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The Crystal Dragon Series Collection

Page 3

by Katie Cherry

  The doors open suddenly, metal scraping harshly against metal. A hand grabs the sack, yanking it and a handful of hair off my head. I immediately look around, taking in all I can through my watering eyes. The soft light of the crescent moon reflects off the back doors of the van, although is too weak to allow me to see much else. A silhouette stands before me, filling the doorway with his massive presence. I shrink away as I recognize the man who suffocated me earlier. His gaze is accusatory, highlighted by the darkening patch around his right eye.

  Peeking past him, I notice another man has a squirming bundle on his shoulder. It takes a moment before the realization of what it is hits me. Kiki! She’s facing away from me, the man holding onto her by her legs. Before I can move toward her, ‘Black Eye’ roughly grabs me by the waist, hoisting me into the air. I hardly even have time to scream before my stomach lands roughly on the shoulder of my captor.

  Feeling utterly helpless, I watch as the ground beings bouncing as Black Eye starts jogging, holding onto my legs. Slung over his shoulder like a sack of flour, I am unable to see much of anything. My worry increases as I recall that Kiki is in the same position with the other man. What are they going to do to her? How on earth can I protect her? Those classes I took were supposed to prepare me for this kind of situation… yet I have completely and utterly failed. I’ve let her down. Poor Kiki. My mood dips further as the next thought comes. I wonder if she wishes I wasn’t a part of her family. I’ve let them all down.

  Black Eye then slows. I sigh in relief and lift my head to look around. Unfortunately, all I can see is the long gravel pathway we’ve just traveled up. Consciously quieting my breathing, I listen to hear what the two men might be doing.

  A squeak is the first thing to greet my ears. Metallic… A door hinge. We must be entering an old building, judging from the musty smell that washes over us. Our kidnappers walk down a long hallway, turning now and then. The paint on the walls has long since faded away and chipped off in many places. I strain my brain to remember our path as we go, hoping against hope I’ll even be able to use the information to get us both away. I grit my teeth with determination. Even if I don’t make it out of here, I’m going to do everything I can to at least get Kiki out. She didn’t deserve any of this. Especially since this was far more likely to do with me than a nine-year-old.

  We then emerge into a large room. As Black Eye turns and looks around, I have the opportunity to do so as well. The room has a high ceiling and is filled with chairs. Everything is covered in dust and cobwebs, further confirming my assumption of this being an old, abandoned building. Looking down, I see that we’ve climbed onto a stage. The wood is warped and the nails rusty from water damage. An old theatre! …That doesn’t help me, though. I still have no idea where we are. I don’t know of any abandoned buildings with a theatre in them.

  My heart skips a beat as I suddenly hear new footsteps heading towards us across the stage. Black Eye turns towards the newcomer, effectively facing me away. Frustrated, all I can do is listen as the footsteps come closer, slow and menacing. I shiver- not just from the draft from a hole in the building, but from fear as well. Gulping, I frantically look around for anything I can use to my advantage.

  When I spot something, I can’t help but smile from how convenient it is. Black Eye has a knife in a holster on his belt, and luckily, it’s unclasped and can easily be pulled out. It’s easily within reach, but still, I move slowly and silently. I don’t want to see what will happen if I get caught. I grasp the handle with my fingers and slowly remove it, freezing and holding my breath when Black Eye moves underneath me. After a few seconds, nothing happens. Black Eye continues talking to the newcomer, explaining how they captured me. I don’t pay much attention, quickly maneuvering the knife handle around the gag and into my mouth, grasping it with my teeth. I lift my wrists to the knife, moving as smoothly as possible. The rope begins to fray against the knife’s sharp edge and soon snaps. I slowly slip them off, holding onto them so no one notices my freedom before I’m ready. Then, still moving slowly and carefully, I reach up and grab the knife before slipping the gag down over my chin, letting it hang around my neck before relaxing and waiting for the perfect time to escape.

  A raspy voice interrupts Black Eye. “Yes, yes, I get it. She was difficult. I did warn you that she wouldn’t be easy to capture. You aren’t getting any more money because she gave you a black eye.”

  “But sir… we also brought the insurance…”

  “The girl? Eh… Kiki, was it? That was your instruction to do so! Had you not grabbed her as well you would be severely incompetent. You will receive what we originally agreed upon. Now toss her and the sister into the waiting room. I don’t have the energy to deal with another spoiled brat right now. I’ll deal with Crystal Shay in the morning. Alone, of course.”

  No way am I waiting until morning. We’re getting out of here, and we’re leaving now! Kicking off the surprisingly loose restraints on my feet, I swing my foot and kick Black Eye in the groin. He grunts loudly and releases me. I spring off of him before sweeping my leg under him, sending him toppling to the ground. His head makes a horrifyingly loud noise as it slams against the protruding nails on the floor. Satisfied that he’s unconscious, I quickly spin around to face the man holding Kiki. He backs up a step, surprise and fear inscribed on his face. He slowly sets Kiki on the ground, backing up once more with his hands in the air.

  “Listen here,” he swallows, fear causing his voice to tremble. “I don’t want any trouble…”

  “Yes, you do,” I growl, stalking towards him. “Why else would you have done all of this?” I finger the knife clenched in my hand but am interrupted by a voice behind me. The leader.

  “No, no, he’s entirely correct. We don’t want any trouble; we simply wanted to arrange a meeting. George, leave her be. Stand guard by the door or something to ensure that we remain alone. Crystal, I assure you, I simply wish to speak with you. No harm was meant to come to you.”

  As George shuffles away, I race to Kiki and cut her bindings before spinning back to face the boss. I’m surprised at his appearance. He looked like he could be anyone’s grandpa, although he did look a little grouchy. As I analyze him, I abruptly notice his face beginning to droop. The rest of his skin follows suit, seeming to liquify and slide off. Horrified, I push Kiki behind me, unable to look away myself as he changes. The melting skin appears to bubble before reforming to him, changing the way he looked like he was wearing some kind of costume. It looked quite painful. The process is soon over, and when he’s finished, he looks like a completely different man.

  Black hair reaching to his shoulders covers his face until he straightens and sweeps it away. Piercing black eyes stare back at me beneath a heavy brow. His long nose takes up a significant portion of his face. His lips are thin and seem to be always pinching together in disapproval.

  He stands from his chair, startling me. I back up a step, then another, before steeling myself and assuming a defensive pose, threatening him while protecting Kiki behind me. With a sudden laugh, he begins to clap. …This is just getting weirder and weirder, I notice, waiting for the man’s next move. No way I’m dropping my guard on this freak.

  “Well done!” he chuckles. “Only one other person got so close to getting away from me, and certainly not as quickly and with beautifully executed maneuvers!” His voice somehow reminds me of a vampire. “I had no idea what you were doing until the moment before you acted, and by then it was too late for me to do anything! Excellent! I definitely have high hopes for you in the Games. Especially if you are paired with that other boy…”

  My curiosity aroused, but still cautious, I finally speak. “What? What are you talking about? What Games? What other boy? How many people have you kidnapped? Explain everything, now! Why you captured us, all those things you said, and what on earth happened to you- how you… changed!”

  “Changed?” he asks innocently.

  “Yes! When your skin was… and then you… how
on earth did you change from an old man? Who are you? Tell me! Now! Or you’ll get a face full of my ‘beautifully executed’ punches!” I threaten, desperate to figure out what’s going on. However, all this does is make him start laughing again. Frustrated, I growl and advance a few more steps, hoping to drive my point home. At this point, he’s roaring so hard with laughter he’s doubled over, attempting to recover his breath. Bewildered, I can do nothing but stare as he wipes tears from his eyes and straightens.

  “I like your spunk! ‘My beautifully executed punches!’ That was such a great way to put my words back in my mouth! You sure are a quick thinker. You know,” he says, suddenly thoughtful, looking at me so intensely it makes me uncomfortable, “you remind me of the good Queen, Pearl Dragon. You… look a little like her too,” he murmurs, coming closer before suddenly gasping and closing the distance. His dark eyes seem to swirl as they stare into my own. “Y- your eyes,” he whispers, shocked.

  “What about them?” I demand, backing up and pushing Kiki back with me, keeping her behind me.

  “They are like the sky… with gold shining through…”

  “Yeah. So?”

  “It- it’s nothing!” he hastily assures me, scrambling away. I’m confused, but if this guy doesn’t feel like talking because of my eyes, I’ll just have to change the subject in order to get some answers.

  “Fine, don’t tell me about your weird obsession with my eyes. Tell me why you kidnapped my sister and me. How do you know who we are? Have you been watching us? How long? And who are you?”

  He seems relieved that I’m not pressing him about my eyes, which makes me want to ask him again, but I resist the urge- for now. “This will take a while,” he warns me. “You will want to sit down. I’ve told this story three times already- just today! I should know how long it is.” Not wanting to let my guard down, I remain standing, glaring defiantly at him. I start at a soft tug on my sleeve. Looking down, I see poor Kiki. She’s pale and seems exhausted. Dried tears cover her cheeks.

  “Crystal, I’m hungry. Make him give us food,” she demands. My stomach rumbles loudly, agreeing with her. It occurs to me that we haven’t eaten yet today. I quickly glance at my watch, keeping one eye on the strange man. Past nine? …Shoot, today was my date with Brandon! I completely missed it! But even worse, my parents said they would be getting back around ten! I have to get home, and quick!

  I turn back to the man. “Talk fast. I need to get home as soon as possible.”

  He looks at me, amusement glittering in his black eyes. “I’m sorry, but I think I may have heard your sister wrong. She demanded food from me, and you need to hear what I have to say. I’m afraid I cannot tell you the story that will forever change your life in the time frame you are insisting upon, nor would you want to watch your sister waste away as we talk the night away, am I right?”

  I glance at Kiki. She wavers and clutches at my pants to stay steady. The day’s events have drained her boundless energy and left her looking worn. I glance between the man and Kiki, debating what to do. Finally, my curiosity and concern for Kiki win me over. I guess I can stay long enough to hear what he has to say and Kiki is fed. I could call home with my phone and leave them a message saying I’ll be back late. I’ll just have to be vague about it… well, I’ll think about that later. Right now, food and getting the truth out of this guy are the pressing issues!

  “Fine,” I say, turning back to him. “You win. We’ll eat first. Then we’ll see just how long and ‘life-changing’ your little story is.”

  Chapter Three

  Vladimir’s Story

  We follow our strange captor away from the theatre, cautious and wary yet also unable to help looking forward to the prospect of food. Kiki, always quick to trust others, is jumping up and down with excitement. It doesn’t last long since the day’s events sapped most of her energy. I’m ready for food as well, but not prepared to trust this shifty character.

  He leads us to a small wooden table and pulls out three sandwiches; all wrapped neatly. I hesitate to take a bite, but Kiki doesn’t share my concern, and I’m slow to stop her from devouring hers. Licking her fingers, she smiles up at me before her eyelids suddenly droop and she falls onto the table, her head hitting the old wood with a soft thump. Dropping my sandwich, I rush the leader and am behind him in two steps, slamming his head forward onto the table and holding the knife I have yet to relinquish to his throat. He doesn’t resist or flinch at the icy bite of the steel blade. Filled with anger and desperation to save Kiki, I demand to know what he had done to her.

  He laughs. “Oh, you needn’t worry. I simply gave your sister something to help her sleep.”

  “If you’re lying to me…” I seethe, the threat heavy in my desperate voice.

  “Check for yourself. The girl is breathing just fine,” he replies calmly.

  Not yet willing to release my captive, I look over to Kiki. Her eyes are closed, her face peaceful. Looking closer, I can see her chest rising and falling with every breath she takes. Relieved, I release him. He sits up and resumes eating as though nothing had happened as I return to my seat. I don’t touch the sandwich. “How dare you? How could you drug her?” Lifting a finger, he slowly swallows before answering me.

  “Put the knife down first, if you please.” I glare at him, but he doesn’t waver. Standing, I pull back my arm and fling the knife towards the table. It burrows in a few inches before stopping. He raises an eyebrow at me as I sit back down, then sighs. “Well, why do you think I would do so? Come now, you’re a smart girl. Clear your head of all those emotions clouding your thoughts. You tell me why I would put your sister to sleep.” Frustrated, I do as he says, taking calming breaths as I look back on what I know of the man.

  “Because you wanted to talk to me alone?”

  “Close enough. The child needs sleep, uninterrupted and without fear. I also wanted to spare her from my story, as it is not for young children.” Glancing at my untouched sandwich, he continues, saying, “However, I didn’t put anything in your food. The only thing it will do to you is keep you alert and your head clear so you can stay awake and pay attention as I answer all your questions.”

  My gut decides that his answer is good enough, so I choose to trust him for now. If things got ugly, I’d need my strength up, after all. I tentatively take a bite. A pleasant yet unfamiliar flavor flows over my tongue, then continues and fills my body with a delightful warmth. Soon after I swallow, the feeling dissipates, but my hunger is already fading, and I am more alert. I quickly finish, trying to place the flavor the whole time but end up unable to. My mind is unusually clear, just like he had promised. I then realize that my weariness has dissipated as well as any aches and pains I had. I feel… perfect! Feeling refreshed, I turn back to the man. I should learn his name, I realize.

  “What’s your name? I need something to call you if I’m going to sit and chat.”

  “My name is Vladimir, but you may call me Vlad,” he replies.

  “Okay then, Vlad. Before we get on with the story, I need to call my parents.”

  “Oh? And what would you tell them?” he inquires, raising an eyebrow. “That you and your sister got kidnapped, but not to worry, you’ll be home as soon as you finish finding out why their leader can shapeshift?” I don’t reply to the mocking tone in his voice, unsure of how to respond when that was what I had been wondering myself. “Might I suggest convincing them to stay the night elsewhere and go on a nice, relaxing date tomorrow to give you the time you need to get home? We are, after all, hours away from where you live.”

  I frown. “I guess that’s what I’ll have to do, then,” I sigh before standing and walking a short distance away for privacy.

  She picks up on the third ring. “Hello? Crystal? What’s wrong, honey?” she asks, concerned. I never call when I’m babysitting unless something’s wrong, so she’s worried.

  “Nothing, everything’s fine, mom,” I assure her, swallowing. I hate lying. “I was just calling to tell you t
hat things are going great, and I think you should take a day off. Stay the night in a hotel to celebrate dad’s birthday and go and do something fun tomorrow. You have been so worried lately, I felt like you need a break. Kiki and I will be fine.” I try to sound confident so she won’t catch on to anything being wrong.

  While I’m talking, I’m watching Kiki and Vlad. Kiki is still resting peacefully against the table and Vlad, having finished his sandwich, is now leaning back in his chair, his eyes closed. “Oh… I don’t know…” Mom hesitates, unsure. “Are you sure that it’s fine with you? You don’t want us to come straight home?”

  “No!” I gulp and scramble to cover up my outburst. “Uh… no. You deserve a break, mom. I can take care of Kiki.”

  “Well… if you’re sure…”

  “I’m sure.”

  “It would be nice to get away from everything for a while… okay. Thanks, sweetie! We’ll be back tomorrow before dinnertime, okay?”

  “Sure! Of course! Have fun!” I reply, relieved.

  “You too! Bye, honey. I love you.”

  “Love you too,” I reply before hanging up. Walking back to Vlad, my steps feel lighter as the stress of hurrying home lifts off my shoulders. It’s only a few more steps before I’m brought back down to earth as I remember that for all I know, Kiki’s life, and mine, could still be on the line with this nutjob. Swallowing a lump in my throat, I slide back into my chair opposite Vlad. When he looks at me expectantly, I inform him of the result of the call. “Okay, I stalled them. Now answer my questions.”

  “I think I’ll begin with the story, then see what questions you have left. It should answer most of them.” I nod my assent, crossing my arms and leaning back into the chair a little. “Now, don’t knock this off as a false story. It’s true. What I’m saying is not fantasy, although to you it will sound like it. This is my life, whether you believe it or not, and it affects you and, if my hunch is correct, has been influencing you your entire life,” he begins, looking at me with seriousness in his eyes. I hold back a scoff, knowing if I wait quietly he’ll get through this quickly and I can be on my way home.


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