partisan, xii, 71, 138, 145, 147, 200, 202–203, 217, 229
personal, 61, 199, 236
tribal, 239
Trump and, 61, 200, 236
vice president and, 132, 229
MacArthur, Douglas, 162–165, 174
Madison, James, 4–6, 8, 34, 36–37, 39, 48, 114–116, 123–124, 154, 197, 222
Maladministration, 36–37, 39, 56, 65
Manafort, Paul, 64
Mann, Thomas, 205–206, 207
Marshall, John, 27
Martin, Joseph, 163–164
Mason, George, 4–7, 36, 38–39, 41, 46, 119, 121
McCain, John, 217–218
McCarthy, Andrew, 183
McConnell, Mitch, 75, 208, 234
McCullough, David, 164
McFadden, Louis, 160–161
McFarlane, Robert, 72
McLarty, Mack, 146
McMaster, H. R., 225
Miranda, Lin-Manuel, 43
Misdemeanor, 27, 44, 151. See also High Crimes and Misdemeanors
Mitchell, John, 25
Mnuchin, Steven, 44
Monarchy, 8, 22, 35
dark money, 81, 105, 208
in politics, 207–208, 215
Morris, Gouverneur, 4, 7–8, 32, 36, 122–123
Mounk, Yascha, 209
Mueller, Robert, 58, 64, 192, 235
anti-Muslim entry bans, 188
anti-Muslim media, 65
Nadler, Jerrold, 107–108, 191
Neo-Nazism, 64, 188
“Never Trump” conservatives, 211, 231
Nixon, Richard, xvi, xviii, 61, 101
articles of impeachment against, xiii, 22, 35, 44, 57–58,
62–63, 65, 129–130, 173–174
Ford’s pardon of, 72, 122, 170
House Judiciary Committee report on impeachment of, xxi–xxii
legacy of Watergate scandal, 73–74, 103, 106, 147–148, 169, 172
line of succession and, 149–150
public opinion polls and, 143–144, 147
resignation, xiii, 14, 22, 103, 107, 143, 147–148
Saturday Night Massacre, 143
Supreme Court and, 25, 122, 169
tapes, 39, 122
United States v. Nixon, 122
Norms, xiii, 153
autocracy and, 219
campaigning and, 176
Congress and, 76, 207
effect of impeachment on, 106, 221
fragility of, 240
impeachable offenses and, 42, 51
judicial nominations, 76
presidential conduct, xi, 23, 34, 187, 232
Trump and, xi, 185, 187, 200, 232
North, Oliver, 72
North Korea, 163, 188–189
Nullifying corrupted election, 60
Oaths, 69, 71
impeachment and, 77–78, 132–133, 139, 143
Oath of Office, 61, 94
Obama, Barack, 81, 153
Congress and, 75, 81, 182–184, 208
impeachment talk and, xviii, 153, 182–184, 195, 215, 217, 237
nomination of Merrick Garland, 75
Trump and, 182, 189, 212
Obstruction of justice, 39, 60, 92, 95
Clinton (Bill) and, 21, 103, 129
Nixon and, 57, 63, 65
Trump and, xi, 61
Obstructionism, 180, 208, 218
O’Neill, Tip, 146–147
Originalism, 3, 9, 14–16, 27–29, 36–37, 39, 41–42, 45, 54, 77–81, 95, 109–112, 139, 237, 239
Ornstein, Norm, 177, 205–206, 207, 218
Palin, Sarah, 183
as impeachable offense, 50, 60–61, 63–64
Bush’s pardon of Reagan officials, 74
Ford’s pardon of Nixon, 72, 122, 170
Johnson’s pardon of former Confederates, 16
Pardon Clause of the Constitution, 47
presidential pardon power, 39, 79, 167, 187
self-pardons, 47
Trump’s pardon of Joe Arpaio, 63–64
Parliamentary democracy, 7, 18–19, 28, 40, 102, 114
causes and trends, 200–202, 206–209
hyperpartisanship, 105, 208, 216, 232, 239
impartiality and, 139–140
impeachment and, 52, 147, 194–195, 199, 216
permanent campaign and, 177
rise of, 200–202, 205–209, 214, 219, 232, 240
See also Polarization, political; Tribalism
Paterson, William, 115
Peculation, 5
Pelosi, Nancy, 179–180, 191, 195
Pence, Michael, 44, 186, 233–234
Perjury, 21, 51, 57, 103, 129
Permanent campaign, 175–177, 184
Permanent impeachment campaign, 153, 177–178, 184–185, 200
Persian Gulf War, 172–173
Pfeiffer, Dan, 183–184
Pierce, Franklin, 35
Pinckney, Charles, 4, 8, 114–115, 124
Pine, David, 166–168
Pirro, Jeanine, 183
Poindexter, John, 72
Polarization, political, xii, xviii, 82, 200–203, 205–206, 210, 214–216, 219, 221, 232, 238–240. See also Partisanship; Tribalism
Polk, James, 71, 87, 155
Posner, Eric, 81
Posner, Richard, 136
Powell, Lewis, 122
Powell, Thomas Reed, 58
Pre-inauguration conduct, 60–61
Puerto Rico, 120
Putin, Vladimir, 188
Quincy, Josiah, 151–152
Racism, 54, 63–64, 185, 202
Ramsey, Michael, 76–77
Randolph, Edmund Jennings, 4–6, 67–68, 114–115
Rausch, Jonathan, 208
Re, Richard, 133
Reagan, Ronald, 103
impeachment talk and, 170–172, 173–175
invasion of Grenada, 170–171, 173
Iran-Contra Affair, 72–74, 144, 146–148, 171–175
Reed, David, 161
Regular order, 207
Rehnquist, William, 44, 80, 88–89, 122, 133–134
Reid, Harry, 183–184
Rhodes, John, 147
Ridgway, Matthew, 162
Ritter, Halsted, 45
Robbins, Jonathan, 84
Roberts, John G., Jr., 8–9
Rohrabacher, Dana, 182
“Roman Coliseum” analysis of impeachment, xiv–xvi
Rondón, Andrés Miguel, 239
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 25, 160
defiance of Lend-Lease Act, 71–72
internment of Japanese Americans, 17
Twenty-Second Amendment and, 19
Rosenstein, Rod, 192
Rubin, Jennifer, 228
Rule of law, 6, 64, 79, 98, 110, 187
fake news and, 204
impeachment in, 27
investigations concerning, 58, 61, 65
presidential election of 2016 and, 31, 58–59, 61, 188
Trump and, xi, 30, 58–59, 61, 64–65, 185, 188, 192, 235
Ryan, Paul, 234
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, 182
Scalia, Antonin, 38, 75–76, 109
Scarborough, Joe, 225
Schumer, Chuck, 191
Scott, Hugh, 147
direct election and, 15, 117
role in impeachment, xvii–xviii, 11–12, 25–26, 77–78, 80, 90–94, 106, 108, 112–116, 123–127, 131–141, 198–199
Supreme Court nominations and, 20, 75–76
tribalism and, 217–218
Twenty-Fifth Amendment and, 223–224, 231
Separation of powers, 4, 49, 73, 77, 81, 89, 95, 97, 103–104, 111–113, 147
September 11, 2001, 178
Sherman, Brad, 28
Sherman, Roger, 121
Silver, Nate, 145
Snell, Bertrand, 161
Social media, 203
–204. See also Facebook; Twitter
Souter, David, 111
South Korea, 121, 162
Specter, Arlen, 124–125
Spivak, Russell, 136
St. Clair, James, 130
Stanton, Edwin M., 53–55, 129
Starr, Kenneth, 21, 128–130, 148
Starr Report, 130, 146
Steyer, Tom, 190, 215
Stockman, Steve, 182
Stone, Roger, 107
Story, Joseph, 12–13, 48, 50, 126
Stuntz, William J., 48
Suk Gersen, Jeannie, 228
Sunstein, Cass, xix, 202, 205, 229
Supreme Court, 17
apparel of Justices, 88–89
on bribery law, 32
Brown v. Board of Education, 169
Bush v. Gore, 109–112
campaign finance cases, 207
on Congressional investigatory power, 83
on federal crimes, 48
impeachment process and, 26, 115–116, 121–123
impeachment talk and, 169
McDonnell v. United States, 32
Nixon and, 25, 122, 169
nomination of Merrick Garland, 75
nomination of Neil Gorsuch, 75–76, 234
Tyler and, 20
United States v. Nixon, 122
Swift, Jonathan: Gulliver’s Travels, 152, 155
Sykes, Charlie, 203, 211
Taliban, 31
Taylor, Zachary, 87
Tenure of Office Act, 53–55
Term limits, 8, 19
Thomas, Evan, 149
Tillerson, Rex, 225
Tocqueville, Alexis de
Democracy in America, 9–10, 13–14, 40
Torture, 178
Treason, 137
giving aid and comfort to enemies, 29–31
high treason, 40
Impeachment Clause and, 10, 27, 20–31, 34, 36–40, 45–46, 79
levying war against United States, 30
proof of intent, 39
Tribalism, 195, 202–203, 211–212, 214, 217–219, 238–239. See also Partisanship; Polarization, political
Transparency, 103, 134, 222
Travel ban, 188
Truman, Harry, xviii, 17, 130, 156, 162–169, 173–174
Trump, Donald J.
admiration for dictators and strongmen, 219
alleged incapacity, 188–189, 221–231
autocratic and authoritarian tendencies, 212–213, 219–220, 228, 232
bigoted statements and policies, 64, 188
Comey and, 61, 188
conspiracy with foreign powers and, 58–60, 188
corruption and, 68, 185, 219–220
democracy and, 189, 195, 210–214, 219–221, 229–231, 233–241
election of 2016, 185–186, 58–61, 210, 233
emoluments and, xxi, 66–68, 186, 219
failure to protect the United States, 59, 69, 99, 133, 183, 188
impeachment talk and, xi–xii, xvii, xviii, xxi, 26, 30, 107–108, 130, 153, 178, 184–195
investigations concerning, 58–59, 64–65, 190–192, 197, 214, 234–235, 238
kleptocracy and, 67–68, 187, 219
lies and, 59, 65, 188, 210–212
mass media and, 64–65, 210–211
mental health and, 188–189, 200, 225–234
mistreatment of women and, 185, 188
Mueller and, 58, 64, 192, 235
negotiations with North Korea, 163, 188
nomination of Gorsuch, 75–76, 23
Obama and, 182, 189, 212
obstruction of justice and, xi, 39, 61
pardon of Arpaio, 63–64
on Pelosi, 180–181
Republican Party and, 190–193, 200, 203, 211
Russia and, xi, 30, 58–59, 61, 64–65, 185, 188, 192, 235
treason and, 30–31
withdrawal from Paris Agreement on Climate Change, 188
Twenty-Fifth Amendment, 6, 126, 200, 221–232
Twitter, 65, 67, 94, 153, 186–189, 192, 195
Tyler, John, 19–21, 35, 152, 155, 174
Vermeule, Adrian, 81
Vinson, Fred, 165
Virgil, 13
Voting rights, 99, 119
Wade, Benjamin, 132, 149
Wag the Dog (film), 96–97
War of 1812, 222
Warren, Earl, 25, 169
Washington, George, 16, 19, 150, 151, 154–155, 160
Watergate scandal, 21–22, 122
“age of impeachment” and, 169
consequences of, 73–74, 103, 106, 147–148, 169, 172
House Judiciary Committee and, xxi, 22, 57–58, 63, 65, 175
impeachment polling and, 143
Saturday Night Massacre, 143
selection of Ford as vice president and, 149
See also Nixon, Richard M.
Waters, Maxine, 26
Webster, Daniel, 86, 222
Weiss, Ted, 170–171, 173, 175
West, Darrell, 206
White supremacy, 64, 20
Whittington, Keith, 98, 140, 228
Will, George, 39
Williamson, Hugh, 125
Willis, Joy, 186
Wilson, Edith, 222
Wilson, James, 46
Wilson, Woodrow, 16, 126–127, 198
illness, 222
impeachment talk and, xviii, 158–160
League of Nations, 158–160
Witness intimidation, 61, 64
Yeats, W. B., 240
Yeomans, Bill, 64
To End a Presidency Page 32