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Connected: Book 1 Connected Series

Page 18

by Kat Stiles

  “No, they didn’t say much else,” he said, and then listened for a moment. “She’s talking about the weather now.”

  I glanced at Judy’s table so far away, amazed he could hear anything at all. “Oh, they gave Adam the wrong sandwich,” Tommy said. “He is not having a good day.”

  I laughed. “Poor Adam.” I looked back on his table and the pensive expression he wore, almost lovesick in nature. Did he just sigh?

  I returned my gaze to Tommy, who was taking a sip of soda. “You really think it’s Adam?”

  “It’s gotta be, right? I mean, we know he was the reason Mr. Godfrey ended up in a coma. He’s obviously dangerous.”

  “Yeah, I guess,” I said, looking off to the side.

  “Well, it would be a pretty big coincidence for two people to have that same power, whatever it was Roz saw.”

  “I know, but something doesn’t sit right with me. He is a social worker, after all. Doesn’t it seem unlikely that someone whose job it is to help people would go around hurting them?”

  The waitress came by with our food order before Tommy had a chance to respond. The burgers were huge—I wouldn’t be able to finish mine.

  “Do you want half?” I cut my burger in two. “I can’t eat this much food.”

  “Sure,” he agreed and pushed his plate next to mine.

  I flopped one of the burger halves, dripping with grease, over to his plate.

  “People do crazy things sometimes. It doesn’t always have to make sense.” He took a large bite and washed it down with a gulp of soda. “Maybe he thinks he’s helping them more this way.”

  “You think he’s psychotic?” I snickered. “And I thought I watched too many movies…”

  His eyes lit up, like he heard something interesting. I glanced over at Adam’s table and it was empty. I searched the room until I found him in the far corner where I found him seated at Judy’s table, with the doctor nowhere in sight. I so wanted to ask what was going on. Chewing slowly on a fry, I waited to hear the soundtrack to the events unfolding.

  Judy wore a pained, almost sympathetic expression, and Adam looked totally defeated. It was another couple of minutes before the doctor approached the table. After a brief exchange, Adam left for his. Tommy shook his head, and then took another big bite out of his burger.

  “Well? You’ve got to tell me what that was all about,” I said.

  “Quite the little love triangle. Like out of a soap opera.”

  “Seriously? Who knew the life of a school nurse could be this exciting?”

  He cracked a smile, but then continued to eat.

  “Is that it?”

  “What? You want me to tell you everything they said to each other?” He finished his sandwich and went to work on the half I gave him. I still hadn’t made it a third of the way through mine.

  “Yes. Of course,” I said, as if that should be obvious.

  “You’re very demanding, you know that? I thought my summary said it all.”

  “Tommy, this is like gossip. You have to spill all the gory details.”

  “Okay, let’s see. First Adam told her the good doctor isn’t her type. After which she called him on his feelings for her. He didn’t deny it and said he wanted to see her again.”

  He relayed the information like he was reading out of an instruction manual, and it was suddenly clear to me why women were better at this sort of thing, why the very act of gossip was more appealing to us. It was all in the telling.

  “Judy said she didn’t want to lead him on. He sounded so desperate, I almost felt bad for him. But she admitted to having a good time with him. It sounded like he still had a shot, and then the doctor came back.”

  “What did he say?”

  “He told Adam to leave, trying to be the alpha male or something. Adam kinda blew him off, but then went back to his table anyway.” Tommy finished off the rest of his food, before he added, “Any other questions?”

  “I still can’t believe she’s dating that creep.”

  “Which one?” He took a sip of his drink, and then practically choked on it laughing.


  “She told the doctor she’s got a headache,” he replied. “Maybe Adam is ahead after all.”

  He laughed because he assumed it was about sex, but I wondered if she actually did have a headache. I remembered my sessions with the doctor and the pounding headaches I got. Is it possible he’s causing the headaches?

  * * * *

  My mind continued to turn over what happened at the restaurant when I got home. How could Judy be involved with the doctor? Maybe Tommy and Roz are right about her, I thought.

  That night I had the nightmare again, an exact replay of the day my father kidnapped me.

  Unlike that day, however, in the dream I knew what was happening. I knew my mother lay unconscious inside the house while my sister struggled to hold on to life. I knew he was taking me away from everyone I loved.

  But I was powerless to stop it. All the healing in the universe wouldn’t help in my dream. I was trapped with him.

  On the way to school, I filled Roz in on what Tommy overheard at the restaurant. She agreed to keep an eye on Adam over the weekend. Tommy wasn’t at his locker before class. I didn’t think anything of it until he wasn’t in English class, either.

  At lunch, our table was empty. I nearly dropped my books as I looked frantically around the cafeteria. A group of students entered quietly, including Tommy and Scott, accompanied by a teacher. They all stood together in line, the teacher monitoring them.

  “He got in-school suspension?” I blurted out before I could catch myself.

  “Suspended?” Roz appeared dumbfounded.

  Why didn’t he tell me? “Did he really think I wouldn’t find out?”

  Roz looked down. “I’m sure he didn’t say anything because he didn’t want us to feel bad. Tell him it didn’t work.”

  “I’ll let him know.” Sparing Roz’s feelings was one thing, but he should’ve said something to me. I was so frustrated I couldn’t yell at him. Then it hit me. With his power, he could hear anything I said.

  “Tommy, I know you can hear me. Why didn’t you tell me? I’m very pissed at you.”

  Our eyes met, and he simply smiled.

  I folded my arms against my chest. “How dare you smile at me?” It only made him smile wider.

  “You are going to hear it from me after school,” I warned.

  His eyes widened, as if he were scared. And then the smile returned.

  I begrudgingly reciprocated, in spite of my anger.

  The suspension group made it through the lunch line and sat together at a separate table in the corner, away from all the other tables.

  Roz looked in his direction. “I’m sorry, Tommy. I didn’t mean for this to happen.”

  He shook his head, and then smiled again.

  “I think he’s trying to say you shouldn’t be sorry about it,” I interpreted. He nodded in agreement.

  “I feel like we’re playing charades,” I mumbled.

  Roz laughed. “It’s too bad we don’t have super hearing.”

  “Would make it easier,” I said. “But he’s right. You shouldn’t feel bad. They jumped him. If the principal wasn’t such a jerk, he wouldn’t have suspended him in the first place.”

  Tommy grinned, I presumed in agreement.

  “Wow, so we have to watch what we say, don’t we?” Roz said. “No discussions about our menstrual cycles…”

  Tommy immediately covered his ears and I laughed.

  “Yeah, we don’t want another incident like what happened the night we went to Adam’s office.”

  “You mean when you were on my porch and told me—” Roz started.

  Tommy uncovered his ears in a hurry.

  “Yeah, that time,” I interrupted.

  He motioned with his hands for her to continue.

  “Looks like he wants me to keep talking,” Roz said.

  “I’m thinking you�
��re right.”

  “When you said you were falling—”

  I scowled at her. “What, so now you do everything he tells you?”

  She laughed. “I kinda feel like I owe him one.”

  “You don’t owe him anything. I distinctly remember him saying no one would harm us while he’s around.”

  “I do remember that,” she said, half-smiling at him. “Sorry, Tommy. I tried.”

  Tommy shrugged.

  “I’m still mad at you,” I said, looking at him.

  He grinned. And of course, I couldn’t resist smiling back.

  It was then I got the feeling someone was staring at me. Farther down Tommy’s table, Scott’s eyes were fixed on me. But this time it wasn’t an evil grin, his face was an emotionless void. I couldn’t decide which was scarier.

  * * * *

  I ambushed Tommy at his locker after school. “Why didn’t you tell me? What happened in the principal’s office?”

  “Whoa, calm down. Breathe.” He hugged me. “Do you have my shirt?

  I got the shirt I wore last night from my backpack and handed it to him. “Well?”

  “Roz was right. I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want the two of you to feel bad.”

  “You still should have told me.”

  “All right,” he said, positively upbeat. “I’ll tell you next time.”

  “Next time? There’s going to be a next time?”

  “Wanted to see your reaction.” He grinned. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

  “So what happened? Did Scott lie to the principal?”

  “I don’t know what he said. But you should’ve seen the principal. It was worth it to get the suspension to screw with his head.”

  “Tommy, what did you say?”

  “I asked him if it looked like I was in a fight. I wish you could’ve seen his face. It was classic.” He wrapped his arms around my waist. “And I couldn’t have done it without you.” Leaning in close, he whispered, “God, you’re hot. It’s wonderful.”

  There weren’t many people left in the hallway. I slid my arms around his neck and gave him a quick kiss. Then I sighed. “I can’t stay mad at you.”

  “That’s good,” he said. “Although you are very cute when you’re mad.”

  I tried to pull away from him, but he had locked his arms around my waist. I couldn’t budge an inch.

  “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “Nowhere, apparently.”

  “Good.” To my surprise, he kissed me passionately. I melted in his arms, enjoying every second.

  Once he released me, I asked, “So are you ever going to give me my hoodie back?”

  He grabbed my jacket from his locker.

  “Were you sleeping with it, too?” I took it from him and put it on.

  “What do you think? I’ve been sleeping much better since I met you.”


  “You don’t know what it’s like,” he said, pushing a lock of hair behind his ear. “I can hear every little noise outside. But with this incredible scent next to me, I don’t notice as much.”

  I hadn’t considered how annoying it must be, hearing everything that clearly.

  He took my hands into his. “What are you doing on Sunday?”

  A giddy smile formed at the feel of his hands touching mine, of knowing he actually wanted to hold them instead of being repulsed by them. “I’m free.”

  “Great, I wanted to show you the whole trail. I think you’ll really like it.” He gave my hands a squeeze.

  “Looking forward to it.” The heat turned on involuntarily in my hands, a flood of healing energy.

  He closed his eyes and moaned.

  Demetri approached us. “Hey, guys. You okay, Tommy?”

  Tommy’s eyes opened, and he smiled. “Yeah.”

  “That reminds me… Em, I wanted to commend you on your work,” Demetri said. “I’ve heard of sexual healing, but what you did with my little brother here…” He tousled Tommy’s hair playfully.

  Tommy rolled his eyes.

  “Uh… Thanks,” I said. “Did you get in trouble, too?”

  “Huh? Oh, you mean from the fight.” Demetri smirked. “No. I guess you could say I got off…” He paused for effect. “Scott-free.” His smile transformed into a proud grin.

  I laughed.

  “Geez, Demetri, that was horrible,” Tommy said. “You should get suspended just for that.”

  “Are you kidding me? Sheer brilliance.” He frowned at Tommy. “Em thought it was funny.”

  “Yeah, but I’m easily amused,” I said, still laughing.

  His grin returned. “Don’t see how that matters.”

  “Come on, genius. We should go,” Tommy said. “They’re starting to drool.”

  Confused at first, I glanced around. All my female classmates stared at Demetri, smiling and covertly giggling.

  “Wow, he’s like the male version of Roz,” I whispered.

  “What?” Demetri asked.

  Tommy laughed. “Yeah, he is.”

  Demetri noticed his audience and then turned on a flirtatious smile. “Hey, girls, how’s it goin’?”

  The giggling grew louder. A couple of them were even brave enough to wave.

  “Okay, enough,” Tommy said to his brother. “Don’t wanna get their hopes up. It’s cruel.” He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, before he dragged Demetri away from his adoring fans.

  I got my books for the weekend and was about to close my locker when I noticed Scott down the hall. He stared straight at me. I averted my eyes, but I could see him in my peripheral vision moving towards me. My heart began to pound. What does he want with me? But I had no intention of actually finding out. I shut my locker and left before he got close.

  * * * *

  On Sunday, I took my time in getting ready for my date with Tommy. I dressed in my favorite jean shorts and the nicest of the new shirts I bought—a cute off-the-shoulder pink top. With a hint of make-up and a drop of perfume I promptly washed off afterwards (I remembered Tommy’s reaction to the secretary’s perfume), I finished getting ready in time to meet him at his car.

  The car died with a dramatic shudder, right after I got in. He stared at me but didn’t say a word.

  I smiled. “Hi.”

  He continued to gape.

  “Tommy, are you all right?”

  “You look incredible,” he said, so softly I could barely hear it. In the time it took to blink, he slid next to me, sniffing my neck. “And your scent…” he inhaled. “Your hair, your eyes…I…”

  He looked at me for another second, before he suddenly kissed me. The kiss was intense, and the heat flared inside me. It radiated not only from my face, but my entire body. He pulled back from me, without warning.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I’ve never seen you like this before, and I—”

  “Don’t apologize. It was nice,” I said.

  He shook his head in what appeared to be an attempt to get back to reality. “I’m not sure I can drive.”

  “Well, I can go change if you want,” I offered. “I still have a whole wardrobe of oversized clothes—”

  He cut me off with another kiss, more passionate than the previous one. “You’d have to get away from me first,” he said, touching my face. He sighed when he slid away from me.

  He hardly even glanced at me the entire trip to Manchez. For a while, I wondered if he was upset about something. But after we arrived, he parked the car and killed the engine so fast I didn’t have time to even unbuckle my seat belt before he kissed me again.

  “Do you think I can take this off?” I asked, motioning to the seat belt.

  His grin spanned ear to ear. “You can take off anything you want.”

  “Very funny.” I managed to free myself and noticed his eyes were glued to my chest. “Like the shirt, huh?”

  “I love the shirt, as a matter of fact.” He leaned across me to release the passenger door handle. Then
he gave the old door a good shove to pry it open from inside.

  “Thanks,” I said.

  He sniffed me the entire time I moved out of the car. I would’ve thought the whole scene bizarre, had it been anyone else but him.

  After he got out, his eyes took me in once more. But this time he uttered a single word. “Wow.”

  I blushed at his reaction, and my heart pounded. It was nice to feel beautiful, desired.

  We left for the trail, and for a good five minutes, we walked in silence. He ran his fingers through his hair several times and kept looking off to the side.

  “Is everything all right?” I asked.

  “Yeah. There’s, uh, something I want to ask you.” He took a deep breath, and then exhaled. “Will you be my girlfriend?”

  “I kinda thought I was.”

  “I mean, I don’t want you to see anyone else. I want you all to myself.”

  I laughed, more in disbelief than anything else. “Yeah, like you have any competition.”

  “You don’t have my hearing,” he said. “You don’t know what some of those idiots say.”

  “I think I’m happy for that. It’s painful enough when they call me a freak to my face.”

  He snickered. “Yeah, that’s not what they’re saying. There are a number of guys who are interested in you. Three or four in gym class alone.”

  I looked at him sideways. “I find that hard to believe.”

  “Why? You’re smart, you’re gorgeous, you have huge…” he trailed off at the look I shot him and grinned. “What’s not to like?”

  “You’re the only one who sees that.”

  We arrived at the gigantic oak, and I leaned my back against it. “And even if that weren’t true, I’m not interested in anyone else. I’m happy now because of you.” I wrapped my arms around him, and he hugged me back.

  “I guess this means you can’t go out with anyone else either, huh?” I said.

  “There is no one else. You’re all I see.”

  My eyes closed when his lips touched mine, and I experienced the sweet taste of his mouth once more. Kissing him was more potent today—the sensation more pronounced. He left his lips pressed to mine after it ended.

  “Over so soon?” he said, when I pulled back from him.


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