After The Turn: Redemption

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After The Turn: Redemption Page 14

by Daniels, Melvin

  Drew was about to ask further questions when Marcus slammed on the brakes, he braced himself for impact as they come within inches of colliding into the back of the Clio, Connor and Rocky were thrown forward and with a thud crashed against the back of the cab.

  “What the hell!” Marcus yelled out of the window.

  Drew hopped out, his foot nearly disappearing into the soft mud under his weight, holding his hood up over his head. He trudged up the road, behind him Tommy had got out of the Tourneo and followed Drew. Their feet sinking into the earth they trudged on, squelching forwards. Drew peered inside the Clio, Dieter, Clifford, Hameed and Frances, remained inside not wanting to expose themselves to the elements.

  The station wagon was stuck, it had slid slightly off the road attempting to take an upwards hairpin bend, the turn was so tight, that the passenger side tyres had slipped down the camber beaching the car. The wheels were spinning as Alex attempted to accelerate ahead, but there was no purchase, instead it was kicking mud up and sinking further down. Sam, Paul, Seth and Mitch were pushing as hard as they could.

  Sam was yelling at Alex furious about getting stuck.

  “We can help push you” Drew said as he and Tommy joined in.

  They tried to find enough room for all of them to find some bodywork to push against. They all pushed with all their might, but it was no use, all they achieved was getting covered in the mud from the tyres. Sam kicked the rear bumper as they all stopped, it was not working. Alex killed the engine and got out sheepishly.

  “We must have some rope yeah?” Drew asked. Tommy knew what he was thinking.

  “Yeah I have a strong rope, a fisherman’s rope” he answered, “If we can’t push it out we can at least pull it?” he looked behind at the Clio, “That won’t be able to”

  “No” said Drew “But Marcus’ truck can”

  Drew ran back down the road as best he could without slipping. Tommy stopped to tell Dieter to and move out the way to let Marcus by in the pick-up. Drew moved to sprint off, but he lost his footing and slipped over onto his back. He felt a twinge in his knee, he felt a hand under his arm help lift him to his feet.

  Sam pulled Drew up, and asked him if he was ok, the rain had soaked his hair flat and was dripping down his face, Drew could see that this man was also a good man, a man who had suffered some serious hurting, he wasn’t just a lunatic who threatened him with a knife the first time they had met. Drew looked at Sam’s bandaged arm, it was now a dirty brown colour, and the blood was still soaking through it.

  “That’s going to get infected” he said pointing at it. Sam rolled his sleeve back down over it sharply. They got to Marcus, Tommy had managed to direct Dieter to go forward and slowly squeeze past the stranded station wagon, therefore making room for Marcus to get by.

  Marcus had opened the door and was stood up hanging out of the truck.

  “What’s going on boss?” Marcus asked,

  “Fletch got stuck, your pulling him out” there were no further questions, Marcus slid back in and drove up the road. Sam was looking through, some of the gear in the Tourneo trying to find Tommy’s rope.

  “Oh, John dear” came Eileen’s voice “How long till we get to the airport?”

  Matty explained that his nan had thought they were off on a family holiday, and that everyone else in the car were their extended family.

  Sam smiled at her.

  “Not long now”

  Drew decided to help, he opened the side door to look through the bags in the footwell. A hand from inside the van grabbed his arm.

  “Saving the day again are we hero?” Seamus seethed Drew looked at him speechless “You really want to take over my people don’t you hero?” he spat at Drew “First your friend takes my woman and now your taking my people, you need to sleep with one eye open”

  Sam struggled through the Tourneo over the bags and gear on the floor up from the back door, rope in his hand, he put his left hand around Seamus’s throat, Seamus released Drew. Cayla, the little girl was screaming at the top of her lungs, terrified at the escalating animosity growing in the truck, Rachel was bobbing her up and down on her lap trying to comfort her.

  “You do that again” Sam threatened head low, so that his eyes were on the same level as Seamus’ “Do it again, I’ll find another use for this, especially where we are heading” he held the rope at him implying that he would put it around his neck.

  They ran back up the hill towards the rest of the convoy. The rain was getting heavier. The road was getting slicker. They got back to the pick-up Marcus was screwing a tow ring that was designed to go under the front bumper, designed especially for things of this nature. Sam gave him the rope, once tied on Sam tossed the other end.

  “Mitch, tie it on” Sam bellowed.

  Mitch did as he was asked and tied it onto the bumper and gave Marcus the thumbs up, Marcus put the truck in reverse and the rope pulled tight. It started pulling out a little, Drew noticed to his right, movement down the hill. He was getting a bit edgy, he watched on as slowly the station wagon moved out of the ditch. He saw it again, more this time. They were not alone, the unmistakable moan of the dead, muffled by the sound of the rain, made it impossible to work out the number but they were there.

  Suddenly the station wagon fell back farther into the ditch. The bumper had been ripped clean off. Marcus slammed the brakes on, the momentum had taken him back down the hill. Connor and Rocky had been flung to the other end of the load bay. Marcus put his foot on the gas.

  The end of the rope was still tied around the bumper, Tommy pulled it out from under the truck and untied the bumper. He ran the rope back to Mitch and they tied it this time around the rear axle of the station wagon.

  Then it happened, one of the undead must slipped down the wet slope, collecting others on the way, like an avalanche. They deposited onto the road. Between the pick-up and the Tourneo.

  Matty had seen what had happened, he and Omar were running up the road to help. Matty shouted up at Rocky on the back of the pick-up.

  “Rocky, grab me the three wood!” he shouted as Rocky rummaged through the golf bag of improvised bladed devices. Tossing a sharpened golf club to Matty, and another to Omar.

  Marcus left the truck, instructing Hannah to take over at the wheel. He jumped down into the sludge, and casually walked over to the others, Paul, Sam and Seth had weapons to hand and stepped forwards, as Mitch and Tommy tried to tie the slippery rope onto the axle.

  Marcus had his billhook in a tight grasp, by his side. As the bodies kept piling up, it had all happened quickly, but it felt like slow motion. Hannah revved the engine and started pulling. The rope was on.

  The avalanche had stopped. The cadavers began standing up. Aimlessly they plundered towards them. Marcus was the first to step forwards. The others followed moments after. Facing them head on, keeping the distance between the cars and the dead.

  Blades flashed as the group swiped, stabbed and scythed at the attackers. Blood mixed with the rain, changing the colour of the puddles red. Rocky and Connor were throwing knives and other objects from the pick-up trying to slow down the onslaught. Suddenly the pick-up jolted back, Rocky was thrown from the load bay, landing face first into the mud. Hannah slammed on the brakes stopping the truck from crushing the lad under the wheels. Marcus rushed forward, billhook flailing. Taking out one after another. Connor was about to jump down, Marcus told him not too, instead he tossed him the Kimber from his pocket, as he got alongside the truck. Connor fired a few rounds to try and keep them away from Rocky, as Marcus got closer to help.

  The station wagon was out. Alex jumped out of the vehicle to help keep the dead at bay. Suddenly there was a volley of assault rifle rounds. But it was coming from down the hill not up it, the dead drawn by the noise stopped and turned towards the disruption. Seamus stood, SA80 in his hands, the barrel steaming from the rain hitting the hot muzzle. Marcus dragged Rocky away, as the rest swelled in to finish of the dead that were stumbling their way tow
ards Seamus. Connor vaulted from the truck and took Rocky from Marcus and to safety. Marcus ambled after the walking rot, to do what he does best, introduce the dead to his billhook.

  After clearing up and getting everything back in order. Moving the dead off the road so it remained passable. They loaded back up and were to get back on their way. Drew had just buckled himself back in, next to Marcus, Hannah was still behind the wheel. When his door opened.

  It was Sam, who spoke to Hannah

  “Follow on, we aren’t far from the destination” then he turned to Drew “Come with me, we are walking”

  Drew got out hesitantly and walked with Sam, they waited till the Tourneo had gone past them then followed behind, rain still falling heavily.

  “What’s this about?” Drew asked

  “What’s your story?” Sam did not answer instead asked a question of his own “I’ve heard a lot of things about you” they walked side by side Drew waiting for the rest of the sentence “You, helped these people?” Drew nodded “But you’re looking for someone” Drew nodded again “The knights?”

  “Yeah” Drew said “They took Sarah, my wife. I want to go get her back”

  “But you don’t want to put these people in danger?” Drew nodded again “You want to make a safe home? For them for you maybe? And Sarah when you find her” Drew didn’t realise he was so easy to read.

  “I see a lot of me in you, you see I wanted that to, I was going to build a home for everyone, I was so determined to make it, make a future” Sam declared. Drew was seeing that Sam was correct, their intentions for these people were similar. He was a good guy, but things had changed for Sam.

  “What happened?” Drew asked with caution.


  Sam was awoken, by the noise of engines, a lot of them, he had not been asleep for long. There was shouting and panic outside of his tent. Amber looked up at him in fear.

  “What is it?” Amber asked him, worry on her face.

  Sam quickly got himself dressed and told her to stay where she was. He pushed himself through the fabric opening, he could see people scampering around. Screaming.

  He had a few seconds to try and organise everyone. In the car park had appeared a collection of vehicles. Lots of men were disembarking and congregating on the other side of the bridge.

  To his left Sam saw Frances, running towards him. With another young woman in the group.

  “Frances, who’s on watch?” Sam asked trying to keep himself calm.

  “Seamus, relieved us earlier?” She answered “With Hannah”

  “Ok” Sam composed himself “Can you please go find Omar and his family, make sure they don’t come back here yet keep the kids away”

  Frances agreed and immediately ran off out the back of the camp towards the woods where she expected that Omar had gone. Sam wanted to round the rest of his squad up when he stopped in his tracks. He heard the thunderous roar of a dirt bike, firing its engine up. The hairs on his neck stood up, as the short muffler caused the sound of the two-stroke engine to reverberate around the camp, the trees surrounding them making it echo louder and louder, as it accelerated towards them, splashing through the stream as the rest of the intruders were crossing the bridge.

  Sam knew his gun was in his car the other side of the bridge, he yelled for Alex, Mitch and Seth, but they were all distracted trying to organise everybody else, he decided to make a run for the gun truck. The bike was getting closer and closer to him as he sprinted as fast as his tired legs would take him. Behind him the intruders had begun flooding the camp. Punching and kicking at the occupants. Sam felt a wash of guilt over him, he had let them down, all of them. But he could not dwell on that right now, he had to do something, he had to fight back.

  The bike was right on him, he dared to glance over his shoulder, the rider was dressed all in black, visor shielding his eyes, he was leaning to the side of his bike, swinging a metal bar. Sam put his head down trying to dig deep and find that extra piece of energy, he wished he had decided to go through the tents and the maze of ropes so the biker couldn’t get so close. But it was too late for that now.

  Thwack, Sam fell to the floor as the steel bar was smashed into the back of his knee causing him to fall, there was a sudden burst of pain, the signal sent through his nerve fibres to his brain to compute the sensation. He yelled as he fell to the floor. The bike stopped and turned back towards him. He pulled a knife from its holder on his belt. He wished he had his sidearm with him, he left that in the tent. Not expecting the sudden escalation of trouble. As the bike came back towards him, he struggled to his feet, as it came closer, Sam summoned all the strength he had left. Blocking out the pain from his knee as best as he could. He started running towards the bike, the biker was startled, he skidded and began to lose control, Sam pounced on him, knocking him from the bike.

  They struggled around on the floor, wrestling for supremacy of the situation. In combat Sam would back himself every time, but in a brawl, he was not too sure, he did not know if the man had any weapons himself. He had his knife, he brought it up to protect himself. The biker saw this and as Sam tried bringing it down the biker caught his arm and held it, straining against the force of the downward blow.

  The biker managed to roll Sam off him, and the knife came loose. Out of both of their grasps. Out of arms reach. They resulted to punching, Sam got his arm under the biker’s neck applying pressure, the biker was spluttering trying to breathe. He started clawing at Sam’s arm, piercing the skin, Sam leant over him more, putting more force onto his windpipe. As he came closer the biker scratched at Sam’s eyes causing him to relieve the pressure momentarily.

  Sam did not relent. He tore the helmet from the biker’s head. Revealing a young man, anger in his eyes. Sam did not hesitate, did not feel anything other than survival instinct. With the helmet still in his hand he brought it down upon the bikers, skull not once, not twice but five times. Until he was unconscious, his face a bloody mess.

  He struggled to his feet. Intent on getting to the truck, the pandemonium still going on in the camp was drowned out by his desire and determination to get there, get loaded and bring order.

  He kept his head low as he approached the truck, fiddling with the key in his pocket, knife in his hand. He could not see anyone else nearby. He stepped towards the back doors with caution. He was about to unlock the door.

  “Drop the knife” a voice came from behind him.

  Sam turned around; arms outstretched. He dropped the knife straight away, the barrel of an SA80 staring him in the face. Behind the gun was someone Sam knew.

  “Trevor, what the hell?” Sam gestured in puzzlement “We took you in”

  “I know” Trevor replied “And I’m sorry about that, you are nice people, and I guess that’s your problem” Sam was distraught, his own philosophies had conspired against him. “I’m sorry it had to be this way I’m just doing my job”

  Sam shook his head this cannot be happening, he thought to himself. His mind slipped back to the others, to Amber. He had failed them.

  “Now hand over the key please, I don’t want to have to kill you” Trevor said sounding genuine. He took a few steps closer the gun still focussed on Sam; he tore the key from Sam’s hand. “You shouldn’t have left your stuff in the car” he said as he pulled the radio from his jacket pocket.

  The radio. Sam thought, why hadn’t Seamus warned them? Was he ok?

  “This is Yvain the Bastard, over” Trevor said “Grail is secure” moments later a mass of attackers approached them. “I’m sorry Sam”

  Trevor had handed some of the guns out to the people who had joined them, and marched back over to the camp, the whole group had been overrun and subdued. People were tied up with cable ties, there were tears amongst them. Sam himself had his hands bound behind him, he received a shove in the back as was forced to join his friends, he couldn’t see Amber anywhere, he was both worried and relieved at the same time, maybe she had escaped?

  He done the math.
They were outnumbered, surrounded by at least fifty hostiles, who quite soon will all be armed with automatic weapons. Tommy yelled from the crowd.

  “Trevor you snake!” one of the attackers greeted him with a jab to the ribs, with his gun.

  “Sit down”

  Steve stood up to him pushing himself into the other guy. Trying to connect with a headbutt it was all going to kick off until.

  “That will do McCormack!” yelled a figure who had been able to part the crowd, just by his mere presence. The man who was being aggressive to Steve backed off. The figure walked to the front of the crowd, standing in the divide between attackers and victims. He took in his surroundings and spoke confidently.

  “Sorry for my intrusion, it’s very rude of me” he started “I would like to meet whoever is in charge here” He stopped for a moment, looking at each of their faces individual, looking at the fear in their eyes. Sam stood up.

  “I am” he snapped.

  “And you are?” the man said

  “Captain Sam Rodrigues”

  The guy laughed and turned to his men “Captain!! Ha!” he sneered “They have a Captain here boys” the others laughed along with him. “Well Captain” he turned back to Sam. “I’m Jared” he stood back waving his arms as if introducing the people behind him “And we…..” he paused “We are the Knights”

  “Am I supposed to be impressed?” Sam mocked him

  Jared laughed once more. Before spitting on the floor by Sam’s feet.

  “No, my friend, you’re not your supposed to be scared” Sam was about to speak back, but Jared cut him off.

  “I’m afraid Captain” he began pacing around “You, are in my jurisdiction, and you haven’t paid for my hospitality” he breathed deeply “Thing is, we didn’t know much about you so we had to send someone in to keep an eye on you” he motioned to Trevor who stepped forwards, Jared put an arm around him. “And what a fine job he has done wouldn’t you say?”


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