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Jacob's Sweet Temptation

Page 3

by Angela Franklin

  “This idiot won’t let me go.” Chasity said trying to pull away.

  “Guys? Is everyone okay?” Callie called.

  “Yeah, were fine.” Luke yelled back.

  “See what you did.” Chasity said to a smirking Jacob.

  “Actually, you screamed, so it’s your fault she got worried.” Luke said giving her the evil eye.

  “If he would have put me down, I wouldn’t have screamed.” Chasity told him sternly.

  “But you are still the one who screamed.” Jacob said holding her close.

  “Why do you think it’s okay to touch me anytime you want?” Chasity asked trying to push against his chest.

  “I said you could touch me anytime, so maybe this will make you want to.” Jacob said smiling at her. “Besides you’re so soft and feel so good I can’t get enough.”

  “What is going on with you two?” Luke asked eyeing them. “If your sleeping with him, why is it a problem if he touches you?”

  “What? I am not sleeping with him. Why would you even think that?” Chasity said indignantly.

  “You could be.” Jacob whispered in her ear.

  “Well, that for one.” Luke said watching them.

  “What, him being a perv? I have no control over him.” Chasity said frowning at Luke.

  “Guys, why did Chasity scream, is she hurt, I’m coming down.” Callie said and they heard movement.

  “Let me up, she isn’t supposed to be out of bed.” Chasity told him. Instead of letting her up, he picked her up and carried her up the stairs and sat her on the bed with Callie.

  “What is going on around here? I think I need to put the baby monitor in the living room so I have eyes on everything.” Callie said looking up to Jacob. “Did she hurt her legs?”

  “No, he just wouldn’t let me up, which is also why I screamed.” Chasity said glaring at him.

  “Oh, so you are okay?” Callie asked confused.

  “I’m fine. You can go now.” Chasity said looking at Jacob.

  “Okay, I can carry you back down when you’re ready, sweet Chassy.” Jacob said and leaned over to kiss her cheek.

  “I can walk on my own you arrogant brat.” Chasity glared at him.

  “But why should you have to when I’m more than willing to carry you?” Jacob smiled down at her, before walking out the door and going down stairs.

  “What happened? I thought you wanted nothing to do with him.” Callie asked her.

  “That damn Luke invited him over. Apparently, I didn’t leave fast enough.” Chasity said fuming.

  “Okay, but how did you end up in his arms?” Callie asked raising her eyebrows.

  “I was trying to run out the door, but I ran straight into him. He carried me to the couch and put me on his lap. He wouldn’t let me up so I screamed. When you said you were coming down I said I had to get up here fast, so he decided he should carry me.” Chasity huffed and folded her hands over her chest.

  “You seem to always end up in his arms. Maybe it would be easier to sleep with him and get it over with.” Callie laughed.

  “What are we getting over with?” Chase asked as he came in the room. Callie told him the whole story making him laugh.

  “If I wasn’t sure I would kill myself trying to get out your window I would jump.” Chasity told them glaring.

  “Oh come on, you have to admit it’s kind of funny.” Chase said to her.

  “No, it’s annoying. What are the odds I can sneak out of here?” Chasity asked them.

  “None. Are you ready to go, my sweet?” Jacob asked walking over to her.

  “I can go on my own, and stop calling me that.” Chasity said glaring at him.

  “Come on.” Jacob said bending down and picking her up.

  “I’m not afraid to murder you. I know the sheriff; he would probably let me get away with it.” Chasity said glaring at him.

  “Now, that’s not very nice.” Jacob said and pretended to drop her again. She squealed and wrapped her arms around his neck. “That’s more like it.” he smiled at her.

  “I hate you.” Chasity said glaring at him.

  “That is a strong emotion, I think I can sway it my way.” Jacob said as he kissed her cheek. “Thank you for inviting me over, but I need to get her home.” Jacob said to Callie and Chase.

  “I have my own car. How do you think I got here?” Chasity huffed.

  “Please be careful, and remember what we talked about. Just get it over with.” Callie called as Jacob carried her out. Chasity blushed and of course Jacob noticed.

  “Why are you blushing?” Jacob asked her smiling.

  “Nothing.” Chasity said leaning her head on his chest before she thought better of it.

  “I like this even better.” Jacob said putting his cheek against the top of her head as they reached the bottom of the stairs.

  “I guess ya’ll are leaving now?” Luke asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Yeah, thanks for inviting me and for the beer.” Jacob said nodding to him as Luke stepped around them to get the door. “Do you need to get your purse?” Jacob asked her.

  “I don’t carry one.” Chasity said refusing to make eye contact with anyone.

  “I will see you at work tomorrow, Jacob. Bye Chasity, I’ll come by to get my bear claws.” Luke called to them.

  “Bye.” Chasity called back not willing to see the look on his face.

  “There’s no reason to be embarrassed. It’s perfectly natural for a man to carry a woman.” Jacob told her honestly.

  “Yeah, if she weighs 120lbs and is a Barbie doll.” Chasity responded.

  “We discussed this earlier. You, my sweet Chassy, are absolutely perfect.” Jacob said as they got to her car.

  “Let’s not start this. Put me down so I can go home. I want a hot shower and my bed.” Chasity said and watched as his whiskey colored eyes darkened at her comment.

  “It’s not polite to tempt a man like that.” Jacob responded without releasing her.

  “I didn’t say it to tempt you.” Chasity told him honestly.

  “I know you didn’t, that only makes it worse. You are so sexy without even realizing it.” Jacob told her with a sweet smile.

  “Please let me get in the car.” Chasity said to him.

  “As you wish.” Jacob said as he opened her door and set her in, then leaned over to buckle her up.

  “I can do this myself.” Chasity told him realizing the danger of being this close together.

  “I want to take care of you.” Jacob said as he buckled her in and turned to look at her. “You could tempt a saint, my sweet.” Jacob said staring at her. “Drive carefully, I will follow you home.”

  “You don’t need to follow me, I will be fine.” Chasity said annoyed that he was implying she couldn’t get home on her own.

  “Yes, I know. But how else will I know where to pick you up for our date Friday.” Jacob said smiling as her.

  “I never agreed to that.” Chasity informed him.

  “I will be there, and you will go with me. Eight o’clock Friday night.” Jacob said. She was doing her best to resist him.

  “I think I’m busy. Now I really need to go. I have to be at the bakery early.” Chasity told him looking away.

  “I will see you tomorrow, but you are going Friday. Now it is time for you to go home.” Jacob leaned in close, but kissed her cheek then whispered in her ear. “Dream of me, because I will be dreaming of you.”

  Chasity gasped, but Jacob stepped back and closed her car door. Then turned and went to his truck. She started the car and then drove home in a daze. When she pulled in Jacob pulled in behind her and waited till she was in the house before he left. After her shower she lay in the bed staring at the ceiling and thinking of what he said. She didn’t know how to get out of the date, but she couldn’t give in. If she gave in, he would sleep with her and be gone, but if she didn’t he would eventually be gone anyways. When she drifted off it was to dreams of him just as he wanted.

apter 3

  Jacob dreamt of her through the night. As he woke he swore he could smell her, but knew that was a fantasy, for now at least. Unfortunately for him that meant a cold shower, but after those dreams he needed to cool down. After his cold shower, he got ready and went to the station. Being fire chief in a small town was usually pretty easy, but that could change fast.

  “Hey Chief. I see you survived the night.” Luke said as he walked into the kitchen.

  “Hey, yeah I’m fine.” Jacob replied smiling.

  “After how mad she was at you yesterday, I wasn’t so sure.” Luke laughed at him.

  “She’s just being feisty.” Jacob smiled thinking about how she had curled into his arms.

  “She can really be dangerous you know, and don’t give her a water hose.” Luke shuddered.

  “I know she is dangerous.” Jacob told him, but he didn’t tell him that the danger was to his heart.

  “I’m going to head to the bakery, you coming?” Luke asked him.

  “Nah, I’m going to go later, but tell her I’ll see her soon.” Jacob told him smiling.

  “Can I be chief when she kills you?” Luke asked him quietly.

  “She won’t kill me. She would miss me too much.” Jacob laughed.

  “If you say so, but don’t hurt her.” Luke said getting serious.

  “Why would I want to hurt her?” Jacob asked him.

  “Everyone knows your reputation.” Luke replied.

  “My reputation? I wasn’t aware I had one.” Jacob said confused.

  “Everyone knows you love ‘em and leave ‘em.” Luke said sternly.

  “I what?” Jacob asked him confused.

  “You only go out with a girl till you sleep with her, then you never speak to her again.” Luke told him. “I don’t want Chasity hurt like that. She deserves better.”

  “I honestly have no idea what you are talking about.” Jacob said getting annoyed.

  “Okay, tell me this…” Luke started making sure he had Jacob’s attention. “When was the last time you went out with a girl after you slept with her?”

  “I, um… Well, I honestly can’t remember.” Jacob told him.

  “Maybe you should think about that before you go after her. I really enjoy working with you, but I can’t respect you if you do that to her.” Luke told him honestly before walking out to go to the bakery.

  Jacob sat stunned. When had he gotten that reputation, how had he gotten that reputation? When had he started being a man whore? That wasn’t how he saw himself. Throughout the day he asked some of the guys at the station and got the same answer every time. They all laughed and said of course that’s what he did. When he asked how long, they all said as long as they had known him. He knew some of the guys in high school. How had he let this become who he was, how people saw him? Did he deserve to be chief if the whole town thought this way?

  Around two o’clock he went to the bakery. He needed to see her, even if he truly didn’t deserve her. On the drive over he thought about what they had said. He wanted to be with Chasity, for more than one night. He was going to go on their date Friday and not sleep with her. He would prove he could do this and be serious. He was serious about her. When he walked in and asked Tina where she was she pointed to the kitchen. Jacob walked on back and found her swaying to the music with her back to him.

  “Damn, you look hot sweet Chassy.” Jacob said wrapping his arms around her.

  “Luke, I said leave me alone!” Chasity said swatting at him. He dropped his arms immediately and spun her around.

  “I am not Luke.” Jacob growled at her.

  “I know, but it’s fun to pick on you.” Chasity said smiling.

  “I can handle anything, but you calling me by someone else’s name.” Jacob said pulling her closer.

  “Oh, don’t be such a sour puss.” Chasity laughed as she ran her hand over his cheek, when she caught herself she pulled away quickly. “Sorry.”

  “I told you, you can touch me anytime, anywhere.” Jacob said putting her hand back up against his skin.

  “I really shouldn’t.” Chasity said as he moved her hand to kiss her palm.

  “You really should.” Jacob said in a husky voice as he sucked a finger into his mouth.

  “Oh.” Chasity said raising up to meet his lips with hers.

  Jacob let go of her finger to taste her lips. He pulled her up against him as close as he could get her as he took the kiss deeper. Angling her head, he tasted all of her. She seemed just as hungry for him. He reached down and lifted her up to wrap her legs around him without breaking the kiss. Chasity moaned as she came up against the length of him. She pulled back gasping for breath, but with his first full breath he realized what he was doing and sat her down and turned to leave without a word.

  Jacob heard her calling him, but couldn’t bring himself to turn around and face her. Did she believe like the others? Was he doing that same thing to her? He truly felt deeper for her than he had for anyone else before. He couldn’t stand the thought of her having heard the rumors. When had he let himself get into this predicament? How had he let it happen? He needed to get back on track before he went after her again, no matter how bad it would hurt him.


  Chasity stood in the bakery staring after him. What had just happened? She truly thought he would have been smiling after that kiss, not stomp away without a word. Maybe he had decided even her kisses weren’t good enough to satisfy him. Well this sucked, but better now than later.

  “You okay boss?” Tina asked her as she stood rubbing her lips that still tingled from his kiss.

  “I think so.” Chasity replied still dazed.

  “From the look on your face, I think you should go see your sister for a while. I think you need a break. I’ll close up for you.” Tina told her shaking her head.

  Chasity nodded before going to get her stuff and walking to her car. As she started the car she considered going to the fire house instead of her sisters, but she wasn’t the type to chase a man. On the ride over to the ranch she tried to get her mind around what had happened and then how it ended, but all that did was piss her off. When she got to the ranch she was to the point of stomping herself. Storming in the house she stomped up the stairs.

  “Callie, I need you! You won’t believe what that sorry excuse for a man did this time.” Chasity called as she went up the stairs.

  “Come on in, I can’t find anything on tv so this will be great. Who are we talking about again. I warn you, I am very fond on Luke so you can’t kill him.” Callie told her as she walked into the room.

  “I know, I know. I’m not allowed to kill family only maim them.” Chasity laughed. “Way to take the fun out of things, but it’s not about Luke this time.”

  “Let me guess. Jacob hit on you again and it upset you.” Callie said with a smile. “ I told you sleep with him and he will stop.” Callie told her patting the bed for her to sit down.

  “That is the problem.” Chasity said before going into detail of Jacob’s visit to the bakery. “After he had me in the air, my legs around his waist, and kissing the very air out of my lungs; he stomped out without a word.” She finished.

  “Seriously? Did he at least look back at you, maybe say sorry?” Callie asked her.

  “No, not a word, or a glance.” Chasity said. “The asshole walked away like I did something wrong. I guess I should be glad, I didn’t even have to sleep with him to get him to leave me alone.” She said not really feeling the smile she tried to give her sister.

  “I’m not stupid. At the very least he hurt your feelings. Were you actually starting to like him?” Callie asked taking her hand.

  “Absolutely not. I just find it insulting that he left like I had some kind of disease. I mean I’m not perfect, but is it really that awful to kiss me, or even talk to me.” Chasity said fighting the tears that fought to break free.

  “You are great Chasity.” Callie told her squeezing her hand.

  “He usually g
oes for the little, skinny, perky, beautiful, bratty types. I am only one of those, and it isn’t any of the good ones either.” Chasity told her sister as the tears started to fall.

  “You are beautiful, and perfect, and sassy and sweet. If he can’t see that it is his loss.” Callie told her putting her arm around her and pulling her close.

  “It’s not really about him. No man finds me any of those, except sassy. I want what you have Callie. You have the perfect man and babies coming soon. You are so happy it shows in everything you do.” Chasity told her.

  “Maybe you forgot what we went through to get here. How many times did I run and you had to talk me out of it. Everything comes in its own time. Maybe you need to go out more. You are always here or at the bakery, you need to get out and meet people.” Callie told her as the tears stopped.

  “We know everyone in this town. The only new people are family.” Chasity told her honestly.

  “That’s true. We will figure it out, don’t worry. For now, maybe you need to go home have a hot shower and relax for a while. Read a book, that always helps you.” Callie told her smiling.

  Chasity nodded and walked out of the room. She could here people down stairs. Luke had people stopping by all the time. Callie loved the sounds of people in the house. Chase wanted her calm and happy, so he had Luke bring people by all the time. Some went up to see Callie, some just talked and laughed down stairs. Luckily she didn’t hear his voice.

  “Hey, what’s up?” Luke said as he met her at the bottom of the stairs.

  “Just came by to see Callie for a bit.” Chasity smiled at him.

  “Yeah and I’m made of pure gold.” Luke said studying her.

  “You might as well be.” Chasity told him with a halfhearted laugh.

  “Good joke, but you’re not fooling me. What’s wrong?” Luke asked her with a frown.

  “Nothing, I’m good.” Chasity replied as another man came up to him.

  “Hey, Chasity. I haven’t seen you in forever.” He said to her.

  “Hi, Tray. I’m always at the bakery.” Chasity told him smiling.

  “You two know each other?” Luke asked.


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