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Money- Wealth Creation Guide

Page 10

by Phillip Seanego

  You can’t control other people but yourself

  When it comes to the marketplace, you can’t control what people see as valuable; you can only play your part, which is to sell your product or services to the best of your ability. Don’t worry that much about how people will respond to your product; if the response is not good, learn from it and make changes accordingly.

  So you must focus on playing your part and doing your part. Play your role which is creating value and selling it in the marketplace. How the market responds is out of your control – you can only try to influence it through your marketing but you can’t control other people’s actions. You can control your actions though, which is creating value and selling it in the marketplace. Focus only on what you can control. Spend your energy on things you can control and don’t try to change what is out of your control. Accept what you can’t control.

  Just play your part

  Just do that. How the market responds is a little out of your control. As much as you have the responsibility to market your product or services, or what we call your values in this book, you must not worry that much about how your product or values will be received by people. At the end of the day you have no control over how people respond; some will like it and buy your values and others will hate it. You just can’t please everyone. As they say, there will always be haters and admirers. You must focus on your admirers. These are the people who purchase your products, people who appreciate what you do and make sure that they get real value from you.

  People tend to think a lot about the market and how to get the desired results from the market before they even have the product; before the product is finished and ready for the market. This might take up their time, or might even discourage them from finishing their product and taking it to the market, because they are too concerned about what other people will think, and whether they will like what they do or not.

  When making and developing your values, you must focus on producing the product or service you want to share with other people. Once you have a product or service ready to take to the market and sell, you can then start working on the marketing plan and advertising, at the same time accepting that not everyone is going to buy your product or service. It is just like that; you will win some and lose some.

  You must have a huge ego to think that you are going to be liked by everyone. Just focus on playing your part in the creation of value, in other words, the creation of your product or service. The last part is selling your product or service. Do not worry about the marketplace, and don’t make a mistake of being trapped by procrastination, thinking how to please everyone in the market before you even have a product or service for the marketplace.

  Nothing lasts forever

  Everything comes to an end. Talents come to an end, passion comes to an end, and everything will last for as long as it can last. Your job is to renew it, finding new success and passion. This plays a very big role in creating wealth because people procrastinate. They take time to take actions on their dreams, which results in them giving up on a dream because the talent is gone, the passion is gone, the things that stimulated the thoughts at the time have gone, and the mind has forgotten about it.

  Times are also not going to be this favourable for you to pursue your dreams, so act NOW. There will never be any better time to act than now. Now is the time, right now is time to act, and to start pursuing your dreams. You will not stay this young forever; opportunities you have now will not be there forever, so take them now. Be an opportunist; when you see a chance, take it.

  The time to start pursuing your dreams is now, today. At this moment you can start working on your dreams. You can make changes in your life right now, right at this moment. You can’t take any actions in the future, you can only act now. The inspiration you feel right now can only be used when you still feel it. It will die down in no time. Tomorrow you will not feel that inspired to take actions like you did today. Act now, act when your spirit is up; don’t make plans to act in the future, because your mind will have changed by then and you will have new ideas and new actions to take. You will probably also not take them because you will just make plans to do them in the future.

  This will become a habit. You forget that the future will have its own thoughts and feelings. It will have its own challenges, so face today’s challenges, as tomorrow will come with its own. Don’t ever think that it will be better to act on the situation tomorrow; act NOW because tomorrow brings forth its challenges and opportunities.

  Nothing is perfect

  Everything is perfect with its imperfections, even nature. Imperfections themselves depend on your point of view; if you are looking on the good side of things, they seem perfect and alright, but when you look on the bad side or from your bad perspective, you start to see flaws. Everything has its pros and cons, but your viewpoint determines how you see and experience things.

  So when it comes to creating wealth, and making money, you have to know that everything you do will have its ups and downs. You must not be discouraged by the downs, as you must learn to take the good with the bad. As much as there are advantages to fame, you might lack privacy which is what comes with fame. You must just focus on the perfect parts of whatever you are doing. You will enjoy the perfect parts more than you will battle to endure the bad parts.

  Whatever the career you choose to take, whatever the value you decide to create, know that it might not seem perfect. Your creation might not seem perfect to you, but look at the perfect sides. Look at the up side of your creation, for everything in life is perfect in its own way. There are people who hide expressing who they are; they hide their values because they don’t believe in them. They don’t believe in their creation, they don’t believe in what they can do and as a result they don’t get anywhere because they want perfection; they want something out of this world. It wouldn’t be in this world if it was out of this world.

  High expectations of yourself or not, you must show people what you can do. Perfect or not, like the singer in a closet, you won’t achieve anything without showing people what you can do. Let the marketplace be the judge; it will give you guidelines to improve on your creations or products. It might even surprise you by doing so well with a value you thought was not perfect enough. Everything has its highs and lows; like a well arranged song, it starts low and gradually gets high towards the end. Everything has that. This is what perfect is, having lows and highs.

  Love to see great things in your life

  It is through our desire for great things in our lives that we take action and create great things. The more you love and desire a better life, a life better than the life you are currently living, and the more your love for good things in life, the more likely it will be that you will take actions towards your dreams.

  Life is a game

  Life is fair game; it is you and the world. You play with the world, not against the world. The world is your pal; you need the world to play the game of life. You can’t play life on your own; you are only alive and aware of yourself because of the world. The observer and the observed give birth to consciousness, which is who you are; you are aware of yourself because there is you and the world. Other people and everything; this is the crux of existence.

  It is all FUN and GAMES. This is a nice attitude to live your life by. Successful people know that you lose some, you win some. Not everything you do will be a success but everything you do moves you closer to your success. You learn from your losses and become stronger on the other side. We are all born clueless, knowing nothing. Our pal, the world, teaches us everything, how to walk, and how to talk. Do you think it won’t teach you how to make money and become successful?

  There is no better school to teach you how to make money than life. Life is the best teacher. Life itself will teach you as you play with it, and no matter how much you fall and hit the floor, you will get it right, just like you got the hang of walking. If we had the minds we have now when we were babies, a lot o
f people would not know how to walk. When we were small babies we had the best attitudes; we tried things even when we had no idea about what we were doing.

  Stop sitting on the bench or side-lines watching other people play; get into the game. Saying it is all games gives you a light heart for everything. You don’t take failure so hard, and you don’t give up just because you failed at something or things didn’t go your way. Most things in life resemble games, so play and get better at the game of life.

  Life is what you make it

  You create your future; it all comes down to your choices. You are the one creating your own future, moment by moment, choice by choice, one step at a time. A lot of things that happen to you can always be related back to some choice you made for yourself. You are the one who decides, chooses and elects to do something. Doing something always results in consequences. Also keep in mind that not doing anything has its consequences too.

  People generally don’t take responsibility for their choices – they choose and then disown the results, conveniently and purposely forgetting who made the decision. Most of the things that happen to you in life can be related back to a personal choice, somewhere. Many people own the choices they make when the result is favourable and disown it when it is unfavourable. Something happens they don’t like and they look around for others to blame, or other conditions, or anything other than themselves.

  What you should take from this is that life is what you make it, through your choices. The circumstances you find yourself in today are determined by your choices. Yes, we sometimes make a choice of action with a different intention to what we end up with. This doesn’t mean that we must disown our actions, nor does it mean that we must blame other people for our circumstances. We can only fix and move on from these circumstances when we take responsibility for them. The truth is we made the first choice, we made a move. No matter the results we get, we must accept them; that’s how we are able to learn and rectify our mistakes or learn a better way of doing things.

  Taking responsibility for your choices and actions doesn’t mean blaming yourself; it means that you must accept the circumstances and start working on a way out of that situation. It means that instead of blaming other people and complaining about how life is working against you, playing victim or blaming yourself, you take actions to change your situation. You can only get to take actions to change things when you first take responsibility and accept the situation you find yourself in. That’s true independence – taking responsibility and making things happen.

  Life is exactly what you make it; it is what you choose it to be. When you want to live a wealthy life, you must choose it, through your actions, through creating value, through searching for your fortune, taking actions towards your dreams and putting your ideas into actions. This is how you succeed.

  Things can only be as bad as they can be potentially good

  If your life is not that great today, it gives you the opportunity to influence it for the better and realise the power you have over your own life. It should be exciting times for you, to take this chance and see for yourself what you are capable of, and the control you have over your life, especially your financial life. As much as there are many things you don’t have full control over in your life, like your heartbeat and life expectancy, one thing I know you have control over is your future, if you choose to take your chances and influence it.

  The opportunity to change your life to what you want it to be enables you to dream; it gives you hope and something to look forward to in your life. Isn’t that exciting? Isn’t that what makes us look forward to the following day? Without that, life itself would be too dull and boring, with nothing to do, and nothing to work towards. So here, we see dreams keeping us excited about life. That’s why we live – it makes life worth living, that’s why we all have dreams.

  In your life, when something is broken, it is a chance to fix or replace it. Don’t start believing that it is the end of the road; as long as you are alive and breathing in this world, it is an opportunity for you to influence your life to be the way you would like it to be.

  Is money everything?

  They say it makes the world go round; how true is this? Your belief about money is very important. When you believe it is everything, it makes you too focused on it, so that even when you have enough to live a comfortable life, you don’t live a comfortable life as you keep chasing it and never have time to enjoy it.

  You get so caught up in work that you start ignoring other parts of your life, like your social life. This causes lack on your social side of things, which will still make you feel like you lack something. Even after having everything money can buy, you find yourself not happy about your life. This is caused by focusing more on money than everything else. We all read about the stories of the rich and miserable people, and you ask yourself; why would they do these horrible things to themselves when they have all the money they have?

  It is because they depend on money for everything and money can’t buy everything. Money can’t buy you love, but it sure can buy you fake love. Will you be satisfied by fake love? Will you sleep well in the same bed with someone you know loves you for your money? Will you trust the friends that came with money? I doubt it. I don’t think you should, for your own sake.

  There are more fish in the sea

  This is a GREAT viewpoint to have. When you’re not currently having that much success with what you do and your career, this is a great technique if you want to become more successful in life and not be fazed by failure. What am I talking about?

  It’s having ABUNDANCE MENTALITY. Let me explain… the world around you provides a ton of opportunities; there are a lot of people to do business with, endless chances for you to make money. If you don’t sincerely believe this, then you’re already setting yourself up for failure.

  To have the most success in your career and at life overall, you must adopt the viewpoint that you have limitless options for your life and the direction it is taking. If you fail to achieve something, to secure a deal, or your business proposal being accepted, there are plenty of other deals, and other people to sell your value to. Just make your choice to move on to the next opportunity. Don’t be broken by one failed sale or business proposal; it’s their loss, so go on to the next one, move on.

  Instead of operating from the fear of loss, operate under a desire for gain. If you see an opportunity, abandon all fear that you might not succeed at taking it. Go for it, take your chances! There is nothing to lose when you send out business proposals and marketing your business, it is all part of business. Not every business deal you propose will be accepted, but this must not stop you from looking for more business – just move on to the next potential client. If you’re constantly running from things that scare or intimidate you, you’ll be running for the rest of your life, and you won’t find success. It is through asking for business from other people and finding people to exchange your value with, that you become successful.

  People who have a “mentality of abundance” aren’t afraid to walk away from failure. Successful people fail all the time, and they just keep going besides the failures. In their eyes, if someone refuses to take on the deal, it is their loss. That’s how sure they are of their value. They move fast to the next person; it might be someone who is more deserving of the opportunity they are giving. So if people are closing doors in your face, move on and try to find someone who is more deserving of your business deal. It is an opportunity that you are putting out for sale, and if people fail to see that, it is their loss.

  The fact is that the world is filled with a lot of chances to get anything that you want out of life. Adopt the mindset that you can be anything you choose to be, live anywhere you want, and achieve any goal you desire. This is the mindset that will bring you success. You must have this attitude to become successful in your business. A wealth state of mind drives you to sell your value to as many people as possible. You can only achieve this by believing that the
re’s money to be made in this world, by knowing that when this door closes, other doors open.

  When it comes to creating your desired future and financial success, remember that the world is filled with millions of opportunities for you to take; if you don’t succeed today, you will still have other chances to succeed tomorrow. Having an “abundance mentality” means taking the initiative, and not being afraid to fail. You keep trying.

  Finally, embracing this mentality means challenging yourself to do the uncomfortable things that most people wouldn’t bother doing with the mindset of “what’s the worst that could happen?” This means that when you see an opportunity, you ignore that negative voice telling you what could go wrong, and replace it with a POWERFUL reminder that a LOT could go right!

  Know what you want out of life

  If you know what you want out of life, you don’t settle for less. This is very true. You have to know what you want out of life so that you do not fall prey to other people’s influence. If you don’t know what you want out of life, you lose direction and follow anyone who chooses to lead you anywhere. Whether you would like it there or not, you just follow. So it is very important that you know what you want out of life and never settle for anything less.


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