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Unbelievable: Haven Falls (Book 2)

Page 6

by Sheridan Anne

  Tully instantly starts laughing so hard she snorts into Rivers shirt as Noah nods his agreement, narrowing his eyes angrily on his twin sister. “Let’s get them the fuck out of here.”

  “But… my shoe,” Tully cries.

  Rivers looks down. “What about your shoe?” he demands, honestly not giving a shit about them.

  I can’t help but glance down at her feet. She’s wearing her shoes. In fact, we all are. So, who’s shoes were we looking for? My mind spins with the confusion but before I can question it, Noah and Rivers are dragging the three of us out the door.

  The second we break through the front door, Noah is pulling his phone out. “Hey man,” he says down the line. “I’m bringing your girl home. She’s fucked up.”

  Whoever is on the other end says something and Noah quickly hangs up.

  “Get in the car,” he orders us.

  Rivers reaches around Tully and opens the back door for us and Kaylah instantly slides in. I go next and scoot across as Tully bends forward. She takes a step and somehow crashes down into the car. "Fuck, my nose,” she grumbles with her face down on the car floor and her ass up in the air.

  Noah angrily revs the car as Rivers helps her into her seat and before I know it, we’re speeding down the road in the opposite direction of Haven Falls.

  We drive into Broken Hill and the whole way I ignore the furious glances that come shooting at me through the rearview mirror. Damn, he’s pissed, but he looks so good with his jaw clenched and the white knuckles on his steering wheel. I wonder what angry sex with Noah Cage would be like?

  “If it’s anything like the angry sex I have with Jesse then you’re in for a treat.”

  My head whips around to Kaylah. Did I say that out loud?

  “You said that out loud too,” Rivers grumbles from the front seat.

  Oh. Whoopsie.

  We pull down a massive driveway with a huge gate out the front and I find myself climbing across Kaylah’s lap and gluing my face to the window of Noah’s Camaro. “Holy shit,” I breathe, staring up at the massive multimillion dollar mansion. “Is this where your boyfriend lives?”

  “Uh huh,” she says with a dreamy smile.

  “You got yourself a Daddy Warbucks.”

  As Noah brings his car to a stop at the top of the circle drive, a very pissed off Jesse Ryder comes storming down his front steps. “Uh oh,” Kaylah murmurs. “Looks like I’m definitely up for some angry sex.”

  At the look on Jesse’s face, Kaylah pushes her way out of Noah’s Camaro and instantly stumbles into him. Jesse catches her with ease and lets out a sigh. “Shit,” he groans before grabbing her and hauling her over his shoulder.

  Jesse looks back at Noah. “Thanks. I owe you one.”

  Noah just nods and a second later, takes off while Kaylah waves goodbye.

  “Home time,” Tully declares.

  “No,” Noah snaps, looking back up at me again. “One more stop.”

  I swallow. I guess there’s no angry sex for me tonight. Just a whole lot of angry.

  Chapter 6

  I thought thinking that Monica was pregnant with Noah’s baby and having a bunch of whores jump me was the worst thing to ever happen to me. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

  Noah having the shits with me, well, that’s a whole new level of awful.

  I woke on Saturday morning feeling more than sorry for myself. The first half of the day I was trying to put all the fuzzy puzzle pieces together and remember what the hell had actually happened. It didn’t take too long to recall the purple drink and the joint Spencer had so willingly supplied us. The rest though…that’s still coming back to me in bits and pieces.

  Noah had dropped me at my door. He didn’t even bother walking me in or saying goodnight. I mean, I knew from the second he saw us that he had the shits with us, but I didn’t realize just how bad it was until I didn’t get a kiss goodnight.

  My high was instantly shattered and I slipped through the front door of my home, past dad’s sleeping form on the couch and into my bed where I dug the packet of potato chips out of my drawer, and sulked until every last one of them were gone.

  It’s now Monday afternoon and Noah hasn’t said a word to me. Hell, he’s barely even looked my way all day, just walked around with a scowl on his face, but I shouldn’t have been surprised. Tully warned me over the weekend that he gets like this when he’s pissed off. He shuts down and doesn’t like to talk about it. It’s like his way of punishing me, but she promised that he’ll come around. He always does.

  I tried texting him, but I very quickly realized that was a waste of time. It’s funny though because when I’m the one pissed off or hurt, he’ll text me constantly, but when the shoe is on the other foot, he acts as though he doesn’t even know what a phone is.

  I quickly gave up and spent my weekend sulking in my room while avoiding my father’s prying questions about what the hell was wrong with me. I’ve been trying to be happy for his sake knowing he goes away sometime tomorrow, but it’s seriously hard.

  Not having Noah’s usual chirpiness and cocky attitude floating around me brings a dullness over me. The sky isn’t as blue and the clouds seem to darken every time I look up. The birds aren’t chirping and there certainly isn’t a skip in my step.

  This sucks. Like, really sucks.

  I want things to go back to normal.

  Why the hell did I have to accept that damn joint? I can just imagine what Noah is going to think when he realizes Spencer was the one who gave it to us.

  I should have known better than to take it. Both Tully and Kaylah hesitated. I mean, Tully was definitely thrilled about the idea of getting high, but she didn’t reach out and accept it. I did. Kaylah wasn’t even on board at first and we pressured her into it. Damn it. I’m an awful friend.

  I wonder how things went down between her and Jesse.

  The thought has me pulling out my phone.

  Henley – Did Jesse tear you a new asshole on Friday night?

  She responds almost instantly.

  Kaylah – Fuck me! He was so pissed off. He could hardly believe I did it, but then… he almost seems kind of proud. Like, I don’t know, surprised maybe?

  Henley – Consider yourself lucky. Noah still isn’t speaking to me!

  Kaylah – You’re Henley Fucking Bronx. You don’t wait around for a guy to decide when he’s going to talk to you. Own it. Make him talk to you.


  Henley – What the hell has gotten into you?

  Kaylah – There’s a motivational speaker at school to help get us in the ‘pre-exam mood.’ Can’t help it. The guy has me feeling all inspired to be my best me!

  Henley – Shit. you need to get out of there!

  Kaylah – Tell me about it!

  Kaylah – But I’m right though. Make him see the light! Henley Bronx doesn’t wait around for some guy to dictate their relationship. Take charge. He might be King of Haven Falls, but you’re his Queen and he needs to remember that.

  Henley – Damn it.

  I slide my phone back into my pocket. Kaylah is right. I need to take control. He needs to see that I’m not just some girl he can screw around with. We’re just about adults and if he wants to be in a relationship with me, then he needs to start acting like a damn grown man. None of this ‘not speaking to each other’ crap. We handle our shit and then move on.

  He’s been spending his lunch break outside with Rivers and some of the guys on the football team which only serves to annoy me more because I know he’s only out there to avoid me. Hell, he’s probably avoiding Tully too. Noah doesn’t even like football and can’t stand half the guys on the team. They’re all beefed up jocks with pea brains, only interested in scoring on and off the field.

  I grab my tray off the table and throw out what’s left. I need to find him before the end of lunch and get this shit handled once and for all. I’m done trying to pretend to be happy around all these assholes who think they know me, and besides, I
don’t want to give Candice or Monica any extra ammunition to use against me.

  “Right,” I say, looking down at Tully who’s watching me like a crazy person as I pack away all my things. “I’m going to go kick your brother’s ass.”

  I go to storm out of here when Tully calls after me. “Wait.” I turn around to find her scrunching up her face before she slides her phone across the table towards me. “Sorry,” she grumbles as I collect her phone and save it from falling off the edge of the table.

  I unlock the screen and instantly look down at the message thread already on the screen. “I got a text from Rivers about ten minutes ago.”

  I read through the last few messages at the bottom of the screen.

  Rivers – Noah and I are out. Got a job.

  Tully – Shit. How the hell am I supposed to get home?

  River – Fuck! I’ll come back and get you and Henley after school.

  Tully – K.

  I resist slamming her phone down on the table. “Are you shitting me?” I demand as the anger takes over. “He couldn’t say goodnight on Friday, he ignored me all weekend and today, and now this? God, he’s such a douche sometimes.”

  “I know,” she sighs.

  I collapse back down at the cafeteria table, trying my best to reign myself in. I know he was the one who had the shits with me, but now we’re on the same playing field. I know I fucked up, but now so has he and I’m not interested in clawing my way back in. That sorry bastard can come to me.

  Shit. Was that too much? Yeah, maybe too much. After all, I do really like the guy, maybe even love him. Oh, I don’t know. This whole thing is ridiculous and is making my already foggy mind go to complete mush.

  So, instead of making a fuss and complaining about the guy I might or might not be in love with, I people watch with Tully, and by people, I mean person. One person in particular. Monica.

  I don’t know what Noah was thinking dating her for so long. She’s horrid. I mean, yeah, I’m woman enough to admit that she’s hot, but apart from that, the cow doesn’t have any other redeeming qualities.

  When Noah finally came to his senses and dumped her sorry ass, she did whatever she could to claw her way back in, which I guess is not surprising, but when she saw that there was another girl stealing his attention, she got nasty.

  She took every chance she had to put me down, make me seem less than so Noah would lose interest, but what she didn’t bet on was that shit like that makes me stronger. There’s nothing I crave more than putting a bitch in her place.

  When trying to bring me down didn’t work, she went for Noah in the most heartbreaking, brutal way. She let him think he was going to be a daddy. He broke off whatever was going on with me to do the respectable thing.

  She had him just where she wanted him…until she didn’t.

  It was all a lie and the second she knew I had figured it out, she played her last card.

  Her and her skank ass friends came into my home and tore me apart. They jumped me. They beat me and made me feel absolutely worthless. They made me break and I have never felt so defeated.

  Needless to say, I didn’t stay down long. I never do. I got what was mine and now it’s time for her to pay. I guess, my only challenge now is convincing Noah that he still wants to be mine after my little stunt on Friday night.

  My teeth grind as I watch Monica prancing around the cafeteria. Noah did a good number on her a few weeks ago that knocked her down, right to the bottom of the social ladder. When he was done with her, she was a little blue Smurfette and the whole school thought she was our latest teen pregnancy. It didn’t take long for the students of Haven Falls to figure out she had lied about her pregnancy to trap Noah into a relationship, and when they did, she went down in a big way.

  And now… she’s trying to claw her way back up the ladder once again.

  The problem with bitches like her is that they never stay down.

  I guess I have a little something in common with her after all. I know it bugs Noah too. I’ve watched him watching her over the past couple of weeks and the higher she climbs back up the social ladder, the more it pisses him off. Though, to be honest, I love that fire within him because it means when I go for my payback, he won’t try to hold me back, claiming he’s protecting my morals.

  “Would you stop making your scowling so freakin obvious?” Tully grunts next to me.

  “Can’t help it,” I say, getting a little satisfaction out of the way Candice gives her the cold shoulder. I mean, Candice and Monica are…were best friends, but her massive takedown meant that Candice couldn’t be seen with her. She was the social outcast and Candice made sure she knew it, but now all the rumors have gone to bed as the students of Haven Falls have moved onto the latest school gossip, giving Monica the chance to make her move.

  “Why don’t you just go and kick her ass already?” Tully questions, bored of my ongoing stalking over the past few weeks. “You’re better now. There are no injuries holding you back.”

  I shrug my shoulders. “I don’t know,” I tell her, sinking back into my chair, still watching Monica with a close eye. “Rivers said that I should be a little more…calculating about it.”

  “Calculating?” she grunts. “What’s that got to do with anything? You’re giving her an ass whooping. Get in, get out.”

  “He thinks I should take it a step further. Look at her,” I say, watching as Monica’s eyes flick around the room, always aware of where I am after Noah’s subtle warning that I’m coming for her. “She expecting an ass whooping. She’ll be prepared and will claw her way back up again afterward, just like she’s doing now. I need to get her where it hurts and make sure she stays down.”

  “Calculating,” she agrees with a nod, finally understanding.


  “So, what’s the plan?”

  I shake my head. “I have no freaking idea.”

  Tully nudges me with her elbow. “You know I’m in, right? She let my brother think she was having his baby and beat the shit out of you. I’m so far in.”

  “Are you sure?” I murmur quietly for no one else to hear. “I don’t have a plan yet, but I’m going to make her pay and it’s not going to be nice. I don’t want you committing to something that you’re not comfortable doing.”

  She nods her head, her eyes zoning in on mine. “I’m in,” she says slowly, making sure I understand her very clearly. “That bitch is going down and I’m am going to be there every step of the way. Hell, I’ll take the fall for it if I have to. That’s how bad I want this.”

  “There’s no way I’m letting you take the fall for this. I want her to know it was me who takes her down.”

  “I know, but just saying.” I roll my eyes as the bell rings for the end of lunch and push myself up out of my chair. “You know if you don’t strike soon, Noah is going to try and talk you out of it,” she continues.

  “I know,” I tell her as we head for the big double doors of the cafeteria. “He’s still burning from what she did and I can tell he doesn’t like the idea of me fighting back, but he can’t stop me. He promised I’ll get a chance to get payback and I don’t think he could stand in the way of that.”

  “He’ll try though. He doesn’t like you getting yourself in trouble.”

  “He sure likes it when he’s the one I’m getting in trouble with,” I chuckle.

  “I don’t want to know about your dirty sex stories.”

  “Yeah, you do,” I laugh.

  Tully shoves my shoulder and before I know it, she’s taking off down the hall in the opposite direction, smiling back over her shoulder. “Meet me in the parking lot after school,” she reminds me. “Rivers is driving us home.”

  With that, I turn and head down the opposite way, dragging my feet as my mind instantly reverts back to wondering what the hell Noah and Rivers have got themselves involved in.

  It feels like the longest history lesson of the day, but when the bell finally rings for the end of the day, I’ve ne
ver been so relieved. I need to see him. So, the second I dive into Rivers car, I’ll be telling him not to bother stopping at my place.

  This shit between us needs to end. It’s been three days of nothing from him and it’s slowly tearing me apart from within.

  My heart can’t handle it, no matter how tough I try to appear. He’s cutting me down. Hell, I don’t care if he’s still angry with me, I just need something from him to let me know that we’ll be ok.

  I hurry out of class and grab my things from my locker before rushing out past the metal detectors and through the front doors of Haven Falls Private.

  I turn to my left and right there in the middle of the student parking lot is Noah’s Camaro.

  I falter, suddenly not feeling so brave. What’s he doing here? Has there been a change of plans? Tully hasn’t texted to let me know. Has he come to pick me up or is he here for other reasons? Is Rivers still coming or do I need to swallow my pride and walk down there, asking for a ride home?

  Maybe I should just slip through the back gates and walk my sorry ass home.

  No, that’s just stupid. He’s my boyfriend, well, I’m assuming he’s still my boyfriend, though I didn’t think I fucked up that badly. I mean, it was just one joint and it’s not like I had it all to myself. Really, it was only a third of a joint. Not that bad at all.

  I suck in a breath and pull on my big girl panties before raising my shoulders. I can do this. It’s just Noah. What’s he going to do? Drive away? Make me look like a fool in front of the whole student body? What’s new?

  Noah wouldn’t do that to me anyway. If anything, the worst possible scenario is that he welcomes me into his car and he drives me home in silence while we sit next to each other both desperate to reach out to the other.

  I make my way towards him and the closer I get, the more my nerves sit on edge. I need this to be ok. I need us to be ok. I don’t see Tully anywhere so I’ll at least have a few moments of privacy with him before she comes bombarding down to his car, demanding attention and howling about whatever ridiculous thing that happened during class. Though to be honest, she’s probably going to be disappointed when she sees Noah’s car. I’d bet every last cent in my jewelry box that she’s been secretly excited about having Rivers come back just to take her home.


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