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My Twist of Fate

Page 15

by R. A. Krauszer

  “That is amazing!” Adalyn told the nurse, with tears in her eyes. She was so happy that Moxie was doing so well. She couldn’t wait to have her at home where she belonged.

  “That’s my girl,” Ashton grinned, kissing the top of her head gently.

  They spent the next few hours with Moxie. Adalyn was able to feed her. And once again Ashton was able to hold her skin to skin. The nurses of course noticed immediately and found themselves with nothing better to do then stay at their little station to do paperwork or make phone calls.

  Adalyn decided that even though she didn’t like him being watched like a hawk, that he was hers and there wasn’t anything anyone else could do about it. She knew he loved her, and she loved him.

  “I think she is getting hungry again, babe,” Ashton told her, standing from the chair. Once Adalyn was seated comfortably, he handed the baby to her so she could eat again.

  Ashton’s phone rang, so he excused himself and took the phone call outside. He returned twenty minutes later, and he didn’t look happy.

  “What’s wrong?” Adalyn asked with a frown.

  “I just got off the phone with Mom. She went by the house to straighten up and let Rhonda out. There was a delivery when she was there,” he told her.

  “I don’t remember ordering anything,” Adalyn told him confused.

  “It was a flower delivery for you,” he explained.

  “That’s sweet! Who was it from?” she asked with a shy smile.

  “Andrew,” he growled.

  “What! Why?” she asked, instantly feeling cold. She stood and gently laid Moxie in her bassinet and informed the nurse that no one was allowed to come see her, but her and Ashton. The nurse understood and made it clear that no one would be allowed in but them.

  Ashton called Silas to meet them at the station so they could file a report. By the time they arrived at the station, Silas had information for them in regard to how Andrew was getting his information.

  “So, there was apparently a nurse that was feeding Andrew information about you and the baby. She was under the impression that the baby was his and was trying to help give him information about his child,” Silas said as they sat down at his desk.

  “Please tell me she has been fired,” Adalyn yelled.

  “Sweet pea, she has been fired and her license has been taken away. She broke a lot of rules when she gave him information about you and my niece,” Silas explained.

  “So this is all over, right?” Ashton asked.

  “Time will be added onto his sentence. He will end up in solitary as punishment for his actions. Depending on the warden, we are not sure how much time will be added. As soon as I find out I will let you know,” Silas told them.

  “Thanks for everything,” Ashton told him.

  Silas hugged Adalyn and then they left to go get some food.


  It had been three weeks since Moxie had been born, and they were bringing her home finally. They were driving to the hospital in a state of bliss knowing that she was finally coming home.

  “Mommy and Daddy are here, Moxie,” the nurse cooed that was holding her. She handed Moxie right to Adalyn. Adalyn instantly inhaled the precious baby smell that she adored.

  Ashton automatically started packing up her items while Adalyn did the car seat test with the nurse. Which of course she passed with flying colors.

  An hour and a half later, the three of them were on their way home. What Adalyn didn’t know was: they were having a welcome home party for Moxie, and everyone was excited to meet her. With Moxie being in there, the family had decided to wait until she came home to meet her.

  Ashton carried Moxie into the house where everyone was waiting, not so patiently. The house smelled of delicious food and was filled with all the people they loved.

  “Give me my granddaughter,” Mrs. Montgomery squealed when they walked in. She had her hands out in front of her, wiggling her fingers excitedly.

  Ashton put the car seat down and unbuckled Moxie, lifting her gently and holding her to his chest. He kissed the top of her head, and then handed her to his mother.

  “Oh that wonderful baby smell,” she cooed as she inhaled.

  Adalyn went to the kitchen to get a drink. There were a lot of people in the house, and she was already worn out from the activity and excitement of the day. All she really wanted to do was go lay down with Moxie and Ashton, but she would let everyone enjoy their time meeting her.

  She entered the living room where everyone was a few minutes later. Mr. Montgomery was holding Moxie on his chest. Mrs. Montgomery was taking pictures with her phone and had a grin on her face that completely lit her face up with pride and happiness.

  They spent the next few hours chatting, eating, and spending time with each other. Everyone, including Silas, held Moxie. The only time she wasn’t being held by someone was when Adalyn needed to feed or change her.

  By the time evening rolled around, Adalyn was curled up on the couch, barely able to hold her eyes open. Aislyn had left an hour before with Silas. George had left shortly after dinner. So it was only Adalyn, Ashton, Moxie, and his parents there. Moxie was asleep on Ashton’s chest while his mom and Adalyn chatted.

  “I want to show you something,” Mrs. Montgomery told Adalyn.

  “Alright,” she said as she stood and stretched. She followed Mrs. Montgomery into the nursery, slightly confused. As far as she knew the nursery was finished.

  “We installed a top-of-the-line video monitor for Moxie. It monitors the temperature in the room, as well as her breathing, and other things. With her being such a peanut, we wanted her to be safe and sound in her own room. When you are ready for her to be in here of course,” Mrs. Montgomery told her.

  “Oh my goodness! I have heard of monitors like that, they are able to monitor so much. I can’t believe you did this,” Adalyn said, with her eyes tearing up.

  “You are one of us, sweet girl. We take care of each other. Now all that’s left is for you two to get married,” Mrs. Montgomery winked with a smile.

  “I am not sure if Ashton is ready for that. So much has happened so fast with us. I don’t want him to feel like I am forcing him or rushing him into anything,” Adalyn told her.

  “He would have married you the day he proposed, or sooner for that matter, if you would have let him,” she told her.

  “Oh,” was all Adalyn could say.

  “Sorry to interrupt ladies, but the princess needs to eat. She is getting fussy, even though I changed her,” Ashton said as he came into the nursery.

  Adalyn sat down in the rocking chair in the corner of the room and started feeding her. It didn’t bother her in the least that they were in there talking while she fed Moxie. They were family. Moxie ate noisily to the delight of everyone.

  “She sounds just like you did, Ashton,” his mom cooed.

  Ashton laughed at the noises Moxie made as she was eating. She was a very noisy eater, at least until she fell asleep. Once she was asleep, Adalyn stood and placed her into the crib for the first time.

  Ashton made sure the monitor was on and they quietly left the room, closing the door almost all the way.

  “Well, my dears, it is time for us to head home. Get some rest. There is plenty of food for the next couple of days so you shouldn’t have to cook at all. If you need anything before, I come over next, just call, and let me know,” Mrs. Montgomery told them, joining her husband at the door.

  “Thanks, Mom,” Ashton told her, kissing her on the cheek. Ashton hugged his dad goodbye and then made sure the house was locked up. He then led Adalyn to the bedroom since she was basically asleep on her feet.

  Adalyn changed quickly into one of Ashton’s shirts to sleep in. No sooner did she lay down when Moxie woke up. Ashton went to the nursery to get her. When he picked her up, he realized she was crying because she was wet, so he quickly changed her before taking her to Adalyn to feed.

  Moxie ate noisily to the amusement of Adalyn and Ashton. Once she
fell asleep, Ashton placed her back to bed in her room. Adalyn had fallen asleep before he returned to the room.

  The rest of the evening was spent with Moxie waking every few hours to eat. Adalyn would feed her and change her, and Ashton would place her back in her room.

  “I will be going into the shop for a little tomorrow afternoon. I want to check in on how things have been going over the last few weeks since I haven’t been there much,” Ashton told her as he crawled back into bed next to her.

  “I knew you would go back to work soon since Moxie was home. We will be fine you don’t need to worry,” she told him, snuggling into him as her eyes began to close.

  Adalyn woke the next morning and was surprised that it felt later than she expected. She realized it felt that way because it was. Ashton was in the living room, sitting on the couch, feeding Moxie a bottle, and talking to her quietly.

  “Why didn’t you wake me up to feed her?” Adalyn asked with a smile on her face.

  “You were exhausted, and I wanted a chance to feed her,” he told her with a grin.

  Ashton propped Moxie up on his shoulder gently and patted her back so she could burp. And did she ever! The burp didn’t sound like it came out of a baby, it sounded like it came from a grown man. Adalyn and Ashton laughed at the loud burp. Then Ashton changed her diaper and handed her off to Adalyn.

  Adalyn snuggled Moxie on the couch. Ashton returned a few minutes later with a cup of coffee for her.

  “Thank you,” she smiled, happily taking the steaming cup of coffee, greedily sipping it.

  “With as much caffeine as you drink, I am surprised Moxie sleeps as much as she does,” Ashton teased, looking at his sleeping little princess. Adalyn had laid Moxie on her chest to snuggle, and she was asleep within minutes.

  “What time are you going into the shop?” Adalyn asked curiously.

  “I was going to head in now, so I can get back home to my girls sooner. My sister will be over soon to hang out with you and Moxie. If you need me for anything though, just call and I will come straight home,” Ashton told her seriously. He leaned down and gently kissed Moxie on the head as to not wake her up. Then leaned in and kissed Adalyn not so chastely, causing her to whimper slightly at the contact.

  “Do you have to go into the shop right now?” Adalyn grinned slyly.

  “Yes, baby, I do. The sooner I go in then the sooner I get home and we can continue that,” he winked.

  Adalyn watched him leave the house quietly for the first time since their daughter had been born. She wasn’t worried about taking care of Moxie by herself, she knew she could do it, but she wasn’t used to be home alone anymore.

  Ashton wasn’t even gone ten minutes before Aislyn came barreling through the door.

  “Where’s my girl?” she all but yelled.

  “Shhh, Aislyn, she is sleeping,” Adalyn giggled at her.

  “Oh shit! Sorry,” Aislyn cringed.

  “It’s okay, she didn’t wake up,” Adalyn told her.

  Aislyn sat down gently next to Adalyn, as to not jostle her too much. It didn’t matter though; it was as if Moxie sensed her there and began to stir on Adalyn’s chest.

  “Oh goodie, she’s awake,” Aislyn squealed happily, grabbing the baby from Adalyn’s chest.

  Adalyn couldn’t help the laugh that escaped at her friend’s antics. She was an amazing friend, sister, and aunt. Adalyn felt very blessed to have met her and couldn’t see her life without Aislyn in it.

  “No tears,” Aislyn told Adalyn when she heard her sniffle and wipe under her eyes.

  “I am just so lucky to have you,” Adalyn told her, wiping under her eyes again, so the tears that filled her eyes wouldn’t spill.

  “I know,” Aislyn winked cheekily. “But we have plans today, so no tears!”

  “Really? What are we doing?” Adalyn asked curiously.

  “It’s a surprise. All I can tell you is, no arguing,” Aislyn told her cryptically.

  “Okay,” Adalyn told her suspiciously.

  “Now go get dressed so we can start our day,” Aislyn told her as she loved on Moxie.

  Adalyn went to her room and quickly dressed in some leggings and one of Ashton’s t-shirts. She had lost all the weight she had gained during the pregnancy already, but she wanted to be comfortable today. If she was being honest, she had lost more weight than what she had gained during the pregnancy, so she was the smallest she had been in a few years.

  “I hope this is okay to wear. I didn’t know what we were doing, and I just want to feel comfortable today,” she told Aislyn when she returned to the living room.

  “You look fine, even if you do look like you didn’t have a baby a few weeks ago,” Aislyn teased.

  “I know. I was told that nursing and pumping would help me to lose the pregnancy weight, but I am skinnier than when I got pregnant. The only thing I haven’t lost is my ass,” Adalyn giggled as she turned to show Aislyn.

  “I think if you lost your ass, my brother would be upset,” Aislyn teased.

  “So what are we doing today?” Adalyn asked, hoping that the distraction of her ass would maker Aislyn slip up.

  “Nice try, but no dice. I am not telling,” Aislyn giggled at her.

  “Can’t blame me for trying,” Adalyn told her with a smile.

  “Let’s go. I already packed up Moxie in her seat and her bag,” Aislyn said, pointing to her bundled up baby.

  The girls walked out of the house and to Aislyn’s car that sat in the driveway. Within a few minutes they were on the road to their destination. Or so Adalyn thought. Instead they pulled up in front of their parents’ house.

  “Mom is keeping Moxie for a little bit for the first part of our day,” Aislyn told her, giving her a stern look, daring her to argue.

  Before Adalyn could argue, Mrs. Montgomery came walking out of the house with a huge smile on her face.

  “Everything is in her bag, bottles included,” Aislyn told her mom as she reached into the backseat to grab Moxie from her car seat.

  “Great! You girls have fun. See you later,” was all she said as she closed the car door and walked back into the house carrying the baby.

  Aislyn pulled away from the house before Adalyn got the idea to get out and go after Moxie. She could see it in her eyes, Adalyn wasn’t ready to be without her, even if she would enjoy her day.

  Less than half an hour later, they pulled up to a day spa. An expensive day spa. One that Adalyn could only dream about going to. She was in disbelief as she climbed from the car at Aislyn’s prompting.

  “This place is so expensive. Why are we here?” Adalyn asked.

  Aislyn didn’t answer her, she gently pulled her into the spa where they were greeted by a pretty blonde.

  “I am so glad you made it,” she said in way of greeting.

  “There was nothing keeping us away,” Aislyn told the girl with a smile.

  Adalyn thought it was strange that they were talking as if they knew each other, but then she thought they probably did.

  Within minutes, they were whisked away to get facials. They also got their nails done, hair done, and makeup. When they left a few hours later, Adalyn felt completely relaxed.

  Their next stop was a hotel. A very ritzy hotel. Without a word, Adalyn followed Aislyn where they checked in and were escorted to their suite.

  Adalyn sat on the nearest couch with a sigh. “I need to pump again,” Adalyn told Aislyn. She had to pump when they were at the spa also, so Aislyn wasn’t surprised.

  “I will be right back, don’t pump just yet,” Aislyn told her. Just as Adalyn was going to question her, there was a knock on the door. In walked Mrs. Montgomery with Moxie and a huge smile on her face.

  “Someone is hungry and wants her mama,” she told Adalyn with a smile as she handed Moxie to her.

  With a sigh of relief, Moxie started nursing like a champ, instantly relieving some of the pressure. It didn’t take long before Moxie was finished eating and was once again being held by Mrs. M

  “Let’s finish getting you ready,” Aislyn told her with a grin.

  Adalyn stared at her friend in confusion. “What do you mean?”

  “Follow me and you will find out,” Aislyn told her cryptically.

  Without a word Adalyn stood and followed her friend into what was a giant bedroom. Hanging on the closet door was the most beautiful wedding dress Adalyn had ever seen. She gasped loudly and turned back to Aislyn who was now smiling with tears in her eyes.

  “He isn’t at work, is he?” Adalyn asked.

  “No, he is one floor down getting ready himself. He planned this entire thing because he didn’t want to spend another day without you being his wife,” Aislyn explained, trying to keep the tears from falling.

  Within minutes, Adalyn was dressed and being escorted out of the bedroom, where a waiting Moxie was also dressed in a little white dress.

  “You look absolutely beautiful, sweet girl,” Mrs. Montgomery told her.

  “Thank you, Mom,” Adalyn said to her. She had been told to call her mom on several occasions but didn’t feel it was right, until now.

  “It’s about time,” she grinned at Adalyn.

  Mrs. Montgomery looked down to the phone in her hand which was now vibrating. A huge smile spread across her face. “Let’s get the show on the road. I have a son that is being impatient and wants his girls near him.”

  Mr. Montgomery was standing outside their suite door when it opened. He held his arm out to Adalyn, who placed her arm through his. He escorted her to a small waiting area in front of a closed door.

  “I know that I am not your father, but I would be honored if you let me give you away to my son,” he told Adalyn.

  “I would love nothing more,” she told him.

  Before anything else could be said by either of them, music started, and the doors opened. The giant room was set up to look like a chapel. It was filled with people, most of which Adalyn didn’t recognize. She wasn’t focused on the guests though; she was focused on the man at the front. The man that she planned to spend the rest of her life with. The man that surprised her with a wedding because he didn’t want to go another day without being her husband.


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