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Crypts and Crimes (Trixie Towers Book 3)

Page 17

by Scarlett Dawn

  King Athon turned to face him. “Your daughter is a Fae damned nuisance.” He stomped past everyone, growling the whole way. “And no, Queen Alora, you cannot speak yet. They aren’t that far away.”

  The Queen of Merfolk shut her mouth, glaring fiercely.

  My lips trembled in barely restrained hilarity…

  I tossed the shifter king’s crown far in front of him, right at the edge of the moss. I laughed wholeheartedly when he stopped in place to stare at his crown lying in the mud. “I may not have stolen it when you asked, but you did make it easy when you turned your back on me.”

  Let that be a warning to you, shifter.

  “Trixie, get your ass moving.” King Traevon grabbed my arm and pulled me along, sighing under his breath. He reprimanded, “The surly feline can only take so much. Sometimes, you must find it in your heart to be nice to the kitty. Many things trouble him, such as his much smaller counterparts being able to purr while he cannot. Terribly embarrassing, yes? But at least he did not roll onto his back to crush every bone in your body earlier. That deserves some kindness from you, don’t you think?”

  King Athon’s claws unsheathed when we walked by.

  I stared straight ahead. “Yes, I suppose the kitty does deserve a small reprieve from playing elven games.”

  “Precisely so, my daughter.” He patted my arm…and stepped right on top of the shifter king’s crown, shoving it further down into the mud, as we exited from behind the moss. Under the muted sunshine, he stated, “We shall begin now.”

  King Athon snarled, stalking past us at a fast clip. He held his crown up into the air with two fingers, the mud dripping down off it. On his aggravated trek, the King of Shifters muttered to himself, “I swear, the Fae fucking hate me.”

  I swallowed down my laugh, and then I caught his crown as he flung it back at me—my eyes rounding in surprise.

  “Clean it, elf,” the shifter king growled over his shoulder. “You’re already covered in filth.”

  I bared my fangs. But I cleaned the damned crown.

  Then I used it to pry the caked mud off my face and clothing, as the five of us followed closely behind him.

  I mumbled in surprise, “Huh. This is fairly useful.”

  Father’s lips trembled.

  Queen Mikko grabbed the crown from me, pulling forward to slam it against the shifter king’s chest. “Just take it. I beg you.”

  He looked down at it and then back up, his long legs working easily through the tall brush and mud. “It’s not clean. She can do better than that.”

  The Queen of Casters slowed down and whispered too quietly for me to hear…and the crown was instantly sparkling. She sped back up and waggled it in front of him. “Oh my. Princess Trixie works fast.”

  King Athon glowered down at her. “Indeed?”

  “Just be quiet. You’re beginning to aggravate me.”

  “I’m only beginning to?”

  “Quite so.” She flicked the crown up into the air and slowed down once more. “Take it if you wish.”

  The King of Shifters snagged it from the air and placed it in his traveling bag again. He pointed a finger to the left. “The road she traveled is that way.”

  Queen Mikko’s dark brows creased. “That is not the way to the province I investigated.”

  “Where does this one lead?” King Elon hissed.

  Her head tipped to the side, her chestnut brown, tree bark hair scraping over her shoulder. “There are many paths off that road.”

  King Traevon inquired briskly, “Can you track her, King Athon?”

  “Yes, I have her scent down.” King Athon removed the strap from over his head and tossed the bag back to me—again. He snarled. “Behave, elf.”

  Then he immediately shifted.

  I sighed and carried his Fae damned bag.

  It was needed this time for the quest.

  But I did grab his tail, stopping him. “You’ll be able to tell if anyone’s watching us in the brush?”

  King Athon nodded his furry head, wrinkling his nose. He curled and bumped his face against my arm, shoving my hand away from his tail. The tiger bared his teeth once, and then turned and started sauntering down the swampy dirt road.

  There was no other option. We followed the kitty.


  Confession of a princess:

  Why must there always be dead bodies lying about on these quests? Is it a warning from the Fae? I think it is.

  I can imagine their voices now, shrieking, “For you shall fall soon, you despicable wench. You are damaged. Die!”

  …or something like that.

  I GAZED IN trepidation at the outside of the hostel where we were to sleep. “Are you positive this is the only place available? There must be another in this province. It is large enough for three lodgings.”

  Queen Mikko sighed softly. “I am positive. Bella Water only has two.”

  Her sister was staying at the nice inn. We were not.

  The King of Gorgons wrinkled his nose in disgust. “Do they at least have food?”

  My own stomach rumbled. It was late. I was hungry, too.

  “I believe they do.” The caster queen walked forward. “Stay out here while I procure the rooms.”

  I covertly stepped closer to my warm soul mate. With the coming of evening, a chill had settled in the mist. His body heat was welcome at this point, my muscles tired from walking so long.

  King Traevon stretched his back. “Someone will need to take a meal to Queen Alora. Who shall go?”

  I turned my head to the gorgon king—as did King Athon.

  Father was already looking at him.

  “Yes, I will take her dinner,” King Elon hissed. “I’ll take over the watch when I go.”

  I snorted. Of course, he would.

  He added, “You might also allow her to speak freely.”

  King Athon snorted. “We’re actually tracking our target this time. She needs to remain silent.” He shifted his traveling bag to his other shoulder, having relieved me of it once he’d found the correct province.

  It had taken a long time today.

  I peered down at our boots. It had also been very muddy.

  Swamps were filthy.

  I glanced left and right, the street as quiet as the mist. Lights lit up two of the shops nearby—even this late at night—individuals seen within... “This place is eerie. Why is it so quiet?” A thought quickly occurred. I waved a hand in the air. “Never mind. I am tired. They’ve spelled their buildings for concealment.”

  Father grinned with pride. “Exactly so, my heir.”

  Queen Mikko exited the inn and walked toward us with slumped shoulders. She muttered grouchily, “I managed to get a room.”

  King Traevon stared in confusion. “That is good.”

  “No.” She cleared her throat. “One room. That is all they have available. The rest are already taken.”

  I groaned and dropped my head down. “One bed, I suppose?”

  “Actually, there are two in the room.” Queen Mikko perked up at revealing this wonderful news. “I was told that they will fit two people each.”

  King Elon hissed. “This is dreadful. The elves will share a bed, and there will be a battle for the other.”

  “And I will win.” King Athon’s smile was small—and deadly. “There’s no reason for any more bloodshed today. Everyone should just accept the inevitable. Unless someone wants to fight… Then I’ll play along.”

  I lifted my head and crossed my eyes at my father.

  King Traevon shook his head, chuckling. “Let us go inside. The night is getting chilly.”

  “Thank the Fae,” I grumbled.

  “Prepare yourselves. From what I’ve seen so far, this hostel…is in need of assistance.” Queen Mikko turned and walked in front of us. “Keep your heads down and stay close behind me.” She led everyone inside through the front door.

  I flinched, the noise suddenly blasting my eardrums.

Are these the balls off that raccoon I saw you bring in earlier?” a caster shouted to my right. He sat at a table, holding up a plate to a barkeep standing next to him. “Because it sure as Fairy looks like it. I’m not eating this Fae shit.”

  Another caster shoved against my left shoulder, knocking me into my king as he stormed out of the hostel—gripping the hand of another caster that had blood all over his face.

  The Fae awful singing came from a woman caster, drunk off her ass and standing on top of the bar, swaying—not in rhythm—to her horrid tune.

  I turned my head away, keeping my eyes down.

  “I swear to you, this brew works,” another nearby whispered as we passed him. He leaned over his table, staring into the eyes of his companion. “I’ve made it perfect this time. It will have no adverse effects. The caster queen herself approved it.”

  The plate of balls suddenly flew in front of my face and shattered all over the wall next to me, glass shards pelting my cloak. I froze in place, watching the balls…and yes, they looked like what I imagined raccoon balls looked like…fall off the wall and splat onto the ground in front of my muddy boots.

  I gagged hard in the back of my throat.

  “I said I want my coin back!” the angry customer shouted.

  King Athon placed his hand against my back, soundlessly prodding me forward, his heat like a refuge in this dump.

  I stepped over the mess, and hurried to catch up to the caster queen—but not so quickly that I slipped away from my soul mate’s warmth. The stairs we climbed were extremely small and nearly straight up, the walls so close together we had to turn sideways when our group passed a whispering caster sitting on the stairs, a stone statue in his hands that he continued to spell into different birds. I rubbed at my forehead in disbelief when we landed on the upper level, coming to an abrupt stop. Two casters were fucking up against a wall—the woman’s legs wrapped around her partner’s waist, both casters completely nude.

  “Harder, please!” The woman choked on air…as he fucked her harder. “Yes.”

  I looked around the floor.

  Where in the Fairy did their clothes go?

  Did they chant them away?

  Hmm. There was a spell for that.

  Queen Mikko shook her head and sighed. She quickly maneuvered around the bucking duo, hastening down the thin hallway.

  Father turned and yanked my hood down lower—as if he were trying to cover my eyes. Then he muttered a quiet curse and gave up, and squeezed past the fuckers.

  King Elon rapidly followed behind him.

  The King of Shifters simply leapt over them, somersaulting on the ground and standing up easily.

  I wrinkled my nose and moved quickly. But I got stuck when the woman’s feet shot out in ecstasy, trapping me between the wall and her partner’s naked back. I slapped my hand over my mouth, shoving my back against the wall when her man started pumping harder, really working his hips.

  I slowly lowered myself, staying as straight as I could as I squatted low. I waddled to the left, a thrusting ass in my face, and moved under the woman’s trembling leg. I used my hands to crawl out the other side faster, shooting up to my feet when I was free of them and quickly hurried away toward the rulers.

  The four royals stood at the end of the hallway, all staring back at me with varying expressions on their faces.

  Father sharply pointed at me, his face as red as our chief gardener’s prized tomatoes. He hissed, “You will never tell your mother about this.”

  I couldn’t even speak to answer him, utterly horrified—my cheeks as rosy as his.

  King Elon snorted hard in mirth, gurgling in his throat.

  My soul mate merely glared death down the hallway, ready to maul the screwing couple, the very tips of his claws showing.

  “Yes! Yes!” the woman screamed.

  Queen Mikko hurriedly turned to the door we stood in front of, clumsily shoving a key hard into the lock.


  The caster queen stared down at the broken key in her hand, mumbling, “What in the Fairy is this place?”

  King Athon didn’t even look, his attention still down the hallway. He reached out his right hand and shoved the door handle.


  The rotted door flew open.

  The five of us filed inside.

  We stood in the middle of the “room” a tight cluster, our backs to each other, not moving an inch.

  I groaned loudly. “Is that a rat?”

  “It is dead.” King Elon pointed. “Killed by that raccoon hiding in the corner.”

  “Are its balls still there?” I asked curiously.

  Queen Mikko abruptly laughed. “This has to be the most Fae awful hostel in the entire realm. And we’re staying here.” She slapped at her knee, keeling over in her shocked hilarity, peels of laughter falling past her lips.

  King Athon growled. “Those beds are supposed to fit two people each?”

  I peeked around our group at the beds. Oh my.

  “At least, the sheets appear freshly washed…twenty years ago,” Father muttered dryly.

  I questioned quietly, “Are those bloodstains?”

  “Yes,” the shifter king rumbled.

  I shuddered and leaned my head back.

  Queen Mikko’s laughter finally dwindled, the room quieting once more. She wiped at her eyes and studied the place further. “I do not think we will all fit in here if we are lying down.”

  King Traevon snorted. “Do you want to lie down on this floor?” Rat droppings were …everywhere.

  A few were even in the spider webs on the ceiling.

  I pointed up. “How in the Fairy did the rat manage that?”

  King Elon grumbled, “The raccoon probably threw him into the air at one point.”

  I stared. “Truly?”

  “What do you think? I have no Fae fucking idea how rat shit made its way to the damned ceiling.” King Elon waved his hands at the room in irritation. “We cannot stay here. This is positively revolting.”

  King Athon grunted. “King Traevon should burn it down.”

  Father nodded in agreement.

  I pointed in awe. “Holy Fairy. Is that a clean spot?”

  “No, the raccoon pissed there,” King Elon hissed.

  I sniffed. I wasn’t falling for that again.

  “I wasn’t jesting. It truly is piss.”

  My nose scrunched. Gross.

  “There…is a place we can stay,” Queen Mikko said slowly. “It will have more room.”

  King Traevon turned his head to look at her in our tight group. “Why do you sound hesitant?”

  “Because we would be sleeping in the crypts.”

  I blinked. “No.”

  “Yes,” King Athon growled. He marched toward the corner of the room—two steps—and squatted. The shifter king grabbed the raccoon by the scruff of his neck and lifted him into his arms. “I’m saving this poor bastard, too.”

  * * *

  Statues rising into the night sky stared down on me.

  I asked softly, “Who lies here?”

  “It is the original caster,” Queen Mikko stated coolly, no warmth in her voice. She spread her arms out wide. “And his favorite lovers.”

  His love slaves. The innocent casters he had used his royal charmpower on to slake his lusts, forever binding them to him in carnal slavery.

  The original caster deserved to burn again and again…

  For eternity.

  My features remained blank, not allowing any thoughts to show on my face. “I am sorry we had to come here, Your Royal Highness.”

  She grunted. “Nevertheless, it will be our shelter.”

  “I’ll relieve Queen Alora from her post at Kera’s hostel,” King Elon hissed. “I will inform her where to come.”

  “Tell her we will be where the original caster’s tomb is.” The Queen of Casters stalked forward toward the statues, her back as stiff as her tone. “It’s obvious which one it is.”

e King of Gorgons nodded, and walked away into the dark.

  King Athon placed the raccoon on the ground and lightly bopped his butt, whispering, “Go on now. Flee this wretched place.”

  The furry critter was smart. He quickly scampered off.

  I wished I could go with him.

  My father waited until I moved, walking with me, his presence a strength I needed at my side as the stairs at the base of the original caster’s statue came into view—the caster queen already walking down them.

  King Traevon asked gently, “Are you all right, my daughter?”

  “I don’t want to go in there.” I raised my chin and sniffed. “The doss-house was better than this.”

  King Athon stepped in line with us, walking slowly. He wiggled his nose—pointedly. “There were dead bodies there.”

  “There are dead bodies here,” I griped.

  “Elf, we know how these bodies got here.” The King of Shifters bared his tiger fangs. “How do you suppose the bodies in the inn arrived? Shall we all take random guesses?”

  I scowled. “You should have told Queen Mikko.”

  “Correctly so,” King Traevon murmured. “Why did you not?”

  King Athon ground his teeth together.

  We stopped at the top of the stairs.

  Father prodded, “I am waiting for your answer.”

  The King of Shifters growled, “The raccoon was one of mine. I didn’t want to risk him being injured further. His back leg was still recovering from whatever that shithole did to him.”

  I blinked. “The raccoon was a shifter?”

  “Yes. Since I’ve released him safely, I’ll inform the Queen of Casters of what I smelled.” He waved a hand in frustration at the stairs. “May we go in now?”

  “Queen Mikko needs to clean up this bloody province.” King Traevon tromped down the stairs. “Bella Water is less than impressive.”

  “I would agree with you on that, my king.” I inhaled heavily, watching my father’s back—and not moving at all. “Mayhap I can sleep out here?”

  Father abruptly stopped and looked back over his shoulder, staring up at me. “In the mist, my daughter? You know better than that. Or should, after all of your studying.”

  King Athon growled softly, looking down on the top of my head. “The mist can be spelled, elf.”


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