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Unbelievable: Haven Falls (Book 2)

Page 4

by Sheridan Anne

  Dad shakes his head. “Nope, they’re not ready until Tuesday, so you have plenty of time to ransack my truck and find all my candy bars.”

  Oh, thank God.

  Relief surges through me. “Ok,” I sigh, making a mental note not to forget about those candy bars, which also reminds me that Noah still hasn’t kicked mine and Rivers asses about his stolen stash of candies, but when he does, I’m claiming innocence. That was all on Rivers.

  Dad mutters something about needing to check his schedule for something, so I’m assuming he has another job lined up that needs to fit in with this big one. He saunters off and leaves me and Noah out front, playing around with the old truck.

  I sit down on the drive, leaning up against the garage door. I rifle through my backpack for Tully’s old Kindle; she insisted I get stuck into a new book. I mean, Reverse Harem! Holy moly. This shit is…hot. Like, hands down, not appropriate for a seventeen year old, panty melting hot. No wonder Tully is so forward. She reads these crazy books and because of that, she knows exactly what she wants in the bedroom and how to get it. Her only issue is the guy she’s doing it with.

  Noah fiddles with the truck for another half an hour before turning back to me. “Can you kick her over?”

  I look up at his request and can’t help but sigh as the late afternoon sun beams down on his sculptured body. “Uh huh,” I murmur, needing so much more. I mean, this book has me wanting to try a few things that I didn’t even know were possible, and well, I have a more than willing participant right in front of me.

  Noah narrows his eyes at me as I get up from the ground. “Why are you looking at me like that?” he questions, watching my every step as I struggle not to throw myself at him.

  I shake my head. “You’re in for one hell of a treat, Noah Cage.”

  Understanding dawns in his eyes. “You’ve been reading one of Tully’s books again, haven’t you?”

  I haul myself up into the truck and press my thighs together, desperately needing to relieve the ache between them. I finger the keys in the ignition and with a swift flick of my wrist, I kick the engine over.

  She roars to life and Noah steps back with a proud grin. “Fuck yeah,” he says, proud of his accomplishment. He looks over the engine for a quick second before reaching up and releasing the hold of the open hood. Noah slams it shut, deeming his afternoon of mechanics finished, after all, he has something else that needs his attention now.

  Noah walks around with heated eyes to the open driver’s door and hauls me out, leaving the engine running. I squeal out with the movement but as he holds me close with my legs locking around his waist, he manages to grind himself against me, turning that squeal into a desperate moan.

  Noah’s eyes flick back to the house and with no sign of dad, he silently walks me through the back gate and around to the back of the house where we’re hidden from the rest of the world.

  His lips crash down on mine as I’m pressed up against the side of the house, and within moments, he’s burying himself deep inside me, relieving that ache and giving me exactly what I’ve been craving.

  Chapter 4

  I stand by the dirt track, Kaylah on one side and Tully on the other, watching with wide eyes as Noah takes off like a bat out of hell.

  He’s so damn good at this shit.

  The way he owns his car and dominates the track, it’s nothing short of incredible. I haven’t really asked, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he wanted to take up professional racing. He could do it if he wanted, but I guess the whole money factor is holding him back.

  Not that I know anything about professional racing, but I’d assume that getting your car to the level of professional racing would be expensive, and us rejects from Haven Falls don’t exactly come with the lined pockets to make those dreams a reality. Such as me going to college to study science. It’s simply never going to happen.

  But for now, I’m satisfied as hell watching Noah dominate this track.

  It used to be Nate Ryder from Broken Hill who dominated, though from what I’ve heard, Noah put up one hell of a fight. Nate held all the records here until that incident with Jackson that totaled his car. I still have a hard time believing it. Everyone said that Jackson did it on purpose, and yeah, they had a pretty nasty rivalry, but never in a million years would he purposefully put another human being in that kind of danger despite how much they despised each other.

  I’ve known Jackson for years, and the Jackson I knew was kind and warm. He wouldn’t hurt a fly, despite the fact that he loved a good throw down. You know, only if the guy deserved it of course. He’s a legend on the football field and a rockstar off. He’s one of the greatest guys I know, and I’ve hated how things went down between us all those months ago, but I’m damn happy it’s over now.

  It’s hard to believe that the massive Broken Hill/Haven Falls rivalry with Jackson and Nate somehow came out the other end with them becoming such great friends. I swear, they practically wipe each other’s asses now. At least with Jesse anyway…I think. I try to avoid the topic as much as I can.

  Noah’s Camaro zooms past me and the force coming from it has me falling back a step as my hair blows up around my face.

  Fuck me, that was hot, and I swear, he just winked as he passed, though he’s going a bit too fast for me to clearly see his face. It’s like a blur as he passes. Who knows, he could have some weird ass twitch going on right now, but I’m going to settle for a sexy as hell wink because in my head, that’s how I love seeing him.

  Shit, there’s that word again. Love. This is really messing with my head.

  We’ve only been going out for a few weeks. Is it too soon to love him? I don’t know. My heart is telling me things I’m not ready to listen to while my brain is telling me to run for the hills. After all, he’s holding back. How can I truly let myself fall for someone who’s keeping secrets?

  It’s killing me that I don’t know what’s going on with him and Rivers. They disappear at all hours of the day and I have no idea why. Tully will tell me to trust them until she’s blue in the face, but how can I trust something that I don’t understand? You couldn’t ask someone to jump off a bridge not knowing what’s at the bottom, so how could I trust him when I don’t know what he’s got himself involved in?

  This is driving me insane.

  Kaylah squeezes my hand and I have to remind myself that she’s really here.

  Kaylah Millington. My best friend, turned ex-best friend, turned…I don’t know. We’re still working it out, but all that matters is that she’s here with a smile on her face and I don’t want to hate on her. It’s incredible. The bridge that was burned is now being built back up and our old friendship is quickly falling back into place, with the exception of me now having a new best friend, of course.

  Tully is not about to relinquish her throne for the girl who burned me, but she’s more than happy to share just a little, you know, here and there. The more the merrier, and damn, it’s certainly true in this case.

  Kaylah has been having a bit of difficulties fitting in with the girls at Broken Hill High. She’s the new girl dating the most popular guy in town, Jesse Ryder. Well, if you asked me, Nate Ryder was the most popular guy, but he’s off at college now, leaving Jesse to fill his very large shoes.

  Jesse is the clown of the two. He always has some ridiculous comment to make, and naturally, Kaylah fell for that shit hook, line, and sinker. She was putty in his hands and Kaylah’s quick wit won him over the second he laid eyes on her. It’s sweet really, but his reputation holds me back from trusting him. I don’t know the guy and I guess that’s not exactly nice of me, but what can I say? I’m looking out for her and I’m not the kind of girl to trust blindly. Jesse Ryder is going to have to earn my approval, just the same as he would have had to earn Jackson’s.

  “Would you relax?” Kaylah seethes in my ear, pulling me out of the turmoil inside my head. “You’re thinking too much.”

  “Can’t help it,” I mutter over the sound of
the car.

  “He’s going to be fine,” she tells me before looking around me to Tully. “Would you tell her that Noah will be fine?”

  “Noah will be fine,” Tully repeats monotone, really not giving a shit if her brother wins or not, but let’s face it, if he does, she’s not going to pass up the party that comes with it.

  I roll my eyes, going with it. I know one hundred percent Noah will be fine. He’s an incredible driver and an even better racer. I know without a doubt that he will win this race. Though they don’t need to know that the reason for my messed up brain was because of Kaylah and her brother worming their way back into my lives.

  I guess ‘worming’ isn’t exactly the right word for it. I opened myself up like a revolving door, begging them to come back to me. Well, begging Kaylah at least, Jackson just goes with the flow. He’s a happy guy and welcomes any kind of love, no matter what form it comes in.

  My eyes follow Noah around the track as he kicks a red Mustang’s ass. A slither of jealousy cuts through me. A few weeks ago, Noah bulldozed me into sitting in on a race with him, and holy hell, it was epic. The adrenaline pulsing through my veins and my heart thundering inside my chest…it’s a feeling I could never describe, but hell, I want to do it again. The only issue is that it scared the crap out of me. I don’t recall and I’d deny it to anyone who asks, but Noah apparently thinks I screamed like a little bitch the whole way through.

  I highly doubt it though. Or not. I might have screamed a little.

  Ok, fuck. You got me. I was terrified. It was the strangest mix of excitement and terror. I’ve never felt anything quite like it before. I’d definitely do it again, but maybe not during a race. Maybe just me and Noah here by ourselves screwing around so he doesn’t have to go quite so fast.

  I was devastated, I would have loved to watch him owning it from inside his car, but my eyes were clasped so damn tight, terrified we were going to crash. I mean, watching him drive is one of the best things I’ve ever witnessed. I don’t know what it is about watching a guy shift effortlessly through the gears that gets me so hot, but it does and with Noah, it’s so much better. I love it. So racing with him and not watching him for a single moment of it…yeah, that kind of sucked.

  Noah hits the first corner and his back tires slide out as he effortlessly drifts around the bend, making it look damn easy.

  Tully squeezes my hand. “Fuck, I hate watching him do this shit.”

  I look across to her. So much for her ‘I don’t give a damn’ exterior. She’s shitting bricks. “You know, he really will be fine,” I tell her. “He knows what he’s doing.”

  “I know. It’s just the fear of the unknown,” she sighs as he comes out of the bend, speeding forward with the red Mustang right on his ass. I can just imagine the cocky smirk across his face, already knowing he’s got this race in the bag. At this point, his races are more like a personal time trial and the opponent is just for appearances. He kicks their asses every week.

  “But it isn’t unknown when it comes to Noah. He’s always in control behind the wheel of a car.”

  “He is,” she agrees, “but what about the fucker in the red ‘stang?”

  I squeeze her hand a little harder. “Have faith that he knows how to handle it,” I murmur for only her to hear. After all, she’d probably have a heart attack if she thought anyone around here could overhear us discussing one of her weaknesses. Not that there’s many, but she relies on her tough exterior. She likes being strong. She likes the world assuming they can’t get to her. Just like me. I’d dare say it’s part of the reason we get along so well.

  Tully nods and turns her eyes back to the track.

  Dust flies up from under Noah’s tires, covering the red Mustang in a cloud of dust and forcing him to steer across to the outside, giving Noah an even better advantage. “Dick move,” Rivers howls from behind us.

  “How so?” Kaylah questions.

  “The fucker didn’t need the advantage. He’s already got him. He’s just playing with him now, making him sweat.”

  I shake my head as a grin splits my face in two. That would be right. Noah is a great guy. He’s loyal as hell and will do whatever it takes to protect the people he loves, but never did I claim he was a saint. He loves being on top. Just like his sister. He loves being the guy that everybody is in awe of and he doesn’t give a shit who he needs to step on to get there.

  To Noah, if the guy wasn’t able to keep up with him on the track, he doesn’t deserve the respect of a clean race. He’s nothing. A bug for him to toy with. His entertainment for the night.

  No, he’s certainly no saint. Hell, he can be downright dangerous if the situation called for it. I’ve watched him take guys down in one easy swing with nothing but fire in his eyes and a dark grin on his face. That side of him will only ever surface if he was protecting one of his own though and I can’t fault him for that.

  Shit, I haven’t exactly seen Rivers beast out like that but I don’t doubt for one second that he’s just the same. Hell, if I really had to think about it, I’d say he was darker. More twisted. Exactly the kind of guy to hold Tully’s attention.

  If only I knew what shady shit they were getting up to, maybe then I’d know exactly how dangerous they could be.

  Noah hits the final straight and I find myself squeezing down on both Kaylah’s and Tully’s hands, most likely to the point of pain, but neither of them seems to be complaining, and if they are, screw them. I’m excited.

  Noah flies across the finish line, slamming on the brakes and twisting the wheels so his car comes screeching around in a circle, bringing up an impressive wave of dust behind him as the crowd starts applauding their king. The dust clouds as the red Mustang speeds angrily across the line, narrowly avoiding giving Noah’s white Camaro a new red paint job.

  Heat floods me and pools between my thighs, but when I see that cocky smirk, looking back at me through the open window, I melt. There’s nothing better than this.

  I release the girls’ hands and dart forward onto the track, racing through Noah’s cloud of dust and waving a hand in front of my face, trying my hardest not to inhale the shit.

  Hardly able to see, I just keep running until an arm is thrown around my waist and I’m hauled into a hard chest. Any normal girl would gasp and fight against some strange guy grabbing at her at a race track, but not me because I know this guy. The arm and chest keeping me hostage are all too familiar in the best ways.


  My breath escapes me as I’m crushed into him.

  My hands come up against his wide chest before his lips are on mine, devouring me. I feel his excitement through his jeans as he presses it into me, grinding and letting me know how much he liked my eyes on him as he raced. It’s as hot for him as it is for me.

  “You were incredible,” I smile against his lips.

  “Wait till you see what else I can do,” he teases.

  I roll my eyes and pull back ever so slightly as laughter escapes me. “You’re such an idiot,” I tell him. “You play dirty though,” I comment, pointing out how he was playing with the guy out on the track.

  Noah shrugs his shoulder, pulling my waist in tighter against him. “What can I say?” he chuckles. “The guy is a loser. You should have heard him running his mouth before the race. I had to remind him where the fuck he belonged.”

  “Remind me never to race you,” I tell him. “I have a feeling I’d be doing a lot more than just running my mouth.”

  “Fuck me,” he groans. “Despite the fact that you can’t drive for shit, I have a feeling it would be the race that dethrones me.”

  I flash him a cocky grin. “And don’t you forget it, Noah Cage.”

  His face dives into my neck and his lips get to work, instantly drawing me in. “Get a room,” I hear Tully behind me, reluctantly making Noah pull back with a frustrated groan. I spin around to face her to find not only Tully but Rivers and Kaylah too.

  Noah takes hold of my hips, which has me smothe
ring a laugh as he never holds me like this, but I know damn well that he’s doing it to hide the fact that he has one hell of a boner tenting the front of his jeans. Usually, he wouldn’t give a shit who saw him like this. He’d own it like a fucking boss, except his twin sister is the exception to that rule. They’d both be mortified if she was to see that. The thought has me wanting to step away just to see the look on both their faces.

  Fuck. Messing with these two has quickly become my life. There’s nothing I love more.

  “What are we doing tonight?” Tully questions, leaning into Rivers’ side, his arm instinctively wrapping around her.

  Noah’s eyes narrow on their movements before he looks down at me. “Your call, Spitfire,” he says. “Party or home?”

  “Are you kidding?” I laugh. “Definitely a party. I want to celebrate your win. I want to drink too much and shake my tits in front of some guy just to watch you go all alpha on my ass.”

  “Party it is,” he tells everyone before he turns those green eyes on me, though I don’t see his usual cocky grin. Within his eyes sits a challenge and a promise of one hell of a great night. Before I know it, he grabs me and throws me over his shoulder. “Two can play this game, babe,” he says, spanking my ass and stalking towards his car.

  He rips the door open and throws me in before leaning down and finally giving me that cocky grin I love so much. “Just for the record,” he warns. “If those tits of yours get shaken in front of anyone but me, there’s going to be trouble.”

  I look up at him with big, innocent eyes. “You promise?”

  He shakes his head before closing my door and making his way around the car, ignoring the girls pawing at his chest and the guys trying to congratulate him on yet another epic win.

  Noah drops down into his car and quickly starts his engine, noticing another race about to get started. The track clears of all the lingering people and before I know it, he’s speeding off the track, towards the dirt road to get out of here.


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