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Skirmish (The Stork Tower Book 8)

Page 36

by Tony Corden

  The process was slow, as not only did each crucible have to be heated gradually, but each drop needed to be spread throughout the mixture before the next one was added. Finally, when all the metals were prepared, Leah took a deep breath and lifted the crucible filled with glacial-platinum over the one holding the mithryl. She then opened a hole in the upper crucible’s base and again using gravity, began mixing the metals together. As the molten metals were combined, Leah had to redistribute her shrouds to strengthen and enlarge the lower crucible. When the platinum had been thoroughly mixed through mithryl, Leah added the black-gold, then the steel, and finally the bronze.

  Altogether it had taken four hours to mix the metals and form what she hoped would be an alloy attuned to her new nature. Now that the molten metal was in one crucible and thoroughly mixed, Leah focussed on the almost completed arch. Her senses checked each channel to make sure they lined up and that there were no blockages. Leah absorbed mana from two dwarves to fill up her shadow shroud, then extended it into the arch’s prepared spaces until it filled all the channels and boreholes. She then compressed the shroud against the edges until a thin film of shadow shroud covered the channel system’s entire surface.

  Once that was done, two craftsmen slowly poured most of the concentrated and purified collection of Leah’s blood into the channels. The blood only filled a part of the channels, but Leah extended another extrusion of the shadow shroud into the centre of the prepared conduits. This time she used the shroud to push the blood away from the centre until the centre of each channel and each hole was empty. A layer of blood, held between two shadow shroud layers, covered the prepared channels’ surfaces.

  Finally, Leah sent a ribbon of her earth shroud to cover the internal wall of shadow shroud to help keep the molten mixture in its liquid state until it was ready to be cooled and hardened by her blood. Using her light shroud, she lifted the crucible filled with the molten mixture and poured it slowly into the top of the arch. As the molten metal filled the lower sections, Leah slowly withdrew the earth shroud and the two extensions of her darkness shroud. As she did this, the blood quenched the alloy even as it fully filled each channel. The molten metal reacted with Leah’s concentrated blood and became solid. The alloy glowed a dark sea-green colour.

  When the arch was full, Leah still had some leftover molten alloy. She turned to where the craftsmen had set up moulds for the control rings and for a crown, some earrings, and several small knives, just in case there was leftover alloy. Using the blood reserved for the rings, Leah filled each of these shapes with the alloy, then had to sit down because she was so exhausted. As she did, she felt her connection with Lord Çelik’s forge disappear as several messages appeared.

  Level 6 Named Personal Achievement

  Achieved the title ‘Legendary Smith’ - First 1 (4, Celestial)

  You have completed the achievement Achieved the title ‘Legendary Smith’. You are the first player to gain this achievement. This is your fourth Level 6 NPA ‘First 1’

  Reward 1: 50000 x 462 = 167013000 (+623%) Experience Points (143650000/143650000) (142479830/148650000)

  Reward 2: 10 Diamond x 4 = 40 Diamond

  Reward 3: +5% to Experience Points

  Reward 4: 10000 Fame Points (687675 FP)

  You have achieved the title: Legendary Smith - Your skill Level as a smith is considered at the Legendary Level. However, you may need to acquire certain additional skills to perform consistently at this level.

  World Achievement: First 1 (4, Celestial)

  Demigod Activity - Create a Sacred Object

  Atherleah (Level 463), you have performed your second Demigod action and created a sacred object infused with your blood. Using the gift of Lord Çelik and your followers’ aid (members of your clan), you used your blood, mana and skill to create this object. This is your fourth World Achievement: ‘First 1’ (Celestial).

  This achievement was reviewed by an independent body comprising a Dunyanin AI, a representative of the Gods, Lady Tutarlılık, Goddess of Consistency and an independent outside legal consultant AI. They reviewed the Articles of Divine War. The review determined that this object’s creation was a direct response to the ongoing War of the Gods. As such, you will receive the doubling bonus for the achievement.

  Reward 1: 2 x 25000 x 463 = 168532000 (+628%) Experience Points (148650000/148650000)(153650000/153650000)(8711830/158650000)

  Reward 2: 2 x 10 Diamond x 4 = 80 Diamond

  Reward 3: 2 x (+5%) to Experience Points

  Reward 4: 2 x 10000 Fame Points (707675 FP)

  Note 1: Those who helped with the creation of this object will receive their own achievements.

  Note 2: Only a Paladin or a High Acolyte/Priest in your service will be able to use this object.

  Note 3: Atherleah, as facilitator and creator of this Sacred Object you are required to give it a name.

  Note 4: Mana to power the object may come from your followers. If they do not have sufficient mana, you may be called upon to add your own mana to power the object.

  Note 5: This achievement will be published on the Dunyanin achievement forum.

  Clan Achievement (6): First 1 (1, Celestial)

  Clan Guàn has created a sacred object

  Reward 1: All current and future members receive +5% to all future experience

  Reward 2: All current members receive 10000EP x 22 (Level 22 Clan)

  Reward 3: 1 x 10 Diamond for the clan coffers

  Clan Fame: 10000 Clan Fame Points (106280)

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Note: All Clan achievements are public

  This was followed by several more Clan Achievements and brought Clan Guàn up to Level Twenty-four. Before Leah could do more than read the messages, Yürek said, “Y☼: War Leader, I apologise for disturbing you so soon. Your army has fought hard all day, and though they look to prevail, I think it would encourage and strengthen them if you could join them. Already they have destroyed twice their number and still face a foe as large as their own.”

  Leah nodded and said, “Kraliçenin Çekiçleri, we go to join the battle. You will ride upon my back to the edge of the conflict. Nalbant, direct the clan according to the command of Yürek, or when free of her direction then as you see fit.”

  With that, Leah changed into her ice-darkness draconic form. Once the dwarves and a hand of guards were on board, she leapt for the skies. Within moments she was high enough to see the entire battle below, including Mĕi and Mìng harassing the central section. This time her army hadn’t been able to encircle the attackers, and both sides had hundreds of players streaming every minute back into the battle from their respective resurrection stones. Leah said, “Yürek, ask Brin where she wants us.”

  Moments later, Yürek said that Brin wanted Leah to attack the rear and take control of the enemy’s resurrection stones. Leah brought herself around behind the enemy and fell into a sharp dive toward the hundreds of enemy crafters and warriors protecting the enemy backline. Using spells she’d learned from D’durulmuş D’hşet’s spellbook, Leah sent a blast of frost ahead of her. This not only froze dozens of the enemy and damaged dozens more, but also protected her from the spells and projectiles headed towards her by those who had seen her approach. Instead of pulling up, she let herself fall into a low glide and used her light and darkness shrouds to form a razor-sharp edge to her wings and beheaded hundreds of enemy warriors before finally letting herself land. She immediately transformed back into her larger human-elf form, surrounded by the twenty-five highly skilled dwarf mages and her Günahkâr guards.

  Five minutes later, the enemy’s resurrection stones had been captured, forcing the warriors to return to a prior resurrection point. Her force then attacked the rear of the enemy army. As they started to push into the enemy’s rear, both Mĕi and Mìng joined Leah’s small force—and the opposing army crumbled. For the first time since the war began Leah and her force found both players and NCP’s surrendering rather th
an fighting to the death. When the fighting finally stopped a few minutes later, Leah’s forces had captured over four hundred enemy soldiers.

  After discussing things with Brin and the other leaders, Leah had the prisoners lined up in front of her. Using a spell of amplification, she said, “The Articles of Divine War which define this current conflict suggest that enemy combatants not killed outright should be executed or enslaved. Even so, I am loathe either to execute you out of hand or force you into slavery. We have no facilities to imprison you, so you have two choices. You may face a warrior of my army in single combat. Their level will be at least fifty more than your own. If you prevail, you will be led away from the mountain and released. Your other option is to offer an oath of parole. You will promise ‘on your life’ that you will no longer take any role in this War of the Gods. If you break the parole, not only will you lose your life but there will be an additional penalty which entails a loss of fifty levels of experience. If you offer this oath, you will be released to go where you will.

  “You have two minutes to decide. All those wishing to decide this by combat move to my right. All those who will offer an oath of parole, move to my left. Those of my army who wish to participate in the option of single combat, prepare yourselves.”

  Half of the captured soldiers wanted to decide their fate by single combat, while the rest lined up and offered an oath in front of mages from Leah’s army before leaving the field of battle. Most of Leah’s soldiers were interested in facing someone in single combat. It didn’t take long to match warriors with those of a similar player build. Nine of the individual battles were won by the enemy. These warriors were all escorted off the mountain by eight hands of Günahkâr and five dwarves.

  Once all the loot had been collected, the army made its way back to their base. Leah and many of the travellers needed to log out. After a brief speech where she thanked everyone and praised Brin for her leadership, Leah logged out and immediately left the pod.


  Lin was in the kitchen feeding Saoirse and Leah spent her break holding the baby and chatting with her mother. Lin shared that both Michael and Conner were struggling with their inability to join what they considered to be ‘their’ battle. Thousands of those from the poorer areas continued to demonstrate and march in the city centre and outside the government offices asking justice for people killed and enslaved.

  The numbers involved in the protests continued to grow, and those from similar backgrounds in other countries were beginning to gather. Some of those released in the American Union from the Castelli family’s control had found the small private worlds created by Australian ex-slaves and put the pieces together about who may have helped them. They had begun reaching out to their communities, and people were demonstrating in solidarity.

  When Leah shared that she would be leaving later that day, her mother spent time praying for Leah, then after hugging her let Leah make her way back to her room alone.


  December 29, 2073


  Once back in the Tower, Leah headed for Pneumatica as her fleet would be approaching Mount Noir. She needed to set the direction for whatever they found there.

  Arriving in her suite aboard the Tempest, Leah quickly dressed in her uniform and after making sure all her weapons were in place and loaded, she stepped out of the room. Two crew members were standing guard outside, and she was surprised when she recognised Sparrow’s profile. Leah said, “Lady Sparrow, I must apologise. Had I known you were aboard I would have greeted you earlier.”

  “S: Think nothing of it, your Grace, I only just made it aboard after learning of your planned departure. Captain Baker saw fit to assign me as the head of your guards.”

  Leah turned to the other guard who was dressed as a sergeant in the marines. After a moment concentrating on his image, she recognised him as one of those she’d rescued from the Tempest when she’d first boarded the airship. She spoke softly and said, “Hello, Kyle, I don’t want to intrude into your private life but are you OK and ready to serve aboard this ship?”

  “K: I am, your Grace. It’s been difficult, but my counsellor suggested that if I was to re-enter the multiverse, I should start with something I want to do—something I think is important to who I am as a person. My PAI was one of those who attended the group session with your PAI, Gèng. It suggested that working to stop others experiencing what we had suffered would be worthwhile. Jennifer, one of the others who served helped me get in touch with a lady called Amy, and she helped arrange this position. I’m not the only one of your guards in this position. I mentioned what I was doing to my counsellor, she asked me to reflect on if this was a way to make amends and that I didn’t need to do that. I’m not sure I agree. Either way, I’m here to help, if you’ll let me.”

  Leah reached out and touched his shoulder and said, “As long as it is your decision, then I’m glad to have you aboard. If you find it becomes too traumatic, then let someone know.”

  With that, Leah turned and headed for the bridge with her guards following behind. Everyone came to attention as Leah arrived on the command deck. Captain Baker said, “B: Good morning, Admiral. We are approaching Mount Noir and should see the Duchy within the half-hour. Some have visited before, and they say there is sufficient space for all the aircraft to land on the Duchy’s airfield. I sent Captain Hammer and the Duel’s Bounty ahead. They’ve sent a flyer back with the news that no Scardosian activity has been seen on this side of Mount Noir. Still, it appears they have a significant presence in the disputed territories on the far bank of the River Masray.

  “They have several airships in attendance over their position, and it appears that they have been present at their location for an extended period. I am somewhat dismayed that Lord Cassius had not informed others of this. Allowing such an incursion can only inflame the disputation with Scardosia. Officially, their government disavows all who enter the disputed territories. Still, it seems clear they receive both encouragement and aid from many within the Scardosian People’s Court. Besides those of your personal fleet, we have been joined by a dozen traveller-owned Privateers. All their captains have agreed to join the fleet and await direction.”

  Leah let her focus centre on the mountain in front of the Tempest. The rocky peak of black granite jutted into the sky. The very top was covered in snow. She could feel the shape of an ancient fortress just below the summit. Most of the lower parts were covered in a thick forest, and far below them, she could sense the Dark River flowing back towards Aeropile. The Duchy had been clawed from the Black Forest, and its wealth was in the trees harvested, and the iron and coal dug from the Midnight Mines which tunnelled deep within the mountain. Scardosia was as dependent as Aeropile on coal and iron. Leah could imagine Cassius playing both sides for his own gain, something that wasn’t a surprise after finding out his connection with the late Lord Emmerson.

  “Then let us continue on to the Duchy, Captain Baker. When you have a moment, I have several matters I wish to discuss in private, if I may.”

  Captain Baker nodded toward her first officer, then said, “B: As you wish, Commodore. Let us speak within my day cabin.”

  Sparrow and Kyle waited outside as Leah and Captain Baker headed into the small office set aside for the Captain on the command deck. Leah said, “Captain, it seems that there is much happening, and I find myself torn in many directions. Not only must I take responsibility for the Duchy, but I suspect I will find that Cassius has been undermining the security of Aeropile. I will need to take action lest his actions bear fruit even from the grave. I would appoint you as commander of the fleet but seek your advice. Also, I suspect those on the ground will be best served by a commanding officer who can offer their full attention to the conflict. Please note that I do not intend to step back from setting the direction of the Duchy’s efforts against the Scardosians, but I do expect that much of the day to day execution of the hostilities will be decided without my direct input.

  Captain Baker sat in silence for almost a minute. Leah wondered if this was an AI directed pause for effect, or if the game was redirecting hundreds of quests to fit the new possibilities. Finally, Captain Baker said, “B: Your Grace, I have considered these very matters throughout the flight. While I appreciate your confidence, it seems that the majority of your expanded fleet are those from the aether worlds. I have had some discussion with those who have joined us and suggest you may be better served by dividing the fleet into three smaller forces. I would be pleased to serve as Commodore of your original fleet, but suggest the other forces be commanded by aether-worlders like yourself. I would be pleased to offer some suggestions as to who might best serve in those positions.

  “As for the overall command of the fleets, I suggest there is one among the ships that have joined us who may be best suited for that role. His name is Captain Carter, and I had thought him dead as he has not been seen for some time. I did serve briefly on a ship that he commanded, when I was but an ensign. I found him eminently suited to command. For almost a decade he was one of Aeropile’s most successful privateers. That he stands with your cause and has returned to our skies has only increased the fleet’s commitment to the enterprise. As for the ground forces, I suggest we wait for Major Rollins and the Iapetus.”


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