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My Twist of Fate

Page 6

by R. A. Krauszer

  A growl ripped from deep within his throat as he continued to ravage her mouth. It felt amazing and he never wanted it to go away. He would do whatever he could to continue this feeling. He would do everything in his power to make this woman happy, for as long as she allowed him to.

  “Can you walk away now?” he growled, challenging her as he pulled back from the kiss.

  Adalyn slowly opened her eyes, she felt as if she was in a haze. She started into his blazing eyes and knew she had lost the battle. She knew in that moment that he was not letting her go. If she was being honest, she didn’t want to go. She was just afraid of him and his family getting hurt. She would never forgive herself if that happened.

  Ashton slowly stepped back, giving her just enough room to slide down to a standing position.

  “Can we go inside and eat something now?” he asked, giving her a wink.

  Adalyn nodded, and walked on shaky legs toward his house.

  When they walked through the front door, the smell of food overcame them. There were voices coming from the kitchen, and Ashton knew his mom was over. They were greeted with smiles as they both entered the kitchen.

  “How was Jerry?” his mother asked as he placed Adalyn in a seat and stood in between her legs.

  “It went fine. We did what we needed, and he said he would be in touch,” Ashton explained.

  “What was all the yelling about?” Aislyn asked with a grin. “Ronda tried to get through the door, just so you are aware.”

  “It was nothing to be concerned about. It has been handled,” he told her with a smile. “Who was she trying to get to?”

  “She was sitting in the window and saw you two pull into the driveway. As soon as she noticed that Adalyn was trying to walk away, she began to whine. When she heard you raise your voice, she began growling and scratching at the door,” Aislyn explained, giving him a stern look.

  “Traitor,” he chuckled, looking down at her, laying on the other side of Adalyn.

  “Lunch is ready. Let’s eat before it gets cold,” Mrs. Montgomery told them.

  They all ate in silence for several minutes. Adalyn’s phone rang so Ashton stood to retrieve it.

  “Hello,” he answered.

  A look of complete rage came over his face, making him look very dangerous.

  “I don’t know how you got this phone number. I suggest you lose it, and forget she even exists. She is no longer a concern for you,” Ashton growled.

  Adalyn instantly started trembling; she knew who was on the other end of the phone. What she didn’t know was how he had gotten her number. She slipped from her seat and ran to the bathroom. She barely made it before expelling the contents of her stomach. She continued to heave and wretch until she felt completely empty with nothing else to expel. Slowly standing, she flushed the toilet and made her way to the sink to wash her hands. She found the toothbrush she had used that morning still in the cup and brushed her teeth again. She suddenly felt exhausted, barely able to hold her eyes open. As she made her way over toward the bed, her eyes were already beginning to close.

  “Wake up, sweetheart,” Ashton whispered as he planted kisses lightly on her face. Adalyn grumped as she began to wake up. She didn’t like being woke up when she was asleep, for any reason.

  “I just want to sleep. I am so tired,” she whined without opening her eyes.

  “You need to eat something, so you start feeling better. I will let you go back to sleep after you eat something,” he told her as he continued to pepper her face and neck gently with kisses.

  “You don’t fight fair,” she giggled as he placed a kiss under her ear, causing her breath to catch.

  “Never claimed to,” he chuckled as he continued his torture.

  “If I get up and eat something, will you be happy?” she asked him, finally opening her eyes completely and looking at him.

  “I am already happy because you are in my bed, but I will be doubly happy if you get up and eat something, yes,” he chuckled.

  “Fine, I will get up,” she grumped. As she tried to sit up, he would not let her. “You want me to get up and eat, but you are not letting me up.”

  “You need to kiss me before you get up,” he grinned.

  Adalyn rolled her eyes at his antics. Leaning into his touch, she gently brushed lips across his. As soon as her lips brushed across his, he fisted his hands in her hair and deepened the kiss, causing a moan to escape her lips.

  “You keep making sounds like that and I am not going to let you leave this bedroom. You will not be sleeping like you want though,” he informed her.

  When Ashton finally released his grip on her hair and broke the kiss, they were both breathless.

  “Let’s get you something to eat, before I change my mind and keep you in here for the rest of the night,” he told her as he swatted her ass.

  The house was quiet when they opened the bedroom door. They made their way into the kitchen where Aislyn was plating up food for them.

  “Hey, sleepyhead, feeling any better?” Aislyn asked with a smile.

  Adalyn nodded, “I feel a little better.”

  Ashton placed her gently in the seat she normally sat in and sat in the seat next to her.

  “I am headed out for a little while, but I won’t be out too late,” Aislyn told them as she was leaving the kitchen.

  “Have fun! Don’t get into any trouble,” Adalyn giggled.

  “Where’s the fun in that?” Aislyn laughed in response.

  Ashton kept quiet as he listened the two girls go back and forth. He knew Aislyn wouldn’t get into trouble, at least not intentionally. He didn’t like her going out by herself, but there is no way he was letting Adalyn out of his sight just yet either.

  Aislyn slipped out the front door, before any other comments could be made about her going out. She realized she was getting away without the third degree from Ashton, and she was going to take total advantage of the situation. For once, Ashton wasn’t being a controlling butthead with her. She took one more glance over her shoulder at her brother. The look she saw on his face as he watched Adalyn was one of complete worship. Aislyn smiled, she never thought she would see the day, as she slipped quietly out of the house.

  Adalyn and Ashton cleaned the kitchen together once they finished eating. After, they decided to relax on the couch with a movie.

  “Lay next to me,” Ashton told her as he scooted back on the couch, so she could lay in front of him. Adalyn did as he asked and found herself completely calm as she laid there with him. She had never done something like this before. She was always too busy to worry about a boyfriend or anything that resembled a teenage life.

  Adalyn snuggled close to him, closing her eyes, and listening to his steady breathing. She couldn’t tell him what the movie was about if he had paid her. She was hyper-focused on the feel of his body pressed against hers. Her breath caught in her throat as she felt his lips brush against her neck. He bit down gently, then ran his tongue over the same spot to soothe the pain.

  Adalyn’s breathing became more rapid and shallow the longer he kissed and nipped at her neck. She arched her back off the couch, pressing herself closer to Ashton. She wrapped her one leg around his hip, pulling him impossibly closer. It didn’t matter how close she was, she wasn’t close enough. She had never felt this way before.

  Ashton brushed his hand across her hip, feeling her bare skin because her shirt hitched up slightly. The feel of his hand on her bare skin was like fire branding her. She couldn’t think of a better feeling. He ran his hand over her ass and squeezed, causing Adalyn to make a low mewling noise, spurring him on to continue.

  Before Adalyn knew what was happening, she was being lifted off the couch, wrapping her legs around his waist, her back met a wall. Ashton sucking and nipping at her neck and ear as he pressed himself against her. Then they were moving again, and she felt nothing but softness underneath her. She opened her eyes briefly to see that they had moved yet again, this time back to the bedroom.
r />   Ashton released Adalyn, but before she could question him, his shirt was across the room and his lips were crushed to hers. He ran his tongue across her bottom lip, seeking entrance, and to his delight he was granted entrance. His tongue plunged into her mouth and devoured her.

  It could have been minutes or hours, she couldn’t be sure, but when she felt a loss when the kissing ceased. She realized in that moment though that she was seeing stars due to lack of oxygen. Looking at Ashton and seeing what a dazed look on his face was probably, she realized he was oxygen deprived as well. She took that moment to catch her breath.

  “Ashton, there is something you should know about me,” she told him quietly.

  “What is it, sweetheart?” he asked, slight concern tinging his voice.

  “I…I…um…I have never done this before,” she rushed out.

  “You have never been kissed to the point of oxygen loss?” he asked, grinning.

  Adalyn shook her head at him. She realized in that moment that he didn’t understand.

  “I have never done ANY of this before,” she explained, not looking him in the eye.

  After several tense seconds, that felt like hours, he finally responded.

  “You mean you are a virgin?” he asked her.

  Closing her eyes, afraid to see his reaction, she nodded her head. Adalyn attempted to push him off of her so she could get up and go into the living room. She wished the floor would just open up and swallow her, she was so embarrassed.

  “Look at me,” he growled.

  Adalyn’s eyes snapped open and met his gaze. She saw no disgust in his eyes. The only thing she saw was need. She knew it was need because it was the same thing she felt when she looked at him. The need to touch him, the need to get closer, just this uncontrollable need. It was like a living thing inside of her and she wasn’t sure how much longer she could control it.

  “I am glad you have never done anything of this before with anyone else. That means I don’t have to commit murder,” he laughed. “We will take things at your pace. I will not push you to do anything that you do not want to do.” He gently kissed her temple, watching her as she let his words sink in.

  Ashton had always needed to be in control. That didn’t always come out in the best possible ways. His sister had called him a controlling and overbearing ass on more than one occasion. He couldn’t help that he wanted to keep her safe. She was his only sister. He was fiercely loyal and protective and did whatever was necessary to maintain that in his world. However, with Adalyn, those feelings of control and fierce loyalty seemed to become even stronger. This is definitely one of those occasions where she would have called him a controlling and overbearing ass. That is exactly what he was being. Adalyn was his!

  Ashton was torn from his thoughts, when he felt Adalyn’s lips brush across his neck, followed by her tongue. A deep growl tore from his throat, and all he wanted to do was make her his in every way possible.

  “You need to understand that I only have so much control, babe. You keep doing that, and I am not sure how long we will be taking it slow,” he said in between gasps.

  Adalyn didn’t heed his words and continued to kiss his neck. Ashton lost compete control however when she nipped his neck like he had to her on several occasions. He saw stars burst behind his eyelids at the sting from her teeth.

  Next thing Adalyn knew, she was completely naked, and he was buried deep in her. He stopped, just long enough for her body to get used to the intrusion. As soon as he felt her breathing become somewhat normal again, he began to slowly move.

  That is how Ashton spent the rest of the evening, lost in a world that was only him and Adalyn.


  Adalyn woke the next morning, exhausted, but in the best possible way. Her and Aston hadn’t gone to sleep until almost four in the morning. Looking over at the clock, she realized it was only seven. No wonder she was so tired.

  Before she could close her eyes and go back to sleep, the urge to pee hit her. She stumbled out of the bed on unsteady, jelly-like legs. Opening the bathroom door, she realized it was full of steam, and water was running. Adalyn went pee as quietly as she could, hoping he wouldn’t hear her. She didn’t think he had though because he hadn’t said anything about her being in there while he was. Looking briefly at her reflection in the mirror, she couldn’t believe she was looking at herself. She was exhausted looking. Not only that, but she was also absolutely glowing. She didn’t know how that was possible, but she was proof.

  She quietly opened the shower door and climbed in behind him, wrapping her arm around him.

  “You finally woke up, sleepyhead,” he chuckled as he squeezed her hand. Adalyn leaned into his back, and placed a light kiss, causing him to growl.

  “How long have you been awake?” she asked him in between kisses.

  Without answering, he pulled her around his body and lifted her against the wall, burying himself deep. They both moaned, as he began moving. It wasn’t long before she could feel that glorious feeling of release.

  “Together,” he growled as he began to move even harder.

  “Oh my God,” she screamed, just as he growled as they climaxed together.

  He gently lowered her to a standing position in the shower, but held her up with his body, waiting for her legs to stop shaking. Then they decided to wash each other. By the time they got out of the shower, the water was ice cold.

  They walked into the bedroom together, Adalyn realized that she didn’t have any clothes again.

  “Ashton, I have nothing to wear. Your sister is going to get tired of loaning out her clothes,” she pouted. Ashton chuckled at her booger lip.

  “Go look in the closet, sweetheart,” he told her.

  Walking over, she opened the door and couldn’t believe what she saw. There was an entire section of clothes in his closet that were very clearly women’s. She turned toward him with a look of outrage, ready to yell at him for doing what they had just done, when he obviously had someone who he lived with.

  Seeing the look on her face, he placed her face in his hands and kissed her gently. “Look closer. They are all brand new,” he told her, turning in the direction, and nudging her toward them.

  After several minutes of inspection, she realized, they were indeed brand-new clothes. All in her style and size. She also noticed that there were shoes to match. Tears sprang from her eyes, and she let them fall silently for a minute before turning around and throwing herself into his arms.

  “You didn’t have to do that. You have done so much already,” she sobbed.

  “If you haven’t figured out yet, sweetheart, I do what I want and don’t give a shit what anyone says. So, give me a kiss and get your cute ass dressed,” he told her as he grinned.

  Adalyn leaned up and gave him a kiss, then turned around and began digging through the closet at her brand-new clothes.

  “George called and he doesn’t want you coming into the shop for a few days. He is doing some remodeling, so the shop won’t even be open. He said he would let you know when the shop was re-opened,” he told her.

  Adalyn was not pleased at hearing that she wasn’t going to be able to work for a while. She had some money saved up, but not a lot, and she didn’t want to have to depend on anyone any more than she already had.

  “He is also doing some more updates to the house considering the second break-in, so you won’t be able to go home either,” he told her, not sure how she was going to feel about that. He already knew she was upset about not working for a little while. His girl was fiercely independent and had an issue feeling like she had to depend on anyone.

  “Did he tell you how long it was going to be before I could go home? I don’t have enough money saved to stay in a hotel for long,” she told him seriously.

  Ashton threw his head back and laughed loudly at her outrageous train of thought. There was no way he was going to allow her to stay in a hotel when she could stay with him; when he wanted her to stay with him. If he, had it
his way, she was going to stay with him and not go back to her place. She didn’t need to know that just yet though. He would ease her into the idea of living together on a permanent basis.

  “I am not letting you stay in a hotel, sweetheart. I enjoy having you here. I don’t want you to think you are imposing, or whatever crazy idea you have floating through that beautiful head of yours, because you are not imposing at all. Like I said, I enjoy having you here,” he told her as he looked her directly in the eye, so she knew how serious he was.

  “According to your sister, you have been single for a long time. Just having the occasional bed partner. How can you go from that, to wanting me around all the time?” she asked curiously.

  “As far as you are concerned, I want you here and that is the end of the discussion. As far as my past with women, there really hasn’t ever been one. At least not a serious one. Yes, I have had my share of one-night stands, but that is when I was younger, and much more stupid. I am older now and know a good thing when I see it.

  “Well, I don’t know what to do now, since I don’t have to work today. I know you have to go into the shop. I guess I can play with Ronda, take her to the park or something,” she told him, excited at the thought.

  “She already likes you more than me, let’s not completely spoil her,” Ashton laughed. “How about we take her together since I don’t have to go to the shop until this evening. Aislyn is there now, with the new hire,” he told her.

  “I would love that. That sounds like so much fun,” she told him as she wrapped her arms around his waist hugging him.

  A half an hour later, they had pulled up in front of the shop, so Adalyn could make plans with Aislyn for dinner since Ashton would be taking over for her. Ashton stayed in the car with Ronda because she barked at people as they walked by and scared them.

  “What are your plans for dinner?” Adalyn asked as she walked into the shop.


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