The Motor Girls on a Tour

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The Motor Girls on a Tour Page 24

by Margaret Penrose



  "Speed her up, Tom," ordered Dr. Duncan Bennet to his chauffeur, as heand Cora started out that bright, beautiful morning. "We will have allwe can do to cover the ground and make home by nightfall."

  "Without a single stop," remarked Cora, "I calculated we could do it.Do you think there is any possibility of us failing to get back?"

  "Tom knows no end of short cuts," said Duncan, settling himself downcomfortably. "We take quite a different route to that which you girlscame over."

  "Oh, yes, of course. We could never get to Chelton and back in one dayover the roads which we came by," replied Cora.

  "The one controlling thought is," said the young physician, "that anautomobile is not a camel. No telling when its thirst will demandimpossible quenching. But this is a first-rate car," he went on, "andit has never gone back on me yet."

  "It rides beautifully," agreed Cora, as the machine was speeding overthe roads like the very wind. "After all, I do believe that anexperienced chauffeur is a positive luxury."

  "Now, now!" exclaimed Duncan. "Don't go back on your constitution.You will have to report, I suppose. What do you imagine our littlegirls are thinking and doing about now?"

  Cora laughed. Duncan seemed amused at the idea of "stealing" thecaptain of the club--he liked nothing better than a "row" with girls.

  "Well, I suppose," said Cora cautiously, "that they are scouringBreakwater for things to decorate the machines with. I am glad that Ientrusted the Whirlwind to Tillie--she is so artistically practicalthat she will be sure to avoid making holes in the car to stickbouquets in."

  "The fellows will be up to-night. They have taken rooms at the Beacon.There'll be no end of a rumpus if they strike Breakwater, and I am notthere to pilot them."

  "Likely our girls would attempt to put them to rights," said Cora,joking. "Just fancy a crowd of students, and those silly girls."

  "It is well that they can't hear you," remarked Duncan. "Of course,you are very--very sensible."

  "You mean--I should not have come?" she said, her face flushing.

  "Oh, indeed, I meant nothing of the sort," he hurried to explain. "Infact, I never could have carried out my plan if you had not come along.I am going to bring Clip out for the meet."

  "Oh, wouldn't that be splendid!" exclaimed Cora. "If only we canmanage it. But she is always so busy--"

  "Then I intend to make her stop work for a few days at least. I wantmy brother to meet her, and this--well, quite an opportunity."

  Cora looked at the earnest young man beside her. "Clip is worthknowing," she said simply. Then she added: "I wonder if we couldarrange it to have Hazel come? It would be just glorious to have theclub complete after all our little drawbacks. If her brother is betterI will not take 'no' for an answer. I shall simply insist upon Hazelcoming."

  Cora was aglow with the prospects--if only everything would go alongsmoothly and no other "drawback" should occur.

  "Your friends are from Exmouth, aren't they?" asked Duncan. "I oughtto know some of them; we played their team last year."

  "Oh, do you know Ed Foster? And Walter Pennington?" asked Cora.

  "I happen to remember their names," said Duncan. "I would be glad ifwe could manage to have them come out to the show. Let me see. Howcould we fix it up?"

  "Jack has a car, and so has Walter," replied Cora, while the chauffeurlooked at his speedometer and noted that they were doing twenty-fivemiles an hour.

  "Then," said Duncan, "if we can fix it--But that observation case willtake quite a little time."

  "You can attend to your case, and get Clip," said Cora with amischievous smile, "and I will attend to the boys."

  "Oh, my!" exclaimed Duncan. "You are ready and willing to make the'round up.' Well," and the car gave an unexpected bump that almostthrew Cora over into her companion's arms, "I would like first rate tohave them all come to Breakwater, and our fellows would count it thebest part of their vacation to have an auto run of that kind. If wefind everything all right out in Chelton we will call a special meetingof the motor girls, the girls being you, and the motor boys being me,and then we will come to the quickest decision on record."

  Cora was arranging her goggles and veil. The speed of the car wasplaying sad havoc with her costume, and she was not too independent towant to look well when she got into her home-town.

  "Look out, Tom!" called Duncan to his man. "Here is about where theyenforce the speed laws, isn't it?"

  "We have to take chances," replied the man, "if we expect to cover theground."

  "Mercy!" exclaimed Cora. "Please do not take any chances with speedlaws. I have a perfect horror of that sort of thing."

  "What's she doing?" asked the doctor.

  "Only twenty miles, sir," replied the chauffeur, "and they allow usfifteen."

  "Couldn't we just as well conform to the regulation speed?" asked Coraanxiously. It was rather unusual for her to show such timidity.

  "Leave it to Tom," replied the young doctor. "Chauffeurs are likehouse-maids--they must not be interfered with."

  Up to this time Cora had really not noticed the speed. Herconversation with Duncan had been altogether engrossing. But now shebegan to appreciate the situation, and this precluded all otherconsiderations, even the thoughts of Chelton.

  Duncan Bennet had no sister, and, consequently, was not versed in theart of "fidgets." He only knew the ailment when it took definite form.But Cora was getting it--in fact, she now felt positively nervous.

  How that machine did go! The speed delighted Duncan. Tom was like aneagle bending over his prey--he urged the car on with suchdetermination. Once or twice Cora felt bound to exclaim, but Duncanonly shook his head. It was going, that was all he seemed to care for.Near the station they were obliged to slow up some to look for trains.As they did so Cora saw another car dash by, and in she recognized theman now known to her as Mr. Reed, Rob Roland's cousin.

  She made no remark to Duncan; he seemed so occupied with his ownthoughts. But when, after a few minutes, the same car passed themagain, having made a circuit on a crossroad, and the same man stared atCora as if to make sure it was she, she felt a queer uneasiness.

  This time the other car shot ahead at such a wild pace that evenDuncan's machine was not speeding compared with that.

  "Talk about going!" commented the physician; "just look at that fellow.If he can use up that much gasoline and escape the law, no need for usto worry."

  The chauffeur was simply intent upon speed--he seemed to have gonespeed crazy, Cora thought.

  They were traveling over a perfectly straight road, and Duncan Bennettook out his field glasses.

  "Here," he said to Cora, "I often find these interesting when on a longjourney. Take a peek."

  Cora adjusted the glasses and peered ahead.

  "That man," she said, "has stopped at a small shed--"

  "That's the constable's hang-out," remarked Duncan. "I had to stopthere once--just once," and the thought was evidently funny, for helaughed boyishly.

  "Yes," went on Cora, "there is some one talking to him. Oh, Duncan,"and she clutched his arm nervously, "do tell Tom to drive slowly pastthere, for I think I know that man."

  "Go slow, Tom," called Duncan carelessly. "We might be held up. Justlet me take the glasses, Cora."

  He peered through the strong lenses. "The other car has gone on," hesaid. "Perhaps the cop is a friend of your friend's"; and again helaughed, much to Cora's discomfort.

  On and on the machine flew. Finally they were within a few rods of thelittle shed by the roadside. A man on a motor-cycle was waiting. Asthe Bennet car came up he shot out into the center of the road.

  Duncan did not mistake his intention. Tom turned his head and gave theother a meaning look. Then the chauffeur slowed down--slower andslower.

  "Stop!" called the man on the motor-cycle, at the same momentdismounting from his wheel.

  Tom almost stopped. Cora though
t he had turned off the gasoline, butthe next moment he had shot past the surprised officer, and was goingat a madder pace than ever.

  Cora was frightened. Some motor-cycles can beat ordinary automobiles;she knew that. But Duncan was laughing. If only that man, Reed, wasnot on the same road just then.

  "Can you make it?" asked Duncan, calling into the chauffeur's ear.

  "Don't know," replied the man. "But we may as well get as far out ofthe woods as possible."

  "Don't worry, little girl," said Duncan to Cora with thatself-confidence peculiar to those who are accustomed to being obeyed."We are all right. It is only a fine, at any rate, and I always carrysmall change."

  "Stop!" yelled the man at the rear. "You cannot cross the line, and ifyou don't stop soon you will find your tires winded."

  A revolver shot sounded.

  Tom drew up instantly. "I don't fancy putting on new tires," he saidcoolly, "so we may as well surrender."

  Duncan looked at the officer in a perfectly friendly way.

  "Well, what's up?" he asked indifferently.

  "You ought to know," replied the man, scowling angrily. "If I hadn'tstopped you land knows but you would have been over the falls. What'sthe matter with you fellows, anyhow? Can't you take a joy ride withoutcommitting murder and suicide?"

  "You're mistaken," replied Duncan. "I'm a doctor on a hurry call--"

  "Yes, you are! You look it!" and the officer sneered at Cora. "Tellthat to the marines!"

  "Well, what's the price?" demanded Duncan with some impatience. "I'm ina hurry."

  "Wait till your hurry cools off," said the officer, who from his ownwild chase was now plainly uncomfortably warm. "You made themarked-off distance in the shortest time on record, from post to postin one minute."

  "How do you know?" asked the chauffeur sharply.

  "What's that to you?" replied the officer. "Didn't I see you?"

  "You did not!" shouted Tom. "Some one 'squealed,' and you have noproof of what you are saying."

  The man hesitated. Then he blurted out: "Well, what if a friend didtip me off? Wasn't he in as much danger from your runaway machine asthe next one?"

  "That man!" whispered Cora to Duncan. "He stopped and told him toarrest us."

  "Well, the price?" called Duncan, with his hand in his pocket. "I tellyou I am a doctor, and I am in a hurry to get to Chelton. Can't youmake it something reasonable--and then something for your own trouble?"

  The man eyed Duncan sharply. "I was told you would say just that," hesaid with a curious laugh.

  "And that is just what the other fellow said to you," spoke Tom. "Nowlook here, Hanna. I know how much you have got out of this already,and I happen to know the sort of coin that that sneak, Reed, carries.He has offered me some--at times. He travels out here quite some oflate. Take my advice and be square. It is all bound to come out inthe wash."

  Cora gazed at Duncan in astonishment. "I told you," said the latter,"that it is best to leave a good man alone. Like a good cook, theyusually know their own business."

  But the officer was not so sure. He hesitated, then said: "Well, I seejudge Brown over in the meadow. He can settle it. Come along."


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