leah then reached down and checked what had been left behind. Besides some golds and some enchanting ingredients, there was a single-use transportation spell which took him to a starter city in the Forest of Night, a letter outlining his task and four tokens. Besides the thousand diamond reward, he’d also been offered a prime location in the city to open an Enchanter’s shop. The tokens gave him access to the storehouses of the main gods aligned against Atherleah. They allowed the bearer to take one cubic span of ingredients.

  Leah had Three send Peter a copy of the tokens and asked him to quote what he could sell them for. She then turned back to Jack and said, “Thanks for coming, Jack. I was sort of hoping you’d turn up soon.”

  “J: Yeah, I was sorry to miss yesterday’s battle. What’s in store for today?”

  “I’m waiting for some friends, then I’m headed north to a dungeon that’s part of the Merkize Odyssey. Some of my Clan have gone to attempt the Kemirmek Dungeon. Others are going to deal with the thousands of Travellers arriving every few hours wanting to kill me. Once I’ve talked with my friends I have to choose up to four players who will be prepared to go through the entire Odyssey with me.”

  “J: We’ll talk after your friends arrive. Now, where do we set up?”

  One of the Günahkâr stepped forward and said, “Let me show you the best place to set up.”

  As the eleven walked away, Leah turned and thanked her guards again. It was less than five minutes later when Thad, Amy and Wisp all arrived within moments of each other. After greeting Thad with a brief kiss, she said, “Guys, my plan is to head to the next dungeon. I can have up to four travellers with me, but they need to agree to be there till the end. That could be eight months away real-time, so two virtual years. You’re my closest friends, so I’m offering the places to you. Even if you say no, I want you to be with me on the journey. The limit only applies to dungeons. I do have other people I can ask, some friends I did the Darkness Mine with. To make up the complement I have Mìng, or maybe Mĕi if I can’t find Mìng, and two Günahkâr.”

  Wisp stepped forward and said, “W: Thanks for asking me, Leah. I’m flattered, but the truth is I would have hated the Kemirmek Dungeon, and I loved yesterday. I think I’d rather stay out of the team. The stress would be too much for me after a while.”

  Leah reached over and said, “I appreciate the honesty, and I’m glad you’ll be staying around most of the time. Amy?”

  “A: Thad’s a ‘yes’, which means you have a tank, two ultimate fighters, a dragon or a typhonera, you need a scout slash ranger, some more magic and maybe another tank. Be honest, is one of your options a scout slash ranger that’s better than me?”

  “They have more experience and a higher starting level, but they aren’t yet a close friend like you. You’re a sister.”

  “A: Do you trust them?”

  “Not yet, but they’ve come with someone I trust. Jack brought them.”

  “A: Then, I’m with Wisp. I’m here for the long haul but just as happy to sit out of the crazy dungeons.”

  Leah hugged Amy then said, “Can I put you down for a maybe? They might not want to, or they might not pass the visit to my place.”

  “A: Of course.”

  “Thad? You had better say ‘yes’.”

  “T: I was going to say’ no’, but I’ll agree if you insist. Of course I want to be on the team, but you have options of people with higher levels and more experience.”

  “Yes, but that’s not the point. I get Wisp’s stress, and I think Amy has a point about the dungeons. Today’s dungeon is described as a place of unspeakable terror. Knowing them, I think they will be just as happy sitting it out and enjoying everything else that’s going to happen. If you sit out, you’ll be miserable, and I won’t enjoy it as much. I really enjoyed yesterday. Besides, given half the chance you’ll catch up with the other guys within weeks.”

  “T: Then I’d love to join the team.”

  “Great. Come while I have a chat with Jack’s team.”


  December 27, 2073


  After Wisp, Amy and Thad greeted Jack and his team, Leah took Jack aside and said, “I’m allowed eight permanent members to do the dungeons with me. I’ve got two
of the Günahkâr, and I’m leaving a spot for my dragon. Thad’s one. I need three more.”

  “J: Granite and Mist?”

  “You read minds now?”

  “J: No, it’s just that they worked really well with you. The rest of us started the clan together, and even though we might agree to join you, we’ll be happier playing around the edges. If you choose Mist, then we’ll need Val, although I think Val would be better for you. She’s got all Mist’s qualities plus she’s an accomplished mage. I really don’t think Mist will mind and she’ll stay here because of you and Granite. I wasn’t quite honest before. I approached Val and Shaman, they’re steady, and if they’d have been in Batislar, I’d have brought them on the mining quest. We’d have got at least another level done.”

  “With all that’s happening in my life, will they understand if I logout and ask them to meet with me briefly at my world?”

  “J: Probably, but why?”

  “As their friend and sponsor, so to speak, you can come too.”

  “J: OK, do you want me to speak with them?”

  “Let me chat with Mist first.”

  “J: The other thing to think about is that most of your team are from the dark races.”

  “I don’t mind that, I’m just a bit hesitant to enter into what might be a two-year journey with two people I don’t know.”

  “J: I get that, and I understand. If you have time, then get to know them. Let’s face it, you’ve only met Granite and Mist a couple of times.”

  “I’m not sure I have the time, that’s all.”

  “J: You could do what some of the others are doing and auction off the places to the highest bidder.”

  “Long term, it’s better to have people you trust.”

  “J: You could advertise and get some Level 400s.”


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