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The Duke's Yuletide Blessing: Christmas Regency Romance (A Regency Christmas Book 2)

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by Charity McColl


  Unexpected Feelings

  “I feel like I want to throw up,” Naomi said, her chest heaving. Andoria could see that she was in a lot of pain but was trying not to cry out.

  Back in Molorva, Andoria had assisted her grandmother deliver many babies and she knew just what to do. But this was no ordinary citizen of Molorva or baby that she was about to deliver, it was the next ruler of the kingdom.

  “Here is a water basin,” Andoria held it closer and Naomi emptied whatever little was left in her stomach.

  “I just wish this baby would come out and let me rest,” the queen leaned back weakly against the pillows, a hand to her forehead. She was sweating and Andoria wiped her face. “David had promised that he would be here with me,” she started crying, dry sobs with no tears. “He left me, left us all alone.”

  “My Queen, please calm down.”

  “My husband didn’t deserve to be assassinated like a traitor. David was a good man and an honourable king. He gave himself to Molorva, but they turned on him and instead embraced that wicked man. They don’t deserve my baby.”

  Andoria knew that it was the pain talking and she let the woman rant on. Getting it all out of her system would help keep her mind off the difficult task of delivery that lay ahead.

  “I should hold onto my baby and not let those ingrates have him or her,” her words ended on a loud moan. She screamed and wriggled on the bed. “It hurts so much.”

  There was a gush of water and Andoria sighed with relief. It was nearly time for the king or queen of Molorva to be born, and she was ready. “My Queen, it’s nearly time and I’m ready.”

  After a few more puffs and pants, Naomi brought forth a son, a healthy boy who gave a lusty cry, and the two women laughed.

  “He’s so beautiful and will grow up to be as handsome as his father was,” Andoria cut the cord that bound mother and child and placed him on Naomi’s chest. The queen was laughing and crying at the same time.

  “Welcome to the world,” Andoria gave a deep curtsey in reverence to the new-born king. “Hail the King of Molorva.”

  “His name is Noel Kaffas,” his mother said, kissing him all over his face, uncaring that he wasn’t yet cleaned up.

  “Hail King Noel Kaffas, ruler of Molorva Kingdom,” and once again, Andoria curtsied. “How blessed am I to see the birth of this great man.”

  She cleaned up the baby and his mother and when they were comfortable, she took care of the room.

  Connor was glad that the screaming had stopped. He’d never heard a woman delivering a baby before and it gave him new respect for all mothers. Never again would he disrespect a woman, and he made a promise to himself that when he finally got married, he would always treat his wife with kindness and respect. It was only befitting given that she would have to go through much pain to bring their children into the world.

  He heard a step and looked up, “Your Grace,” Andoria curtsied, “Queen Naomi says you can come and meet the new-born king.”

  “And I’m greatly honoured,” he said a short while later when he was standing in the duchess’s chambers. He bowed to the mother and child. “Hail the King of Molorva.”

  “His name is King Noel Kaffas,” Andoria said.

  “I salute you, O King Noel of Kaffas. May your reign be long and prosperous, and may you bring light and hope to your people.”

  “May your words be prophecy indeed,” Andoria said, and they both bowed to mother and child.


  Winds of Change

  There was a soft footfall on the landing and the three of them looked toward the door, quite puzzled as to who it could be. The moment the man appeared in the doorway, Naomi and Andoria screamed, startling the sleeping child who let out a wail of his own.

  Connor straightened up, ready to defend the two women. “Caleb, what’s the meaning of all this? You’ve frightened the women.” Connor demanded of his stableman who merely smiled, never once taking his eyes off Naomi and the baby whose cries had hushed down.

  “Your Majesty,” Andoria gave a deep curtsey and Connor stared at her in confusion.

  “My love,” Naomi whispered from the bed.

  “Your Grace,” Andoria turned to Connor, “May I present to you, King David Kaffas, ruler of Molorva Kingdom.”

  “What!” Connor was stunned. “King David Kaffas of Molorva? But everyone thought you’d been assassinated.”

  “And that worked in my favour,” the king said. “May I be allowed to come in and greet my queen and new-born son?”

  “Of course, of course,” Connor said. “How is it that you ended up in my stables working for me?”

  “It’s a long story, which I’ll share once my hands have held my loved ones.”

  Connor nodded and Andoria curtsied once more; then they both left the room.

  “This is a miracle,” Andoria led the way to the living room and sat down in front of the fire. “Silver, our king is alive and well.”

  “This is such a fantastic event that I believe I’m dreaming.”

  King Kaffas came down to the living room after nearly two hours. “I can’t thank you enough, Andoria. You saved and preserved the Kingdom of Molorva and my beautiful queen. How will I ever reward you?”

  “It was my pleasure serving you, my King.”

  “The queen and prince are asleep.”

  “Caleb, er . . . Your Majesty, please forgive me for putting you to work in the stables.”

  “You couldn’t have known who I was when you found me lying under your hedge. And you saved my life because no one would expect a king to work in the stables. The thing is, I have no idea how I got to this part of England. After the coup, I was arrested and taken to the dungeons in Boloise, my country seat, but there, I still had many loyal followers. They sneaked me out of the palace and put me on a boat to England. I was supposed to go to the Duke of Worchestershire because he is a good friend of my uncle. My queen and I had visited him once and I knew that I would be safe with him. But someone must have followed me for the next thing I knew, I was attacked and robbed of all that I had. Then I woke up here in this house.”

  “No one could tell where you came from when I tried to find out after finding you lying under the hedge, but that’s not important. We’re just happy that you’re alive. What do you intend to do?”

  “I’ve been communicating with the current Grand Duke of Molorva.”

  “Lord Richard?” Andoria asked.

  “Yes. He’s one of the good ones left in the kingdom, and even though he’s Francis’s father, he is loyal to me. You see, Francis is his son by one of his concubines and was brought home when he was about ten years old. Francis has always been a rebel, and much as his father tried to keep him on the straight path, he chose his own way.”

  “What will happen to him now?”

  “The law of Molorva is clear on how traitors are to be treated. He’ll be given the option of exile or execution. Knowing my cousin, he’ll choose exile because he thinks that he will be like Napoleon and escape from where he’ll be taken,” the king chuckled, “He has no idea what exile for a Molorvan means.”

  The monarch looked really fierce and Andoria didn’t envy his enemies.

  They were having a late simple breakfast prepared by Andoria, and the two men insisted that she join them at the table when she cocked her head to one side, “Do you hear that?”

  “Yes,” Connor walked to the window. “I see a number of carriages coming up the driveway and have no idea who could be visiting today of all days. It’s Christmas Day, and most people are at home celebrating the holidays with their families.”

  Andoria joined him at the window, “From what I can see, those are mighty fine carriages, probably your noble friends coming to visit you.”

  He shook his head with a small laugh, “I doubt it, but shall we find out who it is?”

  It was the king’s maternal uncle, and another man Andoria recognized. She curtsied just as King Kaffas joined them at the

  “My uncle,” King Kaffas touched the older man’s feet. “I greet you, O Grand Duke of Molorva.”

  “Hail to the King of Molorva, and I’m very happy to find you alive and well.”

  “And what’s more, you have a grand nephew now, Uncle,” King Kaffas beamed. “My Queen is here, and she was delivered of a baby boy early this morning.”


  Exposed Secrets

  “You escaped with the two royal crowns,” the Grand Duke of Molorva chuckled and Andoria blushed deeply. “And the royal sceptre, the three emblems that the people of Molorva hold dearly. How did you do it, young lady?”

  “It was the only way I could stop the coronation of those usurpers,” Andoria said. “And hand them to the rightful rulers of Molorva.”

  “For your bravery and courage in saving and preserving the royal family of Molorva, you will be awarded one of the kingdom’s highest honours,” King Kaffas said. “Whatever you want, you will be given, Andoria.”

  But she shook her head, “Oh wise King, if you would only grant my family freedom from the bondage of servitude and slavery, that would be reward enough for me.”

  “Who of your family remains in Molorva?”

  “My maternal uncle and cousins. My mother’s family was bonded nearly two centuries ago after my ancestor caused the death of his neighbour when they were arguing over a piece of land. Our punishment was to become bonded servants and all our lands were seized so we’ve always been servants or slaves. Granting us our freedom to live and move freely is all I ask.” She curtsied.

  “And you can be sure that it will be done, and as well, your uncle will receive lands and a duchy.”

  “It’s too much,” Andoria said and to her consternation, burst into tears.

  “There, there,” the Grand Duke patted her lightly on the shoulder. “Your name will be spoken of in centuries to come.”

  Connor was so proud of the young woman who had risked her life and been so brave as to save the life of the king of her country.

  The royal family and the grand duke had stayed for three more days after Christmas but were now getting ready to return home. He couldn’t let Andoria go, not when he was deeply in love with her.

  “Your majesty,” he bowed to the king, “May I ask for something?”

  “Lord Braxton, you’re now an honorary citizen of Molorva and have the right to approach the king and ask for whatever it is you want. Go ahead.”

  “You servant humbly asks for Miss Andoria’s hand in marriage.”

  “What?” Andoria blushed furiously, much to the delight of those present.

  “She is an exceptional woman and I must admit that I fell in love with her the moment I saw her. If you would grant me her hand, I promise that she will be the most loved duchess in this kingdom.”

  “Andoria, what do you have to say?” The king turned his gaze on her, and she nodded because she couldn’t speak. It was really happening, she was loved by a most noble man and not just because of his title, but he was also a very kind man too.

  “Yes, your majesty.”

  “Andoria, I know I ambushed you back there, but I’m a desperate man,” Connor had followed her out onto the porch to leave the king and his grand duke to discuss their kingdom matters. “But I believe you know how I feel about you.”

  “Isn’t it too soon to fall in love?” She asked breathlessly.

  “Dear beloved girl,” he took her hand and led her out of sight of those in the house, “The heart wants what it wants. You see, two years ago, I was engaged to a beautiful woman but there was no love between us. It was more like an arranged marriage, but I was determined to be a good husband. Unfortunately, she was badly injured in a riding accident and was bedridden for a full year before she died. I never thought I would ever find a woman who just consumes me. My grandparents had a good marriage and they brought me up since my own parents died when I was a babe. I really wanted what they had, but since I’d never met a woman who touched my heart, I accepted to settle with Serena.”

  “Oh, my lord,” Andoria whispered.

  “Andoria, I know it’s too soon but . . .”

  “Yes,” she nodded.

  “You don’t even know what I was going to ask you.”

  “But I’ll answer you anyway because my heart is speaking to yours. I love you too, Connor, Lord Braxton of Winthrop.”

  “My beautiful Andoria,” he kissed her gently on the lips.


  Journey’s End

  “Won’t you miss your home,” Connor held his wife of one day close. They were seated on their favourite couch in front of the fire in the living room. “You grew up in Molorva and must have a deep attachment to the kingdom.”

  “But my heart was always in England, the land of my father. I longed for England, and that was why I could never accept the suit of any of the men there. Besides, as a child of a bonded family the only men allowed to offer for me were also bondmen. I wanted to be free and dreamed that I would one day come to England. That was the reason my mother ran away and come to England, so she would be free, but my father died when I was just two years old, and with no family left, she had to go back to Molorva.” She looked at him, “Papa was from Winthrop Village and his family were the Millers, do you know of them?”

  Connor shook his head, “As I was growing up, my grandfather would speak of a plague that had wiped out nearly the whole village and once he mentioned a young woman from Molorva who went back to her own people.”

  “That was my mother.”

  “Most families were wiped out and those who now live here came from other parts of England. I’m really sorry.”

  “No, it doesn’t matter because I’m home now,” she lay on his chest feeling very happy. “Where you are is where my home is.”

  “I will forever be grateful to the Kingdom of Molorva for they were keeping and preparing you for me, my love. But we made a promise to King Kaffas and Queen Naomi that we would attend their coronation next month.”

  “Of course,” she laughed, a delightful sound that made her husband smile. “I want to witness my beloved uncle being given the title of duke and receiving freedom for our whole lineage.” She sat up, eyes glowing, “Oh Connor, I’m so happy that I feel like crying. Freedom for my people is all I ever really yearned for, and now it’s going to happen.”

  “You’re truly a remarkable and courageous woman, and I feel so blessed to be the man you have chosen as your husband, my lovely duchess.”

  Most of Winthrop Duchy and village had turned up for the magnificent wedding the day before, more so when they heard that the royal family of Molorva was present. And much to the villagers’ delight, every household went away bearing gifts they never expected.

  To the radiant bride, her journey home had come to an end. And to the happy groom, all his problems were over for before the royal family left to return to their waiting subjects just that morning, the Grand Duke presented him with a cheque that took his breath away. He could pay all his creditors and still have so much more left over to restore his duchy. It would take him time but without the debts hanging around his neck like an albatross, he was sure it would be done.

  And little Silver, her majesty’s gift to Andoria, lay at their feet, wagging his little tail and quite content in his new home.


  Retribution against the usurper and his wife was swift, and they never saw it coming. Once the Grand Duke had established that indeed the man who had communicated with him was the true and rightful king of Molorva, he swiftly put his plans into action.

  Emissaries were sent from the Duchy of Winthrop to various cities in Europe where those loyal to King Kaffas were waiting.

  On New Year’s Day, an army silently marched up to the palace in Longria, and without shedding a single drop of blood, took back the kingdom from the unlawful king. His trial was swift, and just as King Kaffas, his queen and the crown prince were riding into Longria in victory and being cheered o
n by thousands of their subjects, a well-guarded ship left Molorva for an undisclosed destination, bearing Francis and Bernice, the usurpers.

  All their friends had deserted them, and they found out the hard way that Molorvans are an unforgiving people, especially when one had betrayed their trust. No one ever heard of them again, not that anyone even cared to ask.

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