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Forsworn Fate (Sisters of Danu)

Page 10

by Mia Pride

  She smiled and brought a hand up to his jaw. “Of course I trust you, Garreth. You are a good man. A good husband. I am sorry I have been so busy the last three days. I only wanted everything to be perfect, to honor your father.”

  He frowned as he thought about how quickly he had let his grief turn him bitter toward her. Why did he use her as a target every time he was angry at another? This time, it was his father’s unjust death that had made him almost turn on her. And yet, she was the one picking up the pieces of his life.

  “For a woman who did not want to be my wife, you have been a mighty fine one,” he grinned as he pulled her in closer. He could care not if the entire village watched their display. She was his. He was hers. Nobody would ever question them again.

  “Och, Garreth,” she swatted his arm playfully. “ I have always wanted to be your wife. I only wanted you to want me in return.”

  “I am an arse,” he growled.

  “Aye, you are,” she said, squeezing his backside possessively. “But you are my arse now. And I will break the nose of any lass who questions it.”

  A low rumble shook his chest, “I do not doubt it, woman.”

  He looked around at the gathered crowd and wrapped his arms around Ceara’s shoulders, addressing his people. “My wee wife has honored my father most beautifully.” He looked down at her with pride and kissed the tip of her nose. She flushed and tucked her face into his side to hide her reaction. Such a strong woman, and yet still so tender. Gods, he loved her. “Tonight, we will lay my father to rest peacefully with the gods. And then, on the morrow, we will all feast, for we still have a marriage to celebrate and my wife has waited long enough for me to honor her!”

  “Aye!” some of the crowd responded, lifting their fists in the air.

  “Och, Garreth, we still need to inaugurate you, first,” she whispered so only he could hear. “Our tuath needs a chieftain.”

  He looked down at her and shrugged, “Then we will do both. I will not postpone your feast another day.”

  She turned in his arms and kissed him squarely on the lips. “Whatever you say, husband.”

  Garreth looked at her incredulously and smirked. “I thought you vowed to never let me command you?”

  “Aye, well, I’ve found your commands quite pleasant in most cases. I have decided that I do not mind being commanded by you nearly as much as I suspected I would.” She fluttered her long dark lashes at him playfully and bumped him with her hip.

  “In that case,” he pointed toward their home and smacked her rear. “To bed, wife.”

  Chapter 8

  “I, Garreth Mac Cecht, swear to protect the people and the land of Coraindt from all threats, internal or external. I swear to uphold the law of the land and be a fair leader. I swear to care for those in need, promising that nay man, woman, or child upon my land shall ever go without food, clothing, or shelter. In times of war, I swear to lead our warriors to victory.”

  Garreth stepped upon the inaugural stone, notching his feet in alignment with the shape of the feet already engraved in the stone. The feet of the first king of Coraindt had been imprinted upon the stone many generations ago, and it was a tradition for every new king to stand on the imprint of his steps as an outward symbol of stepping up to the task of chieftain and king.

  The druid held his hand up and chanted prayers to the gods, asking for the protection of their new king. A lamb had been slaughtered as an offering to the gods, but as a symbol of his vow to never waste food for his people, the lamb would be roasted and served as part of the meal for tonight’s feast, honoring both his inauguration and his marriage to Ceara.

  Raising his hands above the crowd, the druid called upon the people to follow him in a prayer of protection. “Valiant Nuada of the white sword, who subdued the Firbolg of blood, for love of the Tribe, for pains of Danu's children, hold thy shield over us, protect us all.”

  The prayer continued for several more moments before Garreth heard the druid conclude the ceremony. “Behold, the people of the land of Coraindt, your new chieftain and king, blessed by the gods and sworn to protect his people, King Garreth Mac Cecht.”

  Stepping forward, the druid handed Garreth a long white scepter. Laying down his sword, Garreth took the white scepter from the druid’s hands as a symbol of purity, to acknowledge that all his people were to obey him, and that no weapon should be required for them to do so.

  When the scepter was securely in Garreth’s hand and the gold circlet of his father was placed upon his blonde head, the people rejoiced and cheered for their new king.

  “MUST YOU TRULY LEAVE at dawn?” Abigael pouted as she leaned into Doran’s strong embrace. She always asked the same question, and always received the same response.

  “Aye, mo chroí, I am afraid I must.” He kissed her forehead and breathed in sadly. “If only it could be different for us. Alyson died in childbirth so long ago. It feels like a lifetime has passed. A lifetime of loneliness. Coming to visit you and Ceara always lifts my spirits. But I am afraid I have failed Gwynneth. Her heart is forever broken because I refused her marriage to Liam Mac Cuill. And as for my third daughter, I have still never been able to discover her location.” He hunched his back in defeat and squeezed Abigael tightly. “I do not even know her name or if she is happy.”

  “Doran, the task the gods have set at your feet has been a treacherous one. Nay man should lose his wife and two of his daughters all within a night. You have done all you can to fulfill the fate the gods have given to your lassies. Look at Ceara,” she said with a smile on her lips. “She is well, married to a king, just as the legend requires, and so very happy.”

  Their gaze flicked over to Ceara and Garreth who sat at the head of a long trestle table, snuggling up to one another and laughing at some private jest. Abigael’s heart lifted as Ceara’s infectious laugh flooded the hall. “I never thought those two would ever work out their differences. But once they did, everything came together seamlessly. They were meant to be.”

  “Aye, my heart is glad to see her so happy. You have done well for my daughter, Abi. Thanks are not enough. If only I could feel that I had done right by Gwynneth.”

  Abigael grunted and shrugged. “Tis done, Doran. You made your choice and did what you felt was right. Now we must let things unfold as they will. The Three Sisters of Danu only have three more summers before they will have to reunite and fulfill their destiny.”

  “Tell me, Abi. Did I do wrong by forcing Gwynn to marry Baine, instead of Liam? I never would have, only Liam pushed away any talk of being my successor. And with the warning of the druid, Patrick, to marry Gwynneth to a king, I felt as if I had nay choice but to marry her to Baine, who aspires to the title. Only now...the light has left her eyes, Abi. She will never forgive me.” He hung his head low and Abigael could not tell him what she truly felt in her heart, that Doran had, indeed, erred.

  He had used too much logic when matching Gwynneth to Baine. Her heart belonged to Liam Mac Cuill, and Abigael knew love was ordained by the gods. If she loved Liam, it was because she was supposed to love Liam. Liam would one day be king. Abigael knew this just as she knew from the very beginning that Garreth would be king. It was the reason she had convinced King Connor all those years ago that it was Garreth and Ceara’s destiny to be wed.

  Being a Seer, however, had made her task easy enough. King Connor never argued with her, knowing she possessed a power given by the gods, knowing she did what was needed for a higher purpose. He never wavered on their agreement and Abigael wished Connor was here now to see the happy union between their children that they had always hoped for.

  But, Doran did not have The Sight. He had to do what he felt was best for his Gwynneth with no help. And though Abigael did not agree with his decision, she knew that fate always found its way. If Gwynneth was fated to be with Liam, as Ceara was fated to be Garreth, then they would find their way to one another. Aye, Abigael could sense that Gwynneth had a long road ahead of her to get to where she belon
ged, but she would get there.

  “Doran, as I said, tis done. All we can do now is be there for our lassies and guide them, knowing the gods are on their side.”

  Doran nodded and smiled softly at Abigael. “You are correct, my love. I just wish Gwynneth looked at Baine the way Ceara looks at Garreth.”

  The jovial music blasted around the gathering hall and people began to dance and sing. Tonight was a night for celebration, not brooding. “Come, Abi,” he said, “let us greet the new king and his queen.”

  “YOU ARE THE BONNIEST lass in the entire tuath,” Garreth whispered in Ceara’s ear as they sat at the head of the table. The gold circlet on his head gleamed in the light of the fire.

  She looked at him from her peripherals and glowered. “You would know.”

  He froze and actually blushed. Was that shame on his face? “Aye, I suppose I would. And I am very sorry for it.”

  She laughed and shoved at his shoulder. “Och, Garreth! I have already forgiven you many times! I am only jesting! Though I am glad to see that you do have a slight amount of shame for your past indiscretions.”

  “I am shameful, Ceara. Every lass I placed between you and I was never more than a distraction. And all I can think of is the precious time I have lost to be with you.”

  “Do not think of that, husband, think of all the time we have now gained. We have forever.” She leaned in and meant to give a playful, quick kiss, but he gripped the back of her head and held her to him, slipping his tongue inside and making her melt all over. She had to admit, she loved how he had no shame in showing her affection publicly. He was proud to have her as his wife, and that was all that mattered.

  Releasing her lips, he moved over to her ear and nipped at her lobe, sending shivers down her spine. “I love you, Ceara,” he whispered against her throat. “I love you so much my heart aches when I so much as think of you.”

  Gooseflesh speckled every part of her body. To hear him say those words was a balm to her heart. Less than a sennight had passed since they married, and yet they had always known they would be together. That bond, though they sometimes denied it, was an ever-present force between them. And once their vows were said and the walls they had carefully erected crumbled, their bond swiftly grew into something much deeper than she could have ever expected.

  “I love you, as well, Garreth. I always have.” She placed her head on his large shoulder and felt him envelope her in his embrace.

  “I am so pleased to see the two of you finally coming together.” Ceara looked up to see King Doran towering over them, his black hair streaked with gray and a large smile spread across his handsome face. Her mama stood by his side, clinging to him as she always did on his final night at Coraindt. Ceara felt her heart sink because she knew he was approaching to say farewell.

  “Must you truly leave?” she asked, echoing the same question her mother always posed.

  A sadness clouded his eyes and he looked at her as if he loved her like his own daughter. “Aye, mo leanbh, you know I must.”

  She nodded her head in acceptance. “Aye, I do know. Will you please send my love to Gwynneth? I truly do hope to meet her one day. Perhaps you and mama will marry one day and Gwynneth and I will be sisters? I have always longed for a sister!”

  Doran breathed deeply at her words and looked carefully over at her mother. Abigael returned his strange look, as if they both shared that same secret she would never feel privy to.

  “Ceara, I have told you many times that I will never marry Doran. Tis not possible with him in Iverni and us in Coraindt.”

  “I love you, Mama, and I only wish for your happiness. As much as I would miss you if you went with Doran, I would be happy to know you were together. Then you all, including Gwynneth, could come and visit us.” She could not understand why her mother simply refused to go with Doran. She knew it was mostly because of her, but she did not want to be the reason her mother was alone, especially now that she had married and would be living with Garreth.

  Her mama sighed and shook her head, “Nay, lass. Someday soon you will understand. There are many things I cannot yet explain about the decisions I have made, but the day will come when all is revealed and you will understand.”

  Her mother had spoken in riddles her entire life. She knew Abigael had The Sight, and she knew, deep down, there was something about her that her mother kept quiet. She also knew that whatever it was, Doran knew it as well. It was the reason she had been arranged to marry Garreth. She could not understand why, but since it had all worked out and she was very happy, she would not question it. But she knew her mama kept deep secrets.

  “Whatever you wish, Mama. Just do not stay here on my account. I have Garreth to keep me safe.”

  “I stay here because I love you more than anything and I wish to help you birth your babes and raise them.”

  Ceara looked at Garreth, who spit ale out of his mouth, spraying anyone within a yard of him. Ceara laughed so hard, tears streamed out of her eyes. Her red linen dress was now speckled with ale and Garreth’s saliva, and she was certain it was in her hair, as well. “Abigael,” Garreth choked. “One thing at a time, aye?”

  “I should say the same to you, Garreth. If you are not ready for children, I should warn you that with the way you two carry on, you will need to be ready. And soon,” Abigael quirked a brow and King Doran groaned, wiping ale off his face and beard from Garreth’s impressive spray.

  “I think that is my signal to take my leave,” Doran said with a look of discomfort on his face. “I wish you both all the happiness the gods can grant.” He leaned over and kissed Ceara on the cheek. “I love you, mo leanbh.” He ruffled up her hair, as if she were still a lass of seven, not seven and ten, then leaned in to speak to Garreth. “Take care of our lass.”

  “You know I will,” Garreth nodded and put his arm out to clasp with Doran’s. They pounded on one another’s backs, as men liked to do, and Doran sent her one last smile before taking Abigael by the hand and walking away.

  Garreth looked over at her with a gleam in his eye and she knew exactly where his thoughts were wandering. “So...” he said, pausing as if deciding how to say what he wanted to say.

  “Aye?” she questioned and took a slow sip of her ale. She was not going to make it easy on him. She liked to watch him squirm.

  “Do you want to go home and..make babes?”

  It was Ceara’s turn to spray her ale. She choked and coughed as Garreth laughed and pounded on her back.

  “Does that mean nay?” he grunted as he rubbed circles on her back.

  “How about we dance for now. Then we can go home and you can show me how a king makes love to his queen.”

  A smug grin spread across his chiseled features, as if he could picture just what he wanted to do in his mind. “Tis a good plan, wife.”

  “Then lead the way, husband.” Putting her hand out to him, Garreth stood from his bench, nearly knocking it over with his calves as he scooped her out of her seat and carried her over to the middle of the hall. The crowd parted to make room for their new king and queen as he spun her across the floor.

  Author’s Note

  HELLO LOVELY READERS! Thank you for taking the time to read my novella, Forsworn Fate! When I originally wrote the Sisters of Danu series, I never expected to fall in love with Ceara and Garreth as much as I have. It became obvious to me that, after releasing books one and two about her sisters, Ceara deserved to have her story told, as well! So, the story of Ceara and Garreth was born and written into what I hope was a fun read for you! If you have already read Forbidden Fate and Foretold Fate, I hope this little novella satisfied your curiousity about Ceara and Garreth while you await the release of book three, Forgotten Fate, which is due to release in late Spring of 2017. If this is the first book of the Sisters of Danu series that you have read, I hope it inspires you to pick up the first book of the series, Forbidden Fate, which is all about Gwynneth and Liam! Oh yes, Ceara and Garreth are certainly in it, as well!
r />   Here is the series in order of release:

  Book one: Forbidden Fate - Gwynneth and Liam

  Book two: Foretold Fate - Una and Brocc

  Novella: Forsworn Fate - Ceara and Garreth

  Book four: Forgotten Fate – the conclusion to the Sisters of Danu Series that leads into the Warriors of Eriu series!

  Thank you so much for choosing to read my books. I know you have so many options, so I feel fortunate that you chose mine!


  THANK YOU SO MUCH TO my editor, Liz Watson and my proofreader, Bethannee Witczak who always find the time to help me with my novels on top of their already very busy lives! You ladies have no idea how much your support has meant to me! I am very lucky to call you ladies my friends!

  About Mia

  MIA IS A FULL-TIME wife and mother of two rowdy boys, residing in the SF Bay Area. As a child, she often wrote stories about fantastic places or magical things, always preferring to live in a world where the line between reality and fantasy didn’t exist.

  In High school she entered writing contests and had some stories published in small newspapers or school magazines. As life continued, so did her love of writing. So one day, she decided to end her cake decorating business, pull out her laptop and fulfill her dream of writing and publishing novels. And she did.

  When Mia isn’t writing books or chasing her sweaty children around a park, she loves to drink coffee by the gallon, get lost in a good book, hike with her family and drink really big margaritas with her friends! Her happy place is the Renaissance Faire, where you can find her at the joust, rooting for the shirtless highlander in a kilt.


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