Jacob's Sweet Temptation

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Jacob's Sweet Temptation Page 5

by Angela Franklin

  “I’ve seen her dancing and I understand how most guys would be drooling over her. So why did you push her away?” Luke asked him confused.

  “When the kiss turned hot and heavy, I was afraid I was going to screw up and treat her like the others. I need to prove to her she is more than a good time.” Jacob scrubbed his hands over his face.

  “She just left with a man who really does like her. I advise you to get your shit together and be sure what you want before she is truly gone.” Luke said as Jacob left.

  Luke was right. He was going to lose the only woman he ever really cared about if he didn’t get it together. He didn’t know how yet, but he was going to fix it. Losing her wasn’t an option, but he needed a few days to get his self together.

  Chapter 5

  Chasity told Tina when she came in she had a date and was leaving early. She was excited. She hadn’t had a date in a while. Luke came by and got his usual, but he didn’t talk about Jacob or Tray. She told him about her date, but he just nodded. After he left, she went back to her baking. She had on her music and was dancing as usual.

  “Wow, maybe I should come over early tonight. Do you always dance when you cook?” Tray asked her.

  “Hi, you scared me. Yeah, usually I dance and sing when I cook.” Chasity said smiling at him.

  “You are sexy as hell.” Tray said coming up and wrapping her in a hug.

  “I have flour everywhere, and my hair is falling down. Nice try though.” Chasity said laughing.

  “I’m serious. The only thing that would be better is if you had chocolate on you, and I could lick it off.” Tray said pulling her close. Chasity blushed and twirled away making him laugh. “I’ll let you get back to work. See you tonight?” Tray sounded unsure.

  Chasity nodded and got back to her baking. She was starting to feel like this was a bad idea. Tray was great, but her heart wasn’t in it. She had already agreed to dinner tonight and she would keep it, but that was it. It wasn’t fair to either of them to keep going. She left out at five to go home and get ready.

  “You look great.” Tray said when she opened the door at six.

  “Thanks, come on in.” Chasity said feeling awkward.

  “So earlier I got the feeling maybe you weren’t actually into this.” Tray blurted out.

  “Oh, um.” Chasity said fidgeting with her shirt.

  “It’s okay, do you want me to go?” Tray asked her.

  “If you want to you can, but I cooked and I do enjoy your company.” Chasity told him honestly.

  “I never turn down good food.” Tray said following her to the kitchen. “So since were not dating, we are friends right.” He said carefully.

  “Yeah, I do enjoy spending time with you, and even making you dinner. I just don’t have romantic feelings for you.” Chasity told him as she got the dishes out.

  “Great. I have no problem with you cooking. Are you dating Jacob?” Tray asked as she took a drink of her wine and choked on it.

  “What? No. I would never have went with you if I was with someone.” Chasity gasped between coughs.

  “I’m not accusing you of anything. I saw the looks he gave you, and I know he was mad when you left with me. I’m not mad, but I want to be your friend.” Tray told her.

  “I appreciate that Tray, but Jacob isn’t interested in me. Now let’s eat.” Chasity said handing him a plate of food.

  They talked and laughed through dinner and the movie Tray brought. She was really comfortable with him as long as it wasn’t a date, she was great. He hugged her when he left and said he would be back Saturday. Chasity told him that was fine and called Callie to fill her in them went to bed.

  Friday work was easy and her only visitor was Luke. He didn’t ask about her date, so she didn’t bring it up. Her baking brought her peace today. Tina was a pro out front allowing her to just enjoy her alone time. She left at six and went to see Callie. There were a lot of cars there and she knew most of them. She got out and went straight for Callie.

  “Are ya’ll doing girls night without me?” Chasity asked seeing the whole gang on the bed.

  “Oh don’t be so dramatic. We are just getting started. The main focus man bashing. Can you offer up anything?” Lindy asked rolling her eyes.

  “I’m sure she’s in dream land with Callie. Her and Tray looked pretty close at the diner the other day.” Kara told everyone.

  “I didn’t know ya’ll were dating.” Taylor said.

  “Stop. It was only once. We are just friends.” Chasity told them before they could make up any stories.

  “Oh, so you want to bash him?” Lindy asked with a straight face.

  “No. He is great, just not for me. He’s even coming over for dinner and a movie tomorrow.” Chasity told them.

  “So that’s all, really?” Kara asked her.

  “Yeah, we talked about it and agreed.” Chasity told them.

  They sat and talked for a while. Kara was finally getting into the group. The first few times she barely spoke, but now she was happy to give her opinion. Callie was enjoying everyone being there, she still had a month to go. Chasity stayed behind as all the girls left and talked to Callie before going down stairs.

  “There she is.” Tray said as she walked to the couch. “I saw your car outside.” He tugged on her hair.

  “Yeah and apparently, I was late. The girls started without me.” Chasity pouted.

  “I heard Lindy whining all the way down here.” Luke said rolling his eyes.

  “She wasn’t whining, we were man bashing.” Chasity told him honestly as she leaned back against Tray.

  “No doubt my fault.” Luke grumbled.

  “Everyone had a turn.” Chasity said looking around the room. “Except Jacob, he was somehow left out.”

  “What did I do?” Tray said nudging her.

  “Kara saw us at the diner. That was apparently all it took to be on the radar tonight.” Chasity shrugged.

  “How come everyone else was targeted and not Jacob?” Luke asked curiously.

  “Well I told you about Tray, Chase was targeted because Callie said so. You were targeted just for being you and getting on our nerves...” Chasity told him laughing. “I need a beer, anyone else.”

  She got a round for everyone and when she returned Jacob was on the couch and she had to sit between him and Tray. She passed out the beers then got comfortable. She kicked her shoes off and put her feet under her. Everyone continued to talk and she sat and listened. She must have dozed off because she woke up cuddled up to a hard body with someone rubbing her feet. She looked up and saw Tray rubbing her feet, who was she leaning on? Looking up she saw Jacob. Shit.

  “Stay.” He said and tightened the arm he had her trapped under. She looked around, but nobody was paying attention to her. She glanced at Tray and he winked at her. Not good.

  “It’s getting late, I’m going to bed before Callie starts trying to get up. Ya’ll lock up.” Chase said. He came over and kissed her forehead before going up stairs.

  It was just her Jacob, Tray and Luke. Nobody was acting like this was weird, but it had to be. She tried to get up again and Jacob pulled her so close she was almost sitting on him. Tray let go of her feet, and kept talking to Luke. Maybe she was dreaming. She woke again to Luke laughing, and this time she was curled up in Jacob’s lap like a little kid. She tried to get up but Jacob locked both arms around her and looked down at her.

  “I need to go. I have to open the bakery in the morning.” Chasity said trying to sit up again.

  “Baby, it’s after midnight. Just rest and I will get you to work on time.” Jacob told her smiling.

  “Don’t call me baby, and I can go home if I want.” Chasity said jumping up and running into Tray.

  “You are just too tired to go anywhere. At least let me drive you home.” Jacob said reaching for her. “I can come back and take you to work on time.”

  “No. If I can’t drive, Tray will take me.” Chasity said reaching for his arm.

bsp; “I’ll do whatever you need.” Tray told her.

  “Chasity, let me take you.” Jacob said sternly.

  “Chasity, just sleep here on the couch. I will wake you up in time to get up and go home to take a shower and get ready for work.” Luke said hoping to stop the fight.

  “Then I’m staying too.” Jacob said.

  “Oh hell, are we gonna have a sleep over?” Chasity asked them.

  “We wouldn’t have to if you would let me take you home.” Jacob told her trying to reach for her again.

  “You can’t have it both ways asshole. Tray take me home. It will make it easier for me to make you dinner tomorrow anyways.” Chasity said pulling him to the door.

  “Chasity, don’t do this.” Jacob growled at her.

  “So now you’re a broken record too? Good for you.” She said and jerked Tray out the door slamming it behind them.

  “Sweetie, I don’t know what you were trying to do, but I am gonna have my ass handed to me tomorrow, so dinner better be good.” Tray said as he drove her home.

  “What are you talking about? You are just taking me home. We are just friends.” Chasity said confused.

  “Are you still asleep? He pulled you on his lap so I couldn’t touch you. Did you tell him we weren’t dating?” Tray asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “It’s none of his business, and no I’m not asleep. When I fall asleep weird things happen. Like waking up with you rubbing my feet, and Jacob holding me.” Chasity said shaking her head.

  “You really don’t see what could happen here do you?” Tray asked her. “Look, I don’t know what happened between you two, but I have a feeling this is going to blow up in my face.” Tray told her.

  “What are you talking about? He walked away from me. Look don’t worry about it. Come on, you can stay here. We can share my bed, it’s only a few hours.” Chasity said and went to her room, flopping on her bed.

  “You have no idea how sexy you really are. I’m gonna sleep on the couch. It will be fine.” Tray said and kissed her forehead before walking back to the couch.

  She didn’t get to rest long till the alarm went off. She woke Tray up and he took her to work. Work went smooth. Luke came by and dropped off her car, but left without talking to her because he was on duty. When she got off, she went home to cook for Tray. She was looking forward to their evening. Tray was a lot of fun to be around, it was too bad she didn’t like him like that.

  “Hey, dinner smells amazing.” Tray said coming in the door.

  “I hope you’re hungry, I cooked enough for an army.” Chasity said looking up as he came in the kitchen. “What the hell happened?”

  “Oh this, nothing. I fell trying to get a kitten out of the tree today.” Tray told her smiling through his busted lip.

  “I don’t believe that, but if you don’t want to tell me, it’s none of my business.” Chasity said getting plates out for them.

  “I’ll tell you about it someday, but for now let’s eat.” Tray said laughing.

  Chasity wanted answers now, but it was clear she wasn’t getting them, so she sat at the table with Tray and enjoyed her dinner. They talked and laughed while they ate then moved to the couch for tonight’s movie, tonight it was a comedy and they laughed all the way through. She ended up leaning on him, but unlike when she woke up leaned against Jacob, she didn’t even feel a tingle.

  “Is it okay that I’m laying on you?” Chasity asked Tray. Since they had agreed not to date, she didn’t want him to think maybe it would turn into something more.

  “Yeah. Honestly I feel a lot more comfortable with you since we decided not to date. It’s almost like you’re my little sister or my best friend.” Tray told her.

  “I think so too, but I didn’t want you to be uncomfortable with this.” Chasity said looking up at him.

  “I’m great. I like the way we are together. Dating would have never worked, but I like talking to you and hanging out together.” Tray said rubbing her shoulder.

  “Absolutely, we should make this a weekly thing. At least once a week we should do dinner and a movie.” Chasity said nodding.

  “I agree. The only way I will cancel is if I have an opportunity for sex.” Tray smirked at her.

  “That’s just wrong, but fine as long as I don’t have to hear about it.” Chasity rolled her eyes then snuggled into his side.

  “Same rules apply to you. I don’t need to know that stuff.” Tray said with a shudder.

  “I’ll have you know I’m hot.” Chasity replied with sass.

  “Yes you are, but I don’t have to know everything.” He said.

  They watched the rest of the movie in peace. Tray always had a comment to make about the on-screen actresses, but instead of being offended, she added her thoughts to his. When the movie ended, she was exhausted. So, he left after hugging her and she went to bed. Tomorrow was a work day.

  Monday and Tuesday flew by, but she never had time to go see Callie. Tina was out sick so she was working open to close. Luke came by to check on her and keep her company when it wasn’t too busy. Tuesday evening Tray came by and stayed to help her close after he brought her some dinner. Apparently, he didn’t think eating only cakes was a good idea, party pooper.

  Wednesday had her working hard at the bakery. Tina was coming back today, but not till this evening. Finally, it had slowed down and she was sitting in a booth having a cup of coffee when Luke came in.

  “Taking a break already?” Luke asked her shaking his head.

  “Absolutely. I thought about putting the closed sign out, but I didn’t feel like getting up. Serves me right, now I have to deal with you.” Chasity said getting up.

  “Sit, I know how to get my own.” Luke said walking behind the counter and getting what he wanted. He came back with two cups of coffee.

  “Why do you need two cups?” Chasity asked. She had barely finished her sentence before the door opened again. She looked up and saw Jacob coming in.

  “I knew Jacob was coming, figured if I got his stuff too, you wouldn’t have to get up.” Luke said shrugging as Jacob sat down beside her.

  “I should probably get back to work.” Chasity said thinking he would get up and let her out.

  “There’s no reason you can’t sit for a while. I know you have plenty baked.” Luke said giving her a stern look.

  “Fine, but I have to get up if someone comes in.” Chasity glared at Luke. Idiot smiled back like everything was perfect.

  “So, how was your weekend Chasity?” Luke asked her.

  “Fine I guess.” Chasity told him confused.

  “What did you do Sunday?” Luke asked her with a smile that said he was up to something.

  “I did some house work then Tray came over for dinner and a movie. Why?” Chasity asked. He never wanted to know what she did on the weekends. Jacob tensed beside her.

  “Was anything wrong when he was over?” Luke asked her with that same grin.

  “No… Well, he did have a split lip, but he laughed it off and said he would tell me about it someday.” Chasity told Luke. She had almost forgotten about it really.

  “That’s all he said? Did you ask how he got it?” Jacob asked her. She could feel his gaze on her but chose to keep looking at Luke.

  “Yeah, what he does is really none of my business. If it was something bad, I’m sure he would have told me.” Chasity told them. They were laughing now and it annoyed her. “Why do ya’ll find this so funny?”

  “It’s nothing really.” Luke told her as he continued to laugh.

  “I’m sure you need to get back to the firehouse.” Chasity told him glaring.

  “Actually, I am off today.” Jacob told her putting his arm across the back of the booth.

  “I have a pager if they need me.” Luke told her with a smile.

  “Fine. If you want to waste your time sitting here that’s your choice.” She huffed at them, making them laugh again. Jacob’s hand slid down on her shoulder and she jerked forward. Jacob didn’t allow h
er to shake him off.

  “Just sit back and rest my sweet.” Jacob told her.

  “Stop calling me that.” Chasity told him. Jacob chuckled and she knew she wasn’t going to get her way. Luckily the door chimed and he got up. Jerk even held out a hand to help her from the booth, of course she didn’t take it.

  “Hi, how can I help you?” Chasity said as she walked to the counter.

  “We should go.” Luke said when she finished with her customer.

  “That’s a good idea.” Chasity said nodding.

  “You coming over tonight?” Luke asked her, “or do you have to work the whole day alone?”

  “Tina is coming back later today. I am gonna to see Callie tonight. I haven’t had the chance to get by.” Chasity told him as he hugged her goodbye.

  “I’ll see you tonight then.” Luke told her.

  Luke turned to the door and Jacob stepped closer, but she turned away. His touch on her shoulder had started her wanting more. She couldn’t handle him touching her knowing he was repulsed by her. The rest of her day was filled with thoughts of him. By the time Tina came in she was ready to get out of there. Spending time with Callie would let her get out of her head for a while.

  On the drive out she prayed she wouldn’t run into anyone. It seemed there was always people around lately. Pulling in she didn’t notice any others around, but that didn’t mean much. She really liked coming over to see Callie, but with all the company lately she kept running into a certain someone she didn’t want to. Tray had been coming by a lot too, that was a plus.

  “Hey, Callie.” Chasity said as she walked into her bedroom.

  “Hey you, long time no see.” Callie was smiling so at least she wasn’t too uncomfortable.

  “I know. She was only out a couple days, but it seemed like forever.” Chasity laid down on the bed beside her.

  “I’m sure it did. So, anything new going on in your world?” Callie had one eyebrow raised and was watching her close.

  “No, I don’t think so.” Chasity furrowed her eyebrows at the tone of Callie voice.

  “That’s not what I heard.” Callie replied accusingly.


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