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The Venerate Order

Page 13

by Troy Dukart

  Leading them like the gentleman that I was, we made it to the edge of the capitol of Yuwheria. The first thing that hit us was the smell of fresh-hot cinnamon and the sound of a hustling and bustling city. There was something so rewarding for the soul coming home after being away so long. Throughout the good and bad of this place, I couldn’t deny the fact that it shaped me to be everything I was. I would always be from here.

  It was dangerous to be back though, and anxiety was kicking in. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to relax myself. We took a break from walking so long. Zon was meditating and Roya was exhausted from what happened, so only good-old Strafe came searching for me. He made his way up the hill, but expectantly began to slow down as he laid eyes on what lied before him. I patted him on the shoulder; he was at a loss for words.

  “Wow. . .,” Strafe marveled, with mouth and eyes wide open.

  “Hmmm,” I fretted, I rubbed my eyes and shook my head.

  “Do you know where we are?” Strafe asked me.

  “Yes, yes I do,” I chorused with some slight irritation. I tried to put on my best welcome face and turned to him with a smile, “Welcome to Arrouegadin, Arroue for short, home of Castle Bell. It is the capitol city of Yuwheria. . .my home.”

  “You don’t seem too thrilled to be back,” he observed.

  “Let’s just say that the last time I was back here it wasn’t pleasant,” I turned toward the city. I crouched down and pulled out some binoculars from my waist, “Shit.”

  “What is it? Senti?” Strafe inquired.

  “Huh, something worse. The New King, the savior of Yuwheria. Take a look at the top of the tower,” I said as I handed him the binoculars. Zon walked up to join us.

  “I heard about that back in Shinjo before this war started. Prince Aeileo killed the King but was chased away by the Honor Guard of the Castle. My clan said the Queen had vanished. They suspect she might have been assassinated as well,” Zon speculated.

  “Is that how they’re reporting it abroad mate?” I chuckled, “The story might be getting a little twisted.”

  “Why do you say that?” Strafe commented.

  “I’m hungry, you hungry?” I said to change the subject.

  There was no way I was going let them know I knew who killed the King and framed Prince Aeileo. I had to be very careful who I opened that can of worms around.

  “Nah, I’m good. I ate a little already, thanks dude!” Strafe assured.

  I made my way back to the camp in a flash. Strafe seemed like the kind of person who really wished to help people. It made me want to visit his planet someday. Even so, I could tell that he was struggling with how his friend Gain had betrayed him. He would often cuddle with Brutus to help relieve his stress. I knew a thing or two about getting stabbed in the back. It hurts so bad because it’s often done out of jealousy and the victim had no idea it was coming.

  What went on in that castle though, I needed to take care of myself. One had to be careful to deluge secrets because like a virus, they spread all too easily. Maybe, in time, I would tell them the truth.

  This castle was over 1000 years old and had become the symbol of Yuwheria. It was a beautiful sight. It was surrounded by a 20 foot high red brick wall and lined with a gold trim. The castle itself was painted all over in white with blue paint on the castle towers. It also was encrusted with red and blue diamonds all over to make it sparkle. There were huge spires that twirled around straight into the sky and beautifully etched windows that accented it perfectly. At the top of course, was a bell tower that was dinging out wonderful melodies to the people. While up on the hill I could see the main gate open to greet the patrons that made their way up the winding road to the castle. This was the typical ceremony for the crowning of a new king.

  The castle lied on a hill and in the heart of the city, with a forest of pink and orange leaves surrounding it. The cool thing was building a structure higher than the castle was made illegal by King Pishno the III, who ruled 300 years ago. It was a symbolic gesture to keep the castle above all the rest.

  The streets were sprawling with people and Mag-Ships flying through the sky. There looked to be a grand parade going on, with royal dancers and floats lining the streets. The Coronation of the New King must’ve been today. Everyone looked so happy and alive, didn’t they know about what was happening in the world? What that slimy wanker had done?

  Strafe made his way back down to find us laughing and having a good time together. Even Zon was cracking a smile or two. I told them about the castle and Yuwheria, and Roya got very excited. To me though, I think I could’ve sat and stared at the ground playing around with a twig and had more fun. The politics of Arrouegadin drove me crazy. Brutus came back to the group with a few rabbits in his mouth. We went to take them but in one gulp he ate them all.

  “Yaoza!” I commented.

  “It has been so long since I’ve been here, and to see a new King, this is a first for me,” Roya said.

  “You’ve been here before?” Zon asked.

  “Yes, many times over my years. Like many other places around the world,” she replied.

  “That’s incredible,” Strafe said.

  “The thing I have learned over my years is no matter how beautiful something is, it is always the most beautiful the first time you see it. I have not felt like that in a longest of time; you should take it in with every ounce so that you will always remember it,” Roya advised to Strafe.

  “We can’t go down there,” I interjected.

  “Why is that?” Zon addressed.

  “Because I know the truth, what really happened, to the true King. I’m pretty sure I’m Yuwheria’s most wanted man right now,” I conceded to them.

  “You knew the Royal family?” Strafe said.

  “Yes, yes I did. Very closely. At least I thought I did. I am a fugitive, and entering the city would surely result in all of our deaths,” I motioned a blade cutting my throat.

  “What did you do? Did you see what the Prince did?” Roya asked.

  “The Prince did nothing wrong,” I stammered, “The true traitors are the person pretending to be the New King and his son, the High Commander of the Royal Guard, Marcio. They set up the Prince and made it look like he killed his father, King Urais Kenward Marmahere the II. I will never forget what I saw.”

  “Where is the Prince?” Zon looked at me with suspicion.

  “I have no idea,” I said trying to dodge the question.

  “We can’t stay in the hills forever Rousseau, we will need to get supplies in the city eventually,” Zon reminded me.

  “Yes, yes, yes! Yes, this I know of course. I am telling you that no matter how strong we all are though, we cannot take down a city. . . But, there is another way in, I need to get in-touch with people who can set this thing straight,” I informed them, “You guys like Hot Air Balloons?”

  “Hot Air Balloons?” Strafe repeated.

  “That is exactly how we are going to get in my friend! Before we discuss that, have any of you ever played Brave-Ball?” I asked the group.

  “I love Brave-Ball!” Roya said with excitement.

  “This is not the time for games,” Zon interjected.

  “Brave-Ball?” Strafe questioned.

  “You want to get inside don’t you?” I asked Zon, to which he nodded, “Then we have to do things my way. This is my country mate, this is where I am from. I know how this nutty place works like the gun-blade I use. The city is heavily guarded, but there is a way inside, and Brave-Ball is our ticket in!”

  “Ah! I know, the King’s Tournament!” Roya sang.

  “Yes, that is how we get inside,” I winked at her.

  “How are we going to buy tickets if you are a fugi. . . or whatever you said?” Roya asked.

  “We aren’t going to buy tickets Roya, we’re going to slip in as players when they ride in on their Hot Air Balloons!” I cheered.

  “Some of us don’t exactly look Yuwherian Rousseau,” Zon said while pointing at his

  “Don’t worry, there is a team we can play on, the Rodin Pirates. They are made up of nomads like me, a bunch of weirdoes actually. You’ll fit in just fine Zon! I know the captain of the team, and he owes me a BIG favor,” I smiled.

  “Is this a sport? If it is that’s awesome!” Strafe beamed with excitement.

  “I’ve heard of those guys. They paint their faces with those crazy patterns!” Roya pretended to put on face-paint.

  “That’s right, and with some luck, they can hide our faces long enough for me to contact my ally,” I told them.

  “What exactly can this ally of yours provide for us?” Zon asked.

  “How does an airship to the World’s Nation, troops and all the cheese you can eat sound?” I retorted.

  “What we really need to do is get to the Senti, not play games. The World’s Nations can help,” Zon replied.

  “Listen, we aren’t going anywhere without a ship. The only way there is by kicking ass in Brave-Ball. Strafe, you ready mate?” I said.

  “Hell yeah! If it’s anything like football, I’m down!” Strafe hollered.

  “Is it still for men only?” Roya asked.

  I spun around and put my arm over her shoulder, “It is intramural my love, so don’t think you’re getting out of playing!”

  “It’s decided then! Let’s get our Brave-on! Brutus, you can be our mascot!” Strafe said while rubbing Brutus’ face.

  “You’re so cute sometimes Strafe,” Brutus responded.

  Chapter 19/

  The Rodin Pirates


  Pulling out my trusty and rusty telecom, I dialed my Brave-Ball buddy up.

  Roya and the rest all hung out while I tinkered around with it. Strafe pulled out a hacky bag and introduced it to Roya and Zon. I watched out of the corner of my eye. Strafe told them “hacky sack” is very popular in his country and is considered a national sport. All it is a small, leather bag that is light and easy to bounce by kicking it with the side of your foot, head or knees. It can be played by oneself or with a group.

  With all this stress, I found it ridiculous looking but the mates were having a jolly time with it. Roya was brilliant, maybe even better than Strafe, but Zon looked like a fish out of water. Brutus was the best at the damn game and he could only use his head! The ring on the telecom went through, and after a pause, a voice sang to me,

  “I’m one step closer to the end and….”

  I sang back with, “I’m about to break.”

  There were mumbles on the other side before it I heard somebody all too familiar, “How’s me favorite guy?”

  “Tom! Tom is that you? I’m glad you’re safe!” I jumped up, “I was worried you didn’t survive the crash!”

  “There’s no killin’ me till I see ye again. I was worried about ye too! Where ye be?” Tom asked.

  “Well, you ain’t gonna believe this, but I’m back home. I need a favor,” I told him.


  I let him know our situation and what rubbish we’d gotten into. Tom was the one who helped get me out of Arrouegadin, when everything fell apart. We did everything together, and we wanted to travel the world. We ended up in Shinjo, where we found Zon left for dead. He asked us to drop him off in Soria to reunite with his clan, and it so happened that the Senti attacked the same day we arrived. My friend Tom had to leave and I was worried because my telecom got slightly damaged during the attack in Soria, and I didn’t know if I could get a hold of him.

  After a while of talking, Tom agreed to help us get into the city, but it came with a price. When you are dealing with a pirate, there’s always an asterisk. We needed to get out the country and head towards Crotona, but Tom was a Brave-Ball aficionado and had always wanted to win big. He wanted us to bring him the King’s Cup, the trophy for winning the tournament. If we didn’t win, he said that he wouldn’t lend us his airship. That bugger.

  “What’s the plan Rousseau-Sah?” Roya hollered to me.

  “Remember those hot air balloons?” I said with a big smile.

  “They big enough to fit me?” Brutus stretched as he asked.

  “Take a butcher for yourself mates,” I responded.

  I pointed behind my shoulder and you should’ve seen the look on their faces. Behind one of the hills we climbed to get here, hot air balloons of different shapes and sizes came blowing by on the wind. They had a circus-like look and were patched and stitched. There were about six of them by my count.

  “That’s our ticket in. Right past all those damn guards. Impressive don’t you say?” I boasted.

  “That’s awesome!” Strafe cheered.

  “Very interesting,” Zon agreed.

  “Alright mates, we gotta grab these ropes and climb up into the basket of the hot air balloons. It’s gonna be too hard for them to land here,” I instructed, “You got your wolf Strafe?”

  “You don’t have to worry about me Rousseau,” Brutus responded.

  As the balloons got closer, we each zoned in on one to climb up into. Roya was the first one to grab a rope and she went up and away. Strafe and Brutus made sure to grab onto the same rope. Zon simply grabbed one and teleported up to the basket.

  “Alright, here goes somethin’!” I said as I started running.

  The rope was passing by and I missed it. I managed at the last second to jump up again and catch it; helps when you have super speed. After making it up to the safety of the basket I stood up and marveled at my sweet Arrouegadin. We would make a fine entrance. There was a radio where I could hear the other hot air balloon operators on. There was a familiar voice over the radio, “What did you mean by ‘butcher’?” Strafe chimed in.

  “Yes Rousseau-Sah, explain this,” Roya concurred.

  “You’ve never heard that expression before?” I concluded.

  “That would be why they’re asking,” Zon nagged.

  “Butcher!? Take a look see!” I said with a roll my eyes.

  “Ah,” they all said.

  You know you’re back home when you speak like a normal person and your out-of-town/world friends can’t understand you.


  Floating on the wind was an absolute treat. The people down below waved and cheered to us as we made our way in. I threw up my hood to disguise myself, I couldn’t even imagine what would happen if they found me. They probably would’ve killed everyone. My heart skipped a beat as I saw a person in armor on a float for the King. They caught my eye at the last second and I ducked quickly into the basket.

  On the float was a group of knights with a metal mesh over their entire head. It was meant to intimidate but I thought they were pretty awesome. They were part of our Honor Guard, those who protected the King. There was one in particular who had on a gallant suit of armor, with a set of metal wings. No matter how many times I saw her in that it never got old.

  “Who were those iron people?” Zon asked over the radio.

  “Ah, that was the third most powerful person in my country, Commander of the Royal Guard, Argenta Vero. The only people above her are the Prince and King,” I fretted.

  “How come you are so afraid of them?” Strafe inquired.

  “Let’s just say this chap. If they saw me, we would’ve already been dead,” I asserted; I knew she saw me. I knew she did.

  We continued to ride the balloons across the city and I was really beginning to reconsider this plan. No sooner than you could click your heels together though, we were landing near the camps of the Brave Ball-grounds. After we hopped out the pilots began to deflate the balloons. There were colorful tents everywhere and people dressed up in Brave-Ball gear.

  I took a deep breath to relax, I was so relieved to make it. We gallantly walked over to the most colorful tent and entered. I knew this was the one. There were a few people sitting outside the entrance that had their faces painted with four squares on them, each a different color. Their eyelids were black and highlighted in white and each one had custom patterns drawn on top of the color.
  The clothes they wore were equally interesting. On their polos from their chest down diagonally to the left was a white stripe, with a pirate ship emblem resting near their heart. Outside the stripe lied four colored boxes of blue, red, green, and yellow, each taking up 25% of the space. Each had a v-neck, and one sleeve and pant leg longer than the other. They had their last names written on the back. The pants were plain white and the shoes they wore were solid yellow.

  “Damn, those are awesome designs! I get to keep one right?” Strafe said.

  “Only if ye win,” a crackled voice replied.

  We all turned our heads toward the tent and a pirate emerged. They had blonde hair and were truly dressed like a pirate should be. Leather clad with rags everywhere, mangy hair, and of course the boots. A young man, with no beard, but many earrings and silver chain around his neck.

  I stood in front of the pirate and turned around to face my mates, and with one hand facing out toward him, poetically I introduced, “Everyone, meet the man who is saving our arses, Captain Calico Tom Flint, master of the high seas and skies.”

  “Pleasure to me yer acquaintance, ground-walkers. Please come inside and meet the Rodin Pirates.” Captain Flint greeted as he bowed and flicked his hat.

  Chapter 20/



  A castle-town, and now real life pirates!?

  How could the day get any more magical? It was like an entirely different world inside the tent. Gypsies telling fortunes and performing magic-tricks, players putting on their face-paint and even a blacksmith making weapons! Some of the pirates smelled like a locker-room but others smelled like the ocean. There was a large fire keeping the room at a comfortable temperature. Brutus joined the dogs running around to play with them, even though he was much larger. The tent was much bigger than it looked; as a matter of fact it was two stories tall inside. Somehow, they made a small Mag-Car sized tent deceptively bigger whenever somebody would enter it. It amazed me.


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