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Money- Wealth Creation Guide

Page 7

by Phillip Seanego

  This is why you sometimes feel down without any explanation, why you feel sad, or you sometimes feel tired in the morning while you are supposed to feel refreshed and energetic from sleep. It is because of something negative you’ve observed. Somewhere your mind picked up negativity, so get it out of your system by doing something positive. Do this by looking at what is positive, and by feeding your mind with positive motivation. It needs positivity as much as your body needs food as it gets hungry every now and then. You have to keep feeding your mind with positivity, in order to have a positive life, a successful life. So, see good, focus on good, do good and you will achieve good.

  Positivity wins over negativity

  Clear logic: Positivity adds to your life, broadens your mind and supports growth; negativity takes away from your life, narrows you mind, and causes decrease and lack. Negativity takes away what you already have; positivity adds to what you already have and makes you enjoy your life through growth, since growth makes us happy and fulfilled.

  Believe in yourself, your ability to make it

  Can you be a millionaire? Do you believe you can do it? This is one of the most common obstacles people face when trying to live their dreams or to achieve their goals. I repeat; the problem of lack is a physiological problem, it starts with what you think. When you think less of yourself, if you believe you are not capable of being whatever you want to be, when you doubt that you can achieve any goal you set yourself to achieve, then you will not be anything or achieve anything. It is all up to you; no one or anything can change that.

  You have to believe in yourself, in your potential to make it in life. Don’t wait for approval from other people; don’t wait for other people to believe in you before you believe in yourself, or for people to believe in you before you do something about your life. That is not going to happen. You must start the fire; you must believe in yourself for anybody to start believing in you because no one will believe in you if you don’t believe in yourself. You must believe in yourself. Believe that you are valuable, and that you are useful to the human race. You are not anybody, you are somebody, and you matter in this world; that is why you are here.

  There is nothing above believing in yourself when it comes to being successful in what you do and achieving your dreams. You must first believe in yourself that you can create wealth; that you are capable of achieving the goals you set out to achieve. Self-belief is what will drive you to actions when doubt sets in. When you believe you will make it nothing will stop you from taking actions. You won’t have fears of failure when you believe in yourself because the confidence you get from believing in yourself will eradicate any fear of failure.

  When you believe in yourself you will believe in what you do. Whatever you create you will believe in it and this is what you will need when you sell it. You first have to believe that you are gold, and that whatever you touch will turn to gold. You have to believe that you are the definition of success for everything you do to be successful. Believing in yourself is what will make you believe in whatever you do, and believing in what you do will make it easy to sell your product or service, which will result in success.

  Whatever you choose to do, know this, there will be a war which will go on within yourself

  Your belief about yourself, can I do this or not? Your belief in what you do, will this bring me success or not? If you don’t believe it is possible, just tell yourself what I tell myself, if I don’t believe I can do something, I just do it, and do it with pride. I do the unbelievable, even unbelievable to me! I surprise myself too; I tell myself this and go on and do it. You will look at your work and not like it; you will feel it is not good enough and have doubts it will be successful; you will be impatient if something is taking too long, or when new challenges come with your chosen career; you will say this is not for me, and so on. Read on…

  Everyone must be aware of this. It is not happening to you alone. We all go through that. We know what it is but we ignore the mind chants. Go on and do it anyway. This must be the attitude, you will feel the fear, the doubt and the impatience, but we know what they are; just feelings we choose to ignore and do it anyway. We feel the fear but we do it anyway. We know that it is nothing real; it is just a natural feeling, important somewhere but useless and costly when it comes to our dreams and success.


  We all have doubts. Doubts are about the future – we doubt if we are going to get what we expect from doing an activity. We start doubting if we will succeed at what we are doing, and the doubt can grow into making us give up; it can stop us in our own tracks. It is important that we manage our doubts. You must understand that we all have moments of doubt. I can tell you now that I also have doubts about my choices too, but do I stop? No, why?

  Doubts are fictional. It is trying to predict the future; we would like to predict it if the decisions we make today will get us where we want to go or not. We want guarantees, but life has no guarantees – any day can be your last, but that doesn’t stop us from having five-year plans and goals. I focus on living and I plan for life, because I am alive today, that’s where my focus is, on living.

  We all don’t know what the future holds, but one thing we know for sure is that the choices we make today influence the future. We are all trying to influence tomorrow and make it better than today, and become happier than we are today. So, having doubts is like trying to be a fortune teller; you are trying to tell what the future holds. You will never know without trying to influence it, and see what happens when you get there.

  You can’t give up or stop based on doubts because if you do, you will never know for sure if the future was going to be great or not; you will always think, ‘what if’. You will have doubts, it is normal, but it is not something that should make you stop. It is your fear of failure, which might not happen, and sometimes it is fear of success and what comes with it, the responsibilities, and fear of the unknown. The future itself is unknown and well, you are better off taking your chances than wondering what would have happened if you had just done it. In life, you will mostly regret things you thought about, started and did not finish than those you failed at. You will think ‘at least I tried’, you will be proud; at least you are not a coward.

  Use your mind

  Don’t give me a problem, give me a solution; don’t complain, take actions; don’t ask for answers, ask for an opinion. Use your brains. Your brain is capable of making you very important to other people’s lives. It can make you be appreciated, and what you can do with it makes the world a better place. Your mind is what will make you wealthy and live a good quality life.


  This is the only way you can expand ideas and create new things. This is how you get to set trends. You must think about things. People hate to think. They confuse being stressed with thinking, and do anything to avoid thinking. They watch TV, they drink alcohol and do all kinds of activities to avoid thinking. It is only in thinking that thoughts are expanded and new value is created. You must enjoy thinking time. Give yourself time to think about ideas, to brainstorm ideas about creating wealth or how you could make your business a leader in your business field. Think about new trends you can introduce to your business field to be a step ahead of your competitor. Wealth consists of ideas. Everything starts as an idea, and people buy ideas. The book you are reading is an idea, so think!

  Have time for creative thinking, where you write down ideas about taking what you do to the next level. This is how you set trends. This is how you become a leader and find new markets where you can create your wealth, where you can have your cash cow. You have to explore ideas, and think about things. I said your wealth is in your thoughts. Don’t run away from your thoughts. Direct them to creativity and use them to come up with ideas that will create wealth for yourself.

  Everything starts as a thought. Your thoughts are vital to the creation of wealth. People who created airplanes had to first think of ways to make them. It didn’t just happen out of th
in air; they had to think of ideas and try them out in physical form to see what worked and what didn’t. It is just the way it is. You have to take the same thing that is giving you a challenge, and put it in your mind and think about it. Do not leave it until you find a solution. Try the solution, put it to the test and see if it works. Have fun with it.

  This is the essence of creation. We are all creators. We create things from ideas in our minds and turn them into physical reality. You must make it a habit to think. Face your challenges in life, and whatever the challenge, face it, explore it, read about it, think about it, find solutions for it, put them to the test and see what works.

  Even wealth is a challenge. You need to find a solution for it, to create it. I guess this is why you are reading this book, and this is why you try out different activities, searching for your fortune. Know yourself, and your strengths and weaknesses, and find out the best way to create your wealth. Only you can come up with the best way because only you can know and understand the true you. We are all different; sometimes what works for me won’t work for you. You need to find your own beat and dance to it.

  The only way you will successfully do that is by thinking, having thinking and brainstorming sessions about your future, and what you can do to reach the dream life you want to live. Everything you want is in your mind, but you only find it when you think, so go on and think, think, think. Use your brains.


  It is very important to put your focus on whatever you do. I must say this here, you can be anything but you cannot be everything. This is true and it can’t be said enough. You have to make your choice and focus on what you choose to do until you see it through. Many people fail because of their lack of focus. They do this and do that, and they acquire many responsibilities that stop them from being able to focus and create something great.

  You cannot be great at something when you are unable to focus on it, and you cannot reach the highest level of any career when you have many things going on in your life at the same time. You won’t be able to give it your 100 percent which means that what you achieve will only be average because you put in average work. If you put in average work you achieve average results. It is very important to choose one activity or one career path and focus on it to be good at it and reach its highest level. This is how you find success in your life, by having undivided focus and working hard to see your dreams come true. Know what you want, focus on what you need to do to get it, and take focused actions towards your dreams.

  Focus on taking control of your actions

  Know the only thing you can control, which is yourself. There is nothing else you can control but yourself, and your actions. Once you have accepted the reality that you cannot control other people but yourself, you are able to take control of your life. You can now focus on yourself; you are empowered to shape your life.

  You can now control the outcomes of your destiny, you can now channel all your energy into what you can control, and that is yourself. We see a lot of people wasting their time and energy on trying to control other people which only results in failure, whereas the more you focus on what you can control, in other words yourself and your decisions, the easier it gets to find success in your life.

  When you focus on controlling yourself, which is the only thing you have control over, you achieve success in your actions. This is what you achieve when you let go of the things that you can’t control and focus on what you can control. Just focus on yourself and your actions. That’s how you become successful.

  We are both good and bad

  We all have different parts of ourselves, and we experience life through expressing those parts of ourselves. You can be a good son, a good daughter, a good father, a good businessperson, all the great versions of yourself, and there are also bad versions of yourself, the worst you, the bad son, bad father, bad everything.

  This is who we are, and the world gets confused when trying to define the two; am I good or bad? Know this from today, you are good and bad at the same time. It is human, and it is your nature; you are both good and bad. The difference is in which part we would like to express ourselves. Naturally we know that the bad part, the negative part, is destructive; it destroys, while the good part, the positive part, is constructive; it creates, it adds to the world and the negative part destructs. Babies are made out of love not hate – you wouldn’t have a relationship with someone you hate.

  By nature we are pulled towards the good and expressing our good part; that’s why there are far more good people than there are bad people. No one takes credit for this, it is just nature. Remember that you are nature too, you are part of it. If there was more bad done than good in the world, the world would have perished ages ago. Positivity always wins over negativity. Positivity drives the world, positivity grows the world, love is constructive, but hate is destructive. We have both these feelings. The more love we express, the more constructive lives we live, so if you want growth in your life, act from love. Find what you love about life and do that as a career. That love will help you grow and prosper at what you do. That is why you do badly at the job you hate; it is just the rules of nature. To succeed you must have love for what you do, for it is constructive.

  The other parts of ourselves that need to be looked at when it comes to creating our desired future are our wealth and poverty parts. We are born poor and wealthy at the same time. We have the poor parts and wealthy parts of ourselves; it is our strengths and weaknesses. Even wealthy people have their poor side, they just express their wealthy part, and that is what we see in their reality. How we express ourselves determines if we live a wealthy life or poor life. When you express your poor side, you experience poverty and when you express your wealthy part, you experience wealth. Know this and apply it in your life, express your wealthy part, express your strong part, express your strengths, and stop expressing your weaknesses, as they cause you to experience lack. Find your strengths and express them to be able to live your dream life.

  Life comes in opposites

  Love and hatred, good and evil, happiness and sorrow, abundance and poverty, contribution and selfishness, greatness and mediocrity, lie within us all. It is what makes us human; it is all natural. Your electrical appliance needs positive and negative charges to function, your heart pumps out oxygen positive blood and takes back negative blood from your body to clean, and that’s what keeps you alive. We have all these qualities. You can’t have one without the other… but you can determine which one will prevail and you can be committed to manifesting those qualities that you want your life to be about. It is your choice – do you choose to love or to hate? Just know this, all your positive qualities, love, goodness, happiness, contribution, and so forth, add to your life, while your negative qualities subtract from your life.

  Honesty will lead you to your true path of life

  Your true path will lead you to success, fulfilment and happiness. Be honest to yourself, as honesty helps you in a lot of things about your life, especially your success, your fulfilment, and your happiness. You will only be happy when you express your true self, your authentic self. When you are not real to yourself, you will never be happy because you are fooling yourself. What you are, is not the real you; it is not who you are supposed to be. It starts with being honest with yourself and what you want out of life.

  Honesty means to stand for what you believe in. When you believe you are capable, you can achieve what you want out of life. You wouldn’t accept anything less. You won’t give up on your dreams because of challenges; you will make sure you see your dreams come true, because you believe in them. Honesty will help you make the right choices that will make you succeed in living your dream life and being happy. You have to apply honesty well when it comes to important things in your life like career, relationships, family and so on. This is how to follow the truth at every given moment of life. Honesty will give you exactly what you want, the true thing you want. We are mostly not conscious about where we w
ant to go from where we are, but honesty leads us to our true destiny. When you are honest you don’t work against yourself, you work with yourself. When you are undecided, follow your heart, it will lead you to your true path.

  Let’s face it; most of the human population is dishonest, that’s why we live a lie. If we don’t live the life our true self wants, we experience dissatisfaction, unhappiness and all the things we don’t want. You don’t have to follow the crowd, just be honest in your choices to live your truth. Honesty also doesn’t hold regrets; you just accept and move on. When you decide to be honest, you decide to take control; you decide to be the boss in all your life experiences. You talk, walk and experience your true self.

  In all things, remember; it is all up to you. Between two people, someone has to sacrifice their integrity, someone has to let the other win. You have it your way or the other’s way. The best way is to find a balance between your integrity and the other person’s integrity, then you can have a win-win situation, not your way or the highway. Don’t always give in to other people’s ideals when they don’t support your interests.


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