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The Sealing

Page 20

by Patrick Higgins

  Even among all the excitement, they felt vulnerable.

  Unlike last year, there was no global “Human Love Chain” this time. Romanero didn’t want it. With so much turmoil in the world, he wanted the spotlight to remain on the Middle East at all times.

  After the moment of silence had ended, Romanero approached the lectern. The 100 women seated behind him straightened up in their seats. They still couldn’t believe they were in the same city as the Miracle Maker, let alone in the same arena on the same stage.

  It was both awe-inspiring and mind-numbing at the same time.

  Not counting the 100 new fathers seated in the front row, everyone else occupying the seats was well known for something and had already met Romanero at least once. Even so, regardless of age, they acted like a bunch of teenagers cheering on their favorite popstars.

  The 30-year-old world leader—who, according to the calendar turned 31 last February—began in earnest, “Greetings, world citizens! As we gather here today for the one-year remembrance of our departed friends and loved ones, I know there’s still a great deal of pain in our hearts. Having lost both my parents recently, I feel the very same pain you feel...”

  Romanero paused so his words would resonate, “But even through the anguish of missing them, and the struggle of picking up the pieces and moving on, let this day be remembered not only as a day of solemn remembrance, but also as a ray of bright sunshine piercing through the darkness.”

  Salvador turned to face the 100 mothers and their infant children, “Feast your eyes on the generation that will finally experience what past generations could only dream of. These spotless little ones behind me represent the future, not the past; a new beginning for all global citizens!

  “Just thinking about how bright their futures will be thrills me to no end! This is what we must rally around in our time of grief.”

  Thunderous applause filled the arena.

  “To the beautiful mothers, thanks again for fulfilling your duty and helping make this priceless moment possible. Last year, we had to cancel Mother’s Day. But because of you, and many other women around the globe, it will never happen again. The world is eager to celebrate all mothers again on your special day, six months from now.”

  His words slithered into their minds like a snake through the grass.

  Returning his attention to the large assembly before him, the Miracle Maker went on, “As our future torchbearers, nothing can be more important than protecting them; they are virgins in every sense of the word. I won’t let them be defiled in any way!

  “But it’s not just our precious children who will be taken to a whole new echelon in life. As promised on so many occasions, everyone wisely opting to follow me will be part of the new utopia I’m creating. Soon, we will see the fruits of our collective labor.”

  Romanero grew more serious, “As we build this brave new world, the old world is still in the process of being torn down! Naturally, an achievement like this is never easy. Nor can it be accomplished overnight or without bloodshed. As for those of you who are on the wrong side of history, your days are numbered.

  “I do not wish to spend too much time dwelling on the past, but a few months ago, as you all know, I announced an international law abolishing abortion. I declared anyone caught in the act would be punished by death. This includes doctors, nurses, and all who are deemed enablers and supporters.

  “Sadly, not everyone has been compliant with this global edict. One incident I’ll share with you deals with an exotic dancer in Las Vegas, Nevada. After learning she was pregnant by one of her frequent customers, she offered to pay a former abortionist triple what he charged before the Rapture to keep it a secret.

  “As it turns out, this man was quite familiar with her. It was her thirteenth abortion. This woman chose to kill the child in her womb hoping to preserve her voluptuous figure, so she could keep performing for her customers. And he agreed to do it for a little extra money.”

  Romanero gazed out at the thousands seated before him and shook his head in disgust, “Both are selfish individuals. Were, rather. Everyone caught in the act was put to death, including her best friend who drove her to the clinic. When I said anyone causing harm or death to any child, born or unborn, must die, I meant it. No exceptions! This universal edict supersedes the laws of all countries, including dissident countries.”

  No one had to be reminded of what happened three months ago, in the name of the Islamic religion. For every person Muslims killed, three Muslims died! For every pregnant woman they killed, a thousand Muslims were killed! Their population was greatly reduced!

  Romanero’s words had cast a dark shadow over the proceedings. If anyone needed further proof that he was deadly serious, all they had to do was look at the Middle Eastern woman in the fourth seat on stage.

  “Finally, I wish to address the growing number of pregnant women out there who have chosen to refuse the top-notch care I’ve provided at no cost to you. Many of you have since gone into hiding.

  “I implore you all to rethink your situation and reconnect with your doctors and society, before it’s too late. I’m mindful that you suffer from a mental illness. The only way I can help you is if you come out of hiding.

  “I am hereby extending a grace period to each of you. It will not remain in place for long. I assure you it would be better for you to come to us before we find you.”

  Many shifted uncomfortably in their seats. Others wiped tears from their eyes, suddenly frightened. Noticing, Romanero said, “Strong words and actions, I know. But necessary, if we are to ultimately pave the way for a vibrant body full of millions of youthful citizens.”

  It was time to end on a positive note. “So, as we gather here for this most extraordinary celebration of new life, let the awarding ceremony begin! Enjoy the festivities. May all who are with me be blessed in my name.”

  Romanero took a seat. If this was intended to be a State of the Planet address, in which he shared all progress being made, the wheels fell off halfway through. If his goal was to comfort everyone with his morbid speech, he failed miserably.

  THE ONE GROUP OF individuals that felt completely invisible in Dubai, was new fathers. Some bristled in silent annoyance watching the mothers of their children being presented sizable monetary cards with great pomp and pageantry, to be used at their sole discretion, while they received nothing.

  Instead of being treated as equal partners, they were made to feel like science projects, sperm donors, to quietly be discarded in the end. While they received their fair share of nods and glances from world-known figures for their contribution to humanity and were bought many rounds of drinks from those they idolized all their lives, the lion’s share of the attention remained focused on their celebrated counterparts up on stage.

  For the most part, the only support group new fathers had among the thousands gathered in the arena, was themselves. The fact that they weren’t allowed to sit with their wives, girlfriends, or intimate partners, further punctuated this unflattering realization.

  The only time they would join them up on stage was when they took to the podium to praise Salvador the Great for richly blessing them. They also were invited to pose for studio photographs with the new mothers.

  Other than that, it’s as if they no longer mattered…

  It made Yogesh Patel think back to what his American friend had said about men still being valued among Christian women. Certainly not here!

  As a small token, all new fathers got to take this all-expenses-paid trip to Dubai. Everything from the flights they were on to the suites they stayed in was first class all the way.

  By accepting the invitation, they agreed to look joyful when thanking the Miracle Maker in front of the whole world.

  Other than that, they were encouraged to enjoy themselves to the fullest. Having seen what happened to all who opposed Salvador Romanero, they knew better than to disobey the man.

  The fact that most new fathers weren’t married to their fema
le counterparts made the situation so much easier to control. They had no legal rights to the girls or women they’d impregnated. It was evident to anyone possessing a functioning brain that Romanero cared not for them. Only their sperm was needed. Other than that, they were expendable.

  On top of that, many were drug addicts and alcoholics. Suddenly free to indulge in all the drugs and alcohol they could possibly consume, not to mention scores of men and women—all of whom had the AIDS virus or hepatitis—at no cost to them, they took full advantage of it.

  From the moment they arrived in Dubai and were met by limousine, the partying started. Each driver, after being briefed, knew exactly what poison their passengers were most addicted to, including their sexual preferences and appetites.

  What better way to keep their minds off the women on stage than by having scores of super models at their beck and call?

  They hadn’t been sober since…

  As the rest of the world struggled to make ends meet and put food on the table, they got to hob-knob among the celebrities and dignitaries, for one unforgettable week, completely stoned out of their minds.

  Many felt like they were occupying the front rows at the Oscars or Grammys. They were too starstruck to let the obvious mistreatment ruin this once-in-a-lifetime experience. They would enjoy this first-class trip for all it was worth and worry about their bruised egos later.

  The goal, of course, for those providing the drugs, alcohol, women, and even men, was that they would drink or drug themselves to death, thus reducing this no longer necessary part of the population.

  But not all new fathers were alcoholics, drug and sex addicts. Some refused every advance that came their way, including Yogesh Patel. Like a dozen other fathers, he never did drugs and very seldom drank alcohol. He loved his wife and wanted to help her raise their daughter, like any good father would.

  But outside forces kept driving them apart from their spouses. Because of this, some were now starting to question the source of Romanero’s power and his true intentions...

  Most new fathers were all for celebrating Mother’s Day next year, like most countries had done for many decades. And that went double for the new Universal Children’s Day celebration.

  But what about Father’s Day? With so much talk about Mother’s Day next year, Romanero never once mentioned Father’s Day in his address.

  Were fathers suddenly expendable, to be forgotten about altogether?

  It was becoming more evident that the contest Romanero had set into motion a year ago was by design all along. It was intended to prevent unmarried or uncommitted fathers from having any involvement in their children’s lives, once they were born.

  It was almost as if fathers were being portrayed as individuals who successfully did their part and no longer mattered.

  It was even worse for new fathers who weren’t invited to the Middle East. Sure, they were permanently relieved of all medical expenses, the cost of clothing, baby diapers, and all other related items including paying child support. Other than that, they were on their own. Completely…

  After the last monetary card was awarded, indoor fireworks lit up the 9,100 square-meter arena.

  This was the signal for new fathers to approach the stage.


  YOGESH PATEL LOOKED OUT at the world’s elite seated in the jammed packed arena and found it both amazing and ironic at the same time, how a former peasant fisherman had reached such lofty heights in such a short period of time.

  A few months ago, he and Hana were racked with constant stress, wondering how they could financially afford to raise a child if she wasn’t one of the first 100 women to give birth. As it was, they could hardly pay their bills let alone have another mouth to feed.

  When it became apparent that she would be among that most blessed group of women, they rejoiced. Never in a million years did they think she would be the first to give birth, or that it would lead to all this.

  Now here he was about to address the world’s elite, wearing a $2K Giorgio Armani suit that was personally tailored just for him.

  While Hana, suddenly the envy of the world among most women, enjoyed basking in the bright spotlight, mindful of the great evil behind the sudden notoriety, Yogesh was sickened to the core of his being.

  The man Yogesh knew as Brad Henriksen, was right all along. Even if he played along with Salvador Romanero and lived the so-called “good life” as a result, it wouldn’t last. By reading the book of Ecclesiastes, Yogesh finally understood it was merely chasing after the wind and would ultimately lead to eternal damnation.

  Had Hana only understood it as well, it would have better prepared her for what he was about to do. But she didn’t understand. If anything, they were going in opposite directions, no longer best friends.

  Whereas Hana’s list of well-known and high-society individuals kept increasing, Yogesh spent all his free time with his new brothers and sisters in Christ. Each time they got together for prayer and Bible study; Yogesh blessed them with more funds he’d managed to squirrel away without Hana’s knowledge.

  Like most other Christ followers, his new friends were very poor, just like he used to be. Eking out meager existences was their constant struggle. If something happened to him in the next few hours, which Yogesh fully expected, he took comfort knowing he gave them enough to survive the next few months in the underground shelter they were still building.

  He also met with Ajit Laghari on three separate occasions, at his underground hideout. He was amazed at his new friend’s total command of the Word of God. He was equally amazed at how thin Ajit was.

  The former Indian diplomat looked nothing like he did when he addressed the world a year ago. He’d lost 80 pounds so far and counting.

  In this world, they were nobodies, even less than that, but in the eternal world, they were children of the Most High God and had futures so bright, it could never be measured in worldly terms.

  Hana made it crystal clear that she wanted nothing to do with his new friends or his newfound delirium, as she had put it.

  As the days passed, she became more and more convinced her husband was suffering from a mental meltdown. If he didn’t snap out of it soon, she feared he would end up just like Ajit Laghari.

  Last time she said that, Yogesh said, “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  Hana rolled her eyes and went to check on the baby.

  Yogesh knew her elitist friends were planting seeds in her mind that were meant to pull them apart, not keep them together.

  But they were the confused ones, not him. They were spiritually blinded to the Truth, not him. They were headed toward eternal destruction, not him; even if they didn’t think so…

  It wasn’t Yogesh’s actions or behavior that was tearing their marriage apart. Nor did it have anything to do with his new friends. It was spiritual warfare. And Satan was using her godless friends to do his bidding for him.

  Yogesh brushed off a shiver. How much worse would Hana think about his Christian faith after what would soon transpire in an arena full of celebrities, business moguls and world leaders, all gathered to celebrate the Day of New Beginnings, with the whole world watching?

  One thing was certain: life was about to drastically change for the Patels, Yogesh especially, and certainly not for the better!

  He just hoped Hana would someday understand why he did it.

  After trying to talk himself out of it many times, he felt with everything in his spirit that God was telling him to do it. His relationship with his Maker, though new, was quite intense.

  But right now, he was terrified for his life. The smart thing to do would be to thank Romanero publicly for blessing his family so richly, as he was expected to do, then wait until he was back home to say what he really felt.

  With more than 20 million social media followers—a mere pittance compared to his wife’s 300,000,000 followers—Patel would have had little trouble gaining the attention of multitudes around the world with a simple post o
n any of his social media platform pages.

  If he played it right, perhaps his number of followers would double or even triple after this week. But that wasn’t part of the plan.

  If he had any social media accounts a year ago (which he didn’t), and he posted a tweet, he would be mildly shocked if anyone liked it, let alone two or three people. Now his tweets were liked and shared by multitudes of netizens worldwide. It was crazy!

  A simple post like “Hello global netizens!” on Twitter easily garnered millions of likes and comments. It was bizarre, absurd.

  It was about to come to a screeching halt. Yogesh knew the glaring spotlight now shining on him would still remain after this, but for reasons altogether different. Soon, very soon, he would become the hunted…

  Even before taking this trip to Dubai, the more his eyes were opened and his faith in Jesus was strengthened, the more he wanted to tweet his growing dismay about the one world government Salvador Romanero was creating—to include a one world religion—to his many followers. It was a religion and system Yogesh wanted no part of.

  Soon everyone would know it…

  What he was about to say could have easily been posted online in the confines of his home or from an underground location like Ajit Laghari had done. With so many followers, even furious, they would share his post which would cause it to trend more quickly.

  But that’s not what he saw in the dream. What he saw himself doing needed to be done publicly, with the whole world watching.

  Even frightened for his life, Yogesh wanted everyone in the arena, especially Salvador Romanero, to hear what he had to say. He kept repeating the words, “Not my will, Father, but Your will be done,” over and over again, under his breath.

  In an arena full of so many people, Yogesh felt terribly alone.

  THIAGO GOMES, THE FATHER of the second child to be born stood behind Yogesh, very much displaying the same gleeful expression as the women up on stage.


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