The Dirty Texas Rockstar Box Set (Books 1 - 5)
Page 33
“Are you okay, man?” Jake asks as we make our way to the wedding ceremony.
“Honestly I feel like I’m going to be sick,” I confess, playing with the band of the new watch Sienna surprised me with this morning. My heart is racing, my palms are sweaty, my body feels like a junkie waiting for their next fix, jitters trying to take over.
“It’s going to be alright,” Axel grips my shoulder.
The day has been spent relaxing, shooting the shit with my friends, then Mom and Dad arrived and helped me get ready. The tears started from Mom and that kind of set me off, seeing the look of pride on my parents faces, telling me how happy they are for Sienna and I. The magnitude of what today means hit me like a ton of bricks. I just need to see Sienna, once my eyes hit hers I know that all this jittery, unease will subside and everything will be okay.
“Here, have some of this.” Christian hands me a flask of something.
Taking a quick sip, the bourbon burning down my throat, hopefully that will take the edge off.
“Welcome boys,” Camryn sings happily, greeting us at the aisle.
“Fuck this looks amazing,” Jake says, pulling me from my thoughts.
My eyes fall upon the gorgeous scene before me. Sienna is going to lose her mind when she sees the area all decorated. She’s been working so hard planning this wedding, seeing all her ideas come to fruition is awe-inspiring. The old barn doors that create the entrance to the aisle, white bench seats on either side with Australian native flowers dapped from the pews. At the end of the aisle is nothing but blue sky and ocean before us and two large gum trees framing the view perfectly. Just under the gum trees is a floral arch where the wedding officiant will stand and marry us in front of our family and friends.
“Chris, I think I need another shot,” I state, putting my hand out to him. He places the flask into my hand and I take a sip. Ahh, that feels better.
“Sienna looks beautiful, Evan,” Camryn says, grabbing my attention. “They are just having photos taken and should be here right on time. Your photographer is over there and would like to take some shots now.” I nod and follow in the direction of the man with the lens.
It isn’t long until Camryn is ushering us into place. I watch as the seats fill up with everyone that is close to Sienna and I. My parents arrive, I can see Mom has already put her sunglasses on and a hanky is twisted in her hand.
“Good luck, sweetheart,” she says, kissing my cheek. Dad gives me a pat on the back.
“Shit’s about to get real,” Jake whispers to me.
I look down the line of my groomsmen, Jake, my best man, then my Dirty Texas brothers, Axel, Christian, Finn and Oscar. They all look at me giving me nervous smiles, as we wait in silence for Sienna’s entrance. Camryn taps me on my shoulder, “She will be here in five.”
Slowly I turn myself around and look out to the ocean, the boys follow suit.
“Fuck, man I’m nervous for you,” Jake mumbles.
“Yeah me too,” Finn agrees.
“Feels like my wedding day,” Christian adds.
The boys burst out laughing.
“I think this is the closest you will ever get to a wedding day, bro,” Axel jokes.
“Hey, man that’s harsh. I bet I’ll get married before you,” Christian grumbles, holding his hand out.
“Yeah, how much?” His brother asks.
“That’s nothing, Chris, go big or go home,” Oscar pipes in.
“Okay then $100,000.” Christian ups the ante.
Axel shakes his head, “Nah, that won’t buy me shit. I bet you a million dollars.”
“Seriously you guys are betting on who’s getting married next, what the fuck is wrong with you?” At least these fuckers have made me forget my nerves. “You guys are single, I thought you would be all betting on who would stay single the longest,” I add, looking at my friends.
“That’s no fun, clearly I’m going to be the winner. Who the fuck would want to marry him?” Axel goads his brother.
“Don’t forget we are twins, dickhead, we’re pretty much the same,” Christian bites back.
“Yeah but my personality is so much better than yours,” he chuckles.
Christian punches him in the arm, making him wince.
“Fuckers, no punching each other in the middle of my wedding,” I whisper yell at them. “Sienna is about to turn up. I need you all to please act like grown-ups for the next thirty minutes, okay?” They all look at me shocked and burst out laughing.
“Never seen Evan so stressed,” Finn adds as he smiles.
“Fuck, if getting married is this stressful, there is no way in hell I’m doing it,” Oscar grumbles.
Then I hear the place go silent, shit, she must be here. I watch as the boys take a peek over their shoulders. “Man, turn around,” Jake shoulders me.
I was going to keep my back turned until Sienna is right beside me, but now that the time is here, fuck it, I need to see her. I turn around and face the wooden doors as the string quartet starts to play. The doors swing open, and Charlotte is the first one through. Fuck, she looks beautiful, I can already feel my eyes watering.
My eyes flick toward the crowd and I see the look on Blake’s face and he is in awe. Next down the line is Isla. I look over to where Oscar is standing and give him a smile, his face beaming at his little sister, then my eyes dropped to where Finn is standing trying to control his emotions but he couldn’t hide them. Then there is Stacey, the girl who is Sienna’s right hand woman and from Oscar’s little confession last night, his new special friend.
Vanessa struts out next and I hear Christian audibly suck in a breath, I don’t get why those two don’t hurry up and get together. I wished I had grown the balls from the start instead of wasting all those months going back and forth with Sienna. Maybe Axel doesn’t realize the depths his brother is in love with Vanessa, otherwise he wouldn’t be making that stupid bet. Because I guarantee if Vanessa asked Christian to marry her he would be rushing her to Vegas and putting a ring on her finger. They just need to work out their own shit, in their own time, I guess no one can rush them.
Out walks Derrick with the biggest smile on his face, fuck I love that man. For everything that he has done for Sienna, especially when I fucked up, I owe him so much. Our eyes catch for a moment and I can see he’s holding his shit together by the tiniest of threads. The doors close again, nervous anticipation floats over the crowd, as they stand and wait for Sienna’s arrival. The string quartet change their music to Canon in D, the wooden doors slowly open and that’s when I am hit by the most beautiful vision of my life. Back lit by the setting sun, Sienna floats down the aisle like an angel on her father’s arm, a vision in white lace. Fuck, she is beautiful. Her misty eyes find mine and she gives me a smile. That’s when I realize I’m crying, errant tears fall down my cheeks as she moves toward me. I feel like I’ve been holding my breath in forever, the breath finally escaping my lungs as she stands beside me.
“Hey,” I whisper as Sienna takes her spot beside me.
“Hey,” she responds with a smile.
The officiant starts the service; Sienna’s father gives her a kiss on the cheek as he hands her over to me.
“Treat her right,” her dad whispers to me on his way back to his seat. I give him a reassuring nod. The ceremony continues quickly after that, like a blur, we exchange rings, my hand shaking as I place her diamond wedding band on her finger.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife, you make kiss the bride,” the officiant declares.
Turning I grab Sienna’s face and plant a non-traditional kiss on her lips. It’s been over twenty-four fucking hours since I’ve touched her. Her hands rest on my chest, the loud hollers of the wedding crowd muted as my lips capture hers. This is what my life has led me to. Her. This kiss is the start of our new life together, the start of being a better man than I was yesterday.
“Evan.” She’s breath
less from the kiss.
“Fuck, I love you,” I whisper, as our foreheads are pressed together.
“I love you too, my husband.”
I’m married!
Evan and I are married!
And that kiss. That was a Notebook kind of kiss. I could hear everyone clapping and whistling as Evan had hold of me, kissing the life out of me. Far out, how did I get so lucky to marry this man?
“It’s time for the first dance,” Camryn whispers to us.
We’ve finished dinner, and the speeches, which was most definitely entertaining. Christian and his tales of rock star life, Jake and Charlotte and their stories of Evan growing up. My dad making everyone cry with his beautiful speech, and how could I forget Derrick and Vanessa’s song which had everyone in hysterics. I kicked off my heels earlier and slipped into some flats. My feet are killing me and maybe a little swollen.
Evan and I make our way through the room, squeezing between the wooden tables of our guests, toward the dance floor. Camryn has done an amazing job bringing my bohemian vision to life. The large marquee tent is set up at the back of the retreat, melting into the rainforest canopy. There’s clear panels on the roof which let you look up through the tree branches to the twinkling stars in the night sky. Large chandeliers hang from the beams; fairy lights twinkle along the arch ways. Large floral arrangements twist around the poles, it’s like you’re sitting inside a greenhouse with the quantity of flowers we have. I may have gone overboard a little, but it does look beautiful. The large wooden dance floor is set up outside of the tent, as it’s summer time, it’s too hot to have it inside one of the tents. There’s a DJ booth on side and a rustic wooden bar on the other. Scattered around the dance floor and throughout the extensive gardens are sofas and side chairs for guest to relax on. Lanterns light the paths that wind throughout the gardens and towards the cabins. Tiny glass balls filled with tea lights hang from the low tree branches like glowing bubbles. It looks like a midsummer night’s garden, truly magical.
“You ready to dance, wife,” Evan whispers into my ear.
“Not really but I’ll give it ago.” We haven’t practiced anything as we’re both not big dancers, we’re just hoping the music will take us along the dancefloor.
“Just one moment,” Camryn says, as she walks over to the DJ’s booth to talk to him. Everyone’s come out from the tent and are standing around the dance floor. We take a step onto the wooden floor and wait for our choice of music to start. The soft riffs of guitars can be heard, then a piano comes from another direction, everyone is looking around trying to work out where the sounds are coming from. Then we hear a voice start to hum. “Axel,” I say as he steps out from the crowd.
“Sienna, we know you chose a song to dance to, but Evan kind of vetoed it and instead wrote one for you,” he says smiling, as Christian and Oscar emerge with guitars and Finn with an electric keyboard hanging from his shoulders. I’m shocked into silence when Axel’s smooth voice starts to sing, and Evan pulls me into his arms as we sway to the love song that he wrote for me, titled More.
This maybe our wedding day but it’s also Evan’s thirty-first birthday and New Year's Eve. I wanted all these elements incorporated into the night. At 10.00pm we call everyone back into the tent so we can wish Evan a happy birthday. Camryn organized an electric guitar birthday cake for Evan, totally surprised him.
“Hey, babe” Pulling him away from his well wishes. “Here’s your birthday present” handing him a large gift bag. “But you shouldn’t really open it in front of people,” Giving him a wink, which gets his attention.
“You naughty little minx, Mrs. Wyld. What have you given me?” He asks, the look I give him tells him everything he needs to know. “Excuse me for a sec, guys.” Evan tells the boys. Taking my hand, he pulls me away from everyone. We make our way through the tent, past the dance floor. Evan takes one of the garden paths, we follow the twinkling fairy lights further into the darkness. He takes a quick look around to make sure we are alone.
“Let me see,” he says, letting go of my hand, ripping open the gift bag. He pulls out the tissue paper which reveals a leather bound album. “Mrs. Wyld, what could this be?” Raising his eyebrow at me, he opens the album and flicks through the pages. “No, you didn’t?” He flicks through some more pages with a bewildered look on his face. “You are so fucking beautiful, Sienna,” he declares, looking at me in awe.
I did it. I took the nude photos of myself for him, with my huge pregnant belly. “Do you like it?” I ask worried.
Grabbing my hand and placing it over his dick, I can feel how much he likes my present. “I just want to bend you over and fuck you right now, in the middle of the garden. I’m so fucking turned on.”
Evan’s words send shivers over my body.
“Please tell me Charlotte took these photos, because if it was a male photographer I might just have to kill him for seeing you naked,” he growls, pulling me against him.
“It was Charlotte. As if I would do that to you,” I reassure, looking up at him. I’m severely disadvantaged without my heels, Evan towers over me. He leans down kissing me, walking me back a couple of steps, my back hits a tree, I can feel his arousal as he pushes it into me. “When can I take you back to the cabin, so I can fuck my wife?” Evan nibbles my neck.
“After midnight sometime, baby,” I moan as all the nerves in my body come alive.
“But that’s hours away,” he whines. “I need you now.” His palm touches my breast. “I want to make love to my wife.”
“I do too, Evan.” My whole body is demanding that my husband takes me. “But we have to get back to our wedding,” I remind him.
“Fuck it, everyone's drunk they won’t notice we are missing,” he mumbles, as his lips keep assaulting the sensitive area of my neck.
“Hmm,” I groan, as I let him do to me what he wants, I’m powerless against his magic lips.
“You sneaky fuckers,” Derrick yells at us, making us both jump apart like a pair of horny teens caught making out in the dark.
“Derrick! You scared the shit out of us,” I say, clutching my chest. “You want me to give birth right here?”
“Sorry, Si, but I wanted to let you know that they are setting up the midnight feast and some of the older relatives are wanting to say goodbye,” he informs, crossing his hands over his chest.
“Okay fine, we’re coming,” I promise as I push off the tree.
“Well you’re not now that I spoilt your fun,” he chuckles. I slap him on the arm. “Need any help Mr. Wyld?” Derrick smirks, his eye sliding down to Evan’s crotch and back up again.
“Derrick Jones, you stop checking out my husband’s crotch,” I scold him.
“Fine, fine you’re no fun now you’re a married old woman. Just let your husband know my services are available if you’re too tired tonight.”
My jaw drops. “Derrick!” I gasp, before punching him in the arm again.
“Ouch, that hurt,” he whines.
“No more propositioning my husband, okay?”
Derrick nods.
“I’m sure there are plenty of men that you can hook up with here,” I tell him.
“And no not my brother,” Evan adds.
“That’s such a shame. But no, the one I want has run off with one of the wait staff and is currently screwing her in the bushes.”
Evan and I are shocked. “You telling me other people are getting lucky at my wedding and I’m not?” Evan’s looking at me bewildered.
“Hey, not my fault we got interrupted, “looking at Derrick. “Plus we have people to say goodbye to,” I remind him.
“Fine, fine,” he grumbles. “D, I’m sorry about that douche. If I was gay I would do you,” Evan says, slapping him on the back.
“Damn it why can’t it be opposite day, so that could come true.” He smiles at us.
“Come on you, let’s get back to this wedding, say goodbye to some old people and find you so
me hot stud to have a quickie in the bushes with or to a least kiss at midnight. What about the magazine photographer?” I ask, linking arms with Derrick as we walk back to the wedding.
“Three, two, one, happy New Year,” everyone screams as the fireworks we organized get set off over the point. You can see in the distance all the other fireworks going off along the beaches. Everyone is celebrating, hugging and kissing each other. Evan wraps an arm around my shoulders “Happy New Year, Mrs. Wyld,” he whispers into my ear. I lean my head back against his hard chest, turning to the side so our lips can meet in a New Year kiss.
“This year is going to be a big one for us, Evan.”
“I know, sweetheart, we are going to meet little Bean.” His hands rub over my stomach, and Bean takes that moment to give him a big kick for good measure, making us laugh.
“Happy New Year, buddy,” Evan chuckles.
“Life is going to change for us.”
“Darlin’, I know, but as long as we stick together, communicate, then we can get through anything, okay?”
“I’m worried about giving birth to Bean.” I feel the hitch in my voice as I confess my worries to Evan.
“Sienna, I’ve got you. I have no idea how you give birth, or what the hell we are supposed to do. We can start those birthing classes when we get back so maybe that will help ease your fears,” he says, planting a kiss on my cheek.
“Yeah, maybe. Do you think we are going to be good parents?”
“Maybe? I hope so, we just try our best. We teach him right from wrong. Plus, he’s going to have so many people around him that I don’t think we are going to have a chance to fuck him up.”
“Yeah maybe you’re right, it takes a village,” I laugh.
“A village of rock stars,” Evan jokes.