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My Twist of Fate

Page 10

by R. A. Krauszer

  Next thing Adalyn knew she was kissed like she had never been kissed before. That was saying something, because her and Ashton had kissed a lot. There was something different about this kiss, however. It held so much emotion and unsaid words. There was so much feeling poured into the one kiss, that she knew it was a kiss she would never forget.

  “I am really happy for the both of you, but if you keep that up, you are gonna knock her up again, and we just found out about this one,” Aislyn teased, hoping that they would stop.

  Adalyn tried not to laugh at Aislyn’s comment and focus completely on Ashton, but it was just too funny to her. She couldn’t help it, and burst into a fit of giggles, pushing him back slightly so that she could catch her breath.

  “You do know that if someone is pregnant, they cannot get pregnant a second time,” Adalyn asked Aislyn.

  “I am aware of that, but if anyone could make it possible, it would be him,” she said pointing at her scowling brother, who was not happy to be interrupted.

  Adalyn fell into another fit of giggles at the comment.

  Ashton couldn’t stay mad because he had been waiting to hear her laugh like that sincerely since all the drama had begun. He had been so worried about her, so hearing her laugh, even at his expense made him happy.

  Adalyn made her way back over to her chair once Aislyn was done hugging her, so she could drink her tea.

  Ashton set a plate in front of her with some scrambled eggs on it. She hadn’t eaten much of anything, and he wanted her fed. Adalyn smiled at him, and then the smell of the eggs hit her nose. She was off the stool and running to the bathroom with a very confused Ashton on her heels.

  Adalyn was already leaning over the toilet, emptying the contents of her stomach by the time he made it into the bathroom. He wet a washcloth with cool water and placed it on the back of her neck.

  “You don’t need to be in here, witnessing this,” she told Ashton between heaves.

  “Not leaving, sweetheart, so just stop,” he told her, gently rubbing her back.

  Ashton was almost plowed over when Ronda made her way into the bathroom. She shoved past him with a huff and laid down on the other side of Adalyn.

  “This is going to be a fun nine months, if she doesn’t let me near you,” Ashton chuckled as she growled at him.

  “She is just being protective,” Adalyn told him after some more heaving.

  “Don’t take this the wrong way, babe, but she has never growled at me, until you moved in,” he laughed.

  “She loves me,” Adalyn said as she slowly stood from her kneeling position.

  “I am well aware of that, but she needs to know that I love you too,” Ashton pouted.

  Adalyn couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled up. Ashton was so cute when he pouted. It wasn’t often that he didn’t get his way, so when he didn’t, it didn’t sit well with him. Ronda switching alliances, probably really hurt his feelings, but he wouldn’t admit it.

  “Why don’t you lay down and rest for a while. At least until your stomach settles,” Ashton said, leading her toward the bed.

  “Only for a little bit. I am not going to spend this pregnancy on my ass, watching it get bigger than it already is,” Adalyn pouted.

  “You will do what needs to be done to keep you and the baby safe. Now get in bed and rest, I will bring you something to eat that you can hopefully keep down,” he told her as he quickly left the room.

  “How are you feeling?” Aislyn asked from the bedroom doorway.

  “I’m alright. I am sure it will pass. Especially if no one makes eggs around me again,” she laughed.

  Aislyn crawled up the bed beside Adalyn and lay down next to her. They watched television in silence for a few minutes.

  “Aislyn, I need you to know that I didn’t get pregnant on purpose. I love Ashton and I want to be with him, but I would never do something so underhanded as trying to trap him. You need to know that” Adalyn told her.

  “I know you love Ash. It is so obvious to anyone that sees the two of you together. You trapping him was never a thought that entered my mind. Don’t worry about that. Plus, he loves you and wouldn’t listen, even if I did think that which I don’t,” Aislyn said.

  Before the girls could finish their conversation, Ashton brought in food. He placed a plate in front of her on a tray, it was full of pancakes and fruit.

  “Let me know if you can’t eat this and I will figure something else out,” he told her with a smile.

  “I will not be able to eat all of this. It is way too much food,” she told him in shock at the amount of food on her plate.

  “Eat what you can,” he told her.

  Adalyn sat there for a few minutes eating in silence. Aislyn had taken a phone call, so she went into another room for privacy. Ashton took over the spot Aislyn had been sitting in, so he could sit with Adalyn to make sure she was alright as she ate her food. He didn’t want to hover, but he was concerned she wouldn’t be able to keep her food down.

  “I’ll be back later. Heading into the shop for a little bit to get some paperwork finished and clean up,” Aislyn said as she left, not waiting for their response.

  After several minutes of Adalyn picking at her food, she handed it to Ashton. She hadn’t eaten all of it, but he knew she wouldn’t be able to.

  “You did better than I thought you would, sweetheart. You starting to feel better?” he asked, as he leaned down to kiss her temple before he put her food away.

  “A little bit,” she told him with a smile.

  “Get some rest while I clean up the kitchen,” he told her as he left the bedroom.

  Adalyn stared at the television, without actually seeing what was on the screen. She was lost in her thoughts about the events that had happened recently. She had moved to this small town to get away from a bad situation. She had planned to keep to herself, but fate had other ideas. With a twist of fate, she was now engaged with a baby on the way. She never thought that she was going to have the happy ending she wanted, she never let herself give too much thought about what she really wanted in life. She realized in that moment, that this right here: Ashton, Aislyn, the baby, this is what she had always wanted, but was too afraid to hope for.

  She would never forget what Andrew had done to her, but she would forgive him in time because if it weren’t for him, she wouldn’t have her dream life. She hoped that someday he could find someone that would love him, the way she loves Ashton. There had to be someone out there for him, she had to believe, because if there wasn’t then he wouldn’t give up trying to get her. He needed to give up that idea, it wouldn’t ever happen, even if Ashton weren’t in the picture.

  Adalyn hadn’t realized she had fallen asleep until she was woken up by the sound of voices coming from the kitchen. She quickly went to the bathroom. As she was washing her hands, she noticed that she was only in one of Ashton’s shirts. He must have made her more comfortable. She tugged on a pair of leggings and made her way toward the sound of the voices.

  When she entered the kitchen, she realized there were more people than she had expected. Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery, Aislyn, Ashton, Silas, and a guy she didn’t recognize.

  “Hey, cupcake. How are you feeling?” Mr. Montgomery asked as he walked toward her, giving her a kiss on the forehead.

  “I guess I was more tired than I thought,” she giggled.

  “Well that happens with all the excitement that has been going on,” he told her leading her toward Ashton.

  “Hi, sweetheart,” Ashton said as she stepped in between his legs. He was sitting in the seat she normally sat in, but she wasn’t going to let him get up. She didn’t mind standing here. Ashton wrapped his arms around waist and kissed her neck.

  “I’m sorry I fell asleep. I guess your dad is right, everything is catching up to me,” she told him.

  “You don’t need to apologize,” he told her.

  “When are we leaving for dinner?” Aislyn asked.

  “Give Adalyn a few minutes to w
ake up. Then she can get ready, and we will go,” Ashton scowled at his demanding sister.

  “Why are we going to dinner?” Adalyn asked confused, looking up at Ashton.

  “To celebrate, babe,” he said giving her a wink.

  “So do the parents get any hints?” asked Mrs. Montgomery.

  “Nope,” Ashton said, laughing at the scowl she gave him.

  “Hello, Silas,” Adalyn said as she noticed him, sitting quietly, watching Aislyn.

  “Hey, sweet pea,” he said with a smile.

  Adalyn watched as the guy that she didn’t know, watched her silently. He hadn’t said a word at all, to anyone. She found that kind of odd, but she wasn’t going to be rude and ask who he was. He would introduce himself when he was ready.

  “I am going to get dressed,” she told Ashton as she stepped from in between his legs.

  “Take your time,” he said as he kissed her.

  Adalyn quickly walked to the bedroom and began looking through her closet for something to put on. She wasn’t sure what to wear because she didn’t know where they were going. She decided on a long flowy dress that had spaghetti straps and went all the way to her ankles. She paired it with a cute pair of sandals.

  She decided she would leave her dark brown hair down, so she curled it with the curling iron to give is some curls instead of just hanging there. She did her make-up, but minimally, giving her a smokey eye, making her big green eyes pop. She put on her favorite lipstick; it was a deep dark red, almost maroon. She had to replace the last tube of lipstick due to Andrew using it on her mirror. She gave herself a spritz of her cucumber lime body spray. Another thing she always used.

  Adalyn walked into the kitchen, praying she looked alright for wherever they were going to dinner at.

  Everyone stopped talking as she entered and stared at her. She realized in that moment that no one in this room had seen her dressed up, with her hair and makeup done.

  “Is it that bad?” she asked the silent room.

  “Not at all, you’re hot!” said the guy she didn’t know.

  “Fuck off,” Ashton growled.

  “Just calling it like I see it, bro,” he grinned and winked at Adalyn.

  “Boys! Stop your shit now,” Mrs. Montgomery scolded.

  Adalyn couldn’t help the giggle that escaped when she heard Mrs. Montgomery scold her boys. She laughed even harder when they both mumbled, “yes, mom.”

  “Aiden, I wouldn’t tease him too much about Adalyn. He doesn’t like it,” Aislyn told him with a giggle.

  “What’s he gonna do, whine to mommy?” Aiden teased.

  Ashton growled at his brother and his cocky attitude. Aislyn was correct when she told him that he didn’t like anyone teasing Adalyn. He was protective of her.

  “Aiden leave your brother alone. Let’s go eat,” said Mr. Montgomery.

  Everyone stood and made their way to their designated vehicles. Adalyn noticed that Aislyn rode with Silas. Aiden rode with his parents. She still had no clue where they were going.

  “Am I dressed alright?” she asked Ashton as he helped her into the car.

  “You look beautiful,” he told her, giving her a kiss before closing her door.

  A few minutes later, they were pulling up in front an Italian restaurant. They all walked into the restaurant as a group. As they approached, the hostess grinned so big, and her eyes zeroed in on Ashton.

  “Hey, Ashton. It’s been a long time. How have you been,” she cooed.

  “Hi, Amanda. I have a reservation for seven,” he told her casually.

  Adalyn watched as Amanda grabbed menus, without acknowledging anyone else in their party.

  “Right this way Ashton,” she smiled, leading them toward a group of tables that had been pushed together so they could all sit together.

  “Your server will be right with you to take your drink order, Ashton,” she told him as she turned and walked away.

  Ashton pulled out Adalyn’s chair and helped her sit, before pushing her chair in slightly.

  “I went on one date with her about six months ago. It was absolutely horrible. I didn’t even kiss her goodnight,” Ashton leaned over to whisper into Adalyn’s ear, placing a small kiss as he pulled back slightly.

  “It’s fine. I have learned exactly how small this town is, since moving here. I am under no false pretenses about your past. I know you have a past, as long as you don’t flaunt it in my face, we will be fine,” she told him with a smile. “For the record, it doesn’t mean I have to like it, or the attention you get, but I will be an adult.” She placed a kiss on the corner of his mouth, feeling him relax at the knowledge that she wasn’t mad. Afterall, he couldn’t control how they acted.

  A few minutes passed before the server came over to take their drink order. Adalyn became quickly aware that this too was a girl he had dated. She promised Ashton she would act like an adult so she would.

  “What can I get everyone tonight?” she asked, looking at Ashton.

  “Water,” everyone said in unison.

  “I will be right back with the waters,” she said as she walked away.

  “Is there anyone here you didn’t date?” Aiden asked Ashton with a laugh.

  “Fuck off,” Ashton growled.

  “Here you go,” said the waitress as she started passing waters out around the table to everyone.

  “Oops,” she said as she purposely spilled Adalyn’s water on her.

  Adalyn squealed at the coldness of the water and jumped up to head to the bathroom to try and dry herself off best as possible.

  “That bitch needs to be gone, when I get back,” Adalyn snarled as she walked away.

  “I apologized, don’t take it personally,” the waitress hissed.

  “No, you said oops, like a childish bitch. Now get the fuck away from my husband before I make you move,” Adalyn said as she began walking back in the direction of the waitress.

  “Come on, Adalyn, don’t let this bitch get to you. Let’s get you cleaned up,” Aislyn told her. “Deal with her, Ash. I don’t know what Adalyn will do if she is still here when we get back.”

  Aislyn nudged Adalyn toward the bathroom, not letting her turn back around to continue her argument with the waitress.

  Adalyn splashed some water on her face and patted it dry when they made it to the bathroom. She took some paper towels to her dress and dried it as much as she could.

  “I know he has a past, and I can handle that, but the petty shit is uncalled for,” Adalyn told Aislyn.

  “He didn’t know she worked here, I’m sure. They dated for a couple weeks, until she got too clingy for Ash. He broke it off real fast,” Aislyn told her.

  “Let’s go figure out what I can and can’t eat,” Adalyn giggled.

  As they returned to the table, everyone was smiling.

  “What’s going on?” Adalyn asked as she sat back down.

  “You don’t know what you said do you?” Ashton whispered, as he kissed her just under her ear.

  Adalyn began to squirm in her seat, she didn’t know what he was talking about.

  “We came to dinner so we could tell my parents about the engagement, but you did that yourself,” he chuckled.

  Adalyn looked at him completely confused; she didn’t know what he was talking about. He could see her confusion, so he whispered in her ear what she had yelled at the waitress. She couldn’t believe what he had told her, she was so embarrassed. She had never acted so inappropriately before.

  “I am so sorry, I promised I would behave. I don’t even remember saying that” she told him quietly, unable to look him in the eye.

  “You have no reason to apologize, sweetheart. I have done much more when it comes to you. Just so you know, hearing you call me your husband was a total turn on,” he whispered in her ear.

  “Are you ready to order?” interrupted the waitress.

  Everyone gave her their order until it finally came to Ashton and Adalyn. Ashton quickly gave her his order and waited for
Adalyn to answer.

  “I would like the fettucine alfredo, light on the sauce please,” Adalyn told her politely.

  “That it?” the waitress asked with an eye roll.

  “Another waitress with some manners would be nice,” Adalyn smiled at her.

  Aislyn couldn’t hold in the giggle that burst out. Adalyn had never been rude to anyone before, but there was something about this girl that just pissed her off.

  “Now that the food has been ordered, I would like to officially announce that Adalyn has agreed to be my wife,” Ashton told his family with a huge smile on his face.

  “Congratulations,” chimed everyone around the table.

  “I am so happy for the both of you,” Mrs. Montgomery said as she dabbed at her eyes with a tissue.

  Everyone chatted quietly amongst themselves while they waited for the food to arrive. Food finally arrived and the waitress started giving everyone their orders. As she placed Adalyn’s plate in front of her, she dropped in her lap. Alfredo sauce went everywhere. It covered the entire front of her dress, and it was extremely hot, causing Adalyn to scream out in pain.

  Ashton jumped up out of his chair and ripped the dress off of her quickly, covering her up just as quickly with his jacket.

  “You fucking bitch, if anything happens to my baby, I will hurt you!” Adalyn screamed as tears poured down her face.

  Ashton picked her up, cradling her to his chest, trying his best to keep her covered, carrying her to the bathroom to clean her up.

  “I will run home and get her some clean clothes,” Aislyn said jumping out of her chair.

  “I’ll drive you,” Silas said, standing and began walking toward her.

  Ashton locked the bathroom door behind him so he could uncover her and look to see how badly she was burned by the sauce. He wet some paper towels and began gently wiping off the sauce left behind. He noticed some slight blistering on her chest. She had redness covering her chest, all the way down to her lap where there was more blistering.

  A few minutes later there was a knock on the bathroom door. “Don’t move,” Ashton told her as he turned toward the door to see who was knocking.

  Silas stood there holding out some clothes for her. “Your parents want her to file a report,” he told Ashton. “I can file it for you since I am here. Is she injured?”


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