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The Venerate Order

Page 6

by Troy Dukart

  “Are you saying that Zixin, my brother, used to live here?” I asked her.

  “Yes! Without a shadow of a doubt young man! He spoke of you all the time! You look different, but so much like him. He was here with his father. We are in Mylintus, a city in the country of Soria. If you are wondering about the red lights flashing, it is because Mylintus was selected to test new invasion technology. Funny how quickly it was put to use. You’re not from here, are you?” Rose said.

  I shook my head no, “What is all this. . .madness that is happening?”

  “These people, that are doing this, are called the Senti and they have attacked us for an unknown reason,” Rose informed me as she fixed her hair, “You have to help Zixin. He was such a nice boy. David and he only lived here temporarily until some men in black found them. They were looking for a cure for Zixin and a way to get back to their world. He looks so much like you.”

  “Why are you here, in this abandoned house?” I asked in curiosity.

  “Everyone thought Zixin was a demon. Zixin could do some. . . unexplainable things. He accidentally killed a cop one day just by touching him. I was close to David, a lover you might say. I was also assigned to watch over Zixin by the city. They lived here for only a few months. After Zixin killed the policeman the men came and took them away. The people still fear this house and anyone associated with them to this day,” Rose added.

  “Why did you stay here? There was nowhere else for you to go?” I asked while keeping an eye out the window.

  “Everyone thought I was crazy for standing up for Zixin, especially since they were from. . . New Santa Barbara was it? They thought me to be a traitor to stand up for ‘aliens.’ But I knew that one day, someone like you would come to justify this terrible treatment I received. I loved David and Zixin. Maybe you can be the one to save them Strafe,” Rose replied, she winced in pain as she spoke.

  This woman knew about my family, and a lot of what seemed to be going on here. She could have had the answers I was seeking. I decided to take her with me.

  “I need to get you out of here!” I urged.

  She had been shot multiple times from the looks of it. I could now see the dark wounds on her stomach and blood on the floor.

  “The soldiers already made their rounds here Strafe. I’m afraid I’m done for. Zixin is in trouble, and needs your help. David tried to help him, but something inside him has taken him over,” she moaned through her pain.

  “Where are they!?” I asked, eagerly seeking the truth.

  “I’m sorry Strafe, but I don’t know. I haven’t heard from either of them in ten years. Maybe, if you head to the capitol city of Dhenfen’Ce. Say it like “Da-fence-say.” You can find some answers,” Rose said as she rolled on her side.

  Patrol ships that looked like Mag-Ships from back home were flying up and down the streets looking for survivors,

  “Strafe, Zixin is in pain. You are in danger if you stay here,” Rose advised me.

  “I don’t understand any of this! We need to get you some medical help and get out of here!” I whispered to her.

  Shaking her head, she smiled, “I’m too far gone Strafe. Zixin had always wanted to see you again, you’re all he talked about. Maybe Guardian brought you here to save us. The odds of me seeing you for no reason are too great. There is a picture of them on the table. Take it and help your brother. He has been waiting for you for a long time. Be brave Strafe.”

  After one last smile, Rose was gone.


  Even though I just met her, it felt sadness in her passing. She had seemed to live her life with the purpose to deliver this message to me. I wouldn’t let her down. My family was here and I would save them. Maybe this world reflected Earth in some way? First the professor died in my arms, now this woman Rose died near my feet. All of this death was hard to process.

  I had a new mission, and that was to find my friends and family. Looking at the street from the window, I saw a group of Senti soldiers approaching the house I was in, so I ran to the other side of the it to escape. There was a forest of unusual looking trees accessible from the backyard. There was cover to hide in but I also needed to find answers. I needed to survive, so I dashed into the dark forest.

  I continued at steady pace until I reached a clearing and park with a sign that read “The Lover’s Statue.” I could hear a man and woman laughing and talking in the distance. They were admiring a marble statue of a man and woman dancing. I crouched in a bush to avoid detection.

  “Look at this beautiful statue; I reckon that would look well in my bathroom!” the man’s voice crackled.

  “You aren’t getting all romantic on me now, are you Hendrick? Your wife wouldn’t like that,” a woman replied.

  “I love my wife, but she doesn’t understand me like you do. Doesn’t she know I’m going to be away when this war starts?” he expressed.

  “We should get back to the ship,” the woman reminded him.

  “Why? We got what we came for, let’s have a little celebration. Soon your father will have all he needs to awaken Guardian Zero. We will all be free,” the man gloated.

  “Yes we will my love, but there is nothing here but fairy dust and lambs to slaughter. We will be off to Dhenfen’Ce soon. The battle will be no joke. We have to get ready.”

  “Ah, you’re right my dear. You always know the right words to say,” he grunts, “Well, I’ve got to take a piss.”

  I could hear him coming towards me. These people must’ve been soldiers. I was just a pilot! I could’ve climbed a tree or ran away, but it was too late. He was coming straight towards me. I crouched down and put a hand on my sword and the other on ground to brace myself. Each footstep brought him closer. When he stopped I could tell he was right next to me. There was a zip of his pants, and I heard him relieving himself.

  He was still just a shadowy figure in the dark. When he finished I could’ve just let them pass but I thought he might’ve seen me. His head turned and he began reaching for his weapon. I had to defend myself. Springing up from the bushes, I grabbed him by the back of the neck and slammed him to the ground. As I pulled on my sword, it transformed into a knife and I and held the blade to his throat.

  “Make a sound and I’ll kill you!” I commanded him as I looked into his eyes. He eyes looked different than mine.

  “Stay to whispers. Who are you people?” I questioned him.

  He looked surprised, but then he smiled and looked me in the eye “How am I supposed to tell you if I can’t make a sound?”

  This man had slicked-backed hair that went down to his shoulders except for a few bangs that shot out straight from his brow. He had tan skin and his eyes were the brightest and greenest I had ever seen in my life. He had a slight accent, one that reminded me of the old English as spoken in Shakespeare’s plays. His nose was straight and pointy, but what really caught my eye was a scar that stretched from his left temple down to his mouth. It looked like a claw mark from an animal. His armor sparkled in the night, a beautiful design with ancient dragons etched into it. On his chest lied a pulsing sigil.

  It was time to get some answers, “You’re not the average run of the mill soldier are you? Huh, I’d bet you’re pretty high in the ranks. Maybe even Royalty?”

  “You are right about the soldier part. Royalty, that’s a nice complement but no. I just work for the High Guard,” the man smiled back.

  “Your armor, its Senti isn’t it? What’re you doing attacking this town? Why are you taking these people?”

  “Hmm, you’re not from Soria, or maybe even this world, are you? This isn’t the best place to talk boy, besides, I didn’t really get to finish my leak. If you would be so kind as to. . .” he said before I pushed the blade up near his chin.

  “I’ll cut your balls off if you keep playing around with me!”

  “Right, we both don’t want that I assume. My apologies. Well, to begin, yes, we are from Sentium, a country you’ve probably never heard of if you don’t even know whe
re you are. We came here to meet someone who acquired a Key to Heaven that some kid found in a cave. We need the people for leverage and labor. You should know that a war is on the horizon boy, and it’s going to be a big one. Who knows, maybe we’ll make a few future soldiers with some of these women!” the soldier snickered.

  I smacked him in the head, “Now I know this isn’t Earth. We are past waging war like children. Your leaders must be crazy to do act like this! What is your name and who is the woman you are with?”

  “My name is Sir Hendrick Valender, Captain-Knight of the High Guard. The woman, oh, you better be careful with what you do to me. She is more trouble than she looks,” the Knight smirked.

  “Who is she?” I said as I shook him.

  As I said this, I looked to my immediate left and felt the woman with a glowing dagger poking me in the side. She was stunning. Long brown hair, purple eyes, sweet lips and a slender frame. She had the same armor on as Hendrick. She looked worried, seeing my blade against Hendrick’s neck.

  He looked at her and looked back at me, “May I introduce General Taleri Ganser, the daughter of General Zhanist Ganser, Commander of Sentium Forces. She can be quite ferocious. Just letting you know.”

  “Let him go, Sorian, or I’ll slice your heart out,” Taleri instructed.

  “I'm not Sorian. I don’t wanna kill anybody, but this shit is real! You’re going to tell me where my friends are and where to find Tiras. Then, I’ll let him go!” I commanded her.

  “And this “Tiras?” Is that a friend of yours?” Taleri asked.

  “Hardly, he’s the bastard who stole the Key to Heaven I found in a cave. He has much to answer for when I see him next,” I vowed; they looked at each other.

  “Ah!” Hendrick snapped his fingers, “He’s talking about the Federation worker Tiras Strand, if I got this right, the one from Earth. He’s probably long gone now, off to bring back the key to your father. Looks like you weren’t quick enough, buddy.”

  “Keep talking and I’ll forget I’m a gentleman and rip you apart! I’ve had a pretty shitty day today buddy,” I snapped back, “Why are you after these Keys?”

  “I don’t have time for you. Let him go or you won’t have a future,” Taleri instructed in a calm and serious tone. She crouched down, ready to lunge forward.

  Before I could react, there was a snarl and I saw it was Brutus! He knocked Taleri to the ground and stood over her growling. After staring her down, he looked over at me and what he did took my breath away.

  “Strafe, I’m glad to see you’re okay. We must go to Dhenfen’Ce and find help, quickly!” Brutus spoke.

  “Brutus!?! You can. . . talk?” I mumbled in disbelief.

  “Knock him out so we can get out of here,” Brutus told me.

  “What is this monstrosity? You gotta keep that thing on a leash boy, before someone puts it down,” Hendrick snickered again.

  “Shut up!” I said after knocking him out cold with a punch.

  “Strafe, we need to leave, now,” Brutus told me.

  I grabbed my wrist and shook it; Hendrick had a hard head! I stood over Taleri, “Have you always been able to talk like this?”

  “I have the Power of Joy, which endows me with super intelligence. These abilities you, I and many others have are bestowed onto beings who exhibit the highest level of one of the fourteen emotions found in all life. Who created these abilities I don’t know but I do know this allows me to speak your language, which was a tricky one to learn. You didn’t notice I was talking to you all the time back home. Maybe you should learn to speak wolf!” Brutus chuckled.

  “Wow, people don’t get told off by their talking wolf every day. We really are in a different world,” I laughed, “Okay, so, do you know where to go, Brutus?”

  “I heard some soldiers say they are going to attack this nation’s capitol next. I can smell lots of humans and machinery not far from here. I’m not confusing it with this town either. Hop on and use the woman’s belt to secure the her. She will be a valuable bargaining chip,” Brutus replied.

  I threw Taleri’s dagger into the bushes and tied her up with her belt. Maybe she can tell me more about what’s going on and how to find my friends.

  Going back into town was too risky, despite how badly I wanted to help. If these Sorians had a military, warning them of the attack was priority. I had no idea if they were good or bad guys but after seeing what the Senti had done, I hoped for the best. I jumped onto Brutus’ back with Taleri and he ran towards the mountains.

  Chapter 8/

  Under a Starlit Sky


  Hmm, this is interesting.

  My name is Taleri Ganser, General of the Sentium Army, Combat Division. This guy really didn’t know what I’m capable of or who my father was. He made Hendrick look like a fool, not many can say that. It sent electricity up and down my body. Nobody back home would have the gall to do that.

  I would let him play for a while, unless he tried something, stupid. He wasn’t a soldier, too green, but still strong. I could sense his passion. His skin, it was olive colored. I’d never seen that before. I found myself staring at him. Ah, concentrate! You are on a mission! I shook my head. I was going to use him to get into the city.

  After leaving Mylintus, we entered some plains called the “Grasslands.” It was a plain but slightly hilly landscape. This guy has no idea where he’s going other than away from our Brigadier Destroyer Sky-Ship. The wolf was guiding him. I never thought an animal would be chosen for Guardian Power. There is nothing more joyous than a happy dog I suppose.

  Dhenfen’Ce lied to the east of this country, Soria, near the coast. It was the capitol and where the Senti were to attack next. It would almost work in my benefit to steer him there.

  Five years ago, I was stationed at the Dhenfen’Ce Joint Military Intelligence base, so I knew the city like the back of my hand. As much as my father casts his disdain for their politics, I have to admit that city was a true envy of the world for its sheer beauty and influence. It was the heart Soria, and they paid much respect to the many military members that had died for their “country.” Unfortunately, he wasn’t taking me on a date there, he was going to hand me over as prisoner. If I had my telecrom, I would’ve tried to contact my squadron, but couldn’t because his giant of a wolf broke it when he jumped on me. Without much evidence of what we did and nobody in Mylintus to report what happened, I was his only proof.

  As we rode through the night, the more it felt like we were riding through the universe’s spine. Galloping across the grass and the smell of mist was very enchanting. The sky was paraded by a show of beautiful stars, glittered from horizon to horizon. Even the Aurora was out, red and green as it was. We don’t have these kinds of skies back home, do we?

  The air was calm and quiet, even with the occasional grasshopper or cricket chirping. He sat behind me; he looked calm and at ease, despite being so green. It got late and he stopped his mutt and made a fire; foolish if he was trying to hide. Regardless, it looked like we were staying the night. I decided to find out more about this boy.

  “You’re a rider aren’t you? Most people usually get uneasy their first time,” Strafe said.

  “Trust me, a ship is much more difficult to get used to,” I replied while looking up to the sky.

  “My name is Strafe. This is my wolf, Brutus,” he pointed out.

  “You just made two mistakes, Strafe. Telling me your name and how to exploit you,” I tested and intimidated.

  I gazed deeply into his eyes but lose my guile. He was, so beautiful.

  “You may wear their armor, but I don’t see a cruel person beneath it. I see someone who looks like she wants to help, not hurt.” Strafe told me as he peeled something in his hand. It was red and smelled sweet, “Are you hungry?”

  “What is. . . that?” I approached with caution.

  “What? You people don’t have apples on this planet? Jeez,” Strafe commented as he put some apple slice in my mouth.

sp; “Wow,” I approved, “It tastes amazing.”

  “Even with what you all did that to those people, I won’t see a woman go hungry,” he assured me.

  “Huh, is that so? If another country did that to one of our cities, most of us wouldn’t flatter or feed the enemy,” I insisted. He wasn’t the like most others.

  “I’m not Sorian! I’m from New Santa Barbara, California!” Strafe stated adamantly, “Tell me, why are your people doing this? What does this have to do with the Federation? What are you all up to?!”

  “You’re asking me to tell you a lot of things that could be considered treason. I’ve never heard of where you’re from, maybe you’re a spy,” I smirked. I was teasing him.

  “This isn’t a joke,” Strafe asserted as he jumps to his feet, gets in my face and grabs my shoulders, “Those Federation bastards kidnapped my girlfriend, killed my old professor and stole from my city! I have no idea if they’re going to hurt my mom either!”

  “Where are we going, Strafe from New Santa Barbara? Tell me what you are planning to do with me and I might tell you what you want to know,” I bargained. I was waiting for him to do something stupid.

  “Let’s get her to Dhenfen’Ce Strafe. They’ll be more than happy to help us,” Brutus assuaged.

  “I suppose you’re right. We’ll go there to prove to the local government that there has been an invasion. The General daughter of a General is sure to know more than she is letting on,” Strafe agreed, he turned around and sat back down. The weapon he held was very unique.

  “Believe it or not, I used to live in Dhenfen’Ce. I trained with Sorian forces,” I commented, “Well, Strafe from New Santa Barbara, what would you like to know?”

  He looked back at me. I noticed one eye color was different than the other. Gorgeous.

  “What are your people planning on doing with these Keys to Heaven? I found one back on my planet, and it is why I am involved in this mess. And why did you take those innocent people?” there was anger in his voice.


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