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Do What Thou Wilt

Page 62

by Lawrence Sutin

  Crowley, Astarte Lulu Panthea (daughter of A.C.)

  Crowley, Edward Alexander (“Alick”). See Crowley, Aleister

  Crowley, Edward (father of A.C.): A.C.’s oedipal competition with; family background of; fortune of; Plymouth Brethren sect and; similarity to son

  Crowley, Emily (mother of A.C.); death of; similarity to son

  Crowley, Lola Zaza (daughter of A.C.); A.C.’s literary work and; birth of; estate funds and; Rose Kelly awarded guardianship of; upbringing of

  Crowley, Nuit (daughter of A.C.); death of

  Crowley pseudonyms; Baphomet; Count Vladimir Svareff; Cusack, Alys; El Haji, Abdullah. See also Perdurabo

  Cunard, Nancy


  Cusack, Alys (Crowley pseudonym)

  Dance to the Music of Time, A (Powell)

  Dangerous Drugs Act (1920)

  Darby, John Nelson

  De Arte Magica (On the Magical Art) (Crowley)

  De Gaulle, Gen. Charles

  De Miramar, Maria Teresa; Crowley’s painted portrait of; denied entry to England; marriage to Crowley; in mental hospital; as Scarlet Woman

  De Nuptiis Secretis Deorum cum Hominibus (Parsons)

  de Righi, A.C.R.


  Decadent movement

  Dee, John

  Dempsey, Mary. See Desti, Mary

  DeQuincey, Thomas

  Desti, Mary; as medium for Crowley’s revelations; as Scarlet Woman

  Devi, Ratan. See Richardson, Alice

  Devil Rides Out, The (Wheatley)

  Diary of a Drug Fiend, The (Crowley)


  “Djeridensis Comment” (Crowley)

  Dog, The

  Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie (Levi)

  Donston, Robert

  Doors of Perception, The (Huxley)

  Douglas, Archibald

  Douglas, James

  Dreiser, Theodore

  Driberg, Thomas

  drugs; at Cefalù retreat; Crowley’s defense of use of; Crowley’s disciples and; faddishness of; magical retirement and; past-life meditations and. See also specific drugs

  Dunsany, Lord

  Duranty, Walter

  Eastbourne College

  Eastern Exposition of the Gospel of Jesus according to St. John, An (Ramanathan)

  Eaton, Cora

  Ebor School

  “Ecclesiae Gnosticae Canon Missae” (Crowley)

  Eckartshausen, Karl von

  Eckenstein, Oscar; break with Crowley; Chogo Ri (K2) expedition and; Kanchenjunga expedition and; as trustee for Crowley

  Eddy, Mary Baker

  Egyptian mythology

  Egyptian Revival, The (Achad)

  Eight Lectures on Yoga (Crowley)

  El Haji, Abdullah (Crowley pseudonym)

  Eleusinian Mysteries

  Eliade, Mircea

  Eliot, T. S.

  “Energized Enthusiasm” (Crowley)


  Enochian language, codes and

  Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, An (Hume)

  Epstein, Jacob

  Equinox, The (journal); Blue Equinox; completion of first volume; financing of; founding of; Golden Dawn rituals and; illustrations for; Mary Desti as editor; “Old Comment” in; poetry in

  Equinox of the Gods, The (Crowley)


  ether. See ethyl oxide

  “Ethyl Oxide” (Crowley)

  ethyl oxide (ether)


  excrement, eating of

  Eye in the Triangle, The (Regardie)

  False Prophet

  Fama Fraternitatis


  Fatherland, The (journal)

  Feilding, Everard

  female impersonation

  Fenton, West De Wend

  Firth, Violet. See Fortune, Dion

  Fleming, Ian

  Ford, Henry

  Fortune, Dion

  Foster, Jeanne Robert; as Scarlet Woman; as “the Cat”

  Fothergill, Reverend

  Fountain of Hyacinth, The (Crowley)

  Frater Achad. See Jones, Charles Robert Stansfeld

  Frater Lux e Tenebris

  Fraternitas Saturni

  Frazer, Sir J. G.

  Freemasonry; French; Ordo Templis Orientis (O.T.O.) and

  Freshfield, William Douglas

  Freud, Sigmund

  Fuller, Jean Overton

  Fuller, John Frederick Charles; attitude toward homosexuality; break with Crowley; as Crowley’s second in command; as military theorist; Rites of Eleusis and

  “Fun of the Fair, The” (Crowley)

  Galanty Show, The (Summers)

  Game of Life, The (Leary)

  Garden of Pomegranates, A (Regardie)

  Gardner, Gerald

  Gargantua (Rabelais)

  Gargoyles (Crowley)

  Gauguin, Paul

  “Gauloise, Song of the French, The” (Crowley)

  Gaunt, Commodore Guy

  Gebhardi, Otto

  Germer, Cora

  Germer, Karl Johannes; death of; death of Crowley and; erotic malaise of; Ordo Templis Orientis (O.T.O.) and; persecuted by Nazis; as supplier of funds for Crowley

  Gnostic Mass


  Goetia (grimoire)

  Golden Bough (Frazer)

  Golden Dawn, Hermetic Order of the; black magic and; files of; membership figures; Neophyte Ritual; power struggle within; rituals of

  Golden Twigs (Crowley)

  Goldene Dämmerung

  Goldston, Edward

  Gospel According to St. Bernard Shaw, The (Crowley)

  Gottsched, Renate

  Grant, Kenneth

  Gray, Walter

  Grayson, Rupert

  “Great Drug Delusion, The” (Crowley)

  “Great Trouble”

  “Great Work”; abandonment of; Gnostic Mass and; Leah Hirsig on; magic and; practicality of

  Gregg, Frances

  Grey, Sir Edward

  Gros, Dr. Edmund

  Grosche, Eugen

  Guillarmod, Dr. J. Jacot

  Gurdjieff, G.I.

  Hall, Evelyn

  Hamilton, Gerald

  Hamnett, Nina

  Harris, Daphne

  Harris, Frank

  Harris, Frieda

  Harrison, Austin

  hashish; Abra-Melin Operation and; legality of; mysticism and


  Hayes, Joan

  Heart of the Master, The (Crowley)



  Hermetic Brotherhood of Light

  heroin; as palliative for health problems; sex and; withdrawal from

  Hess, Rudolf

  heterosexuality; Crowley’s public behavior and; marriage and; Ordo Templis Orientis (O.T.O.) rituals and

  Hieroglyph, The (Archer)

  Hinduism; meditation and; sexual magic and; yoga and

  Hirsig, Alma

  Hirsig, Leah; Crowley’s painted portrait of; life after Scarlet Woman status; Loveday incident and; Norman Mudd’s passion for; as Scarlet Woman; Zeugnis document and

  History of Witchcraft and Demonology, The (Summers)

  Hitler, Adolf

  Hohenleuben Conference

  Hollis, Helen

  Hollywood Babylon (Anger)

  Holy Guardian Angel; black magic and; Christ symbolism and; hashish and

  homosexuality; Islam and; Ordo Templis Orientis (O.T.O.) rituals and; in poetry; as private practice; public declaration of; Victorian attitudes toward; Viereck and; in Weimar Germany

  homunculus (magical child)

  “Honesty Is the Best Policy” (Crowley)

  Horniman, Annie

  Horos, Madame Laura. See Sprengel, Anna

  Horus (god)

  Houghton, Michael

  Howe, Ellic

  Hubbard, L. Ron


  Humphrys, W. E. H.
  Hunt, C. de Vidal

  Huxley, Aldous

  “Hymn to Pan” (Crowley)

  I Ching

  Importance of Being Earnest, The (Wilde)


  Index of Forbidden Books

  Ingram, Rex

  “Initiated Interpretation of Ceremonial Magic, The” (Crowley)


  insanity, genius and

  International, The (journal)


  Isherwood, Christopher

  Isis Unveiled (Blavatsky)


  Jack the Ripper

  Jackson, William

  Jaeger, Hanni

  James, M. R.


  Jephthah and Other Mysteries (Crowley)

  Jesus Christ

  Jewell, L. C. R. Duncombe


  John Bull (tabloid)

  John St. John (Crowley)

  Jones, Charles Robert Stansfeld; as Crowley’s “magical son”; on Crowley’s past lives; expelled from Ordo Templis Orientis (O.T.O.); Norman Mudd as disciple of; resignation from Ordo Templis Orientis (O.T.O.)

  Jones, George Cecil; Abra-Melin text and; break with Crowley; on hashish; Looking Glass libel trial and; as trustee for Crowley

  Joyce, James

  Joyce, William (Lord Haw Haw)


  Jung, C. G.

  kabbalah/kabbalism; Abyss and; Book of the Law and; Charles Jones and; Christian; Golden Dawn Neophyte ceremony and; Ipsissimus grade and; nature and purpose of; Nineteen Calls of Enochian Magic and; numerical analysis (gematria) and; supernals of

  Kabbalah Unveiled, The (Mathers)


  Keasbey, Professor

  Kelly, Aidan

  Kelly, Edward

  Kelly, Gerald Festus; as artist; break with Crowley; Crowley’s correspondence with; Eckenstein and; as editor

  Kelly, Rose; Abra-Melin Operation and; alcoholism of; commitment to asylum; comparison with other Scarlet Women; death of daughter and; estate funds and; as medium for Crowley’s revelations; pregnancy of; as Scarlet Woman

  Kemp, Harry

  Kennedy, Leon

  Khing Kang King (Classic of Purity)

  Knight, Maxwell

  Knights Templars

  Knowles, Guy

  Knox Om Pax (Crowley)

  Ko Hsuen

  Kothek, Gerda Maria von

  Krishnamurti, Jiddu

  Küntzel, Martha

  Lady Chatterley’s Lover (Lawrence)

  Lamb, C. G.

  Lamb, Euphemia

  Lamp of the Invisible Light (L.I.L.)

  Lao Tzu

  Lapis Lazuli, The Book of (Crowley)


  Laughing Torso (Hamnett)

  Laver, James

  LaVey, Anton Sandor

  Lawrence, D. H.

  Leadbeater, Charles W.

  “Leah Sublime” (Crowley)

  Leary, Timothy

  Led Zeppelin (band)

  Legend of Aleister Crowley, The (Stephensen)


  Leverson, Ada

  Levi, Eliphas

  Lewis, Wyndham

  Liber 777 (Crowley)

  Liber Aleph, the Book of Wisdom or Folly (Crowley)

  Liber Apotheosis (Crowley)

  Liber Ararita (Crowley)

  Liber CLXV: Master of the Temple (Crowley)

  Liber Jugorum (Book of the Yoke) (Crowley)

  Liber Legis. See Book of the Law, The (Crowley)

  Liber LXX (Crowley)

  Liber Oz (Crowley)

  Liber Resh (Crowley)

  Liber Samekh (Crowley)

  Liber Stellae Rubeae (The Book of the Ruby Star) (Crowley)

  Liber Thisharb (Crowley)

  Liber Tzaba vel Nike (Crowley)


  Little Essays in Truth (Crowley)

  Longstaff, Tom

  Looking Glass (tabloid)


  Lovecraft, H. P.

  Loveday, Betty May. See also Sedgwick, Betty May

  Loveday, Raoul

  Lowry, Malcolm

  Ludendorff, Gen. Erich

  Lull, Raymond

  luminal (drug)

  “Luncheon with Beast 666” (Richardson)

  MacAllen Major J. C. S.

  MacAlpine, Patricia

  Machen, Arthur

  Macky, Anne

  magi; Crowley’s place among; Paracelsus; Rosenkreutz; Simon Magus

  magic; bodily substances and; ceremonial; Crowley’s return to; drugs and; The Equinox and; loss of appeal of; money and; reputation of; “White Adepts” and. See also black magic; magick; sexual magic; white magic

  Magical Retirements: at Boleskine House; on Esopus Island; at Lake Pasquaney (New Hampshire); on Long Island; in Morocco; in Nefta (Tunisia); in Paris

  Magical Revival, The (Grant)

  Magician, The (Maugham)

  Magicians of the Golden Dawn, The (Howe)

  magick. See also magic

  Magick (Crowley)

  Magick in Theory and Practice (Crowley); on Baphomet tradition; Dion Fortune on; on distinction between magic and magick; efforts to publish; metaphysical maxims from; publication of; on sacred prostitutes

  Magick Without Tears (Crowley)

  Magpie and Stump debating society

  Maitland, Cecil

  Malvern College

  Mandrake Press

  “Mandrake the Magician” comic strip

  Mannin, Ethel

  Mansfield, Katherine


  Marston, G.M.




  Mathers, Mina

  Mathers, Samuel Liddell MacGregor; Bennett and; break with Crowley; in Crowley’s literary output; early life of; forgery of; as a founder of the Golden Dawn; Golden Dawn rituals and; journalistic critics of Crowley and; Looking Glass case and; New Aeon and; in Paris; Rosicrucianism and; as translator of Kabbalah

  Maugham, W. Somerset

  McMurtry, Grady Louis

  Medina, Don Jesus


  “Mediterranean Manifesto, The” (Crowley)

  Mein Kampf (Hitler)

  “Memoir of 666, A” (Burnett-Rae)

  “Memorandum” (Crowley)

  Memories, Dreams, Reflections (Jung)

  Mencken, H. L.



  Metteyya, Bhikku Ananda Sasanajotika. See Bennett, Allan

  Miller, Anna Catherine

  Milton, John

  Minor, Roddie; as medium for Crowley’s revelations; as Scarlet Woman


  Mohammed (Prophet)

  Monkey, the

  Monster, the

  Moonchild (Crowley); homunculus and; publication of; struggle with Mathers and

  Morrice, James Wilson

  Mother’s Tragedy, The (Crowley)

  mountain climbing; on Chogo-Ri (K2); on Kanchenjunga

  Mudd, Norman; break with Crowley; at Cefalù; Crowley’s painted portrait of; in North Africa; suicide of

  Mussolini, Benito

  My Life in a Love Cult: A Warning to All Young Girls (Dockerill)

  Mysteria Mystica Maxima (M.M.M.)

  Mysteries: Lyrical and Dramatic (Crowley)

  Mystical Qabalah, The (Fortune)

  mysticism; Christ and; hashish and; Krishnamurti and; methodical experimentation and; theurgic

  Myth of the Magus, The (Butler)

  “Nameless Novel, The” (Crowley)

  Naval Intelligence Department (N.I.D.)




  Neuberg, Victor; affair with Joan Hayes; break with Crowley; at Cambridge University; magical retirement of; Pan Society and; Paris Workings and; review of Magick in Theory and Practice; Rites of Eleusis and; travels with Crowley

  New Aeon; Abbey of Thelema an
d; Argenteum Astrum and; birth of Crowley’s daughter Nuit and; Book of the Law, The (Crowley) and; Crowley as prophet of; Dion Fortune and; divine guidance for; feminine aspect of; John Fuller and; Ordo Templis Orientis (O.T.O.) and; transition from Old Aeon; vows of secrecy and

  New Age

  “New Comment” (Crowley)

  “New Parsifal, The” (Crowley)

  Nietzsche, Friedrich

  Nineteen Calls of Enochian Magic

  Nordau, Max

  Not the Life and Adventures of Sir Roger Bloxam (Crowley)



  Oedipal complex

  “Old Comment” (Crowley)

  Oliver, Nina

  Olla: An Anthology of Sixty Years of Song (Crowley)

  Olsen, Dorothy; comparison with other Scarlet Women; manic-depressive behavior of; physically abused by Crowley; as Scarlet Woman

  “On the Homunculus” (Crowley)

  Open Letter to Lord Beaverbrook, An (Mudd)


  Opium and the People (Berridge and Edwards)

  Ordo Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis (R.R. et A.C.)

  Ordo Templis Orientis (O.T.O.); Agapé Lodge (Los Angeles); Book of the Law, The (Crowley) and; Charles Jones expelled from; Charles Jones’s resignation from; Crowley as leader of; degrees in; Gerald Gardner and; German branch; Gnostic Mass and; Hohenleuben Conference and; Mysteria Mystica Maxima (M.M.M.) and; Nazism and; police raid on; Vancouver lodge. See also Thelema

  Otter, Gwendolyn

  Ouarda. See Kelly, Rose

  Owl, the

  Pache, Alexis


  Page, Jimmy

  Pagels, Elaine

  Pan (god)


  Paradis Artificiels, Les (Baudelaire)

  Paris Workings

  Parry, Reverend R. St. J.

  Parsons, Betty

  Parsons, John W.

  past lives

  Perdurabo (Crowley pseudonym); Golden Dawn struggle and; meaning of; as mountain climber

  Pessoa, Fernando

  peyote (anhalonium)


  phallus, creative force of

  Philosopher’s Stone

  Plymouth Brethren sect; Crowley’s lifestyle and; lack of hierarchy within

  Poem, The (Crowley)


  Pollexfen, George

  Pollitt, Herbert Charles


  Pound, Ezra

  Poupée. See Crowley, Anne Léa (daughter of Aleister)

  Powell, Anthony


  Price, Harry

  Professor Keasbey

  prostitutes; Crowley’s visits to; as inspiration; magical initiation and; paganism and; sacred; sexual freedom and; sexual magic rituals and


  “Psychology of Hashish, The” (Crowley)

  puritanism; indulgence in vice and; “Mrs. Grundy” as figure of; power of the will and; sexual atrophy and


  Q.B.L., or The Bride’s Resurrection (Achad)

  Quinn, John


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