Jacob's Sweet Temptation

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Jacob's Sweet Temptation Page 4

by Angela Franklin

“Of course, this is Cedar Springs. Tray graduated with Callie in high school.” Chasity told Luke with a smile.

  “So, were ya’ll friends?” Luke asked looking back and forth between them.

  “No, not really. I never spoke to Tray, but it’s a small town and everybody knows everybody.” Chasity told him.

  “That’s true.” Luke said. “I’m gonna get a beer ya’ll want one?”

  “No thanks, I’m gonna go home soon.” Chasity told him.

  “Come on Chasity, stay a while. Let’s catch up, I haven’t seen you in forever.” Tray told her smiling.

  “I guess I could sit a bit, but still no beer please.” Chasity said looking to Luke.

  “I’ll be back soon then.” Luke said smiling.

  “Let’s sit in the living room so we can be comfortable.” Tray said placing a hand on her back and guiding her in.

  “So, how have you been?” Chasity asked as she sat down.

  “Good. I work at the firehouse with Luke. Not always glamorous or exciting, but then we get to rescue a kitten so I love it.” Tray joked sitting down so close his thigh touched hers.

  “Well, of course that would be the most exciting thing to do. How brave of you to risk yourself that way.” Chasity replied with a laugh.

  “Here’s your beer.” Luke said as he handed Tray a bottle.

  “Thanks man.” He said to Luke. “So I hear your bakery is really good.” Tray said as he stretched his arm out on the back of the couch.

  “We stay busy.” Chasity told him with a smile.

  “Don’t let her lie to you. She is an amazing baker.” Luke told him.

  “Thanks, but your family you have to say that.” Chasity told Luke with a smile.

  “Maybe I should come try it for myself then.” Tray said smiling at her.

  “Sure anytime.” Chasity replied.

  “If you go at a slow time, she might come out and talk to you.” Luke told him.

  “Do you just go around telling everyone that?” Chasity asked him.

  “Why not, it gets you out of the kitchen for a while.” Luke said smiling at her.

  “I like being in the kitchen. It’s calming.” Chasity told him smiling.

  Chasity let Luke and Tray talk as she watched them. Tray was very handsome with his dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He had any easy smile and didn’t seem to bring out the worst in her. She didn’t have the slightest urge to fight with him. She could feel the warmth of his body through the fabric of her jeans. He didn’t inspire the same kind of heat that Jacob did, but that was a good thing.

  “I better go check on Callie.” Chasity said as she heard shuffling upstairs. Getting up she went to her sister figuring she was just going to the bathroom, but it never hurt to check.

  “Callie, you doing okay?” Chasity called as she walked into the bedroom.

  “Yeah, I thought you left.” She replied as she came out of the bathroom.

  “I was going to, but I ran into Luke and Tray down stairs. Tray asked to catch up, so I sat for a while.” Chasity told her shrugging.

  “Tray? Tray Griffin, the guy I graduated with?” Callie asked her confused.

  “That would be him.” Chasity told her. “He works at the firehouse too.”

  “Oh, so he is here to visit Luke too.” Callie said giving her a thoughtful look.

  “Yeah, I guess.” Chasity told her.

  “Not here to see you?” Callie asked her.

  “No, he wouldn’t even have known I would be here. Besides we’ve never spoken to each other.” Chasity told her simply.

  “That’s true.” Callie said with a frown.

  “Well, I’m going back down. I think it’s time I went home.” Chasity said kissing her sister’s cheek before leaving.

  “Hey, Jacob.” Chasity heard Luke say as she walked to the top of the steps.

  Crap, now how was she supposed to leave. Maybe he wouldn’t notice if she walked straight out the door. She could be sneaky. Now, she really did want to go home. She really didn’t need a confrontation with him right now. Her day had gotten a lot better since she had gotten here. Oh well, she was just gonna walk right out with her head held high. She walked down the steps and made it to the door.

  “Leaving so soon Chasity? I was hoping you would sit and talk for a while longer.” Tray said from behind her.

  “I really need to get home. It was really good to see you.” Chasity told him with a smile.

  “Chasity has to get up early to open the bakery. She needs her rest.” Jacob said standing just behind Tray frowning at her.

  “He’s right. Ya’ll have a good night.” Chasity said as she left.

  On the drive home, she thought of how Tray had paid attention to her. She knew it meant nothing, but it was nice for a few minutes. Tray was a very good looking man and even his unintentional flirting felt good. He wasn’t exactly known for his staying power with women, but he stayed more than one night.

  Once she got home she took her a nice hot shower and laid in the bed staring at the ceiling. It had been a long and confusing day. All she wanted was a good man to come home to at night, and maybe a kid or two. Was that really too much to ask for?

  Chapter 4

  Luke sat watching Chasity with Tray. When she had come down the stairs she looked so sad. He could tell she had been crying, but didn’t want to talk about it. She seemed calm talking to Tray, so he didn’t argue with her. When Jacob arrived while she was upstairs he knew things were going to get complicated. Jacob hadn’t known Tray was flirting with Chasity. She had acted like it didn’t really matter to her, but that was just how she was. She probably wasn’t even taking him serious.

  Now he could hear her coming back down and knew this could get bad fast. Tray stepped to her first asking her to stay, but Jacob was right behind him encouraging her to leave. Chasity left with no problems, but he wasn’t so sure that was the end of it as he watched them face off.

  “Luke, I think it’s time for me to go too. Thanks for letting me hang out tonight.” Tray said turning back to him.

  “Sure, anytime.” Luke said watching them close.

  “So, what did I miss?” Jacob asked after Tray left, as he sat on the couch.

  “Nothing. Chasity was here talking to Callie when I got home. When she came down she seemed upset, but she shook it off.” Luke told him with a shrug.

  “Did she say what was wrong? Is Callie okay?” Jacob asked him leaning forward.

  “Callie is fine. She didn’t say what was wrong, but she was acting like she was fine.” Luke said with a shrug.

  “Oh. Well, I guess I should go then.” Jacob said as he stood up.

  “Okay. See you tomorrow.” Luke said smiling.

  “About what you said before, does she know what people are saying?” Jacob asked him.

  “I hate to tell you this, but everyone knows it. Did you really not know?” Luke asked him confused.

  “No, I didn’t even realize I did it.” Jacob told him with a frown.

  “Do you know what you want?” Luke asked him.

  “I want Chasity.” Jacob told him honestly.

  “Maybe you need to think about if you want her for more than one night.” Luke told him seriously. Jacob nodded before he walked out.


  Jacob drove home with thoughts of her on his mind. He wanted her badly, but not for sex, well not only for that. He liked her smart mouth and her quick wit. Now that he was thinking about it, he really hadn’t had any interest in the other girls he had went out with. He needed to fix his reputation before he went after her.


  It had been a week since she had seen Jacob. He never showed for their date, but she hadn’t looked for him to anyways. Tray had come by a few times, and Luke was always there. Callie was doing great; it was another six weeks till her due date. She was in her kitchen swaying to the music as always when strong arms wrapped around her from behind. It wasn’t Luke, and it definitely wasn’t Jacob. In the split
second she was trying to figure out who it was, they rubbed their cheek against hers. Chasity spun around in surprise.

  “Hello beautiful.” Tray said as he pulled her close.

  “What are you doing back here?” Chasity asked him.

  “I had to see you and Tina said it should be okay.” Tray replied rubbing his cheek on hers again.

  “Come on, let’s go sit in the front.” Chasity told him as she lead him out.

  “Are you going to see Callie tonight?” Tray asked when they sat down.

  “Yeah, Tina’s gonna close up for me.” Chasity said looking back toward the kitchen.

  “I’m sorry, I’m sure you were busy. I’ll let you get back to it. I’m going by tonight so I’ll see you around I’m sure. Have a good day.” Tray told her leaning down and kissing her cheek.

  Chasity went to see Callie after work. She was the first one there. Chasity let herself in and went on up the stairs. Callie was in the middle of the bed wiggling around like a worm.

  “Hey wiggle worm, what ya doing?” Chasity asked her laughing.

  “It feels like I have worms in my belly the way the little ones are moving. I can’t get comfortable because they won’t be still.” Callie said turning on her side.

  “Should I come back later? I can go watch TV if you want to take a nap, or I could curl up with you.” Chasity said eyeing the bed.

  “Come and sit down. If we fall asleep, oh well.” Callie told her laughing. “Did you have a hard day at work?”

  “No, just visitors.” Chasity sighed.

  “You don’t sound happy about that. Who was this not so welcome visitor?” Callie asked her curiously.

  “Tray. He’s been coming by every day, but today he came in the back. He wrapped his arms around me, I just wasn’t ready and it threw me off balance.”

  “He is a cutie, are you two dating?” Callie asked wagging her eyebrows.

  “No. He’s just been coming by a lot.” Chasity shrugged.

  “So why not date him? I mean is there something wrong with him.” Callie asked her.

  “No, he’s great, but I’m sure he doesn’t have any real interest in me.” Chasity said sitting up.

  “Why not see where it goes? I mean if he asks of course?” Callie said trying to push her.

  “He won’t ask, but if he does, fine. Just to make you happy I’ll go.” Chasity told her as she got off the bed. “I’m gonna go. I’ll see you soon.”

  Chasity could hear several voices, all male. She knew all of them. Her odds of leaving before she was spotted were basically nonexistent, but a girls gotta try. She was careful not to make a noise, but Luke saw her. She motioned for him to be quiet, but when he frowned at her Jacob looked to see what he was looking at. That made Tray and Chase turn to see what they were watching, great.

  “Does she need anything?” Chase asked her.

  “No, she says the babies are being wiggly today.” Chasity said laughing.

  “That’s her excuse for not being still.” Chase said and took off up the stairs.

  “Come sit and talk for a while.” Tray said placing his hand on her lower back to guide her to the couch.

  Chasity let him and he sat close to her, putting his arm on the couch behind her. She noticed Luke’s questioning look, but she shook her head. There was nothing to tell. Against her will, her eyes went to Jacob. He didn’t look happy. He was glaring at the arm behind her. Not her problem. He’s the one that walked away, she reminded herself.

  “So, were you busy after I left.” Tray asked her.

  “No more than usual. Tina is closing up for me.” Chasity said as she turned to look at him.

  “Does she usually close for you?” Tray asked. She could feel him as he began playing with a strand of her hair.

  “Um, she has been lately.” Chasity replied feeling nervous.

  “I’m glad Tina is helping. You were working way too much.” Luke said and she looked at him. He didn’t look very happy either.

  “Yeah, she can handle things as long as I have everything made.” Chasity told him frowning.

  “Help me grab a couple beers please Chasity.” Luke said standing to go to the kitchen and she followed. “What’s going on?” Luke asked as he leaned against the counter.

  “What are you talking about?” Chasity asked him confused.

  “I thought you were going out with Jacob.” Luke said watching her as her face fell. “Hell, what happened?”

  “This isn’t any of your business.” Chasity told him glaring.

  “When you have one drooling over you, and the other ready to kill him it’s my business.” Luke said not backing down.

  “Fine. I have no idea what’s going on. Is that what you want to know? Jacob kissed me last week then jerked away like I have cooties, and I have no idea what’s going on with Tray.” If Luke wanted to sort through it, he could have at it. “If you figure it out, could you be kind enough to tell me?”

  “I think it’s going to be a long night.” Luke said raking his fingers through his hair.

  “Let’s just take them their beer. I’m hungry, so I’m gonna go.” Chasity said as she grabbed two out of the fridge. She handed one to Jacob without looking at him, then handed the other to Tray and he smiled at her.

  “Ya’ll have a good evening. I’m gonna head out and grab some dinner.” Chasity said turning for the door.

  “Great, sounds good. It can be our first date.” Tray said taking her hand and pulling her to the door.

  “You don’t have to do that. I’ll be fine by myself.” Chasity told him politely.

  “I want to. It’ll be great. Since we both have our cars wanna meet at Susie’s?” Tray asked her.

  “Um, sure.” Chasity said and Tray walked out.

  “Don’t do this.” Jacob said wrapping an arm around her from behind.

  “Just because I’m not good enough for you, doesn’t mean no one could want me.” Chasity said pulling away.

  “Chasity wait.” Jacob called to her, but she got in her car and followed Tray to Susie’s.

  If Tray really was interested, she would give him a chance. She knew deep down it was Jacob she wanted, but he had made it clear he didn’t want her. Maybe she could be happy with Tray. When they got to the diner, Tray came over and opened her door for her, then put his hand on her back and led her inside.

  “I didn’t know you two were together.” Susie said as she came to seat them.

  “It’s actually our first date.” Tray winked at Susie before Chasity had a chance to say anything.

  “Oh, how great. You look so cute together.” Susie said and Tray pulled her closer as they walked to a booth.

  Tray slid in beside her and they gave Susie their drink order and she left. Chasity looked at Tray, he was all smiles as he put his arm around her. She didn’t get the tingles, but it felt so nice she smiled back. As they ate and talked, she found they had a lot in common and he made her laugh. He was solid and dependable. He insisted they share a chocolate milk shake with two straws for dessert. A little corny, but it was fun. When they finished, he walked her to her car.

  “I really enjoyed our date, Chasity.” Tray told her smiling.

  “I did too.” Chasity told him.

  “You sound surprised.” Tray said.

  “I didn’t think we would have anything in common. Turns out we do, and you can make me laugh. I like that.” Chasity told him honestly.

  “I knew we could be good. Can I see you again?” Tray asked her.

  “I would like that.” Chasity said biting her lip.

  “How about tomorrow? I could cook and rent us a movie to watch.” Tray said putting a hand on her hip.

  “Can we do it at my house. I have to get up early and that way I wouldn’t have to drive home.” Chasity asked him.

  “Sure, whatever is easier for you.” Tray said leaning in close.

  “I can have dinner ready around six.” Chasity told him smiling.

  “Sounds great.” Tray said
and pulled her against him. He leaned down slowly and gave her a sweet kiss. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He said and walked to his car.

  She called Callie on her way home and told her about her date. Callie thought it was good, and encouraged her to give him a chance. Tray didn’t light up her world like Jacob did, but there was a spark. Jacob didn’t want her, but he didn’t want her with anyone else either. Too bad. Tray seemed to really want to spend time with her. She decided she would see how it played out.


  “Why did you let her leave with him?” Jacob asked Luke as he went back to the couch.

  “She’s an adult, I can’t stop her.” Luke said shrugging.

  “How can you be so calm? You know she shouldn’t be with him.” Jacob said before chugging his beer.

  “I’m mad as hell, but not at her.” Luke said watching him.

  “You’re right. Let’s go get Tray, he knows better.” Jacob said ready to rip him apart.

  “I’m not mad at Tray either. This is on you.” Luke glared at him.

  “How? I told her not to go.” Jacob said confused. He still hadn’t figured out what she had been talking about before she left.

  “You’re the one who pushed her away, you can’t be mad when someone else sees the treasure she is.” Luke told him.

  “I didn’t push her away, or I didn’t mean too.” Jacob said softly.

  “I quote “you kissed her then pushed her away like she had cooties.”.” Luke told him angrily.

  “I-I-I. Oh God I messed up.” Jacob said sitting down and putting his head in his hands.

  “No wonder she said she was confused. Last week, you said you wanted her. What happened? Was she just another girl to you?” Luke asked the anger clear in his voice.

  “No, never. She is everything.” Jacob said looking him in the eye.

  “Then explain it to me.” Luke told him firmly.

  “Look, I didn’t go to the bakery to kiss her. I just had to see her. The kiss was explosive and I got lost. On the way to the bakery I was thinking about what you said and I wanted to take it slow and let her know she was special, but I walked in the back and she was dancing and I lost what control I thought I had.” Jacob told him honestly.


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