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Unbelievable: Haven Falls (Book 2)

Page 15

by Sheridan Anne

  “Stop,” Kaylah laughs, trying her hardest to keep quiet.

  How did this happen? One minute we’re snooping through Monica’s room, the next we’re watching a sexy as hell threesome go down from the closet with Monica’s little brother and best friends. I mean, does this make us dirty pervs?

  Candice starts making out with Tiffany as if to tease Rowland and it doesn’t take long for hands and legs to start going places. It seems Rowland is preparing himself for round two. After all, it’s his turn to return the favor. Twice.

  I guess we’ll be stuck here for a while.

  Rowland dives into the bed and I take my opportunity to keep digging before the three of us bust out of here and ask to be let in on the action.

  I pull my phone out of my pocket and start snooping around the papers in the bottom of Monica’s closet while tuning out the moans and groans coming from the bed as both the girls get eaten out.

  Shit. I’ll definitely be stopping by to see Noah on my way home tonight as apparently, I have an itch that needs to be scratched now.

  Not a few minutes into my searching, I pull out a big black notebook and flip it open before scanning over the pages while my whole world begins spinning around in ecstasy. Game fucking changer.

  I pull out the pages of the book and fold them up before sliding them into the back pocket of my jeans with the picture and grin to myself. Monica is going down and I won’t even need to break a nail to do it. Apparently, Rivers can be right after all. Who would have guessed?

  After twenty minutes of watching the horn dogs on the bed getting a good spanking, the amusement had drained out of it and the three of us are starting to feel a little too cramped.

  “I’m ready to bail,” Kaylah says while Tora agrees with a grunt.

  “How the hell are we supposed to get out of here without those three knowing we were in here?”

  Kaylah grins and pulls out her phone. “Just give me one second.” Tora shakes her head, but not once does she try to stop Kaylah as she shoots off a quick text.

  Not even thirty seconds later, the door is kicked in, making the three of us jump and the three on the bed scramble around as Jesse walks in with a proud as fuck grin plastered on his face, looking as though springing dickheads like Rowland mid threesome gives him life.

  “Fuck, he’s sexy,” Kaylah all but moans.

  Rivers walks in behind Jesse, shaking his head but I see a definite enjoyment in his eyes.

  “What the fuck?” Rowland spits, grabbing a pillow and covering his junk, making Jesse walk forward with a cocky, arrogant smirk.

  “Get the fuck out of here. You and I have some shit to deal with.”

  Rowland swallows, and I swear, he looks as though he’s about to pass out at the thought of having to handle shit with Jesse Ryder.

  Rivers eyes rake over Candice and Tiffany, though I don’t doubt he’s seen it all before. “Didn’t know you swung both ways,” he says, nodding his head in approval. “Nice.”

  “Why don’t you come finish us off?” Candice slurs, pushing her tits up, trying to entice him in, and I don’t doubt, had he not known that we were in the closet, he probably would have done it.

  He winks at the girls. “Sorry, girls. Time for you to get dressed.”

  “What?” Candice screeches.

  “You heard me,” he roars making the girls jump into action. “Get the fuck out.”

  Shit. I forget how terrifying he can truly be, and I don’t even think that was close to how bad it can get.

  The second the girls are gone and Jesse has led Rowland out of the room with his dick dangling low between his legs, Rivers walks over to the closet and pulls it open. “I don’t even want to know,” he tells us as Kaylah darts around him, probably to go and grab Jesse so he can satisfy the burn between her legs.

  I shrug my shoulders. “Hey, at least I didn’t cut a bitch.”

  “True,” he smiles proudly. “There’s always that.”

  We waltz out of the closet and out into the hallway where we find Jesse with Rowland slammed up against the wall and Kaylah behind him. Tora stops and Rivers pushes me on. That is clearly Broken Hill business that I have no place getting involved in.

  As we head down the stairs, a slim, pissed off body steps in front of me. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing up there?”

  All I can do is smile at the bitch. “Gotcha now, Monica,” I tell her, feeling the heat of my evidence in my back pocket. “It’s game time.” Without a second glance, Rivers and I step down around her and head straight out the front door.

  Chapter 15

  Tully groans as she looks out the front windshield of her Jeep before glancing back at me. She repeats the process at least three more times before I snap. “What is it?” I demand, knowing I can only take so much more of this, and besides, we’re nearly at Aria’s school and if she’s doesn’t say what’s on her mind now, she never will.

  “I…” she glances back at Aria in the backseat before cringing. “Rivers and I…sealed the deal.”

  “WHAT?” I screech, desperately wanting to throw myself across her Jeep and shake her. I mean, we’ve been talking all freaking morning and this is only just coming out now. What the hell? Aria laughs at my outburst and I thank the heavens above that she has absolutely no idea what we’re talking about. “Are you serious, right now? You guys actually…sealed the deal?”

  Her beaming smile is confirmation enough. “WHAT!” I screech again. “Holy shit. I was not expecting that first thing on my Monday morning. Was it like…? How was it?”

  Her smile is so damn big she can’t even answer my questions.

  “So, are you guys…together now?” I question, probing for answers and still wondering why I haven’t got them yet.

  She shrugs her shoulders and the smile begins to slip away. “I don’t know,” she tells me. “We haven’t exactly had a chance to talk about it, you know? It only happened last night.”

  “Ok, but how do you feel? Did you get the impression that something more was happening? Or was it just…” my eyes flick back to the back seat before I spell out the word, “s-e-x?”

  “Trust me, with him it’s not just s-e-x. It was, wow. I can’t even…he made me feel…I mean, my legs are still shaking.”

  “Why are your legs shaking?” Aria laughs from the backseat making both mine and Tully’s eyes go wide.

  “Oh, um…” Tully stumbles out. “I went for a really big,” wink, “long run yesterday and it lasted all night. My whole body is so sore,” Tully explains to my little sister as my mouth gapes open, catching her double meaning.

  “Ugh,” Aria cringes. “I don’t want to run if it makes me sore.”

  “No, that’s right. No running for you,” I tell her as Tully pulls up at Aria’s school.

  I hop out of the Jeep and help Aria down before quickly walking her in and making sure she’s alright with the teacher. I haul ass back out to Tully’s Jeep and practically fly over the side, desperate to get in and get the real details that I’m actually after now that Aria’s innocent little ears are well out of range.

  “Spill it,” I tell her. “I want every last detail.”

  She grins at me before pulling away from the curb and starting the journey to Haven Falls Private. “Ok,” she says. “So, it started yesterday afternoon. You and Noah were busy fucking around doing who the hell knows what, and Rivers and I were just sort of chilling out back, sitting on the stairs, soaking up the sun, and talking.”

  “Talking?” I repeat. “Talking about what?”

  “’Bout everything,” she tells me. “Us, and whatever this thing between us is.”

  “And?” I prompt, wishing she could talk just a little bit faster.

  “And then I find a pair of balls somewhere and told him that he’s my end game and that he’s not just some guy I’m crushing on. That whatever it is that I’m feeling for him is more than real. You know, we kind of went deeper than the usual bullshit and I could feel us connecting
on a different level…and, I don’t know. Out of all my moments with him, that’s one of my favorites.”

  I press my lips together, forcing myself not to cry over how brave she was. Putting herself out there like that wouldn’t have been easy. “What did he say?” I question, wishing I had a bowl of popcorn to make the moment perfect. “You know after you laid it all out for him.”

  “That’s when he started looking for an escape,” she grins.

  “What do you mean?”

  Tully pulls up at a red light and takes a second to look over at me before scoffing at the memory. “He started spouting all the usual crap about how we can’t be together because of Noah and how he’s not good enough, but the conviction wasn’t there. Usually, when he says it, it tears me down, but this time, he wasn’t even trying to push me away. It was like he didn’t even believe what he was saying.”

  “What do you think about his reasons?”

  “They’re complete bullshit and that’s exactly what I told him. Actually, I really don’t know where my balls came from, but all of a sudden, I couldn’t hold it back anymore,” she tells me. “I told him how Noah would probably have the shits about it, but in the end, if we were happy, he’d be happy. As for him not being good enough, that’s…I can’t even comprehend how he could possibly think that. Out of all the guys I know, he is the only one, apart from Noah, of course, who would lay his life down for me. If he’s eating at my place, he always makes sure I have enough before he digs in, he always checks that I’m ok. He’s there when I’m hurting. He beats the shit out of boys who dare break my heart. He’s just...” she lets out a deep sigh. “I know he has a shady background and has got himself into some…questionable things, but how could he possibly think he’s not good enough? He’s everything.”

  “You told him all that?” I murmur, watching the pain behind her eyes.

  She slides her gaze to me as a soft smile plays on her lips. “Well, I sort of summed it up. I mean, I didn’t want to sound like a stage five clinger.”

  “Good plan,” I laugh.

  “Right?” she chuckles as she pulls into the student parking lot of Haven Falls Private. She parks her car but she’s not nearly close to finishing her recap of her night. Besides, we have plenty of time so I’m expecting all the juicy details.

  “I’m kind of struggling here,” I tell her, failing to understand how him pushing her away ended up with them in bed together. “So, how does it go from talking to sleeping together?”

  The soft smile on her lips turns into a beaming grin. “Well,” she says. “As you can imagine, him trying to push me away kind of sucked, so I got up and went to go back inside, but he caught my hand and told me not to go. I don’t know, but the look in his eye…it sucked for him just as much as it was sucking for me. So, I stayed.”

  “Come on,” I groan. “Stop being stingy with the details.”

  “Fine,” she huffs with a wicked, excited grin. “I didn’t just stay, I found my balls for the third time and straddled him so we were face to face, and then I just…kissed him.”

  “Whoa,” I howl. “Who would have thought when it comes to Rivers that you were the one to have to make the move?”

  “Don’t get me wrong,” she laughs. “He’s kissed me a few times, but not like this. This meant more. It’s like the walls between us were finally coming down, and when we finally went inside, you and Noah were gone and it was just us and well, I’m not one to skip out on an opportunity.”

  “Oh, you dirty, dirty girl,” I laugh before my eyes widen with curiosity. “Was it actually pierced?”

  A grin rips across her face as her cheeks turn bright red. “Holy shit,” I gasp. “It is, isn’t it?”

  She looks up at me and she can hardly contain her excitement. “Oh, my God, Henley. It’s so fucking good. I mean, he has ruined me for all other guys. When he moved inside me…Damn, it was incredible. I’m swearing off all other men unless they have a piercing. Shit, babe. So. Fucking. Good.”

  My mouth drops open before I physically have to close it. “Are you shitting me? He actually has it pierced?”


  “Whoa. Who would have guessed?”

  Tully shrugs her shoulders. “It’s always the dark, mysterious ones you have to watch out for.”

  I shake my head, still a little in disbelief as I jump down from her Jeep and meet her around the front of the car. I can’t help but look across and notice that Noah’s car isn’t here yet, but I’m not surprised. He’s never here until the bell is just about to ring. “So,” I say as we make our way up to the main entrance. “Where does it put you two? Was it just a once off or are you going to see how it goes? Take it slowly?”

  “I have no idea,” she says with a deep sigh. “He didn’t give me anything to go on so I’m assuming we’re maybe a thing and going to take it slow. I’m hoping for the best.”

  “Fingers crossed,” I tell her. “You two are so clearly perfect for each other. He’d be an idiot not to give it a try.”

  “Damn straight,” she grins.

  We walk through the door of Haven Falls Private and make our way down to our lockers, only I don’t quite make it to mine before Candice slams her shoulder into mine, making me drop all my shit on the floor.

  I don’t dare dive after it. Before this is over, she’ll be the one on her hands and knees picking them up.

  “Watch where you’re going, whore.”

  “Oh, how very original,” I smirk, stepping into her to let her know that today, I’m not backing down from anything.

  Her eyes widen a fraction and I realize she hadn’t intended for my inner she devil to come out and play. She assumed I’d shrug it off, get down on my hands and knees, and make a fool of myself picking my shit up off the floor. She picked the wrong bitch to mess with today.

  “What are you waiting for?” I ask her. “Pick this shit up.”

  She scoffs at me with a slight panic in her eyes as she quickly glances around at the crowd of students who are dying to witness the first Monday morning fight, as no doubt, somewhere else in this school, there will be another one.

  “Excuse me?” Candice says, propping her hand on her hip and jutting out in a pathetic act of intimidation, but I see through her eyes, she’s petrified of being taken down off her pedestal, especially by someone like me who she doesn’t deem worthy.

  Too late, Sista! Little does she know, I’m about to own her ass.

  “Oooh,” Tully laughs at my side, already knowing what I know. “I’d suggest you listen to the woman. After all, you wouldn’t want what she knows getting out.”

  Candice’s eyes flick back to mine. “What the hell is she talking about?”

  “Oh, nothing,” I grin. “Just a little photo of you and Monica having a little too much fun with a double headed dildo that I found in her room on Friday night. You know, just moments before you came storming in with Rowland and Tiffany.”

  Her eyes widen in shock before she starts shaking her head. “No, that’s not possible. You’re lying. There was no one in Monica’s room on Friday night and we didn’t take any photos of…that.”

  I shake my head and laugh. Even if I didn’t have a photo of it, she’s basically just admitted it. “Well, clearly someone has taken a photo of the two of you together because it’s currently sitting somewhere that you can’t find it. You could have the whole squad come and tear my place apart and you still wouldn’t find it. So, ask yourself this. Am I lying or am I not? Because you sure as hell know that Monica wouldn’t spill that information to me. For me to know something like that, I would have had to go searching for it. Seems little Monica likes a souvenir of your dirty little deeds together.”

  Candice’s face turns white, clearly realizing that I’m not bluffing. “What do you want?” she lowers her voice.

  I smile sweetly. “A few things, actually,” I tell her. “First, you’re going to get down on that dirty ass floor and pick up my shit. You’re going to make sure it’s all clea
n and then you can place it nicely inside my locker. Second, and most importantly, you’re going to treat me with respect. If I get even one sideways glance from you between now and graduation, I will blast that picture all over social media. You will be ruined.”

  “Decisions, decisions,” Tully teases beside me. “Choose wisely.”

  “I…” her eyes flick around at the crowd of students once again. “I can’t pick up your stuff. Not in front of all these people. They’ll know something’s up.”

  “Well, they’ll certainly know something’s up when they all see your photo,” I laugh before letting out a heavy sigh. “I’m not usually one for blackmail, but I have a feeling you’d do the same to me if the shoe was on the other foot.”

  Candice swallows. “Please.”

  I consider giving in, but then I think back to her fist slamming into my face. Her shoes in my ribs, and her nails clawing at my arms. Then I’m reminded of how pathetic I felt having Kaylah and Jackson finding me like that, weak and broken.

  That will never happen again.

  “On your hands and knees, Candice,” I tell her, stepping in to lower my voice. “Just this one thing and you’re off the hook. I don’t give a shit what you do with yourself after this. You’re not my target unless you do something to make me feel otherwise. I’ll leave you the hell alone if you do the same for me. If not, the photo goes out. Take your pick and make it fast, I have places to be.”

  She swallows again before hanging her head and dropping to her knees before me, making every single student in the hallway suck in a gasp.

  Haven Falls has a new queen now.

  Candice straightens out and walks towards my locker, knowing exactly where it is after the millions of times she’s poked rotten eggs or dog shit through the little gaps.

  I follow her and put in the combination, opening it up and watching as she delicately places my things inside. “I really am sorry,” I tell her, for no one else’s ears. “It’s sick that Monica has taken a photo of a private moment like that, and had you not done what you did to me and treated me so fucking poorly over the last few years, I probably would have brought it to you to burn, but instead, this is what you get. Just remember, you keep the fuck away from me and be a civil human being and you’ll get your little porn photo back at graduation. If not… well, you wouldn’t want that, now, would you?”


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