After The Turn: Redemption

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After The Turn: Redemption Page 15

by Daniels, Melvin

  “So? what are you? A warlord?” Sam finally got a word in

  Jared chuckled “Far more than that my friend” pausing once more “I’m the redeemer of fucking humanity, I am Christ reborn, and you would be wise to not belittle me” he suddenly became serious.

  meanwhile guns had been handed out to each of the Knights. Noticing this Jared ordered the shackles to be cut from all the group.

  “As I was saying. Captain, your payment.”

  “You ain’t getting shit!” Amber burst out of the tent, handgun drawn, aiming at Jared’s face. The knights instantly brought their guns up in defence of their leader.

  “What have we got here” Jared said without flinching. Eying amber up and down, she was stood still, gun locked on, wearing nothing but a t-shirt thrown hurriedly over her, only in her underwear. Trembling with nerves. “I like this one Sam” he looked back to Sam “Is she yours?”

  “Amber, honey” Sam said, “Please put the gun down” Amber listened and lowered the gun, Jared walked over to her. Took it from her

  “As I was saying, your payment” Jared said “I am taking your guns, well” he chuckled “I’ve already taken them” he continued “I’m taking your cars, we have hotwired them so don’t worry about the keys” he smiled “And finally, and this one is my favourite” the smirk getting wider “I’m taking your women”

  The group at once started towards the Knights, in revolt. The guns turned on them once more.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa” Jared motioned everyone to stop, “Calm down, its happening, so unless you want to die then don’t resist” he spoke directly to Sam “But I’m a good guy, and you have already given me so much, I will leave your woman here” Sam was speechless.

  The Knights began picking the woman from the group, and herding them towards the bridge, amongst shouts and hostility from the men. And screams of fear from the woman as they were pulled from their homes.

  Siobhan came into proximity to Sam he tried comforting her as she went by,

  “We will come for you, I promise” She did not say anything, she just looked at him emptily as she was pushed forward, with her sister Roisin and the other women in the group. The men all seething. They were marched over the bridge into the cars. Every one of them. Except for Eileen the old lady and Amber. Where was Seamus? His sisters were gone. He was not here. It was he who should have tried comforting them. Will they ever see him again? They needed him.

  As the Knights started backing off, Jared himself cut the ties of Sam, instructing him to stay where he was. Jared approached Amber.

  “I like you” he reiterated pulling her into him, pushing the hair from her face.

  He kissed her on the cheek, as she pulled away from him, he forced her face around to him, he had the gun under her chin, Sam tried getting up, McCormack reminded him in no uncertain terms who was in charge, he forcibly pointed the SA80 at him.

  Jared kissed her on the lips, tears were beginning to stream down Ambers face, she closed her eyes, trying to block out what was happening, she was terrified. Jared moved the gun, resting it on her thighs. The metal cold against her bare legs. He slowly moved it upwards and across her body.

  “I wish you didn’t pull this on me” he said as he pushed it above the waistline “Like I said I like you”

  Sam was getting restless, he wanted to get to Amber, but if he moved, he knew he would be dead. He stayed still, worried that his wife was about to be raped before his very eyes. Then Jared stopped and walked back towards him, Amber breathing a sigh of relief. Jared stood nose to nose with Sam. “I told you I’d leave her here” he said, facing back towards Amber, then he raised the gun and fired, the bullet entering her skull, she crumpled to the floor.

  “I never said I’d leave her alive”


  The rain had eased to a drizzle as Drew and Sam met back with the others in a car park at the top of the hill. They were out of the treeline and the views were stunning. On a sunny day you could see for miles. Behind them lay Hampshire, in front of them as far as they could see was royal Berkshire. It was just a shame of the circumstances that Drew was seeing this for the first time.

  Drew and Sam stood on a bank on the side of the road, the others in the cars behind them. He thought that Sarah would love this, she really indulged herself in nature. They would often go walking, they lived near Sutton national park in the midlands, and that was their escape from the daily grind.

  “I know what you are thinking” Sam said to Drew. Drew turned to face him, “You need to find her”

  Drew did not answer him, but he knew he was right. Although he could not abandon these people. Just like he could tell Sam regretted walking away, but Drew understood why.

  “I wanted to just storm in there and kill them all” Sam said seemingly reading Drew’s mind, “I wish I did not leave them all. I cared for them. But I couldn’t risk them all, and I had no guns, not any more, I felt lost and powerless” Sam unwound his dirty bloody bandage on his forearm, revealing the name Amber, gouged into his arm, the scabs recently picked clean, keeping the blood fresh. “I’m making sure it scars, like it has done to my soul, I will never forget her, but this will remind me how I failed her”

  Drew sympathised for him, and he went full circle in his head, back to what Paul had said to him.

  Sam was a strong man, emotionally and physically. But he had been broken; he still wanted his revenge.

  Drew finally spoke. “After we get these people settled, I am going after her” Sam smirked “Your welcome to help?”

  Sam clapped Drew on the shoulder and walked away. Drew stayed where he was as Sam beckoned some people from the vehicles, Paul, Omar and Mitch. Were the first out. What happened next took Drew by surprise. Seamus left the Tourneo to join them, as he saw himself as a main player in the group, as he said these are his people. Sam shook his hand and allowed him to join them. He was indeed the bigger person.

  Sam shouted to Drew. “Come on mate”

  Drew ran to keep up with them. “Where are we going?” he asked as he caught up.

  Paul pointed forward up a gravel track, at the top of which stood Combe Gibbet, a tall wooden structure, which was used for hanging criminals back in the late 1600’s, it was quite an intimidating assembly of timber, used to deter people from committing crimes. It was a dark yet somehow poignant symbol. Was it a sign, for death or for law and order, for justice?

  They trod over the stones beneath them. As the approached the gibbet, it seemingly getting taller as they did so. As they reached the top of the hill, the sun came out from behind the clouds, a very faint rainbow forming over Berkshire, as they looked out. It was breath taking. Drew again wished Sarah were here to see it.

  “Now what?” Omar asked Paul. Paul sat down beneath the gibbet, leaning against it.

  “We wait”

  They waited for what felt ages. Drew found himself standing with Seamus.

  Grudgingly he asked.

  “Why did you not go after your sisters?” Seamus slunk his head, shaking it vigorously.

  “Image, I guess” pausing to think “I became the de facto leader of the group after Sam left, and I had wanted Hannah for as long as I can remember, I was hoping she would become my Amber”

  “That don’t make sense” Drew said, “What has that got to with your sisters?”

  “If I went after them, I was dead, and I would rather not be, I wasn’t going to admit I was wrong, when I wasn’t. I got what I wanted; it is nature. And who are we to argue with nature?” he said motioning to their surroundings.

  “But they were your sisters. Blood is thicker and all that” Drew pleaded.

  “I can’t sleep with my sister, so nature wins” Seamus left after that bombshell, confirming to Drew that he was indeed= self-absorbed.

  From out of nowhere, someone appeared to the west, approaching them, a mysterious aura surrounding him, wearing a cloak, the hood covering his face, holding a staff in his right hand. Drew felt a chill through him,
as if this were a supernatural being.

  Paul stood immediately. This was his contact, he moved to meet him, before the others. The mysterious stranger ignored him and continued his walk, stopping a few feet in front of the others. He addressed them all.

  “You cannot be here” the man boomed. Paul hurried back after him.

  Sam stepped forward, bowing slightly.

  “I’m sorry sir, we were recently attacked and have nowhere to stay, we don’t want to intrude we just plead for your kindness” he looked at Paul “Our friend Paul tells us you rescued him, before you sent him on his way”

  The man looked puzzled “Attacked? By whom?”

  “We are unsure sir. A group who wore masks and enjoyed tormenting and hunting us” Sam said.

  “They killed my son” Omar added “Slit his throat. He was eight years old” the stranger was shocked.

  “I’ve heard many things, terrible things in recent times” the man began “Nothing to the extent of murdering a child, this does not sound like the actions of the Knights”

  Drew perked up “No it was not, it’s something else we are needing to run from and regroup” he paused “But, you know the Knights? Paul tells me you trade with them?”

  “I’m afraid Paul says much more than he should” he glared an icy stare towards Paul

  “But, yes of course I know them”

  “Can you help me then?” Drew asked, “I’m looking for someone, someone the Knights took, her name is….”

  “I’ll stop you there” the man interrupted “You see, all trade has been ceased until further notice, so no I cannot help you, and I would not help you either. I am merely a man trying to get by, and the Knights are who gave me my best business” he stopped for a moment, seemingly to argue with himself, or his conscience. “You can stay for two nights here; I shall allow it. But you need to be gone by nightfall of the second day”

  Sam thanked him wholeheartedly, shaking his hand telling him how grateful they all were, and he promised they would be gone. They would send out a group next morning to find somewhere to live.

  “I know of a settlement not far from here” the man said “I can’t tell you where exactly for their safety, head towards Andover, and a village called Foxcotte, they will find you before you find them”

  “And they will take us in?” Seamus questioned

  “No, they will not” The man replied “But, they are good people, much like Paul is”

  “What good is that to us?” Mitch asked “We need somewhere to live”

  The man chuckled “They will keep an eye on you, they are good people, introduce yourselves, they may help you”

  Sam thanked the man, left Paul to talk to him some more and headed back down, to tell the others the news. The rain had started again, as if the break in the weather was for this strange man.

  Tomorrow was going to be a tough day, Drew could feel it, he had volunteered to find this place the stranger was talking about. He was to take a team of five including himself. With the instruction that one of them had to be one of Sam’s men, he was sure he was taking Marcus, that was a given. He would not trust anyone to have his back more than Marcus.

  He stepped back into the truck and slid in alongside Hannah who was deep in conversation with Marcus.

  “What’s up boss?” Marcus stopped chatting and asked.

  “We are allowed to stay for a night or two” Drew informed them “We have a lead on another settlement who may or may not help us find a more permanent home” he coughed before continuing “I’m a little sceptical, but I have volunteered to lead a group out”

  “I’m in!” Marcus said instantly

  “I know you are I have three more to find” Drew said, “I was thinking Alex, Paul and Omar?”

  “I want to come, Seamus never let me go out anywhere” Hannah volunteered,

  Drew agreed to take Hannah also, even though it was going against Sam’s instruction. They were going to set out early to maximise the time, they have, to find somewhere. They loaded up the pickup, whilst everyone else set up camp. They could fit all six of them three in the load bay. And they would be spending yet another night sleeping sat upright in the cab. Drew was looking forward to finding somewhere they could call home; he was looking forward to comfortable night sleep.


  She was chaperoned over to the big house, wearing a silky black dress, length just below the knees, her hair had been curled magnificently, the high heeled shoes she had been given were a perfect fit, the buckles were a little uncomfortable against her foot, but she made do, it isn’t the first time she had gone out in borrowed shoes. The chaperone, Keith Davison knocked on the door.

  Chloe was beckoned in, a guard with a blonde ponytail, and dark glasses, wearing an earpiece opened the large oak doors, he was dressed as if he was security for a VIP, with his black shoes and black trousers, completing the attire with a gleaming white shirt and black tie. The man with the ponytail escorted her through to a grand room, with a snooker table and bar, with a barman to boot. Sitting proudly on the walls were some miraculous artwork from all over the world, Chloe stopped in awe, stood upon a tiger skin rug, above her a giant chandelier reflecting the light from the dying day, which was shining its final rays down, through the glass dome above her head.

  There were several doors, in this hexagonal room, probably leading to further rooms of such magnitude.

  “Would you like a drink ma’am?” the guard asked her. Chloe was taken a bit by surprise by the generosity, she was far from expecting this sort of treatment when she was summoned. She asked for a cocktail that she loved, when she was on her last holiday, before this started, in a little town in Croatia called Rabac.

  “Could I have a Hugo please?” she asked

  The guard seemed a little puzzled, not knowing what a Hugo was, but he said

  “Of course,”

  He showed her to a little round table, she shuffled onto the accompanying stool, on the table sat a candle, shimmering in the air, and some beautiful pink flowers. She touched them and was impressed even further that they were real and not fake, the guard strutted off to the bar.

  She observed as the guard asked the barman for her drink. To which he nodded emphatically, and enthusiastically started about his task, he put ice in the wine glass. Chloe had not asked for it on the rocks, but that was ok she did not mind she was by no means going to complain. He continued to poor the Prosecco, not the cheap stuff, fancy expensive Prosecco, added the Elderflower syrup, and sparkling water, stirring it thoroughly, enjoying his profession, he reached up and above the bar was a mint plant, he gently pulled off a couple of leaves and delicately placed them on the top.

  The guard came back to the table with the glass in his hand and placed it politely in front of her, he stepped away to give her some space, and stood arms crossed, he must have worked in security beforehand, maybe for some high class person.

  She put the glass to her lips, it was cold, she slowly took a sip, letting the taste hit her, it was amazing, better than she remembered, she closed her eyes in pleasure, and imagined the clear Croatian water, Dolphins swimming by as she dangled her feet in.

  She opened her eyes again, before taking another mouthful. She was quite enjoying herself, she thought she could get used to this hospitality, this house was astounding. She looked down at herself, how glamourous she looked, she felt like a movie star, she took another sip of her drink, taking pleasure in every little drop.

  The guard held his hand to his ear as he was receiving instructions. He stepped forwards and spoke gently,

  “He’s ready for you ma’am”

  Chloe stood up and she was guided through one of the many doors in the hexagonal room, onto a heated marble floor. The corridor stretched on, glass either side, she could see the sun setting over the trees, leaving a pink tinge in the sky. It was picturesque. They stopped outside a tinted glass sliding door, so dark you could not see inside. The guard pulled the door open, showed her inside then s
hut the door behind her. Assuming security position outside.

  She walked into what looked like a conservatory or an orangery, which had been transformed into a spa. The first thing that hit her was the change in temperature, it had risen a great deal, there was a thick condensation around the inside of the windows, she walked past a water feature, cascading from different levels flooding down giant marble steps. Around the corner. Soft classical music playing in the background, on built in speakers.

  Then the facade stopped. For sat in a bubbling hot tub sat Jared, and on each side of him sat a woman, his arms around them both, and a cigar in his mouth. Chloe stood still for a moment, as Jared clicked his fingers and a butler approached him with a tray and a glass of scotch for him.

  Chloe looked at herself. The dress seemed absurd now, it was not for her benefit, to make her feel good, make her feel special. It was for him, to ogle at her. For him to see how she looks. See if he liked what he saw. Then she looked around her, all the lighting, the music, the spa. How much electricity was he using? How much of the generator did he get the use of, when the others hardly get any? And they work their hands to the bone to get fuel, be it from scavenging or trading. And for the food and drink, there was only water for the general public, she had just had prosecco for Christ sake. What was she thinking? Why did she agree to come here? This man was a pig.

  “Are you joining us or not?” Jared asked

  Chloe was speechless, the audacity of the man was incredible.

  He sniggered to himself. “I don’t bite” he looked at the women each side of him “Do I ladies?”

  They both laughed fake laughs playing along, against their will. Talking to them again he said

  “Leave us be, I think she wants some privacy” the women stood up, they were completely naked, Jared smacked one of the women’s backside as she stood up to leave, the second one he grabbed and pulled her over him, groping her breast and kissing her. She was half fighting it but giving in eventually.

  Jared watched as they scurried off, as quickly as they could without looking as if they were relieved to be going. Once they had left through the door behind Chloe, his attention fixed straight back to her.


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