The Dirty Texas Rockstar Box Set (Books 1 - 5)
Page 68
Evan bursts out laughing, he understands my pain.
“What did you name your little dude?”
“He is Levi, Levi Wyld.”
“Sorry I’m late, my plane just arrived.” Isla stands at the door.
The room goes silent, all eyes on Isla. Shit is about to hit the fan.
The End
Suddenly Bound
“You have a fiancé?”
All I see is red. No, actually all I see are his lips on hers and that image alone kills me.
“I’m sorry, Axel…but it’s not what you think.”
Um, yeah it is. She lied to me. “Do you or do you not have a fiancé?”
She stands there silently, choosing her words carefully, her hazel eyes can’t meet mine, they are glued firmly to the floor. “Yes, yes I do have a fiancé.”
I am seething and shocked. She looks so innocent. I never expected this from her, not after everything. She played me, and played me good. I fell for the goddamn innocent act; hook, line and sinker.
“I know I should have told you, it’s just that…”
“There are no fucking buts, Olivia. You have a fiancé. You chose to continue whatever was happening between us knowing full well that you were engaged to another. I can’t stand to look at you. Was I just a convenient fuck? Or are you really a Dirty Texas groupie? Ha, groupie is too good a word for you; at least those women are honest when they fuck me.”
I can see my words are hitting their mark.
“Go back to your fiancé. I never want to see you again.” Turning my back on her, I walk out of the room, shaking my head.
Women, they are all the same. You can never trust them.
I hear shouting as I enter my home, a little cottage just off in the forest beside my family’s castle. My parents are currently staying with me, having a break from their home in Edinburgh where my father is getting medical treatment for his heart problems.
“I don’t care, Agnes,” my father shouts. I follow the sound to where my parents are sitting in my office.
“What’s going on?” Looking at the two of them, my father’s face is red with anger. “Dad, you need to think of your heart.” Tension is swirling around the room; he doesn’t need any more stress on his heart at the moment.
“Your sister has graced us with another scandal.” I can see the disgust on my father’s face as he points to the newspaper. My younger sister, Penelope, is well, a bitch. I know it’s not a nice thing to say about your sister, but it’s the truth. All my life I have had to put up with her behavior; from stealing my dolls to getting me into trouble when she did something wrong. As we got older and grew out of toys, Penny loved to steal my friends and then my boyfriends. I don’t think there was one she didn’t steal. Yes, like I said, a grade A bitch. So it’s not surprising Penny is involved in another scandal, it’s what she is known for.
“Who the hell is this man?” My father points to the picture and continues, “He is most certainly not from our circles.” I can hear the disdain dripping from his words, and when he says not from our circles, he means the aristocratic ones we come from. I take a look, and yes there she is, sunning herself somewhere exotic with some footballer fondling her breasts. I will say that the images look like they have been taken with a telescopic lens, so in her defense, and I don’t know why I still defend her as she is the devil reincarnated, she probably didn’t think she was being photographed. Who am I kidding, my sister loves the attention and she loves the spotlight being on her. That’s why she hates the fact that I am the elder child because I get everything, and by everything I mean the vast estate we have and everything that comes with it; even working seven days a week, twelve or sixteen hours most days. All she sees is the money the estate makes and that I control her purse strings. God, if Penny was running the show we would have no money left and she would be homeless.
“It doesn’t look like she had any idea the camera was there.” I know, I am covering for my sister. If the roles were reversed there is no way in hell she would be doing it, she would gladly throw me under the bus. But I need to calm my father down.
“Yes, dear, these vultures have preyed on poor Penelope for years, just like they did to Princess Diana.”
I roll my eyes at my mother, she is always happy to excuse Penny’s behavior. Penny is most definitely nothing like Princess Diana, she may be a Lady by title but that is where it ends.
Father frowns and looks again at the paper. “Vultures, bloody vultures. Get Gregory, he will sort it out.” Gregory is our family lawyer; he’s used to sorting out Penny’s misdemeanors. Not sure how he does it, he can pretty much get a retraction from a magazine or newspaper within twenty-four hours. Luckily we have him on staff because Penny definitely makes his job harder than it should be.
“Now, Olivia, we have something very important to discuss with you.” My father turns to me, his face slowly losing the angry redness that was there before. My heart starts beating faster. What on earth could it be? My mind races through the estate’s accounts, definitely not that, they are all good. Since I took over from my parents two years ago, I have turned this once money sucking pit of rock into a glistening, shiny beacon as the UK’s premier wedding venue. Yes, little old me with my business degree, turning a vast estate filled with castles, cottages, manors, villages, and one hundred thousand acres of land from the brink of bankruptcy to a multimillion dollar company. Me. Not Penelope, even though she likes reaping the rewards from my efforts, but it is all me.
He points to one of the velvet seats and I follow his order. My heart is pounding, please don’t let this be bad news, please.
“As you know your thirtieth birthday is happening next year.”
Yes, I am well aware that I am getting older, I reply sarcastically to myself.
“And yet you are still single.”
That shouldn’t be surprising to anyone, I’m not sure how I can possibly meet someone when I am stuck in a castle in the middle of nowhere, working sixteen hour days, seven days a week trying to make sure that the home that has been in our family for the past four hundred years stays that way.
“Your mother and I think that you should get married.” I turn and look at mother, who is nodding excitedly at this news.
“Of course I would like to get married, but at the moment I am so busy, I haven't had time to meet anyone.”
“Yes, yes, we know all this.” Father waves his hands in the air dismissing my comments. “So we have decided to find you a partner.”
I think I just had a heart attack. My parents want to set me up with someone. No, no, no, absolutely not.
“No, you don’t have to do that.” I feel the panic rise through my body.
“Of course we do, we cannot trust you to choose the right person.”
My jaw drops. “Excuse me?” I can’t believe he just said that to me. I know my parents are old school but this is ridiculous, I’m a grown woman, I can pick my own husband.
“Don’t take that tone with me, young lady,” my father cautions me.
“Sweetheart, we have your best interests at heart,” my mother adds.
“I can choose my own husband; I do not need my parents choosing for me. You do realize I am a grown adult, that I am running a multimillion dollar company all on my own.” I stand and glare at my parents. It is rare that I stand up for myself, but this, this is too much.
“Sit down,” my father scolds.
“No, I do not want to hear it. This, this is too far, even for you Father.” I storm out of my office, my father’s voice bellowing behind me. I run up the stairs two at a time toward my bedroom and slam my bedroom door. I throw myself onto my bed and scream into my pillow like some moody teenager. My life literally sucks. I am stuck here in the English countryside where my only companions are the staff who work for me, the tourists and some cows. I don't co
mplain because I live in one of the most beautiful parts of England. Although I could be sunning myself somewhere being fondled by a footballer like my sister. God, for once in my life I am envious of my sister.
It stings that my parents don’t trust me to find a suitable husband. They don’t know that I am too scared to bring anyone home because my sister likes to shag them behind my back. That’s why I am single. I know I’m not unattractive, but how can I ever trust a man around my sister when every single one of them has fallen for her seduction. Ugh, God I hate her, she gets to gallivant around the globe with the world’s hottest bachelors. I’m stuck here looking at spreadsheets and wondering if a man will ever touch me again. I mean it’s been two years, two very long years. I scream my sexual frustration into my bed again, dramatic yes, satisfying, well kind of.
“Olivia.” My mother’s quiet voice pulls me from my self-loathing. I turn my head and stare at her, looking every inch the duchess that she is. The twin set, the pearls, the kitten heels, her honey colored hair pulled into a neat bun and her natural make-up perfectly done.
“Your father is just trying to look out for you.”
I roll my eyes as I turn over and sit up on my bed. “But I’m an adult,” I whine like a teenager, not the adult I am trying to portray.
“Sweetheart, we know…but your father is sick and all he wants to do is see his eldest daughter get married.”
Punch to the gut with that statement. “I want to give him that, I do, but it’s kind of hard to meet men when I am here.” I wave my hand around the room.
“We know, sweetheart, and that is why he has found you someone.” I raise my brows at her. “I think you might even like this young man we have found. He is perfect in every way, plus your father just adores him.”
I roll my eyes, but I am curious.
“It would make your father so happy if you married this young man, he would…” Mother pauses and that’s when I see it, she has tears in her eyes. “He would know that when he is gone you are being looked after.” I feel sick; I cannot imagine what life would be like without my father in it. I know he may not have been the traditional father like most people have. He grew up differently, where children were to be seen not heard, that old school kind of mentally, but he did always make time for us. He used to take us shooting, horseback riding, he would read to us from one of the thousands of books in the library, but he could also be strict and cold. I love him even with his faults.
“Your father is sick, sweetheart.” Mother pulls out her hanky and wipes her tears away. “I’m not going to have many years with him, Olivia.” She breaks down which is so unusual, she usually keeps all her emotions inside for no one to see. This is the first time I think I have ever seen her cry. I walk over and wrap my arms around her shaking body. “Your father and I were an arranged marriage.” This news shocks me, I had no idea, I thought they grew up together and fell in love. “I know that is not the story that we told you, not because we were ashamed but because we fell in love and saying it was arranged felt like it cheapened what we had,” she sniffles. “Most of the story of how we met is true, we knew each other growing up, our parents were best friends and we saw each other at functions. I thought he was very good looking, charming and charismatic, everything I could have ever wanted in a man. My father approached me, told me that he had found a suitable husband for me, that it would strengthen the family estate, which of course it did. When they told me it was your father, I said yes straight away, there was no hesitation, I knew that he was the one for me. It took your father a little more convincing, he most certainly did not want to give up his bachelor life.” Mother gives me a wink. Eww, father was a playboy. “But we both knew we had a duty to honor, plus we could have been paired with worse people to be married to. Anyway, what I am saying is, we made it work and it wasn’t long until we both were in love and happily married. Some arranged marriages work.”
“So what you’re saying is, that the man you have for me could be the man of my dreams.” Mother nods enthusiastically. “But what happens if I don't want to marry him?”
Mother frowns. “We won’t force you, Olivia.” Well that is good to know. “But you would break your father’s heart if you did.” Nothing like emotional blackmail to force you into marriage. “I know that to you modern women today arranged marriages are so archaic.” She’s right there. “But sometimes they work.”
“But what happens if we don't like each other?”
Mother sighs, “I’m pretty sure you will like this young man, but if for some reason you both do not get along then I am sure you can both come to some sort of mutual arrangement.” What? Yes, my mouth fell open at that comment.
“What…like see other people on the side?”
Mother raises her eyes wide at me. “It would be unsavory, however if you both honestly do not like each other and mutually agreed then I don’t see why not, but you would still need to produce heirs.”
“Can I think about it? Or do I have to give you an answer right away?”
Mother smiles at me. “Take your time, this is an important decision, sweetheart. I know you will choose the right one, you always do.” And with that she leaves me to ponder my future. Of course she knows I am going to do the right thing, I’m the good child, the obedient child, the one that can’t say no to her parents. I think this calls for a large bottle of wine.
“There she is.” My father smiles as I make my way down the grand staircase, dressed in an emerald green evening dress my mother picked out for me. It’s not really my style but if it makes her happy, I’ll wear it. “You look beautiful, sweetheart.” My father kisses my cheeks showing a surprising amount of affection. He holds out his arm and I link mine with his as he gives my hand a pat. “You made the right decision, Olivia. You have made me very proud.” As his whole face lights up while he looks at me, I feel the full effect of my father’s adoration which is rare, and it makes me straighten myself up. He escorts me toward the dinner hall where I can hear chatter and laughter. I still for a moment when I hear her laugh.
“Penny is home?” I look at my father.
“Yes, of course, she wouldn’t miss her sister’s big night.”
I hear her giggle again, it’s like nails down a chalkboard, it sends shivers down my spine. I can see exactly what is happening, Penny is introducing herself to my soon-to-be fiancé. I’m sure she has probably already made a move; she has always had a crush on him. The thought makes my stomach turn, I know Penny isn't going to let me have all this attention, she hates when the spotlight is not on her and the planning of my wedding will most definitely mean the spotlight is firmly set on me.
“Okay, let’s do this.”
My father chuckles, “Olivia, you are not going to meet the executioner, you’re meeting your husband-to-be, put a smile on your face.” And with that I plaster on my biggest fake smile I can muster and walk into the dining room. Conversations stops as we arrive, and the people in the room stare at me. Mother has her public smile on and tells me I look beautiful, next I see the Duke and Duchess of Roxburghe, their estate borders our own to the north in Scotland. They have been best friends with my parents all their lives as they grew up together. I give them a warm welcome and engage in some polite conversation. I turn when I hear Penny’s laugh again, of course she is sitting beside him, and of course they are getting on fabulously. Penny gives me a fake smile and I can see the contempt hidden beneath it.
Then I see him, the man my father wants me to marry, Marquees Edmund Lumley, the social pages’ favorite playboy, the man that is pictured with Victoria’s Secret models and celebrities on his arm while he is partying in St. Bart’s or Ibiza. The same man that loves fast cars, and who likes to show them off on Instagram, #richkidsofinstagram, the same man that looks like he has stepped right off the pages of Tatler magazine under the title hottest royals of Europe. The man is one of the handsomest men I have ever met and he is going to be my husband. He stands up, ignoring Penny when he sees me and
walks around the table. The chatter in the room becomes nonexistent, his dress shoes clicking along the stone floor.
“Olivia, it has been too long a time.” He smiles, and good gracious, he has the most amazing dimples, they just pop out enticing you closer. He grabs my hand and softly presses his lips to it and gives me the barest of kisses. It lights my skin on fire, I can feel my cheeks heat from a blush. Ugh, this man is good, I am like a little lamb being led to the slaughter by the worldly and charming wolf.
“It has been a while,” I finally answer. We grew up together. We are about the same age and with our parents being close friends it was natural for us to all play together when we were younger. Once we were old enough we were all sent to boarding school and never really saw each other much again, except the odd holiday.
“You are a vision.” He smiles, and I’m pretty sure women drop their knickers for that smile. I may be one of them if he keeps laying on the charm. My eyes flick to where Penny is, I can see she is shooting daggers my way. When we were growing up she always had a crush on Eddie, as he likes to be called, but he was never interested in her.
“You don’t have to woo me, I’m a sure thing,” I whisper to him. As soon as the words come out of my mouth I realize how that sounds. Eddie’s eyebrows raise and he gives me a smirk.
Stepping toward me and taking my arm, he whispers into my ear, “Just so you know, so am I.” His heated words light my body on fire as he leads me to the spare seat beside him. Eddie is sitting in-between Penny and I, this should be fun.
The food is amazing as always, the conversation flows easily enough between Eddie and me, especially when Penny wasn’t hogging his attention. He seems intelligent enough and we get along well, so that’s definitely a good thing. But when he looks at me with hunger in his eyes, it gives me butterflies, so that’s a good start, especially if we are going to be stuck with each other for a lifetime.