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Unfolding Kiara: Second Chance Best Friends to Lovers Romance (The Unfolding Duet Book 2)

Page 12

by Mahi Mistry

  “Why didn’t you look for insemination?” I asked. “You could have asked my mothers.”

  She shook her head, “I have researched about it and really thought about it, but I don’t want a baby through insemination.”

  I forced a smile. “Right.”

  Kiara winced. “No, Ethan, I—look, I didn’t mean it like that. I am asking you because you are a great person and you have been nothing but nice to me since we met. I appreciate everything we have together, and . . .” her cheeks flushed, “I would love to have a baby who is like you. I would be honored to have that.”


  I don’t know why I was angry all of a sudden.

  Her eyes snapped at me, “What?”

  I tilted my head and glared at her, “I said no. My answer is no, Kiara.”

  I wanted a kid, to have my own children, but not right now. I wanted to settle down with a woman I love, marry her, have our own house, and then think about kids. Having kids right now didn’t settle with me. I had always used protection during sex. Only with Kiara, I didn’t use a condom because she was on the pill, but after she left, I always used protection.

  “Can you at least think about it?”

  I shook my head, “No, Kiara. I don’t want to have kids with you or anyone right now.” Shit, I didn’t mean to sound so angry when I said it.

  Kiara’s eyes turned glassy, and I hated myself when her lower lip trembled.

  “Bella,” I tried talking to her.

  She swallowed the wine in one go, my eyes widening when she glared at me and stood up.

  “What are you doing?” I stood up, watching her leave her credit card on the table even though the cheque was already paid, “Kiara, where are you going?”

  She turned to me, giving me a saccharine smile, “Don’t wait up for me, I will catch a cab and probably arrive tomorrow morning.”

  Kiara left me without waiting for my reply.

  Fucking great, Ethan.

  When Kiara left, I stood there waiting and wondering what I could do in this situation. I needed to have some drinks before asking Anya where she could have gone. I didn’t want to even think about her having a one-night stand with a stranger and arriving at the house tomorrow morning.

  As the cheque was already paid, I went downstairs. To my surprise, I found Kiara sitting on a stool and drinking a cold glass of water. I could see the sadness on her face and the way her shoulders were deflated. She must have wanted a baby badly.

  Anger coursed through my veins when I saw a guy talking to her, laughing, and flirting with her. I huffed when he said something that made her smile.

  Oh, come on.

  The man was probably in his mid-thirties, ogling at the little strap of her garter belt which was peeking from her thighs because of her dress. Now that I could see, other men had already noticed her, too, watching her from afar and wondering if she would go home with them.

  No, she won’t, you pieces of shits.

  I wanted to go there and haul Kiara on my shoulder, taking her away from those men. I strolled there, glaring at the man who was sitting beside her, and held Kiara’s elbow.

  “You’re coming with me,” I said and dragged her to the corner before she pinched my hand.

  “What the fuck do you think you are doing?” she asked, her eyes blazing with anger. She crossed her arms, her cleavage getting deeper, and she looked hot.

  “I should be the one asking you that.”

  “I am looking for potential partners.”

  I chuckled and nodded at the guy waiting for her to come back to the stool, “You want to have his kid?”

  Kiara glared at me, “Why do you care?”

  I raked my hand through my hair, frustrated. “He’s wearing fucking shorts while you’re dressed like you just came from a Victoria Secret’s after-party.”

  She narrowed her eyes at me, “Of course you’d know about that.”

  I glared at the tiny woman in front of me and at the man in shorts. I turned to her, “He has an ‘I love my mom’ tattoo on his fucking knee.”

  I don’t like to judge someone by their outer appearance, but that guy with shorts was getting on my nerves and I had never spoken to him.

  Kiara frowned at me and noticed the tattoo. She bit her lip, “It shows that he is a family guy.”

  I couldn’t believe this woman.

  “No. It shows that he has mommy issues.” I took a step closer to her, “Do you seriously want to think about his mom when you go down on him? Do you want that to be the father of your baby?”

  Her nostrils flared at me, and for a moment I was scared that she might kick my family jewels or slap me. But what she did was worse.

  Kiara leaned up and whispered in my ear, “I will let you know tomorrow, Ethan.”

  I glared at her, her dark eyes daring me, challenging me to do something when she went back to the bar, sitting beside the man in shorts. I clenched my hand in a fist and slid it inside my pocket. All I wanted to do was take her over my knee and spank her until her ass turned red and fuck her until she was pregnant. Then fuck her more so she knew that it’s my baby growing inside her womb.

  Fuck, I am going wild.

  Whatever happens, Kiara is coming home with me.

  I sat down beside her nursing a glass of scotch and shot daggers through my eyes at the man who was trying to flirt with her, talking about his family back in Texas and how he makes a mean barbeque sauce that she should try one day. Kiara agreed, my knuckles turning white because I was holding the glass too tight. I knew she wasn’t flirting with him because she kept glancing my way with a guarded look in her eyes.

  I thought about her previous words. I want your baby, Ethan. Kiara wanted a baby for some time, and she would have had one with Jake, but she thankfully didn’t because of the breakup. She saw me with my family and decided that she would rather have my sperm inside her than someone else’s.

  But if I denied her, she would ask other men. Other men with shorts and ‘I love my mom’ tattoos on their knee who would not think twice before going bare inside her. The thought made my stomach clench in a tight ball. I bet if she asked him about having his baby, he would agree.

  No, I wouldn’t let her. And I had told her I didn’t want a baby.

  The mild scent of her exotic perfume wafted in my nose when I leaned closer to her. I ignored the furious look on the man’s face when Kiara faced me, my finger tucking her hair away.

  “What would I get?”

  She swallowed the lump in her throat, “What?”

  I gave her a lazy smile and raked my eyes down her body, keeping my palm on her thigh, feeling the slight tremor under her skin through the stockings.

  “What would I get for putting a baby inside you? For getting you pregnant, Bella.”

  My cock pressed against the confines of my pants when I said it. My muscles tense with the idea of going bare inside her, coming inside her and making her pregnant.

  Kiara took a sip of cold water and completely faced me. “We can have lots of sex . . . until I get pregnant,” her eyes were dark and pupils dilated when she whispered in her sultry voice.

  I narrowed my eyes at the choice of her words and stood up. “Come with me, I have a proposition for you.”

  She stood up, my eyes zeroing to her ass when she said her goodbye to that man. I held her hand and pulled her close while we waited for the valet to bring my car.

  “What is the proposition?” she asked.

  “Something that will benefit both of us.” Hopefully, if you agree. I added mentally.

  The drive back home was tense and filled with silence. I had decided that if I was going to get Kiara pregnant and if she agreed with my proposition, then I wanted to be selfish with her and her body.

  “Sit down, Kiara,” I said, switching on the low lights of the living room, noticing how tense she was. Bending low, I whispered in her ear, “I won’t bite unless you beg me to.”

  She exhaled shakily, sitting down on
the armchair, away from me, which made me smirk. I unbuttoned my suit and sat across from her on the couch.

  “If I am going to get you pregnant, Kiara,” I paused, staring at the way her amber eyes lit up, “I want something in return.”

  She frowned, “Okay, and what’s that?”

  “You and your body. I want to fuck you whenever I can.”

  Kiara crossed her legs, clearly aroused when her cheeks flushed. “Until I get pregnant,” she added.

  “Yes, until you get pregnant.”

  “Okay, I agree with you,” she answered without missing a beat.

  I smiled and shook my head, “No, Kiara. I have different kinks.”

  Her face went scarlet red, and I wondered where else she was red.

  Hold it right there, Eiffel.

  “Kinks?” she asked. “Can I ask what they are?”

  Better yet, I could show you. I clenched my jaw at the images flashing in my mind and controlled myself.

  I licked my lips and answered, “I am a dominant, Bella. I like to control my partner while having sex and ordering them around like when and if they can come. Or not at all.”

  Ethan’s words echoed in my ears, my legs clenching together. Images of eighteen-year-old Ethan hovering above me, asking me with a flushed face if he could tie my hands flashed in my mind. Of all the times when he would tease me, edge me to orgasm then pull away until I begged for him to touch me. Now, sitting on the couch, legs wide, his body donned in a dark suit with piercing eyes. He was tall and big, and even though he had always been a gentleman with me, I felt intimidated by his size and his aura.

  Of course, Ethan is a dominant.

  Clearing my throat, I met his guarded eyes as if I would judge him for his kinks. It shook me to my core, and I knew he was more than serious. “I kind of realized that, Ethan,” I tried to say in a calm voice.

  “You did?”

  I flashed him a grin, “You asked me if you could tie my hands when we were eighteen.”

  He leaned back on the couch, his eyes noting the subtle clench of my legs. I took a shuddering breath. I knew that he knew that I was turned on. He met my eyes and said with a small smile, “I am glad you didn’t run for the hills.”

  “Why would I?”

  “You tell me.”

  Was he ashamed of his kinks? If so, I wanted to nestle myself on his lap and kiss him softly, holding his sharp jaw in my hands and let him know that his kinks did nothing but turn me on. He was still the Ethan who made me breakfast this morning and asked me about my father. Nothing was going to change that.

  I licked my lips and removed the strap of my high-heeled sandals, putting them aside. I sighed pressing my feet on the soft rug and said, “I slept with a guy once who was dominant.”

  When the silence stretched in the room, I lifted my eyes to see a delicious clench in his jaw. I curled my toes, crossing my legs.


  “My classmate from university in London.”

  “What did he do to you, Kiara?”

  My stomach clenched at the tone of his deep baritone voice. I met his challenging stare and replied, “He tied me up and he was rough . . . and he spanked me.”

  But I had enjoyed it.

  “Okay, I needed to know if you have been in a real scene before. Can I ask you something?”

  I gave him a slight nod and waited.

  Ethan leaned forward, his elbows on his knees, his polished black shoes glinting in the lights with his hands clasped together. The way his eyes arrested me with one look made me want to go closer to him, press myself against him, feel the hard planes of his muscular chest on my soft curves.

  “Did it turn you on? When you had no control over your body, and he could do anything he wanted to do with you?” he asked, his voice serious. “Did you like being controlled?”

  My body squirmed underneath his piercing gaze, wetness pooling in my thong. I replied to him with a small murmur, but he couldn’t hear me, so he stood up and came closer to me, my heartbeat increasing.

  He cupped my jaw, making me look at him as he said, “Say it again, Bella.”

  “Yes, I want to try it again.” I licked my lips and added, “Probably with someone who is experienced and knows me.”

  Take the hint, Ethan.

  His lips curled in the corner, giving me the barest hint of a smile. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “Have kinky sex with you and get pregnant? Yes, Ethan.”

  “Okay,” he replied and kept staring at me, his eyes a whirlpool of emotions. His thumb rubbed my bottom lip, and before I could take it in my mouth he said, “I am going to kiss you.”

  His lips met mine in a soft caress, my body melting in his arms when he held me close to him. Ethan settled me on his lap, my legs straddling him and feeling the bulge in his pants. I kissed him back, licking his lips as my hands feathered his thick locks. I sighed when his hands explored my body, creating tiny explosions of heat and pleasure underneath my skin wherever he touched. A soft moan slipped past my lips when he licked and kissed my neck, his hands squeezing my ass, his fingers digging in my skin as if he couldn’t get enough of me. A sharp gasp escaped my lips when his finger pulled the garter belt and let it smack onto my skin. I raised my dress a little to spread my legs more and moaned softly between our kisses when I brushed my aching core on his hardened length.

  Ethan swore, his harsh, warm breath fanning on my neck. He pulled away and cupped my cheeks, “Before we go further, I want you to know your safe words.”

  “Safe words?”

  He gently sat me down beside him on the couch, my dress in such disarray that I was sure he had seen my thong. I tugged my dress down while trying to hold some breath in my lungs.

  “Yes, safe words. Something you will use when you are uncomfortable and want to stop the scene.” His tone had changed. He was serious even though there was a prominent bulge in his pants. I nodded. “Red, yellow, and green are common, but we can have our own safe words. Green is to let me know that you are perfectly okay with the scene, you can use yellow when something is uncomfortable for you and you want to take some time. And you will use red when something is out of your comfort zone and you want me to stop whatever I am doing.”

  His eyes were fierce, the sharp features of his face looking more stark than usual. I nodded, my mouth dry. What would he do that I would need to use those safe words?

  Ethan must have seen the fear and excitement in my eyes. He held my hand and kissed my knuckles. “I would never do anything to harm you, Bella. I need your complete trust. And I am trusting you to use safe words when you need to, okay?”

  “Yes, Ethan,” I replied looking at his hand holding mine. “I want to use other words.”

  He waited, looking at me from his thick lashes. I ignored the itch to lean closer and kiss him and said, “Black, grey, and white.”

  His thumb stroked the pulse on my wrist, “And what are you feeling right now?”

  I didn’t miss a beat. “White.”

  Ethan stared at me for a few moments and stood up, his tall, muscular body looming over me. I licked my lips and met his piercing gaze.

  “Give me your thong, Kiara,” his velvety deep voice traveled down my body and stroked my throbbing sex. His tone was a pure command that I gladly wanted to obey.

  I lifted my dress, his pupils dilating. We were gazing at each other, our eyes never leaving each other’s face. We both heard the small clink of my fingers unclipping the garter belts. I shifted and hooking my fingers on the lace, I trailed it down my legs covered in stockings and handed the black lace to him.

  His eyes finally moved from my face down to the sheer garment in his palm. I watched him lift it to his face and take a deep breath, taking in the scent of my feminine arousal. I clenched my legs together, my naked sex throbbing painfully for his touch as he let out a low growl and flashed his eyes to me and my legs.

  “Spread your legs,” he ordered, keeping my thong in his pocket.
/>   I did, the tight dress constricting my thighs to stay closer. Goosebumps raised all over my body when Ethan leaned down and pulled my dress up to my upper thigh, his masculine scent wafting in my nose. I wanted to get close and breathe him in, but he pulled away, his eyes glaring at me to spread my legs wider. I bit my lip and spread them, shivering when the cold air brushed against my naked core. He couldn’t see my bare sex as the dress still covered it, but he didn’t need to see my pussy to confirm that I was dripping for him.

  “Good. Now I don’t want you to move your hands or I will stop. Understood?” Ethan asked in his stern voice.

  I nodded, clenching my hands in fists.

  He narrowed his eyes at me. “Use that sweet little tongue of yours, Kiara. Or else I have a much better use of it.”

  It seemed like my pussy had grown a heartbeat after hearing his words. My body thrummed with the need of his touch and the promise of his words.

  I licked my lips before asking, “Like what?”

  Ethan gave me a small smile before kneeling across me, his large hands stroking my stocking covered legs. His touch tickled, and I wanted to shut them closed because he looked different. Ethan’s broad shoulders looked magnificent between my legs. I would never tire of this view, his handsome face peering between my thighs, searching for his prize.

  My body trembled when he softly kissed my thigh, removing the stocking with ease and throwing it away. His lips were soft, but his kiss turned rough when he bit my skin, licking it sweetly afterward. My hands dug into the soft couch, and I knew my nails might get imprinted on the leather. Having Ethan kiss my thigh and not touch him, tug his hair, dig my hands in his shoulders was harder than I had thought.

  But I had always loved a challenge—OH GOD.

  I covered my mouth at the loud moan that tore through my lips. But I failed and moaned again, watching Ethan’s hand under my dress, his fingers rubbing my slick lips and toying with the clitoris. I clenched my legs and squirmed on the couch, but he was holding my other leg and lightly smacked my thigh when I tried to pull away from his erotic touch.


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