After The Turn: Redemption

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After The Turn: Redemption Page 13

by Daniels, Melvin

  The questions and answers kept flowing back and forth, Drew was sat with Marcus, and had just been accompanied by Hannah. She had been at the back with Seamus who was sporting an ice pack to his head. She looked as if she had been crying.

  “You ok?” Marcus asked putting his arm around her Drew noticed Seamus had slunk off out of the tent.

  “Not really, he keeps bringing it up” Hannah said

  “What’s that?” Drew asked intrigued

  Hannah run her hand through her hair, struggling to find the words or fighting with herself as to whether she wanted to talk about it or not. Out of embarrassment or fear of judgment and whether if it was necessary or not to tell them. Eventually she let out a sigh and said.

  “About what happened that day, why the group split, why his sisters are not here” she paused “And why Sam hates him”

  Drew thought for a minute, this was clearly a pivotal event in the history of this group. That Hannah was talking about

  “So why are you upset?” he asked sympathetically.

  The people talking in the background had phased out in Drew’s head as his focus and interest shifted, he may be able to find out so much information from this one conversation, this confession?

  “It’s my fault too” she sighed once again

  “What was?”

  “Everything, we let them in, we didn’t stop them” Hannah started explaining “We let the Knights in, whilst we were supposed to be on watch. They came in and took everything, the women, the guns the lot” she paused “We were a much bigger group, there were fourteen women and girls here. now there are four”

  “Why is this your fault?” Marcus asked

  “We were off having sex if you needed to know, not watching the roads” she acknowledged the silence “We let them down. And he finds it hilarious, he says ‘It was worth it, but he lost his sisters, it makes me sick”

  Marcus was seething, in disgust at Seamus, his lack of respect and his inability to take responsibility, he can understand why Sam hated him so much.

  Hannah sobbed.

  “They were lovely, his sisters” she said.

  Marcus handed her an old tissue from his pocket; she thanked him and wiped her eyes. She rested her head on his shoulder, and he stroked her hair. Thinking of how much of a disgrace Seamus was, He imagined how much different this place used to be and he realised know why they were so jumpy around new people, and why they feared the Knights. But if Seamus could easily give up his family for one moment of passion, then surely no one was safe, he would sell these people out in an instant to get his own way and would have no regard for those who stood against him. It was only a matter of time. In his opinion Sam returning and resuming command could only be a positive he appeared to have the best interests of the collective at heart not just himself. And if things did not work out it would be easier to facilitate leaving with Hannah with Sam at the helm. Marcus was at a crossroad in his own mind, he may have to make a decision for himself, one that might upset his friend Drew.


  Captain Sam Rodrigues had just arrived back at base camp. It was a lovely sunny morning; he was feeling a bit tired after the hard nights graft, he and his team had just pulled. But the sun beaming down on his bare shoulders through the SUV’s window refreshed and energized him, especially after the night they had had. Such success was rare to come by, # they had hit not quite the proverbial jackpot, but not far from it. He removed a piece of neatly folded paper from his pocket with his list on. They had nearly got everyone’s luxury item they had requested, but more importantly they had a car full of food, drink, water and batteries. Enough to keep them going for a few months if they rationed properly.

  Alex brought the car to a stop, on the gravel before the small wooden bridge that led over to the camp. And the four of them disembarked the Mitsubishi Shogun, the two in the back unloading many rucksacks and satchels full of their loot, as Sam opened the boot, tossed his SA80 assault rifle and long distance radio in with many boxes and bags of other gear they had found. Throwing his own rucksack and a second for good measure onto his shoulders he spoke to a member of his team.

  “That was an impressive haul Sergeant Burke” he said to the man who had been sat directly behind him.

  Burke grunted agreeing and headed off over the bridge the man was shattered, although he never says much anyway, he was incredibly loyal to Sam. Alex and Seth were getting some boxes out the boot.

  “Don’t worry about that lads, you’ve done enough I’ll get some of the civvies to unload the rest, you two go get some shuteye”

  Alex and Seth did not need to be told twice they followed off after Burke over the bridge and into camp.

  Sam leaned onto the SUV and took it all in, the hustle and bustle was very much alive, maybe they had beat this world? Maybe life could go back to normal. He could see with his own eyes, civilisation and community coming back. Yes, there was the occasional attack by the undead. But nothing they could not handle. He had many plans, he was thinking next time they are out they could swing by one of the farms they had seen and see if they could find anything for fencing, like barbed wire or anything. They had running water where they were from the river, and with the right filtration system the possibilities were endless, maybe get a shower system made up? But that was down the list of jobs, he wanted to make this place absolutely secure so there would never be the need to open the truck full of guns and ammo, he did not want to make an army out of these people. He had the key to the truck, and he was the only one who was allowed it.

  As he entered the camp, he greeted each and every one individually like he had done every single day. If he could not see them at first he would make a point of finding them and retrieving their luxury item in his rucksack, or commiserating them if he couldn’t find their wish, and reassuring them that he will endeavour to continue his search. He was just finishing up giving Clifford his bottle of Glenglassaugh thirty-year-old whisky that he told him retailed at around £350 before the turn. They managed to find quite a lot of alcohol from a fancy golf club they had come across. He caught site of someone he needed to talk too.

  “We will have to have a drink together some time Cliff old boy” he said as he darted away. He caught up to person of interest.

  “Hey Paul, how’s it going?” Paul answered saying he was ok “Who’s out of camp this morning?”

  Paul told him he did not know exactly but called someone else over. Another man ran over to them.

  “Hey Sam, what’s up?” The guy asked.

  “Hiya Steve,” Sam answered shaking his hand “Who’s out and about?”

  “Omar has taken his family down for a walk around the woods, on some sort of nature trail” Steve informed Sam nodded “Dieter and Frances are on watch at the minute, and that’s it. Everyone else is here”

  Sam thanked him, he was always keen on knowing who was in the camp and how many there were, he didn’t mind people going off, like Omar had as long as they had let someone know, and that they were tooled up. Which he assumed they were, he just wanted everyone to be safe. He was about to leave and move on to the next people to greet.

  “Oh, I forgot” Sam said “Sorry Steve, I couldn’t find you your book you wanted” he reached into his bag “I found this one, I’m not sure if you have it already but it’s by the same Author” he handed Steve a copy of Winton by Darren Leach. Steve thanked him and took it.

  “And Paul” he paused so Paul could give him his attention, go look what I got you in the car!”

  Paul jogged off like an excited child at Christmas time not being able to wait to open his presents. To be fair to him there was not too much to get excited about in this meek world.

  Sam smiled to himself, pleased he had made someone else’s life a little more bearable, even if just temporarily.

  Inside the medical tent he found he found doc James. Sorting through his supplies with Hannah, making sure she was aware what everything was and where it lived. On one of the beds la
y Eileen, an old lady who sadly spends most of her days inside this tent. Sam waved hello to James and Hannah not wanting to distract them from their work. Next to Eileen sat her two grandsons Tommy and Matty.

  “Good morning gentleman” he said as he approached them. He knelt next to the bed and took hold of Eileen’s hand. “And how are you my love?”

  She looked at Sam.

  “Oh, John my dear” the old lady smiled “I’m ok, remember Mary is coming for tea tonight” she looked over at her grandsons. “The boys are here already they going to help set up for when their mum comes to pick them up” she chuckled and pulled Sam closer “Matthew wet the bed again”

  It saddened Sam very much that this is the way most of the conversations went with Eileen, some days she was ok and understanding the way things were now, but other days she is confused and thinks that Sam was someone else, normally her husband who had passed away many years prior to the world changing. And he could see on the faces of her grandsons that her condition was getting them down too, things may have changed in the world but the inevitable illnesses that a person may contract still very much exist.

  Tommy spoke quietly to Sam as Matty fetched his nan some water.

  “She’s getting worse” he said “Today she thinks mum is coming back from a friend’s wedding, she thinks I’m still thirteen and that Matty is Six” Sam tried to find some comfort and solace for him,

  “At least she remembers you, and you have to be there for her” he said “My dad got dementia he was very violent with his confusion, he would swear at me, he hit me he didn’t know who I was, it was very upsetting” Sam took a breath “I wasn’t there for him, I wasn’t there when he died, I should have been and that’s something I have to live with” He slapped him on the shoulder and stood up.

  Tommy nodded in understanding. As Sam moved back over to Eileen and retrieved something from his bag,

  “Eileen, I found you this lovely broach when I was out and thought of you” he handed the broach to Eileen.

  Her eyes lit up as she slowly reached out to take it from him. Her wrinkled hands trembling from the effort.

  “Oh John” she exclaimed “It’s lovely, thank you”

  Sam composed himself as he left the medical tent, to his left he could see three of the young women in the camp, they were playing cards. He strolled other.

  “Who’s winning?” Sam asked, “What you playing?”

  One of the girls answered, “We’re playing Poker, or trying to learn”

  “I think Siobhan is winning” answered another one of the girls. “I’m not sure”

  Sam laughed as Siobhan spoke in an Irish accent.

  “We want to play in the weekly game you boys have” she said, “If that’s ok if you don’t mind a bunch of girls playing!”

  “Not at all, the more the merrier. Your probably better than your brother Seamus anyway” they all laughed as he handed the girls some of what they asked for, make up and things like that. “I’ll find some more next time”

  He left them to it and made another loop around the camp to find anyone else he had not spoken too. He found himself at the gun truck, the only vehicle that was parked in the camp. It was able to drive through the river without any issue. He checked the key was safely in his pocket.

  Before the change he was stationed just outside Andover in a camp called Perham down, where he oversaw the armoury. So, when things started getting out of control and people started rioting and in fear of being stormed and overrun. he took it upon himself to clear the stores out with the intention of re-supplying the military who was called out to defend the country and bring order. Also nearby were other camps, Ludgerdshall, Tidworth, Bulford just to name a few. He stopped by and did the same at those camps, therefore collecting a truck full of serious firepower, which in his possession was out of harm’s way.

  He saw someone approach the truck. He recognised him as the newest member of the group who had only recently joined the camp. A noticeably short man with receding dark hair.

  “Hi Trevor. How are you settling in?” Sam asked

  “Not too bad thanks” he answered nervously “Everyone seems really friendly”

  “Yeah they sure are” Sam confirmed “Would you mind giving Paul a hand unloading the car?”

  “Sure thing”

  “Thanks” Sam said to Trevor “And you need to let me know if there is anything, I can find for you when I head out next?”

  Trevor thanked Sam once more and went along to help Paul.

  Sam decided it was time to go back to his own tent, he was tired, he needed a rest. He walked along the crisscrossed ropes, past a few other tents. Waved to Burke who was smoking a cigarette outside his own tent.

  He kicked off his shoes and went inside.

  “I’ve missed you” Sam said

  He gazed upon a woman, with dark brown hair, which she had highlighted blonde tucked up in a ponytail. She was led down under the covers on his inflatable mattress. He shrugged off his clothes and joined her beneath. Kissing her passionately on the lips as he did so.

  “I’ve missed you too” she said, as he gently run his hand through her hair.

  He lay next to her and she cuddled into his topless body. Playing with his chest hair. He thought to himself.

  “Every time I am out there. I just think of you, and I think how lucky I am too have you. That we are together” he began “The amount of people here who have been displaced from their homes, their lives, their loved ones. Through fear of trying to make the right decisions. We had lack of guidance from the government. People thinking that they needed to move around the country to find a safe place or a safe passage to somewhere they could get away from this. It is just such a mess” he paused the woman with him touched his face he could feel her soft touch through his course facial hair.

  “I just think how lucky we are, especially the guys here from my unit, me being an officer meant that you could live with me on camp, so I had you here safe. Alex is from the north miles away from his family, Seth is just a kid, and poor Mitch his wife left him before all this, he has no one”

  He held her closer.

  “When we get this place safer, I mean much safer walls and everything, then I want to try to find the peoples loved ones or at the very least some sort of their sentimental belongings, even if that means once a month heading all over the country to people’s homes then so be it”

  he paused for thought

  “I’m not trying to be a visionary or anything, I want to make this a home, and what makes people feel more homely than their memories and their loved ones”

  “You’re a good man Sam” she said

  “No” he replied “I’m a lucky man, I’m lucky I have all I need right here I just want people to feel as lucky as I do. This is our home. I know we got married young, for many reasons” he smirked “Not just for the army’s healthcare and life insurance”

  she nudged him in the ribs

  “What I’m trying to say is we never really discussed the future, due to my tours of Iraq and other places”

  “What are you getting at?”

  “What I want to say is” he stalled looking deeply into her hazel eyes “I love you Amber Rodrigues, I think once this place is safe, we should try for a baby”

  She smiled the biggest smile. And kissed him once more.

  “Me too” Amber replied.


  They had loaded up the Marcus’ truck and were on their way, the ford Tourneo had been retrieved and repaired before they had set off, Sam’s crew had managed to hot wire a couple of cars, one, a dark blue Peugeot 206 station wagon and the other a little Renault Clio in a horrible grey colour, it was a squeeze fitting everyone and as much as they could into the four vehicles, the heavens had opened and rain was hammering down.

  Water was coming in through the gunshot hole in the window and the wipers were working overtime, Marcus was struggling to keep a visual of the little Clio in front of them. Drew was worrie
d, wondering if where they were going was the right direction, geographically and metaphorically. Hannah was sat between them, she insisted on travelling with them although Seamus was adamant, she should ride with him in the Tourneo. Out on the load bay wearing massive waterproof ponchos but getting drenched nonetheless, surrounded by tents and supplies and who knows what. Were Connor and Rocky.

  They were following as close as they dared, through narrow twists and turns. The country roads seemed to be so uninviting, they could feel every bump and divot the road had to offer through the truck’s old suspension.

  Marcus turned the music down, Blink 182’s ‘Always’ was playing, he tried breaking the silence.

  “Do you remember when we went to see these guys in Birmingham? When we were in college?” he said, “Remember Martin got punched in the face because he spilled some guys beer!” Marcus laughed “Smashed his glasses didn’t he ha-ha”

  Drew did remember it, and he thought to himself that, the children of today may never get to experience something like that. He remembered spending lots of evenings watching music gigs, drinking heavily, and having a good time. He remembered the college years very fondly indeed, that is where he met Sarah.

  “Yeah I remember” he said “Good times”

  Hannah sat between them silently, she seemed a little jittery and uncomfortable. Like she wanted to say something.

  “I expect the big dog is pissed at you ain’t he” Marcus asked her

  “Yeah, a little bit” she said “He’s more pissed at Sam being back”

  This perked Drew up “What is their beef anyway?” he asked “What’s this about his sisters? I get that you messed up your watch, but it seems way more personal than that?”

  Hannah nodded “Yeah it IS way more personal than that but your best to ask Sam yourself”

  Drew understood it was not her place to say

  “And his sisters, they got taken by the Knights, like your Sarah did” She added “They were lovely girls. Siobhan and Roisin, they were both younger than him, he was supposed to look after them, but he doesn’t care”


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