The Motor Girls on a Tour

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The Motor Girls on a Tour Page 25

by Margaret Penrose



  Cora was in despair. To be thus detained when there was not an hour tospare! Tom drew the machine well to the roadside. Duncan leisurelyclimbed out and then asked the girl if she would remain in the car.

  "That's the mean part of this business," remarked Duncan; "they don'twant money--they want time--good, honest time."

  Then, of a sudden, with that boyishness that Cora had so greatlyadmired in so thoughtful a young man, he sprang off on a run toward themeadow, where the constable had indicated the judge could be found.

  "Come on, friend," he called good-naturedly to the officer on thewheel. "When a thing's to be done, may as well do it. The sooner thequicker," he joked, while Cora wondered more and more how so wronged aperson could be so good-humored.

  Tom fussed about the machine, looking to see that the official bullethad not struck through a tire. Evidently the constable did not expectDuncan to take him at his word, and go after the squire, for it tookhim some time to put his wheel against a tree and prepare to follow onfoot.

  "You can't go that way," he shouted to Duncan. "That's all swamp."

  "Won't hurt me," replied the irrepressible Duncan. "I am taking thewater cure."

  Soon Duncan was talking to the farmer--and the constable was still"picking his steps" toward the spot where the two stood.

  "I am sure Duncan will win him," thought Cora, "and perhaps we will notbe so long delayed, after all."

  But Tom could not stand the suspense. He asked Cora if she would mindbeing left alone for a few minutes, and soon he, too, was hurrying overthe meadow.

  Cora had great faith in Tom's judgment now, and was rather glad that hehad gone to Duncan's help. She stepped out of the car to gather a fewwild flowers, and was just about to step in again when the rumble of anapproaching machine attracted her attention.

  She turned and saw coming toward her that man Reed. With assumedindifference she stepped back to the road to get another flower. Thistook her just a bit farther from his path than she would have been inthe car, but as he came up she heard him slacken, then stop.

  Her heart seemed to stand still. In an instant she realized what itmeant for a girl to be alone on a road--she should not have leftBreakwater, and the doctor and Tom should not have left her.

  "Miss Kimball," called a voice from the other car. "I am sorry to seeyou in this predicament. I am Mr. Reed, of Roland, Reed & Company,"and he said this with all possible courtesy. "I believe we have metbefore, and I came back to see if I might be of any assistance to you.This speeding business is rather troublesome, and I ventured to guessthat you are most anxious to be in Chelton to-day, as there are so manyinteresting things going on there."

  For an instant Cora felt that she had wronged this man. Perhaps, afterall, he was a perfect gentleman, and had nothing to do with their beingdetained. If only Duncan or Tom was there!

  "Yes, I am in a hurry to get home," admitted Cora. "But I think wewill soon be off again."

  "Not very likely," went on the other. "That old judge seems to delightin keeping folks away from their business. He has the most roundaboutway possible of transacting matters. I was about to suggest that ifyou really are anxious to get to Chelton I would go over there andspeak with your friend, and, as we are not so far away from the hometown, it might be wise for you to ride with me. It is very awkward fora lady to be in this position. Sometimes a newspaper fellow comesalong, and, as they say, 'gets a story' out of it."

  "Oh, I thank you very much," she said hurriedly and not without showingher confusion, "but I will wait until Dr. Bennet comes. I am sure hewill not be detained long. They should have some consideration forphysicians."

  "Dr. Bennet? Oh, I see. He is in a hurry, too, to get to Chelton."(If Cora could have seen the flash that shot through the lawyer's brainat that moment.) "Well, of course, he ought to be allowed togo--although we all have to keep within the speed limit."

  "They are coming now," said Cora joyously, for the interview wasanything but pleasant. "I will tell Dr. Bennet of your kindness."

  The man cranked up instantly, excusing his haste with a glance at hiswatch. "Well," he said, "I have a noon appointment, so I may as wellhurry on. Good morning, Miss Kimball. I suppose we shall see eachother again in Chelton, as we both are interested, I believe, in thesame affair--finding the promise book and finding the lost table."

  Then he was off.

  Duncan, Tom and the two officers were up to the car before Cora hadquite recovered herself.

  "That was Reed, miss, wasn't it?" asked Tom sharply.

  "Yes," replied Cora.

  "Well, he's a cool one," went on Tom, while Duncan looked after thereceding car. "Do you know him, if I may ask?"

  "Yes, and no," said Cora nervously, for the constable and justice werelooking at her with some impertinence.

  "I thought so. His usual game. He makes himself known. Now seehere," said Tom, in a manner that made Cora think of Paul--perhaps Tomloved machines as did Paul, and was more than an ordinarychauffeur--"that man is a keen lawyer, Dr. Bennet, and he has somepurpose in delaying you."

  "Delaying me!" echoed Duncan.

  "No," interrupted Cora. "It is in me he seems to have the interest,for he asked me to ride back to Chelton with him. Oh, I know!" sheexclaimed. "It is in Wren! He is the lawyer who has to do with Mrs.Salvey's case, and he is trying to keep Dr. Bennet away from Cheltonto-day. He must have heard that you were on the case," declared Cora,as the whole strange proceeding seemed to flash before her excited mind.

  "That's bad!" groaned Duncan.

  The officials were talking at one side of the road.

  "Look here, squire," called Tom, "this is all a putup game. You haveno proof that we were going faster than the law allows. That sneakReed simply told you so. Now own up, Hanna. Am I not right?"

  "He sure said so," grumbled Hanna.

  "And you had only his word?" asked the old justice angrily.

  "I saw the smoke from that car, and--"

  "Well, I'm goin' to let you go," asserted the judge. "I don't likethis here kind of business, Hanna, and I want you after this to haveall your charges first hand. Don't take no tips from nobody, d'yehear?"

  Hanna smiled. He had his hand in his pocket, and it may as well betold that there was also in the pocket something which resigned him toletting the automobilists go. Reed had attended to the compensation.

  "Just as you say, judge," remarked the constable.

  Duncan put his hand out to the old squire. "Here, squire," he said."I do this openly. I want you to take this, not as a bribe, but as apersonal gift, which I have a perfect right to offer you. You aredoing me a kindness, and also this young lady a kindness, and the onemost concerned is a helpless little creature who waits until I reachChelton to know whether or not she is to be made perfectly well, so tospeak. Not that I am the one to say that, but because a notedspecialist will wait for all the other doctors. It's a long stony, butI will let you know how we make out if I beat that sharper intoChelton."

  Cora couldn't speak. She, too, put out her hand to the old squire, whowas wiping his eyes and shaking his head against Duncan's gift.Finally the young doctor prevailed upon him, and then once more theystarted on their mad run for Chelton.


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