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The Adventures of a Three-Guinea Watch

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by Talbot Baines Reed

  Produced by Nick Hodson of London, England

  The Adventures of a Three-Guinea Watch

  By Talbot Baines Reed________________________________________________________________________This is really a most unusual book. Told, we must imagine, by thewatch, we are led through the owner's days at a boys' boarding school,to being stolen, pawned, auctioned, taken to quite another small town,given to a brilliant local boy when he left for Cambridge, lost in afield, found, and through further adventures being taken to India tofight in a battle near Lucknow, finally making its way into the pocketof its original owner, whose life was saved by the watch havingdeflected a bullet.

  It's well-told, too, and not too long, at under ten hours.

  The copy we worked from was very browned, and it was not too easy to dothe transcription, but we have done our best: if you find anythingobviously wrong, don't hesitate to tell us about it. NH.________________________________________________________________________THE ADVENTURES OF A THREE-GUINEA WATCH




  "Then you can guarantee it to be a good one to go?"

  "You couldn't have a better, sir."

  "And it will stand a little roughish wear, you think?"

  "I'm sure of it, sir; it's an uncommon strong watch."

  "Then I'll take it."

  These few sentences determined my destiny, and from that moment mycareer may be said to have begun.

  I am old, and run down, and good for nothing now; but many a time do Ifind my thoughts wandering back to this far-off day; and remembering allthat has befallen me since that eventful moment, I humbly hope my lifehas not been one to disgrace the good character with which I went outinto the world.

  I was young at the time, very young--scarcely a month old. Watcheshowever, as every one knows, are a good deal more precocious in theirinfancy than human beings. They generally settle down to business assoon as they are born, without having to spend much of their time eitherin the nursery or the schoolroom.

  Indeed, after my face and hands had once been well cleaned, and a brand-new shiny coat had been put on my back, it was years before I foundmyself again called upon to submit to that operation which is such aterror to all mortal children.

  As to my education, it lasted just a week; and although I am bound tosay, while it lasted, it was both carefully and skilfully managed, I didnot at all fancy the discipline I was subjected to in the process. Iused to be handed over to a creature who took me up and examined me (asif he were a policeman and a magistrate combined), and according as Ianswered his questions he exclaimed, "You're going too fast," or "You'regoing too slow," and with that he set himself to "regulate" me, as hecalled it. I was ordered to turn round, take off my coat, and submit mypoor shoulders to his instrument of correction. But why need I describethis experience to boys? They know what "regulating" means as well as Ido!

  Well in due time I profited by the instructions received, and one day mytutor, after the usual examination, grumpily told me, "You're right atlast; you can go." And I did go, and I've been going ever since.

  The troubles of my infancy however were not all over. I discovered at avery early age that the one thing a watch is never allowed to do is togo to sleep. They'd as soon think of leaving an infant to starve as ofletting a watch go to sleep.

  But to my story. Ever since I had left school--or, in other words, gonethrough my due course of regulation--I had remained shut up under aglass-case, lying comfortably upon a bed of purple velvet, and decoratedwith a little white label bearing the mysterious inscription, "OnlyThree Guineas." From this stately repose I was only once a daydisturbed in order to be kept from sleeping, and had all the rest of mytime to look about me and observe what went on in the world in which Ifound myself.

  It was not a big world indeed, but I could see I was not the onlyinhabitant. All around me were watches like myself, some of a goldencomplexion, and some--of which I was one--of a silvery. Some were big,and made an awful noise, and some were tiny, and just whispered whatthey had to say. Some were very proud, and showed off their jewels andchains in a way which made me blush for the vanity of my fellow-creatures--"dear" watches, the ladies called these, and others were asplain as plain could be.

  Every now and then our case would be opened, and one of my neighbourstaken out and never put back. Then we knew he had been sold, and we whowere left spent our time in gossiping about what had become of him, andspeculating whose turn would come next. A gold repeater near me wasvery confident the turn would be his, and so impressed us with the senseof his "striking" importance and claims, that when the next time ourglass house was entered, and a hand came groping in our direction, I atonce concluded it was his summons into publicity and honour. Imagine myastonishment, then, when the hand, instead of reaching my goldneighbour, took hold of me and cautiously drew me out of the case! Myheart leaped to my mouth--or whatever part of a watch's anatomycorresponds with that organ--and I was ready to faint with excitement.I had always imagined I was to lie in that case for years, but now, whenI was barely a month old, here was I going out into the world.

  It made me quite bashful to listen to all the flattering things mymaster said of me. I was worth twice the price he was selling me at, hesaid; in fact, if trade had been good he would not have parted with meunder three times that price. It was a relief to think the repeatercould not overhear this, or he would have sneered in a way to extinguishme altogether. As it was, no other watch was by, so that I was not verymuch embarrassed.

  After turning me over, and feeling my pulse, and listening to thebeating of my heart, and taking off my coat and waistcoat to inspect mymuscle, my master's customer at last laid me down on the counter andpronounced the sentences with which I have begun my story.

  "Then I'll take it," he said, and pulled out his purse. "Stop a bit,though!" exclaimed he; "I'd better have a chain too, my little chap willthink more of that than the watch. Let me see some silver chains, willyou?"

  So my master went and fetched a tray containing a large number oftempting-looking chains.

  While he was gone my new owner took me up again in his hand and turnedme over and put me to his ear; then as he laid me down again he smiledto himself and murmured.

  "Bless his little heart! how proud he'll be!"

  I was quite taken aback. Who was this taking upon himself to bless mylittle heart and prophesy that I should be proud? Then all of a suddenit occurred to me this remark may have been intended to refer not to me,but to the "little chap" the gentleman had just now spoken of. So Irecovered my composure, especially when I saw what a kind, gentle facemy purchaser had.

  He chose a neat, strong silver chain which was forthwith, in accordancewith the barbarous practice of the age, fixed to my poor neck. I couldnot help sighing as I felt for the first time the burden of bondage.

  What had I done to be thus chained like a Roman captive, like a dog,like a parrot? But it was no use being in a rage. I swallowed myindignation as well as I could, and consoled myself with the reflectionthat every watch, even gold repeaters themselves, are subject to thesame hardship.

  Ah! I was young then, and my knowledge of the world was small. Many atime since I have blessed the chain that held me, just as the ship,could it speak, would bless the cable that saved it from the rocks.Take the advice of an old ticker, you young watches, and instead ofrebelling against your chains, rather hope they may be strong and soundin every link!

  "That will be just five pounds, won't it?" said my purchaser. "Here isa bank note. Never mind about doing it up, I'll just slip it into myp
ocket. Good-morning."

  And with that I was conscious of being lowered into a dark, deep pit,and without time to bid my comrades good-bye, or to take a last look atmy old master, I felt myself hurried away I knew not whither.

  This, then, was my first step into the world.

  I lay untouched and apparently forgotten for several hours. Graduallygetting my eyes accustomed to the darkness, and looking about me as faras I was able, I heard a ticking going on in a pocket not very far fromthe one I was in, which I at once concluded to proceed from the watch ofmy new master. Thinking I might be able to gain some information fromhim, I groped about till I found a small hole in my lodgings throughwhich I was able to peep, and call.

  "Tick!" said I, as loud as I could, to secure the attention of myfellow-watch.

  "Who's that?" at once exclaimed the other.

  "I'm a new watch, bought to-day."

  "Humph! How much?"

  "Three guineas."

  "Chain and all?"

  "No; five pounds with the chain."

  "Humph, I cost thirty guineas. Never mind, you're for the boy."

  "What boy?"

  "The governor's. I heard him say he was going to get him one. That boywill be spoiled, as sure as I go on springs; he's made such a lot of.Have you been regulated?"

  "I should think I have!" exclaimed I, in indignant recollection of myeducation.

  "All right; keep your temper. What time are you?"

  "Seven minutes to six."

  "Wrong! It's seven and three-quarters!"

  "How do you know?"

  "Because that's what I make it."

  "How do you know you are right?" I asked, wondering at my own impudencein thus questioning an old ticker.

  "Look here, young fellow," said the other in an awful voice; "you don'tseem to know you are addressing a gold watch that has neither gained norlost a minute for five years! There! You may think yourself clever;but you're too fast."

  "I'm sure I beg your--"

  "That'll do!" said the offended veteran. "I want no more words."

  I was completely shut up at this, and retired back to my pocket verycrestfallen.

  Presently I began to feel drowsy; my nerves seemed to get unstrung, andmy circulation flagged. It was long after the time I had generally beenin the habit of being wound up; and I began to be afraid I was reallygoing to be left to go to sleep. That, by this time, I knew would benothing short of a calamity. I therefore gave a slight tug at my chain.

  "What's the matter?" it said, looking down.

  "I've not been wound up."

  "I can't help that," said the chain.

  "Can't you let him know somehow?" I gasped, faintly.

  "How can I? He's busy packing up books."

  "Couldn't you catch yourself in his fingers or something? I'm in a badway."

  "I'll see," said the chain.

  Presently I felt an awful tug at my neck, and I knew the chain hadmanaged to entangle itself somehow with his fingers.

  "Hullo!" I heard my master exclaim, "I mustn't smash Charlie's chainbefore I give it to him. I'd better put it and the watch away in mydrawer till the morning. Heigho! it'll be a sad day for me to-morrow!"

  As he spoke he drew me from the pocket, and, disengaging the chain fromhis button-hole, he laid us both in a drawer and shut it up. I was indespair, and already was nearly swooning from weakness.

  He had shut the drawer, and his hand was still on the knob, when all ofa sudden he exclaimed,--

  "By the way, I must wind it up, or it'll stop!"

  With what joy and relief I saw the drawer again opened, and felt myselftaken out and wound up! Instantly new life seemed to infuse itselfthrough my frame; my circulation revived, my nerves were strung again,and my drooping heart resumed its usual healthy throb. Little did mymaster think of the difference this winding up made to my health andcomfort.

  "Now you're happy!" said the chain, as we found ourselves once more inthe drawer.

  "Yes; I'm all right now, I'm glad to say," said I. "What's going tohappen to us to-morrow?" I asked presently.

  "We're going to be given to the boy, and he's going to school;" so thesilver chain told me. "Nice time we shall have of it, I expect."

  After that he went to sleep, and I fell to counting the seconds, andwondering what sort of life I was destined to lead.

  About an hour after I heard two voices talking in the room.

  "Well," said one, and I recognised it at once as my master's, "thepacking's all finished at last."

  "Ah, Charles," said the other, and it seemed to be a woman's voicespeaking amid tears, "I never thought it would be so hard to part withhim."

  "Tut, tut!" said the first, "you mustn't give way, Mary. You women areso ready to break down. He'll soon be back;" but before my master hadgot to the end of his sentence he too had broken down.

  For a long time they talked about their boy, their fine boy who hadnever before left his parents' roof, and was about now to step out intothe treacherous world. How they trembled for him, yet how proudly andconfidently they spoke of his prospects; how lovingly they recalled alltheir life together, from the days when he could first toddle about,down to the present.

  Many tears were mingled with their talk, and many a smothered sobbespoke a desperate effort to subdue their common sorrow. At last theybecame quieter, then I heard my master say,--

  "I positively have never shown you the watch I got for him," and withthat he opened the drawer and produced me.

  "Oh, Charles," cried the mother, "how delighted he will be, and what acapital watch it is!"

  And she looked at me affectionately for a long time, for her son's sake,smiling through her tears, and then put me back.

  Need I say that as these two knelt together that night, their only sonwas not forgotten in their prayers?

  So ended the first day of my adventures.


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