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Skirmish (The Stork Tower Book 8)

Page 20

by Tony Corden

  “T: It is my heart, Captain. You see, it belongs to her.”

  The Captain lowered his voice, then said, “R: I suggest that you keep such information to yourself. Many would take great delight to bring her harm. They might do this through you should they find out your feelings, especially if yours were returned.”

  “T: Thank you, Captain, I will do as you suggest that she might not suffer harm.”

  The Captain turned and grinned then said, “R: I’m more worried about Aeropile. I do believe she would raze it to the ground to claim justice.”

  They both started laughing. Kate said, “K: Gentlemen, I suggest we walk in silence lest the Commodore finds no humour in your conversation.”

  Both started laughing harder, but after glancing at Leah, not another word was said.


  December 27, 2073


  As they approached the queen’s private study, a guard was waiting with a message for the Captain. He read it then said, “It seems Her Majesty will allow you to add Lord Emerson and Lady Katherine’s aide to the invitation. I am instructed to remind you that Queen Alexandra has reached the end of her flexibility concerning this meeting.”

  Leah simply nodded and indicated the Captain should lead the way. Outside the office, each was required to remove their weapons which took some time as it seemed Leah and Caoimhe were in some competition as to who could hide the most implements of death upon their person. When they were finished, the captain turned to Caoimhe and said, “Pardon me, my lady, but it is appropriate to remove your head covering when meeting with the queen.”

  Leah interrupted and said, “Captain, despite our differences this day, I would ask if you trust me?”

  The captain looked at her, then nodded and said, “R: I do. I believe you are a person of fidelity, honour and courage.”

  “Then let me assure you that Her Majesty would prefer, above all things, that Lady Katherine’s attendant be allowed to retain her anonymity. On this matter, I am most certain.”

  The captain turned to look at Caoimhe then with a respectful bow in her direction he said, “R: If you would follow me.”

  Queen Alexandra was alone in the room, save for three guards. It was clear that she was upset as her face seemed carved from the surface of a glacier. Her eyes were focussed on Charlotte as if she might somehow call fire down to immolate her by intent alone. It was only as Caoimhe’s head covering registered in her side vision that she noticed the others. Her whole demeanour changed as the blood seemed to drain from her face, and now her entire person was focussed only on Caoimhe. She said, “Q: Guards, leave us.”

  None of them moved until she repeated the order. As the others filed out, the Captain said, “R: Your Majesty, by law, I am bound to remain.”

  “Q: The law is amended. Leave.”

  “R: With respect, Your Majesty, I cannot.”

  The Queen took a deep breath as she nodded then came to her feet. She seemed almost frail as she slowly approached Caoimhe. She stopped less than an arm’s length from her and said, “May I see your face? I have not seen it in so long, and it always lies within the shadows when I dream.”

  Caoimhe reached up and removed the hat, veil and glasses. Alexandra stared at Caoimhe’s face, trying to see each detail. She noticed the delicate web of scars that showed across the cheeks and brow. Slowly the queen reached out a hand and lay it on Caoimhe cheek. “Q: I’m so sorry for all you suffered. Can you ever forgive me?”

  Caoimhe took a deep breath and said, “C❄: I don’t know. I can forgive the deal made with honour for the sake of your people. I still cannot forgive being left there alone without hope, without a name.”

  “Q: They told me you were dead. King Harold, your father, and I were told you had died. I only found out you lived when Lord Emerson sought to gain leverage over me with the tale of your survival. I sent my most trusted agents to discover your whereabouts, but each was killed or returned empty-handed.”

  “C❄: They lied. Both those who said I was dead, and those who returned empty-handed.”

  “Q: How can that be? In desperation, I even ordered my most trusted agent, my cousin, Cassius, the Duke of Mont-Noir to find news of you, and he said there was nothing to be found. Why would he speak such a lie?”

  Leah interrupted, reaching into a pocket to bring out the message they’d found. She said, “Your Majesty, I do not know the cause of such mendacity, but the truth of its existence is without doubt. These orders were found in his effects.”

  The captain stepped forward and handed the note to the queen, who had to step back and take a seat as she read. She waved for the others to take a seat and said, “Q: Why would he do this? Who would order such a thing? What do you mean, his effects?”

  Leah knew she was stepping on dangerous ground, but she pressed forward. “I executed him for treason when he sought to lead us astray. This note was in his luggage. Further evidence was given by those within the Pyranthian stronghold. However, I submit I cannot produce them as they also have been executed.”

  “Q: You executed a Peer of the realm?”

  “Yes, Ma’am. Truth be told, I did send a second projectile just in case the first was not sufficient.”

  “Q: I see. Whom did they accuse of such treachery?”

  “Perhaps it is beneficial, without some proof, for this to be left unsaid. My own thoughts, however, were that it was either at your command or that of the prince.”

  Queen Alexandra stared at Leah for a moment then said, “Q: Lady Emerson, did you also think that perhaps I might seek the demise of my daughter? That I might have such little honour or love?”

  Kate winced as she sat upright and said, “K: I dare say, Your Majesty, that as for logic, I entertained the idea for as long as did the Commodore. Few knew of the quest and of those who did, there did rise above all others two who might benefit most from its failure.”

  “Q: And you, Lord Emerson?”

  “T: Not for a moment, Your Majesty. I am less prone to logic and did take the Pyranthian evidence at face value.”

  “Q: You would accuse, Prince Albert?”

  “T: Not without proof, ma’am. The Commodore was about to search for this when she received your summons. My estate was attacked less than two hours ago by over seventy assassins. I suspect they were trying to kill Caoimhe.”

  “Q: Caoimhe?”

  “C❄: Charlotte and Thad were required by custom, duty and honour to give me a name. My entire life, I was nameless and known only by the position I held within the ranks of the nameless. By their blood and with honour they gave me the name Caoimhe McKenna. It is a name I am proud to bear. Charlotte is my sister, Thad, my brother. I now know you are also family, and while I have heard why I was left unnamed, I will not forgo this name for any other. If I understand your question, then it would seem you have another name by which you think of me.”

  Before the Queen could respond, Leah said, “Perhaps I might have some parchment that I might convey a message privately.”

  The Queen paused and nodded to the captain, who took some paper and a quill from the queen’s desk. Leah had to concentrate, as she couldn’t see the ink as it appeared on the page. Even so, she wrote a detailed message, then had the captain hand this to Alexandra. The queen read the note several times before nodding at Leah, who said, “Whose blood will honour Caoimhe McKenna that she might know her family?”

  “Q: I offer my blood to honour Caoimhe McKenna that she might know I am her mother.”

  The queen took a knife from her sleeve and made a cut on one palm, then another on her other palm. She went to her knees before Caoimhe and taking her hands said, “With my blood, I honour you as my daughter. With my blood, I honour you with a name. I declare you are Her Royal Highness Katherine Adelia Lillian, Princess and Heir to the throne of Aeropile, Duchess of the Western Vale and Countess Steam. The chosen names mean one who is of pure nobility.”

  Caoimhe looked down at the older w
oman who knelt before her and said, “C❄: I, Caoimhe McKenna do accept by blood that you are my mother and by blood I take the name Caoimhe Katherine Adelia Lillian McKenna, Princess and Heir to the throne of Aeropile, Duchess of the Western Vale and Countess Steam.”

  Caoimhe gently raised the queen to her feet and embraced her. As the embrace ended, the door started to open even as Leah came to her feet and threw herself sideways, crashing into Caoimhe as the sound of a firearm being discharged echoed through the room. The balls of shot slammed into Leah’s back near her right shoulder, turning her, so she landed on her back without any control whatsoever. She slid several paces until coming to rest against a bookshelf.

  Even before she’d landed the captain had raised his pistol and fired at the door, but as he pushed through it he could see the assassin turning the corner at the end of the corridor in which four of the Royal Guard lay dead, their throats cut. Both Thad and Caoimhe rushed toward Leah, who was slowly forcing herself to her feet. She said, “Couldn’t feel anything past the door. Must be filled with something like hanji.”

  Thad gently turned her around and saw that her coat had been ripped to shreds, exposing the panels of Maxwellian bronze armour Paige had added to cover Leah’s vital organs. He put his arms around her and held her tight until she whispered, “Thad, the queen’s watching.”

  Thad stepped back and blushed. “T: I do apologise, but I was overjoyed that the Commodore was not severely injured.”

  Caoimhe stepped toward Leah and gave her a shorter and far more chaste hug and said, “C❄: As am I. Thank you again for saving my life. I believe that is the fifth time.”

  “Sister, friends do not keep a record of kindness. With love, it is unseemly to count favours. Instead, let us together accept each one as a sign of renewed love and favour.”

  Caoimhe brought Leah close and kissed on the forehead and said, “C❄: Thank you for your kindness.”

  “You are welcome.”

  The captain returned with news that the assassin had escaped and eight of the Royal Guards had been killed. Alexandra sat and looked over at each of those who had also retaken their seats. She said, “Q: It is late, and this day has been filled with much emotion. Princess Caoimhe, I would spend time with you that I might know more of the years of our grief, yours and mine. Lady Emerson, I would see you cared for by those whose skill and competence have set them above their peers. I ask that you take your rest in one of the palace apartments.”

  The queen waited until Kate had given her assent then she continued, “Q: Lord Emerson, you have much to organise given that your home suffered much in today’s attack. I release you, but ask that you join me tomorrow morning when I present my daughter to the Court of Aeropile.”

  Once again, she waited for Thad’s agreement. Finally, she turned her gaze on Leah, she said, “Q: Charlotte, I suspect you have your own plans but would request you also be present for the announcement.”

  Leah quickly checked her schedule and bowed, then said, “As you have said, I will take my leave along with Lord Emerson. Even so, I will be present on the morrow to celebrate with all Aeropile the return of their princess.”

  “Q: Captain Ferguson, please escort Lord Emerson and the Commodore to their carriage then have Lord Jameson attend me.”

  “R: As you command.”

  With that, Thad and Leah said farewell to Kate and Caoimhe and headed back to the carriage. Once they’d left the palace, Leah said, “Drop me at the Herrington if that’s OK. I’m going to go back to the Tower and will wait till tomorrow to get the word out that I want to see the Assassin Guild Master.”

  “T: You do realise the shot would have killed both Caoimhe and the Queen.”

  “I know. I suspect this new quest is going to be larger and take even longer than I’d hoped for or anticipated.”

  Thad didn’t say anything, but pulled Leah close until the carriage stopped outside the Herrington. Once inside, she made her way to the reception where Albert was standing with a smile on his face. “L: Commodore Charlotte, it is a pleasure to have you return to the Herrington. I was overjoyed when Mr Bartle did arrive the other day with news of your return. Your suite is freshly cleaned this very day.”

  “Thank you, Mr Lincoln, I had no doubt as to the suitability of the accommodation.”

  Albert could see several of the staff glancing at Leah with concern. He shook his head, but Leah said, “It is OK, Mr Lincoln, for I know they are concerned only for my welfare. Though you cannot see my back, it is open to their scrutiny. I had the misfortune of running into an assassin, and they shot towards me. Fortunately, my tailor had placed some armour across my shoulders, or I might be on the streets once more, looking for a place to stay.”

  Albert looked worried, but Leah said, “Do not be concerned. They were not, I think, aiming directly at me. Even so, I shall need to discuss the matter with their guild for I am most concerned that a guild would allow such careless and unprofessional behaviour that they would miss their intended victim entirely.”

  “L: Commodore, I suspect the guild does not discuss such matters with anyone save their clients.”

  “Then I shall, of necessity, seek to change their minds on such things. I will retire and get changed into more suitable attire. Before I do, would you be so kind as to arrange a message to be delivered to the Captain of the Tempest?”

  Albert agreed, and after Leah had asked Captain Baker to hold for another day, she headed up to her room and logged out.


  December 27, 2073


  When she appeared in the Tower, she said, “Gèng, thanks for the armour. Without it I’d have died.”

  “4: My pleasure. It was a full day, and it took longer than you expected.”

  “Yes, I won’t have time for another lesson with bikes, so I’ll do a Tier Ten race then have an NREM3 sleep before a break, then back to Dunyanin.”

  An hour and a half later, after a break where she was once again asked to double her usual dose of supplements, Leah headed to the room where Gèng had arranged all the loot she’d won during the battle the day before. She increased her perception and looked through all of it, then double-checked the clues for the next dungeon before stepping through the portal to Dunyanin.


  Leah arrived in the tent, and after checking everything was safe outside, stepped out. Yürek and İşaret were standing guard. Melez was sparring with one of the Günahkâr guards. Yürek said, “Y☼: Have you recovered, War Leader?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  Leah got feedback on what had been happening. One team had finally completed the Kemirmek Dungeon, and only one group had even attempted the Vault more than once. Most of the clan were spending their time destroying the groups heading toward Leah. After two days of crushing defeats, the groups arriving were beginning to coordinate their approaches. Yürek suggested that Leah would need to help coordinate the defence as the enemy became smarter and better prepared. Leah had timed her arrival to be ten minutes before the others so she’d just finished discussing things with Yürek and was talking with Mĕi when Thad, Amy and Wisp arrived.

  Granite arrived a few minutes later followed by Val and Shaman. Jack, Mist and the rest of his clan had already headed for the Kemirmek Dungeon. Everyone gathered near Leah, who said, “The next dungeon is on the northern edge of the western face of Seddetli. I’d planned to teleport there, but I took a closer look, and the dungeon starts at the centre of a maze. The entry is about a half league from the exit to the Kemirmek Dungeon.”

  “S: Any clues about the best way through the maze?”

  “All I could find about the maze was a haiku.

  Magic’s high pathway

  The hunter follows in turn

  To Winter’s quarry

  “V: Is most of the disc like that?”

  “I have to be honest and say I’ve not spent much time on it, but I think so. Most of the clues are cryptic, and half of them only make sens
e as the events are happening.”

  “T: How do we get there?”

  “That depends on what Amy, Wisp, and Melez are doing?”

  “3: Melez is M with a spark (☇).”

  “A: That sounds like you have a suggestion.”

  “I’ve an idea.”

  “W: OK, What is it? It sounds like fun.”

  “M☇: You haven’t heard it yet.”

  “W: Leah’s ideas are usually fun.”

  “A: Either that or life-threatening and scary as all get out. I’m game.”

  “M☇: My goddess would have me follow. She tells me that her champion follows her heart, and I must learn to do this.”

  “I have a map I collected from one of the players we defeated the other day. It is an ancient map of the area and shows two temples which don’t match anything I can find in the forums. One used to belong to Lady Seviç, the Goddess of Delight, the other to Lord Ýalta, the God of Sloth.”

  “W: As long as it’s the first, I’m in.”

  “A: No kidding.”

  Leah handed the map to Amy then said, “Mĕi, would you take Aunty Amy and the others and make sure nothing sneaks up on them?”

  “M☼: OK, Mama, maybe two trips with the guards.”

  Amy, Wisp and three guards left moments later with Mĕi. Leah made sure her team was ready, and after picturing them and her hand of guards near the entrance to the maze, she cast teleport. They arrived two hundred paces further up the mountain than the exit of the Kemirmek dungeon, but several thousand paces toward the western side. Leah explained to Yürek where the dungeon was supposed to end. Yürek said, “Y☼: Can you teleport us about halfway along the top of the western face? This will give us several hours to acclimatise and make our way to the northernmost point.”


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