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Vampires Bleed Too

Page 6

by Jacey Ward

  “I’ll never get tired of this,” she told him, her tongue lashing out to taste his earlobe.

  “You’re mine,” he hissed and while Cassie couldn’t be certain that she had heard him correctly, the words brought her to the edge of another climax.

  Both their phones began to ring almost simultaneously and Cassie tensed at the sounds, but Evander didn’t seem to notice, the grip of pleasure holding him tightly.

  The slap of his sack against her grew harder and faster. Cassie tightened the walls of her sheath around his enlarged cock. He growled into her ear.

  “Killing me…you’re fuckin’ killing me, Sunshine…”

  She chuckled evilly as she felt him explode again inside her.

  “I…what?” Cassie asked in confusion. “I thought that we agreed I needed to stay out of the public eye with this.”

  “Well it’s too late for that now, isn’t it?”

  “Not really,” Cassie argued and it took her a few seconds to know why she was fighting her friend and boss on the matter.

  If I come out of hiding, this little honeymoon period I have going on with Evander is going to be over before it even has a chance to start. I had almost forgotten about everything going on. Almost.

  “Cassie, I know you’re scared but you have to trust me. I’m going to write you a statement and you can have a press conference. I’m starting to think that the best way to get this bastard is to draw him out.”

  Cassie was quiet for a long moment.

  “You want to use me as bait?” she demanded.

  “Don’t be melodramatic,” Circe snapped. “You already are the bait. I’m saying we use it to our advantage.”

  Cassie looked toward Evander but he had once more disappeared from view.

  “I don’t know, Circe. I’ll have to talk to Evander about this.”

  It was Circe’s turn to fall silent.


  “Are you getting a little too comfortable over there, Cass?”

  “I don’t know what you mean,” Cassie replied quickly and defensively. She closed her eyes and cringed as the words left her lips.

  “Put Evander on the phone.” There was ice in her tone.

  “He’s on another call. I’ll have him call you when he’s off.”

  “You better.”

  She disconnected the call and Cassie grunted in frustration.

  What the hell does she care if I’m getting close to Evander? I’m a grown ass woman. I don’t have to answer for who I sleep with.

  It took her a minute to regain her composure and convince herself that she had no reason to feel guilty for whatever she and Evander had going on.

  It was only then that something else occurred to her.

  If Circe wasn’t the one to call Evander about the piece in the Times, who had?

  She asked him the minute he stepped back into the dining room.

  “Who hired you to protect me?”

  He eyed her warily.

  “Why are you asking me that now? Did Circe say something to you?”

  Cassie’s neck stiffened slightly and a fission of apprehension shot through her.

  “What would she say?”

  Evander turned his head as to not look at her directly but Cassie rose and strode toward him, holding his gaze.

  “Evander? Who hired you if not Circe?”

  “She did hire me—by proxy.”

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  Evander exhaled and shook his head.

  “Kalen, her fiancé made the actual call.”

  Cassie was confused. She knew Kalen, had met him at several events but as far as Cassie knew, he was not involved in Circe’s business.


  “I don’t know, Cassie. What does it matter? Circe obviously okayed it. You were just talking to her, weren’t you?”

  Cassie’s suspicions only mounted. She could not claim to know Evander perfectly but the past few days she had gotten a decent handle on his mannerisms. The fact that he refused to meet her eye spoke volumes to her.

  He’s hiding something. But what?

  It was true—there was no big conspiracy if Circe knew about it but why hadn’t she just called this PI herself.

  Unless there is something special about Evander.

  Cassie was aware of the rumors circulating about Kalen’s own company. There was gossip that he was in some branch of the mob. Until that moment, Cassie had never put much stock into stupid chatter but suddenly, she realized that Evander might not just be a simple private investigator after all.

  Is he a hitman? A solider?

  Cassie certainly didn’t know enough about the inner workings of the mob to make an educated guess but she intended to find out more.

  Without him finding out.

  “Stop looking at me like that,” Evander growled. “Nothing’s changed. I’m still hired to take care of you and find our who’s after you, Cassie. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

  She nodded quickly and shifted her eyes away.

  “I’m going to get dressed. Circe wants you to call her. She knows we’re sleeping together.”


  “So what?” Cassie asked angrily. “There’s no law against it.”

  “Shit, Cassie, what did you tell her?”

  “Nothing! I didn’t tell her anything. She just guessed…”

  Cassie trailed off and suddenly she wondered if she hadn’t made a grave mistake. Although they had agreed to keep their relationship secret, it seemed wrong to her that she hide it from Circe. Still, if Circe hadn’t guessed, Cassie probably wouldn’t have said anything. The look on Evander’s face told her she had done something very, very bad.

  If he’s in the mob and his boss told him to babysit some broad and he banged her, will that get him killed?

  Her breaths shortened.

  “I didn’t tell her anything,” she promised, looking at him with wide eyes. “Just deny it. I did.”

  He nodded slowly, his complexion waning more than usual.

  “Come on,” he said gruffly. “We have to get to my office.”

  Evander brushed by her and Cassie was filled with contrition but she didn’t know what to say. All she knew was that the sense of security which had enveloped her since the day they’d met was evaporating into thin air.

  Chapter 7

  Evander could feel the difference in Cassie after their conversation. A coolness had embraced her and she didn’t look him in the eye when they spoke.

  “Did you talk to Circe?”

  “I’ll call her later.”

  She peered at him as he steered the car back toward his offices, a question obviously ready to spring from her lips but she held herself back for some reason.

  “Cassie, if something’s on your mind, just say it.”

  “No,” she replied far too quickly. “There’s nothing. What are we going to find at your office that we can’t do from home?”

  “I have some stuff on the work computer I need to look at,” he told her evasively. The less she knew about what he was doing, the better.

  “I need you to start thinking about who tipped off that columnist. Who knows about what’s going on with you?”

  Cassie’s head jerked upward and she stared at him, her mouth parted.

  “You think whoever tipped off the paper has something to do with my stalker?”

  “I have no idea. It’s probably not related but if it is, it could be a lead where we haven’t had one before.”

  She nodded slowly and turned her attention back out the window.

  “Cassie, you have to know that we are all committed to keeping you safe.”

  Her shoulders tensed and Evander wondered why she was acting so strangely. What was the big deal if Kalen hired him and not Circe?

  She’s suspicious about something but what? Kalen says she has no idea what we are. How sure is he?

  He parked the car in the garage and together he and Cassie heade
d up to his office.

  “Where the bloody hell have you been?” Bethany snarled when he entered. Cassie paused at the doorway, just out of the receptionist’s view and Evander looked at the redhead in surprise.

  “Am I answering to you now?”

  “It would be nice if you answered your bloody phone once in a while. You disappeared for three days!”

  “I’m working a case.”

  At least that part is kind of true.

  “What fucking case?”

  Evander was taken aback by her tone. Bethany was generally unflappable, but right now she was beyond pissed. He had never seen her so emotional.

  “Has something happened?” he demanded. “What’s going on?”

  She whirled and pointed at a mark on the wall.

  “That’s what happened!” she yelled, her eyes glowing. “If I had been here, I would have shif—"

  The word “shifted” died on her lips as she saw Cassie slip inside the office. Bethany’s face turned into a mask of shock and she looked at Evander accusingly.

  What the fuck is she doing here? She asked telepathically. She almost heard me say—

  She didn’t hear anything.

  “What is that?” Evander asked aloud, striding toward the wall. “Is that a…”

  He stopped speaking and gasped when he saw what it was.

  “Is that a bullet hole?”

  “It’s not the only one, Evander,” Bethany hissed. “They tore up your office.”

  “What the hell?”

  “Oh my God,” Cassie gasped, her face ashen. “It’s him.”

  “Don’t jump to conclusions,” Evander told her quickly. “You have no idea how many people I’ve pissed off in my career.”

  He reached for her hand and she reluctantly allowed him to squeeze it.

  “Well, isn’t this cozy,” Bethany spat. “Now I see where you’ve been.”

  “When did this happen?” Evander asked, ignoring her caustic tone. “After we left here?”

  “That same night.”

  “It can’t be a coincidence,” Cassie muttered, the fear in her voice palpable. Evander didn’t answer but he pulled her into his interior office and looked around. Bethany had restored most of the order inside but the furniture was almost entirely broken and there were more bullet holes in the wall there too.

  Bethany had followed them inside.

  “Was there a message?” Evander demanded. “Any hint on who this might have been?”

  “No but John Crews hasn’t stopped calling.”

  “It’s not John Crews,” Evander sighed, remembering what he had promised to do for the man. It felt like he’d met with the vindictive attorney a million years ago now.

  “I need to see if anything was taken,” he told the women, untangling his fingers from Cassie and stepping toward his laptop which remained. “It wasn’t a robbery. Someone was making a statement.”

  “What statement!” Cassie sounded near hysterics. “He can find me anywhere? That I’m not safe anywhere?”

  “You were safe for days,” Evander reminded her calmly, meeting her gaze. “No one came near you when you were with me.”

  You’re a bloody fool! Bethany taunted him. Shitting where you eat! Shame on you, Evander.

  He ignored Bethany despite her incessant jeering and focussed his full attention on Cassie.

  “I’m taking this with me and we’ll go back home, okay?” he told her tenderly. “There’s no need to panic.”

  Home? Bethany echoed. Are you two living together now?

  Cassie nodded slowly and seemed to relax slightly, whatever she saw in his eyes apparently calming her somewhat.

  “I just need a few minutes to look around,” Evander continued, trying to block Bethany from his mind but she was relentless.

  “I-I’m just going to use the bathroom,” she mumbled. “Is there one close by?”

  “Take her to the washroom, Bethany, and don’t leave her side.”

  Bethany’s smirk faded into a look of disbelief.


  “She’s in danger, Bethany. I don’t want her out of our sight for a minute.”

  The indignation emanating from his assistant was almost tangible, and for a moment, Evander thought she was going to refuse.

  You still work for me, Bethany, he growled silently. Do as you’re fucking told.

  She straightened her back and spun toward the door.

  “I should be okay to go to the bathroom alone,” Cassie told him but there was no conviction in her tone whatsoever.

  “Follow Bethany and stay near her,” he insisted. “When you get back, we’re out of here.”

  She bobbed her head and swallowed visibly.

  “I’m sorry you got dragged into this mess,” she told him sadly. “I never wanted anyone to get hurt.”

  “No one else is going to get hurt,” Evander promised her. “We’re going to get to the bottom of this. Now go.”

  Least of all you.

  There was a rage growing inside Evander. Whomever was after Cassie had bigger balls than he had expected.

  He’s either very stupid or thinks he’s invincible.

  He wondered if Cassie’s stalker wasn’t an immortal. That would certainly complicate matters if he was.

  He gestured toward the door with his head. Bethany was long gone, presumably leading the way toward the bathroom.

  “Go with Bethany,” he instructed and she didn’t argue.

  After Cassie departed, he moved his attention back to the mess around him, checking through files and looking for anything that might be missing.

  As he suspected, nothing had been removed but when he opened his laptop and logged on, his already chilled blood ran icy.

  A simple message sprawled against the black screen in simple white block letters.

  “If I Wanted Her, I Would Have Taken Her By Now.”

  Anger and concern fused in his body and he jumped up from the desk, slamming the computer shut as he heard the sound of heels approaching. Bethany appeared in the office, shoving the oak door shut behind her.

  “Where’s Cassie?” he demanded.

  “She’s pissing, Evander. Calm your tits.”

  “I told you not to leave her—”

  Before he could finish his reprimand, Bethany shoved him back and pressed her mouth against his, her blood red lipstick smearing over his shocked lips.

  “What are you doing?” he yelled, pushing her away and glowering at her. “Have you lost your fucking mind?”

  Her green eyes were huge and she exhaled in a rush of anger.

  “You’re in love with her!” she snarled. There was no lust in her eyes, only shock and fury.

  “Mind your own damned business,” he bit back, scrubbing the back of his hand over his reddened lips aggressively. But the words she had spoken aloud sent a pang of confusion through him.

  “Evander! She’s a mortal! You’re breaking the rules!” Bethany hissed. “What has gotten into you?”

  He froze and turned back to her. His immediate instinct was to deny it but Bethany had already seen too much. There was no point in getting into an argument with Bethany. Anyway, Evander was sure that his assistant could be trusted, even if she was currently having a conniption.

  “And who’s going to tell? You?”

  She glared at him defiantly and for a moment, Evander was worried she might sell them out.

  “Stay away from her before you get us all into a world of trouble,” she snapped. “You know better than this!”

  Shame crept into his bones and he tried to supress it but he knew she was speaking the truth. The rules were in place for a reason. Mortals couldn’t mate with immortals and not simply because biology didn’t permit such unions - if the mortals ever learned about the existence of the immortals among them, chaos would ensue. It had happened before. Evander often wondered if that was why the rarely-seen dragons were the only ones capable of mating with mortals. They were a dying breed among the Devian
ts for good reason – procreating with mortals had to be an indication of any species’ downfall, right?

  That’s insanity. Cassie would never say anything if I told her my secret, he reassured himself, forgetting that Bethany had tapped into his subconscious.

  You damned fool. Cassandra wouldn’t stay with you for two seconds if she knew about the blood you suck to sustain yourself, Bethany barked at him. What the hell is wrong with you?

  He raised his head slowly and stared at the receptionist. He knew exactly what was wrong with him—he was falling for Cassie faster than he could stop himself.

  “Keep your damned mouth shut,” he told her with as much malice as he could muster. “Don’t forget what I’m capable of, Bethany.”

  “Oh, I don’t,” she retorted, not a glimmer of fear in her eyes. “I know exactly what you can do. I’ve seen it all firsthand. Hell, I may have even topped some of it but you know who doesn’t know the first thing about you and what you’re capable of? Cassie.”

  It was a veiled threat but not one designed to do him harm. Bethany knew the consequences of what he was doing and she probably worried about herself too. As much as a bitch that she acted like, at the end of the day, Bethany cared about him.

  She doesn’t want to see me sent to purgatory.

  “Don’t make me tell Kalen what you’re doing,” Bethany pleaded. “You’re giving me little choice in the matter if you keep this up. If he learns that I knew about this, Evander, I could be in just as much trouble as you. You’ve had your fun now let her go.”

  “Kalen is the one who sent her here. He’s not going to let me send her away.” He hoped his voice conveyed the confidence he was trying to display, even though he wasn’t sure he was speaking the truth.

  “He will if he suspects you’re disobeying the laws. You’re still technically owned by the Corpus, Evander. Don’t forget that. No matter how dangerous you are, they could overwhelm you if enough of them teamed up together.”

  They stared at one another silently for a long moment.

  “Evander, think about it,” Bethany sighed. “You can’t keep this up forever.”

  “I’m going to find Cassie. If anything happened to her—”

  “Nothing happened to her and please acknowledge what I’m saying. How are you going to carry on like this? You’ve only known her a few days.”


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