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Magic Lies

Page 20

by C C Sommerly

  I felt his magic surround me. There was no pain, but I felt an odd floating sensation. Memories of my childhood played out like a movie in my mind. He was watching my memories?!

  “I could learn from this Crimson Fiend. He sounds like a very imaginative fellow with his training. And, I need a new general.”

  The Crimson Fiend backed by a god was the worst thing that could happen.

  “Who knew you’d be such a fount of information? I knew there was something different about you when I saw you the other night.”

  A flash lit up the sky, followed by an explosion. There before us was a goddess. Things just got worse. Let the shit show start.

  “Muiredach, father has need of you,” said the goddess.

  She paid me no mind and I was okay with that. Maybe this was my chance, but nothing every came for free. The price of my freedom would be steep. Was it worth paying?

  She was beautiful, but then again, so were almost all goddesses. It’s like beauty was a guarantee. If I were asked to describe here, I’m not sure I could. Her appearance flickered and shifted. One minute she was a teenage beauty and the other a handsome matron.

  “I’ll get there after I finish with my newest pet,” he said.

  “Father was specific, it must be now,” she said.

  “Very well, but keep an eye on my pet. I will be much displeased should anything happen to her in my absence and the blame will fall directly on you, Porrima.”

  “Now we can have some fun,” said Porrima, who clapped her hands.

  I really didn’t want to know what gods and goddesses considered fun. Based on what I’d seen so far, it was the very opposite of fun. I still felt overheated from whatever The True One did to me. I suppose I should be happy that he didn’t literally boil my brain. Feeling feverish and shaky was probably his idea of a love tap.

  “What a funny, little thing you are. I see why my brother finds you so interesting. And, such a warrior spirit. I knew I was right to save you,” she said.

  “So, you are a the one that the Sisterhood follows?”

  “Yes, they are my faithful followers. Speaking of following, you have quite the path you are on. I see many adventures ahead for you. Not all will be pleasant, but seeing how you tackle those will be entertaining. I can give you protection. It’s temporary, but it at least gives you a fighting chance against my brother.”

  “While I’m grateful for protection, can you tell me about the Sisterhood?”

  “Do you have a calling? You aren’t a seer.”

  “No, the Sisterhood is plotting. I heard them talking about taking sides and that something had started. You would know about that, right?”

  “My dear, there are always more questions than answers. Should you need to know this, you will. But, this isn’t information I’ll give you.”

  “I suppose there’s no changing your mind. I’m not to get any kind of warning about what is coming?”

  “Now, what fun would that be? I don’t want to spoil the surprise.”

  “Can I go home now?”

  Is she going to punish me for asking for that?

  “That is going to be a challenge. Once my brother takes an interest in something, it’s very hard to divert it to something else.”

  “So, he can do whatever he wants to me?”

  “Yes and no. I can help you with that.”

  In her hand was a small pearl ring that glowed.

  “Take this. Wear it at all times. It prevents him from bringing you into this realm or anywhere else. It also voids out his magic. He’ll know what I’ve done, but it’s worth the trouble. I have a feeling we will be seeing each other again.”

  “What do you want for this gift? You wouldn’t just give me something so powerful for nothing.”

  “Who said it was for nothing? I require a favor.”

  What choice did I have? An open favor to a god was far worse than one to a fae. She could literally ask anything of me.

  “The only option is agreeing to your terms. How do I know you’ll stick to your end of the bargain?”

  “So distrusting, Little Warrior. Because I will swear an oath to you and you to me. Not a blood oath, but just as binding because it’s made in this realm. There is no getting out of this.”

  “What do we do?”

  “Concentrate on your desire to fulfill your part of it and what you want in return. Then, we kiss.”

  “You want to kiss me?”

  “Want has nothing to do with it. Humans place far too much importance on such a thing. A simple kiss is such a small thing. Is that what is stopping you? I can change my form if that makes it easier.”

  Standing in front of me was Lochlan.

  “Oh, not so hesitant now,” she said.

  Hearing a woman’s voice from Lochlan was creepy, so very creepy, but it would make things easier. I’m glad that she made any kind of concession.

  I approached the Lochlan/goddess. She/he reached for me and pulled me to her/him as her/his mouth descended on mine. Then I was meeting his lips and passion with my own. I pressed against his hard body, putting as much of my body against his.

  I gripped his hair, keeping him close, as I deepened the kiss. I didn’t want it to stop. It felt amazing. Heat flared up in all sorts of places as desire raced through me. He broke off and laughed. It was the goddess’ laugh. I forgot it wasn’t him. It seemed so much like him. Stupid Marty.

  “That was worth it. Lochlan is a lucky man. Should you change your mind, my door is always open? I’ve been looking for a new play thing.”

  “Thanks, but I’m pretty set on men.”

  I’d nearly made out with a goddess and liked it. Not hard to do, but in the aftermath, it was incredibly awkward.

  She handed me the ring.

  “Put it on and keep it on. Hurry. My dear brother should be back soon.”

  “Why don’t you call him The True One?”

  “That’s his earthly name. And a silly one. Truth is in the eye of the beholder – quite literally. What is your truth is different than mine? It is what creates our perception. Perception is reality and no one has the same reality. What makes him more true than me or you? Not a thing. He keeps his silly group of followers and I have mine.”

  “Does that mean you can see the future?”

  “Yes, yes it does and no I won’t share what it says about you. Keep your faith and when the time comes to trust, you must give it, or all will be lost.”

  “You are as clear as the Sisters.”

  She laughed.

  “Nothing is given away for free, don’t you agree? And, they are my children, so they take on aspects of me. Information is only so good. Humans and other supernaturals shouldn’t have a map of their lives. That takes away free choice and minimizes the option of diversions or changes to their life path. And what fun would that be?”

  She clapped her hands and I was back in my room, with Muffin.


  He’d nearly chewed completely through the door. Through the holes in it, I saw anxious faces in the hall. Crap, he just got us in trouble.

  “Marty, you must control that beast of yours,” said Isa.

  “I’m so sorry. I was indisposed.”

  I wrapped my arms around Muffin. He still growled and his hair stood on end. At first he didn’t register my presence. He was that frantic with worry and anger.

  I whispered soothing words to him and stroked his back until the growling went away and his fur laid down flat. He eased into me, relaxing into my embrace. I heard sighs of relief from the crowd in the hall.

  “Can we trust you to control him?” asked Isa.

  “Yes, I can. I was not here to help him. I was ill and he must have thought I needed help.”

  From the look on her face, she didn’t believe me.

  “Well, breakfast is nearly over. Come, we’ll send someone to fix the door. An earth mage will fix that up in no time. You certainly gave us a fright. That dog of yours is really scary. Are you sure he’s ok
ay now?”

  “I am and I just realized how hungry I am. Let’s get some food.”

  Once we sat down to breakfast I took the risk to ask about Emma Lynn. I needed to get this case closed and get to my family. They could protect me. Between Lochlan and Sterling, we had some heavy magic users. I’d need to convince Sterling to take off my disrupters. Without my magic, I couldn’t protect myself. Knives and swords wouldn’t do anything against a god.

  “Isa, can I ask you something?”

  “I’ve always said you can ask me anything. What is it you wish to know?”

  “I became interested in this group because of Emma Lynn.”

  “Oh, she’s wonderful. And why you came here doesn’t matter. You’re here now and that’s what is important.”

  “Do you know her? Do you think I can meet her? I’d love to talk with her again. I didn’t really have the opportunity last time because it was an art lesson.”

  “I’m not really sure. She’s been gone a lot lately.”

  “Can you try?”

  “I can. I’ll let you know if I can arrange it.”

  A man came to our table. He caught Isa’s attention.

  “His highness has need of Marty.”

  “Jeremy, I’ll bring her straight away once we finish our meal.”

  “No, not you. He insisted that Marty came alone,” said Jeremy.

  “Oh, that is odd, but I defer to the wisdom of His Highness. May The True One guide you.”

  “And may The True One guide you,” I absent-mindedly answered, still preoccupied with the unexpected summons.

  And just like that my appetite was gone. My plate was still half full, but I pushed it away. There was no point in delaying this meeting.

  “I’m ready now.”

  The True One probably contacted Jarl. Guess I’d be testing the power of this ring sooner than later. I hope Porrima wasn’t messing with me and this ring did what it was supposed to do.

  I followed Jeremy to Jarl’s office.

  “I leave you here. Please knock three times and wait to be told to enter,” said Jeremy.

  I took a deep breath and knocked three times.

  “Enter,” said Jarl.

  I stepped into the office, reassured that I had Muffin with me this time. His presence gave me comfort and strength. While I didn’t like Julia Huntington and thought she was more trouble than she’s worth, she did me a great thing by giving me Muffin. It was hard to picture my life without the devil dog in it. How long did devil dogs live anyways? I hope it’s a long time.

  “Close the door at once and please lock it.”

  I stood in front of his desk doing my best not to show my annoyance.

  “What is it you wish to see me for?”

  “It isn’t I who made the request.”

  “Indeed, I requested your presence,” said The True One.

  I couldn’t help it, I flinched. He was scary. And I still felt funny from his heat spell or whatever it was that he had done to me.

  “It seems that you are to be an important member of our group, said Jarl. “Let me introduce you to someone. This is Wayne Brownstone. He runs the Rare Herbs and Medicinals Company.”

  He didn’t know that his god stood next to him. Didn’t he feel the otherworldliness of the god and the power radiating off him. Even muted, his power was intense.

  “Hello, Mr. Brownstone.”

  I wouldn’t lie and say I was pleased to meet him. I’d prefer never seeing his arrogant and smug face ever again. Maybe thinking of him as Wayne Brownstone would make dealing with him easier.

  “I’d like you to help us with a project we have,” said Wayne Brownstone. “I’ll leave you to make the arrangements.”

  Wayne Brownstone captured me in his power, fixing me in place. How did Jarl not feel this power? “I hope that I have your full cooperation in this project,” he said.

  “Yes,” I said because there really wasn’t another answer I could give and live.

  He unlocked the door and casually walked out of it. Jarl watched me closely.

  “You’ve been chosen for a great honor. This project is a part of a sacred ceremony to us. Only a handful of people are chosen and seekers are never selected.”

  “What is this project exactly?”

  “Nothing harmful. I’ll need you to cleanse and purify in preparation. Odran will show you to the Purity Chamber. There you will cleanse your body, mind, and soul to be ready for the ceremony.”

  “Is there anything else?”

  “No, but I did warn you about your animal. I don’t want to warn you again. Keep him behaved or he’ll be penned. We have cages capable of holding a shifter and they’ll be more than enough to hold your animal. I don’t want to take that step, but I need to ensure the safety and protection of my people.”

  “I understand.”

  And, I really did. Muffin had really been a pest, but his behavior was a reaction to the threats against me. He was protecting me, but no one else would see it that way.

  Outside of Jarl’s office was Isa. She was glowing and jumped up and down when she saw me.

  “I can’t believe it,” she squealed, still jumping up and down. “I’ll take you right away to the Purity Chamber. My mentee is going to be a part of the Ceremony of Unity. This never happens. I’m so glad to be your mentor and honored to prepare you for this.”

  “What can you tell me about the Purity Chamber and the ceremony?”

  “Well, I can tell you about the cleansing and purification as we go through it. It’s more like going to a fancy spa than anything and as your mentor, I get to go through it as well. We are soooo lucky.”

  “What about the ceremony?”

  “I don’t actually know about it. I haven’t personally known anyone that participated in it. But it’s safe. We do no harm and no one would hurt someone that is honored by The True One.

  If she knew what a nasty thing Jarl really was, she wouldn’t think that. And, she wouldn’t be following anything The True One taught. How could he have such a book about love and kindness and the other crap, but be nothing like what he preached? It pissed me off. I’d found a connection to the words in that stupid, little book and it was all a lie.

  The Purity Chamber was a separate building behind the Institute. As Isa said, inside was a what looked very much like a fancy spa. Inside was a large, steaming pool that was ringed by doors to what I assumed were rooms.

  “I cannot wait for this,” said Isa.

  We were greeted by attendants, who were holding out two bath robes.

  “Please remove your clothing and put on a robe,” said one of the attendants.

  “Right here?”


  “I’d prefer doing it in private.”

  I couldn’t strip down without revealing my knives. I didn’t need the attendants reporting to Jarl that I was armed for war.

  “Very well. See that curtain over there?” asked one of the attendants.


  “You may change there.”

  Isa was already partially undressed. Nudity was not an obstacle for her.

  I went behind the curtain and quickly undressed. I stashed my knives into my boots and under my socks. Most people wouldn’t check someone’s stinky boots for weapons; however, once they saw my disrupters, it might prompt a more thorough search.

  By the time I came out, Isa, was already in the pool. The attendants noticed my disrupters, but didn’t question me. They’d probably report me to Jarl. Bubbles churned up the water in a foamy froth. Isa sat on an underwater stone bench. I dropped my robe and found a stone bench near Isa.

  The water was perfect and the steam tried its best to loosen my tight muscles and work off my stress. I wanted more info about the ceremony.

  “I wanted to –”

  “There is only silence in the Purity Chamber. No talking,” said one of the attendants.

  There went that idea. I sunk shoulder deep into the mineral-laden water. I trie
d to keep my eyes on the attendants and potential threats, but as time passed, the heat and whatever was mixed into the water had been pliant and unmovable. My head lolled back against the edge of the pool. This was an amazing experience and I couldn’t keep from sinking into a floating spaciness. I felt more relaxed that I ever had. Muffin rested against my head, cuddling me from his spot near the pool.

  I closed my eyes, feeling light and free, wondering why I was so upright to begin with. What kind of water did they use? The only other time I’d felt so relaxed was when the incense was burning. I took a deep breath and realized why the water had such an effect on me. The lightest scent of the herbs rose up from the water. So much for avoiding the incense. The withdrawals were gonna be Hell since the Institute was determined to make a junkie out of me. But even as I got wound up, I felt my body relaxing against my will. There was no fighting against the heat, steam, and herbs.

  After what might have been minutes or hours, one of the attendants gently nudged my shoulder. She held out a towel and I stepped out to take it. I followed her to the nearest door. Inside resembled a salt cave. Large, rough chunks of salt were placed into the walls and ceilings. There were wooden stools throughout the room and a small stove blew out more incense-laden steam.

  I sat on the stool and closed my eyes. There were eight doors to what I assumed were similar rooms. How much weaker and biddable would I feel after I went through them all? I already felt so weightless and spacey after the pool and a single room. Did it matter? No, I don’t think it does. Just float Marty.

  The attendant tapped my shoulder and I followed her on light feet to the next room. This room was covered in small, polished and round amethysts. There were no stools, but the tile floor wasn’t too hot and Isa was already stretched out on it with her eyes closed. I laid down and waited for the attendant to come back.

  And, the routine continued, with me being directed from room to room. I sweated more in these heated rooms than during a training session. Every impurity was leaving my body. In between each room, the attendant gave me lemon water to drink.


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